We all know that the Refinement stuff for many is a true boring matter to deal with. What's really bad is the way how it is dealt. The system got too much complex with time and now seems out of control. Resonance Stones, Peridots, Pearls, Lesser Union Stone, Lesser Power Stone, Lesser Stability Stone, etc. Bags are a ridicolous reason for taking this bad stuff up because, like EXP Boost Packs, they are took in consideration by a so small part of the entire population, a very tiny fraction of it. Some people will still want to deal with Bags because it's nice to have so much space but anyway it isn't a pillar of Cryptic economy, it can't be at all, so keeping up an overly complex system can discourage many people and let in far less money than those gained by selling those Bags. I think developers already saw the money flowing after the EXP boost because people were more propelled to raise new toons (me too) with more money to spend on them and with less people leaving because of the awful EE grinding (they could have been even more generous but it was a step ahead anyway). So it's time to kill for good this overly complex system and let survive only Resonance Stones (Minor, Lesser, etc. all of them... they are already enough!). So if you think the whole system slow down your money spending by stressing you out and not focalizing on the important thing vote Yes, if you are satisfied by multiple currencies just vote No. They can, eventually, move to Resonance Stones for enchantments too but one step at a time.
P.S.: As pointed out by sm0ld3r regular enchantments should still be used to upgrade regular artifacts, better to extend it to others Artifacts too eventually.
[Artifacts] One Stone to refine them all! 125 votes
Yes, I would like to let Resonance Stones be the only RP currency for Artifacts because current system is slowing/stressing me down/out!
94 votes
No, I'm fine with current system, I like to deal with multiple currencies!
"Boy, that escalated quickly. I mean that really got outta hand fast!"
I agree there are to many varieties of stones, especially when you consider there are 3 bind status for them. Last I counted there were 140. Reduce it down to just the normal stones (pearls, peridots, etc) and be done with it.
Yes, I would like to let Resonance Stones be the only RP currency for Artifacts because current system is slowing/stressing me down/out!
The different kinds of artifact stones, stability, union, power, etc is a bit over-kill. Then multiply 4 kinds of each for quality (gray,green,blue,purple), then 3 again for char bound, account bound, not bound. For example, there is 12 different kinds of just stones of union.
I'd be happy with 1 kind of artifact enhancement stone, then the usual others. But I voted yes.
santralafaxMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,896Arc User
Yes, I would like to let Resonance Stones be the only RP currency for Artifacts because current system is slowing/stressing me down/out!
I think Cryptic uses different types of RP to hamper our progress and in that, they are WAI, much like an AD sink. I don't like the mulititude of RP types and think that the company owes us an additional bag for all the litter, esp. since adding bound and unbound vouchers of myriad types. It has gotten out of hand.
After saying that: Increase resonance stones please. These seem to be fewest and furthest between! Or swap out many of the currencies for Peridots.
instynctiveMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,885Arc User
There wasn't a good option for me to pick.. but having said that, yes, I'd be fine with one stone to refine them all... at the very least, I would love not having 3 copies of the same stone clogging up my inventory (unbound, BtA, BtC).
My Dragonhoard bag is exclusively for refining stuffs. I'm fortunate to have it, because that helps me stock up for 2xRP events... but without it, I'd be doing the RP shuffle.
Yes, I would like to let Resonance Stones be the only RP currency for Artifacts because current system is slowing/stressing me down/out!
It is understandable for Cryptic to usher is to buy bags. That being said, I voted yes, like instynctive, I am fortunate to have the dragonhoard bag, so it lessens my pain, but with stronghold vouchers and Module 8 crazieness just around the corner, there is too much stuff clogging up our bags.
No, I'm fine with current system, I like to deal with multiple currencies!
I voted for the (preloaded) No because all the different RP types would be fine if RP was allocated to a separate bag like profession assets. That is the best solution. Removing 60+ unique items from the game is not realistic. The devs will not do that.
I voted for the (preloaded) No because all the different RP types would be fine if RP was allocated to a separate bag like profession assets. That is the best solution. Removing 60+ unique items from the game is not realistic. The devs will not do that.
Nope, they would never remove content. That would just be silly......... wait.
santralafaxMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,896Arc User
Yes, I would like to let Resonance Stones be the only RP currency for Artifacts because current system is slowing/stressing me down/out!
I voted for the (preloaded) No because all the different RP types would be fine if RP was allocated to a separate bag like profession assets. That is the best solution. Removing 60+ unique items from the game is not realistic. The devs will not do that.
Yes, I would like to let Resonance Stones be the only RP currency for Artifacts because current system is slowing/stressing me down/out!
Sorry I don't like the only 2 options you gave.
I don't want resonance stones to be the ONLY refinement for Artifacts.
They most definitely need to get rid of ALL the EXTRA refinement types.
It is completely nuts how many different types of stones they have now. There should be 1 type of refinement stones and that is it. No need for all these unique items.
On the same token, I do NOT want them to remove the ability to use enchants on regular artifacts. In fact they should allow them to be used on artifact equipment as well.
tripsofthrymrMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,625Community Moderator
No, I'm fine with current system, I like to deal with multiple currencies!
Polls that ask leading questions are not worth the pixels they're written on.
inyawayupdeepMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 206Arc User
I would vote none of the above but am totally on your side. It's definitely time something was done. The bound inventory items of every kind is a huge problem that is sucking the fun out of the game and seems to only be getting worse. VIP scrolls and keys are absurd at level 7 with 3 alts. If you really want to be popular try picking up all the equipment on your next dungeon run, spam that screen with all that stuff so you can use up all those scrolls. The little buffs for evoking are also piling up.I think I liked it better when they just activated and went away. I have marks and refining stones and enchants of every size, shape and denomination. Oh yeah, companion gear is another slot filler, every time you get a new one and put old one in stable all his gear hits the bag, hey I got a good idea, how about a multi-dementional mount stable that would hold all your mounts and fit in one bag slot. Please help devs, I'm starting to feel like I need to have my own episode on hoarders
tripsofthrymrMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,625Community Moderator
No, I'm fine with current system, I like to deal with multiple currencies!
The bound inventory items of every kind is a huge problem that is sucking the fun out of the game and seems to only be getting worse.
If the poll were about removing the concept of BtC for most things (e.g. refining stones) I would be totally for it. The idea of having three types of artifacts in and of itself is interesting, but having unbound, BtA, and BtC copies of everything is highly annoying. It's not like making the refining stones from invoking is stopping botting, as the ones from Leadership and the ones from Ghost Stories are the vast majority of stones out there, and they are unbound (devs... don't even think of making stones from leadership bound... that would trigger another huge wave of upset players)
Yes, I would like to let Resonance Stones be the only RP currency for Artifacts because current system is slowing/stressing me down/out!
Most of my characters inventory's are filled with these refinement stones. I notice that most of my characters Artifacts are primarily Artifacts of Union, more than one character has all four equipped Artifacts and they are all Union. This means that 75% of the refinement stones are useless and what should I do throw them away? There should be an NPC we can visit to exchange one type for another, eg. Exchange blue Stability stone for Blue Union, etc.
grogthemagnifMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,651Arc User
I'll stick with my original, Combine the Bound to Character with Bound to Account stones and make them all Bound to Account.
I already have 5 bags, so it's quite simple for me: 1- add at least one space more for bags - leave current RP as is 2- no more extra bags per char - 1 RP type for artifacts so I can free my inventory a bit In any case, get rid of BtC stones and make them (BtC) all BtA, so I can stack them in one char.
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
Do away with all item/category specific RP stones, and just go with the pearls, peridots, and other "generic" RP jewels. Adjust things so the specific RP stones no longer drop, and provide an NPC vendor that converts all old RP stones into jewels of the same number of RPs, (but make the resulting jewels BtA).
Further, I'd like to reiterate my belief that artifact items should simply increase in power as you play, via earned XP.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Do away with all item/category specific RP stones, and just go with the pearls, peridots, and other "generic" RP jewels. Adjust things so the specific RP stones no longer drop, and provide an NPC vendor that converts all old RP stones into jewels of the same number of RPs, (but make the resulting jewels BtA).
The issue here is the bonus amount they give for using them in the "proper" item. IMO that should just be standard, just make it all 2x anyway. What does it really matter since it will take plenty of time regardless. Unless you have the AD to literally just buy it all of course.
Further, I'd like to reiterate my belief that artifact items should simply increase in power as you play, via earned XP.
Why not both? Have it gain via fighting but also allow refining it. That way if you need to do your regular artifacts first you can do that while gaining some RP on artifact equipment then when done you could boost them more quickly to level them up faster.
klangeddinMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 882Arc User
Yes, I would like to let Resonance Stones be the only RP currency for Artifacts because current system is slowing/stressing me down/out!
Yes, but why the Resonance Stones? Why not the Peridots, Aquamrines, ecc? The latter seem to be more generalist and fit better with the setting. They are already non-specific as well. Then the amount of RP they give could be rebalanced around the change of course.
lirithielMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,482Arc User
Yes, I would like to let Resonance Stones be the only RP currency for Artifacts because current system is slowing/stressing me down/out!
It's gotten way beyond the point of ridiculousness with the extra RP stuff from invoking bags. All those should be BoA at least. We don't need three of every item (BoP, BoA and unbound) clogging up our bags. And no devs even this will never ever persuade me to buy your ridiculously overpriced orange zen bags.
Our pain is self chosen.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
I agree the refinement system is a bit overwhelming. BUT. Besides, anybody remember the times when you had so insert every single refinement item piece by piece and not as stack?
The manyfold of items is part of f2p pain/relief monetisation. There already are multipurpose refinement items like pearls and peridots and other. You don't want to deal with all the different items? Have a look at the Zen store, please. Can't deal with the different bind versions? Here is what I do: all bind to character are refined right away, the others either get collected, or refined too. You are collecting all the bits and pieces for 2xRP? You are running out of bag space fast? Have a look at the Zen store, please. But, you don't want to pay for the Zen, it's f2p after all? Then take the path that will cost a lot of time.
Finally, nobody is demanding you to refine your items. My most advanced toon is IL 2k, all in blue, 2 purple artifacts, R5/R6, after about 10 month of being customer. But I spent resources on some of the other 10 toons, too. So, there are things the blue toon will fail on, like pug queue for epic maps, Icewind, WoD. Well then, so be it. There is still more than enough to enjoy out there in NWO.
What else are you going to do with all the otherwise useless green equip drops you get grinding at lvl 70?
Sell for gold (like I need more of that)?
Use them for refinement if you got the scrolls to spare. They give x2 RP if it's the same item type. Green main-hand is 200 rp for a main-hand, but 100 rp if you feed it to a necklace or something else.
flambridgeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 191Arc User
In lore, it make sense, guy. Artifacts aren't samething.
The different kinds of artifact stones, stability, union, power, etc is a bit over-kill. Then multiply 4 kinds of each for quality (gray,green,blue,purple), then 3 again for char bound, account bound, not bound. For example, there is 12 different kinds of just stones of union.
I'd be happy with 1 kind of artifact enhancement stone, then the usual others. But I voted yes.
Its also a big waste of time for trying to play the game, when you can play.
PnP Red Box DM & Player (74 - ?). NWN + SoU + HotU (4-03),
NWN Diamond Edition, Neverwinter Nights Complete (NWN + NWN2).
I agree there are to many varieties of stones, especially when you consider there are 3 bind status for them. Last I counted there were 140. Reduce it down to just the normal stones (pearls, peridots, etc) and be done with it.
Then multiply 4 kinds of each for quality (gray,green,blue,purple), then 3 again for char bound, account bound, not bound.
For example, there is 12 different kinds of just stones of union.
I'd be happy with 1 kind of artifact enhancement stone, then the usual others.
But I voted yes.
After saying that: Increase resonance stones please. These seem to be fewest and furthest between! Or swap out many of the currencies for Peridots.
My Dragonhoard bag is exclusively for refining stuffs. I'm fortunate to have it, because that helps me stock up for 2xRP events... but without it, I'd be doing the RP shuffle.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
"ZAP!", "BAM!", "KA-POW!"
- Batman
Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack
I don't want resonance stones to be the ONLY refinement for Artifacts.
They most definitely need to get rid of ALL the EXTRA refinement types.
It is completely nuts how many different types of stones they have now. There should be 1 type of refinement stones and that is it. No need for all these unique items.
On the same token, I do NOT want them to remove the ability to use enchants on regular artifacts. In fact they should allow them to be used on artifact equipment as well.
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
The bound inventory items of every kind is a huge problem that is sucking the fun out of the game and seems to only be getting worse. VIP scrolls and keys are absurd at level 7 with 3 alts. If you really want to be popular try picking up all the equipment on your next dungeon run, spam that screen with all that stuff so you can use up all those scrolls. The little buffs for evoking are also piling up.I think I liked it better when they just activated and went away.
I have marks and refining stones and enchants of every size, shape and denomination. Oh yeah, companion gear is another slot filler, every time you get a new one and put old one in stable all his gear hits the bag, hey I got a good idea, how about a multi-dementional mount stable that would hold all your mounts and fit in one bag slot. Please help devs, I'm starting to feel like I need to have my own episode on hoarders
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
1- add at least one space more for bags - leave current RP as is
2- no more extra bags per char - 1 RP type for artifacts so I can free my inventory a bit
In any case, get rid of BtC stones and make them (BtC) all BtA, so I can stack them in one char.
Further, I'd like to reiterate my belief that artifact items should simply increase in power as you play, via earned XP.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
Make it more of a nuisance for pray-farming.
Besides, anybody remember the times when you had so insert
every single refinement item piece by piece and not as stack?
The manyfold of items is part of f2p pain/relief monetisation.
There already are multipurpose refinement items like pearls
and peridots and other.
You don't want to deal with all the different items?
Have a look at the Zen store, please.
Can't deal with the different bind versions?
Here is what I do: all bind to character are refined right
away, the others either get collected, or refined too.
You are collecting all the bits and pieces for 2xRP?
You are running out of bag space fast?
Have a look at the Zen store, please.
But, you don't want to pay for the Zen, it's f2p after all?
Then take the path that will cost a lot of time.
Finally, nobody is demanding you to refine your items.
My most advanced toon is IL 2k, all in blue, 2 purple
artifacts, R5/R6, after about 10 month of being customer.
But I spent resources on some of the other 10 toons, too.
So, there are things the blue toon will fail on, like pug
queue for epic maps, Icewind, WoD. Well then, so be it.
There is still more than enough to enjoy out there in NWO.
Sell for gold (like I need more of that)?
They give x2 RP if it's the same item type. Green main-hand is 200 rp for a main-hand, but 100 rp if you feed it to a necklace or something else.
Artifacts aren't samething.
PnP Red Box DM & Player (74 - ?). NWN + SoU + HotU (4-03),
NWN Diamond Edition, Neverwinter Nights Complete (NWN + NWN2).