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The Lack of Epic Content - More Than Meets the Eye

aimeesellersaimeesellers Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 342 Arc User
With the recent addition of Strongholds, and the associated bonuses and boons... it is becoming more and more apparent there is a serious lack of Epic Content to support the End Game Player Base. Most of us have known this for some time now.

The implementation of Mod 6 stripped away many viable dungeons, which as far as many of us can tell, only needed a retuning to be in alignment with the new stat and power structure that also came along with Mod 6. Throne of Idris, Pirate King, Mad Dragon, Karrandaux, Frozen Heart, Cloak Tower, Spellplague, Dread Vault, Castle Never, Fardelvers, and the Dwarf King... 12 dungeons... twice what remains today... all gone in one fell swoop.

On April 22nd of this year... Scott Shicoff announced they would be looking into... among other things... the dungeons that were removed. Since that time, we have heard nothing about when, or if those dungeons will be returning. Why? Yes... I know that the devs have a lot on their plates. Mod 6 broke many things. Mod 7... while at first glance appears to be a shining achievement... has issues of its own as well. PvP is more unbalanced and broken than ever. The endless grind for insane amounts of resources needed for upgrades has gotten worse. And character balance is at an all time imbalance. Not to mention Mod 8 is on the near horizon.

But before we get too much farther down the road here... a serious look at reinstating the old dungeons is needed. If an list of reasons is needed... here are just a few I have come up with:

1) Bored Epic Player Base - The end game players are running out of anything to do besides grind. It is getting old... fast.
2) Lackluster Gear - The current Alliance gear drops are useless except for salvage to upper end players. With the reinstatement of the old dungeons, gear specific to those dungeons should be put into them. Keep the same bound to account setup as the Alliance sets... but change the stats up so players have more choices on what to use.
3) Lack of Variety - Running the same dungeons over and over and over again is monotonous.
4) Unfinished Storylines - The older dungeons were tied to the other storylines.. which now just... end. The lack of them makes the whole game seem unfinished and just cobbled together.

I see no reason the old dungeons cannot be added back into the game... and updated to be in line with the current power and gear structure. Some could even be set up as "Tier 3" dungeons... making them even more of a challenge than the T2's we have now. Which leads me to...

CASTLE NEVER... Probably the most missed of the removed dungeons. It was a true fight from start to finish. No long empty hallways like Gray Wolf Den... or Cragmire. It was a blood bath from beginning to end. Every corner held mobs of powerful monsters. It was beautifully crafted... and a joy to play through.

Every player that reaches level 70 is eventually going to run into the roadblock of... "What now?"... with the lack of content we have. There should have been at least one epic dungeon and epic skirmish tied to Elemental Evil... but that ball was dropped, (along with a whole bunch of other things in Mod 6) and I dont see anyone scrambling to pick it up now.

So I ask... when will we see the return of these? Especially Castle Never? Scott stated this was going to be addressed... and that was over 6 months ago. I think we have waited long enough for an answer.

Give your end game players what they want. More playable content. You have it... just put it back in.
A'Mie Stormshield (GF) / A'Mie Stormshard (CW)
Play Legit or Quit
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader


  • kiraskytowerkiraskytower Member Posts: 455 Arc User
    Just to add in my two cents here ...

    Strongholds added some gear and boons to the game, but as far as playable content, it has added more Heroic Encounters and one new PvP mode. Much of what we do daily for the stronghold is to re-run old content. So, here is what Mod 7 content is to me ....

    1 - Show up at the stronghold and pick up dailys
    2 - Run the Daily dungeon(s) for Astral Diamonds and Dungeoneering shards
    3 - Do 5 Heroic encounters for my 400 influence
    4 - Maybe go run a campaign area or run an old skirmish for Astral Diamonds

    None of it is really new content, but it's what we need to do to get Astral Diamonds and to advance our stronghold.

    More variety would be VERY welcome. A few more dungeons (please bring them back! Especially Castle Never!). More gear sets, some with stats that actually make sense for the classes wearing them (Whose idea was it to build the Warlock around lifesteal, then to leave it off all the PvE sets for Warlocks?). Give SWs Lifesteal, Deflection for TRs and HRs .. make the sets make sense, not be generic.
    Winter Lily (CW) / Winter Rose (DC) / Winter Ivy (HR)
    Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
  • bhurabbhurab Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 91 Arc User
    I think you have hit the nail on the head, and I would be very surprised if there were only a limited response to this post - the heart of Dungeons and Dragons... DUNGEONS... seem to have been forgotten about, and replaced with a grind for the same boring Alliance Ward or Alliance Assault items that provide a measly 20pts to our Stronghold, or much needed AD to my now empty AD purse. And yes, the Black Ice grind... omw... dont get me started... when I thought I had left that zone behind...

    If the Devs pay attention to these posts, please can you look at reinstating previous dungeons? I believe they would generate much appreciation, if not more, from the player-base than just a new Mod, and fears of more grind and unbalancing.
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    Beautifully written post addressing issues raised in many posts prior to it, still agree with the sentiment though.
  • cjh1983cjh1983 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 229 Arc User
    I will go in a slightly different direction and add that all of these shortcomings probably wouldn't be so bad if these things worked from day one.

    You've just created more work for yourselves without providing new revenue producing content and now you are stuck in a state where you are constantly meddling which has frankly been disastrous.

    The whole selling point of mod 7 lasted like a week before you broke it, and it's a stretch to say it ever worked right.
  • This content has been removed.
  • dufistodufisto Member Posts: 537 Arc User
    heck just change the mob lvl to 70, and LEAVE THE LOOT TABLES THE SAME. there are many of us who'd like the get a set of the old armor for transmutes. you know that thing that costs way too much as an ad sink. and after the 1st few runs everything gets salvaged anyway. i mean how many ward rings of elemental alliance do i really need. i have several. all my pets have several. all my alts have several.

    put the leveling dungeons back in intact. all you'll need to do is flag anything that said guardian fighter to guardian figther and pali. that should take all of 1 hour. you dont need to revamp them to be easier. or more streamlined. people want to play in the dungeons. heck put the old cragmire, tos, and gwd back in. rather than these completely linear snorefests we have now.

    people want to play in dungeons. i will say it one more time so it sinks in. people want to play in dungeons.
  • edited September 2015
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  • stylepilestylepile Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 42 Arc User
    I'm pretty sure the priority of work goes as follows; Upcoming Content > Bug Fixes > Renewing Old Dungeons and content.

    It's well known they are hugely under-staffed. The developers they do have are not experts on the game engine and are under huge time constraints. Mod 6 was just rehashed maps and a new class which has the same animations as a guardian fighter. New powers given to each class are just re-hashed animations from other classes too. I wouldn't be surprised if the next class introduced uses the same animation another class already has.
  • d4rthd00fusd4rthd00fus Member Posts: 453 Arc User
    Luckily the fix is coming, but goes by the name of Sword Coast Legends. It's where WotC is putting all their effort now. (Un)Fortunately due to the fact that the developers work closely with the folks who beta test for them and actually listen to their feedback the game has been pushed back a bit to address these concerns. Hopefully the open beta with the new fixes is close and NWO can simply fade into oblivion, which is I'm pretty sure where Mr. Shicoff has been deliberately steering it.

    The other upcoming game that will likely be the final nail in NWO's coffin is Black Desert which should be heading into Beta for NA/Euro regions soon. Instead of trying to get the attention of devs who don't listen to you here, you might want to look these two games up, which have active communities already and are looking to players to help steer their direction.
  • balorinbalorin Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Two empty modules PVE content, i really hope they get the time to work on a big challenging dungeon for MOD 8 because if not i don't see the point of all thoses stronghold boons considering the actual content.
    I won't be satisfy with only the old ones coming back.
  • edited September 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • yokki1yokki1 Member Posts: 451 Arc User

    Luckily the fix is coming, but goes by the name of Sword Coast Legends. It's where WotC is putting all their effort now. (Un)Fortunately due to the fact that the developers work closely with the folks who beta test for them and actually listen to their feedback the game has been pushed back a bit to address these concerns. Hopefully the open beta with the new fixes is close and NWO can simply fade into oblivion, which is I'm pretty sure where Mr. Shicoff has been deliberately steering it.

    The other upcoming game that will likely be the final nail in NWO's coffin is Black Desert which should be heading into Beta for NA/Euro regions soon. Instead of trying to get the attention of devs who don't listen to you here, you might want to look these two games up, which have active communities already and are looking to players to help steer their direction.

    sword coast legends is not mmo but it is dnd more than enough to satisly the dnd thirst.
    black desert is still far off.
    check also wildstar which is right around the corner.
  • theycallmetomutheycallmetomu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,861 Arc User
    Sword Coast Legends is barely even as D&D based as Neverwinter. Heck, since I don't know how much lore it includes, it's substantially less D&D than Neverwinter is.

    The headstart experience was so bad, I decided to get a refund. I haven't been so disappointed in a video game since ... uhhh, well, Neverwinter, come to think of it.
  • cambo1682cambo1682 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 164 Arc User

    ... here are just a few I have come up with:

    1) Bored Epic Player Base - The end game players are running out of anything to do besides grind. It is getting old... fast.
    2) Lackluster Gear - The current Alliance gear drops are useless except for salvage to upper end players. With the reinstatement of the old dungeons, gear specific to those dungeons should be put into them. Keep the same bound to account setup as the Alliance sets... but change the stats up so players have more choices on what to use.
    3) Lack of Variety - Running the same dungeons over and over and over again is monotonous.
    4) Unfinished Storylines - The older dungeons were tied to the other storylines.. which now just... end. The lack of them makes the whole game seem unfinished and just cobbled together.

    New players are not learning the roles of their classes with the current content. The levelling dungeons are so easy that there is no challenge, not to mention it is a 3 person party rather than 5. (I like the flexibility to be able to queue with a smaller party, but there is so much more potential here).

    The T1's can be bullied with enough dps, and really eLoL, I never considered a dungeon. It's a jacked up skirmish. Pug groups have a fair chance at winning them even if they do not all play their roles and collaborate as a team. Rarely will a pug group stick together and try to problem solve a dungeon, at least that is what I've found. Trying to beat epic DV, giving up, going back and then finally winning it, felt like a great accomplishment. Similar for CN. You had to try different methods, powers and group mixes, and it taught you the game. Random entry into Tiamat with 5 mins to prep 25 (if you get a full instance) does not teach you the game. It may eventually teach you how to contribute in Tiamat, but ugh, once you get that last boon why the hell would you ever go back!?

    Dropping set bonuses may have worked well for the devs, but they removed part of the treasure hunt that dungeon crawls were. Everyone (well most I think) like a treasure hunt. The feeling of finally getting your chosen head piece after running epic SP 20 plus times was thrilling, and gave you a reason to create alts to play, not just for leadership.

    All of these experiences running together in a group, built teams, built friendships and loyalty for the game. Cryptic may not want loyalty for the game. I don't know, it seems at times they prefer churn and new players who may drop 20 bucks then leave. It certainly seems like it at times. I hope that's not the case. This game in it's current state is pushing it by including "dungeons" in it's D n D brand. I still have friends here. Many have left, but really I think we all know we are just pining for the game to be as fun as it once was. Bringing back those dungeons would at least give us some hope.

    *Shameless off topic plug*: For the love of the game, ditch the AD costs in the stronghold. The GMoP change is excellent for personal advancement, but the AD sink in there is killing it on a larger scale now, not just for individuals.

  • dwarf75dwarf75 Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    Seems kinda funny and sad, instead of demanding New dungeons and a raid we are just begging to devs 'plz at least give us the old ones' There is a saying in my language : ' Show them the death, so you can convince them to malaria'
  • kiraskytowerkiraskytower Member Posts: 455 Arc User
    balorin said:

    Two empty modules PVE content, i really hope they get the time to work on a big challenging dungeon for MOD 8 because if not i don't see the point of all thoses stronghold boons considering the actual content.
    I won't be satisfy with only the old ones coming back.

    The end game content we have gotten per module has steadily declined since Mod 2::

    Module 1 - New skirmish (Master of the hunt), new dungeon (Malabog's Castle)
    Module 2 - New Skirmish (Dread Legion), new dungeon (Valindra's Tower)
    Module 3 - Heroic Encounters, new skirmish (Kessels Retreat)
    Module 4 - More Heroic Encounters, New skirmish (Shores of Turrin), New Dungeon (Lair of Lostmauth)
    Module 5 - Tiamat, yet more heroic encounters
    Module 6 - Even more heroic encounters, and many dungeons removed
    Module 7 - Stronghold Heroic encounters

    If this continues Mod 8 will be some campaign quests and an endless series of Heroic Encounters. As others have pointed out this is DUNGEONS and Dragons ... we need more dungeons.

    Heroic Encounters are NOT content, they are a filler for a lack of real content.

    Winter Lily (CW) / Winter Rose (DC) / Winter Ivy (HR)
    Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
  • aimeesellersaimeesellers Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Thanks for all the feedback here...

    Personally... I am not looking forward to Mod 8 after these last two. I would rather see them put "Underdark" on the shelf, bring back the content that was taken from us, and fix the issues that have resulted from the last two modules.

    And if I even hear talk of another new class while the Paladin is still stomping around in uber mode... I think I will throw up.
    A'Mie Stormshield (GF) / A'Mie Stormshard (CW)
    Play Legit or Quit
    Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
  • rottersrotters Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    great thread. shame no mods/devs have ventured in here to chat about ideas or problems they are having.

    Tabatha@rotters // Scourge Warlock // Co Leader // Civil Anarchy

    Part of the -Fabled- Alliance

    We are looking for non elitist guilds to join our alliance.
  • drkbodhidrkbodhi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,378 Arc User
    This is coming from two of the most supportive players I have met so far. To have them reach a point where Aimee posts a thread like this means the game is reaching it's own End Game scenario.

    I believe there is a NDA in place and that will not be lifted. They are allowed to comment when they can comment. When the CMs agree with a lot of what is being posted right now... says a lot... as well.

    I love this game, as much as I love Skyrim... and I will probably be here as it sinks... but the HAMSTER has to stop.

    If you want us to spend more money... guess what makes that happen? Customer satisfaction.

    I was the General Manager of a store that was ALL about Customer Service and making the customer feel at home in the store. I trained every employee how to do exactly that. We had people spend $1000 on their first trip to the store... and we did not sell expensive mass consumer products. Those people loved the store so much they would come in weekly to see what was new... or even chat with the employees. These same people would tell their friends about the store and the store was featured in numerous photo shoots, a few different local news shows and a ton of articles including one in the Huffington Post and both local papers.

    That was all within the first 6 months of opening. Our competition hated us and often tried to copy us... but failed. One of these stores even had the same items we sold... and more... and they were losing money. They even came in during our first days and took a lot of pictures... and opened a carbon copy of our store a month later.

    Why did they fail? Why would they be losing money and we were making money?

    They had no idea how to make the customer feel at home. Much of our competition folded before we had been in business a year... because they could not compete with what we offered. When you offer employees who listen and care... you will never have competition.

    If Cryptic would focus on customer satisfaction... the rest will fall into place. You want players to spend money on the new things you are selling? Stop forcing them to buy it.

    Diplomacy is the art of getting what you want... and making the other party think it was their idea to give you everything you wanted. That is the same thing with Customer Service. Make us support you, by supporting US. At this point you have a lot of crow to eat and feathers to unruffle.​​
    Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
    Leadership Council of Civil Anarchy
    SYNERGY Alliance
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User

    Thanks for all the feedback here...

    Personally... I am not looking forward to Mod 8 after these last two. I would rather see them put "Underdark" on the shelf, bring back the content that was taken from us, and fix the issues that have resulted from the last two modules.

    And if I even hear talk of another new class while the Paladin is still stomping around in uber mode... I think I will throw up.

    I'd rather see totally NEW content. I'd trade 3 of the old dungeons for 1 new one.

    I don't like the fact that they removed dungeons, but for all the complaints about them recycling content, I don't see what good spending time to revamp the old dungeons does.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User

    Thanks for all the feedback here...

    Personally... I am not looking forward to Mod 8 after these last two. I would rather see them put "Underdark" on the shelf, bring back the content that was taken from us, and fix the issues that have resulted from the last two modules.

    And if I even hear talk of another new class while the Paladin is still stomping around in uber mode... I think I will throw up.

    I'd rather see totally NEW content. I'd trade 3 of the old dungeons for 1 new one.

    I don't like the fact that they removed dungeons, but for all the complaints about them recycling content, I don't see what good spending time to revamp the old dungeons does.
    Conversely, I would trade 3 of the "new" dungeons, for 1 of the old ones....(CN)
  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    The problem, IMO, is that there is a list of "must do's" that we are not privvy to, handed to the devs by either Hasbro/WotC or PWE itself, and with their limited manpower, a lot of their "like to do's" just keep getting bumped to the back of the line.

    The question, IMO, is why they can't just re-introduce all or most of the previous dungeons, just scaled up to level 70 for their epic versions. Adjusting the reward tables shouldn't be too difficult or time consuming, and they can also go back and tweak them when time permits.
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
    "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
    Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
  • flyingleonflyingleon Member Posts: 451 Arc User
    I would say dragonflight is a new like tiamat kind of PvE content. It is fun. The combat design is decent. But it is grindy and not small and casual guild friendly. In my guild, we still could only tackle green and red in a regular basis. The reward for DF needs some improvement. I would like to see a chance (30%) to get a dragon fang even if only get one dragon defeated. And the change should be done now not later.

    Secondly yes, I would like to see at least 3 more dungeons in next mod. Maybe 2 more epic skirmish.

    Join the Greycloaks

    Ana-GWF SM Destroyer | Farseer-CW MoF Renegade | Leon-GF SM Tactician
    Adrik Battlefate-DC DO Virtuous | Cassi Woodsheart-HR PF Trapper
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    Why? Granted Castle Never was one of the coolest "feeling" dungeons in the game, but would it really be that fun and exciting to run a 2.5 year old dungeon over and over again, albeit harder?

    Removing the dungeons sucked...but revamping CN would just be a huge step backward...
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • kiraskytowerkiraskytower Member Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited September 2015

    Why? Granted Castle Never was one of the coolest "feeling" dungeons in the game, but would it really be that fun and exciting to run a 2.5 year old dungeon over and over again, albeit harder?

    Removing the dungeons sucked...but revamping CN would just be a huge step backward...

    I think the point here is that what we have now has gotten old. Sure .. they are slightly revamped from mod 6, but right now we have only six dungeons to run over and over again - three of which are basically original dungeons that came with the game (a bit shorter, but still). Would we like 5 or 6 new dungeons? Absolutely! That's a lot of development time and it's not likely to happen any time soon. The best we can really hope for is one new dungeon with Mod 8. That's why people are asking for the rest of the old dungeons back ... far easier to revise them than to make new ones.
    Winter Lily (CW) / Winter Rose (DC) / Winter Ivy (HR)
    Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
  • aimeesellersaimeesellers Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 342 Arc User

    ...would it really be that fun and exciting to run a 2.5 year old dungeon over and over again, albeit harder?

    Removing the dungeons sucked...but revamping CN would just be a huge step backward...

    That is all they did with Cragmire, Gray Wolf Den, and Temple of the Spider... and right now we are running 3 year old dungeons... over and over and over. And Cragmire and Gray Wolf were horrible choices... there were so many others that were better.

    Revamping CN would be a great addition... and there was no reason at all for removing it... or any of the older dungeons for that matter. They took 60% of the game content away from us, and have replaced it with what? Heroic encounters? Dragonflight? That barely comes close to touching what we lost.

    As for CN itself... read these forums. It is the most requested of the old ones to come back. Everyone is entitled to their opinion... everyone had favorite dungeons. CN may not have been yours.... but for what seems to be the majority here... it was theirs.

    That aside... the real issue here is LACK OF CONTENT. They TOOK 12 dungeons away... and replaced them with NOTHING. HE's are not content... its filler. With Mod 8 we will be lucky to see one dungeon, and maybe a skirmish out of it... MAYBE.

    We can bicker back and forth until the cows come home about which dungeon was better than that dungeon... but it all comes down to removed, and un-replaced content. Content that provided variety, and fun to all of us.
    A'Mie Stormshield (GF) / A'Mie Stormshard (CW)
    Play Legit or Quit
    Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
  • dufistodufisto Member Posts: 537 Arc User
    edited September 2015

    I'd rather see totally NEW content. I'd trade 3 of the old dungeons for 1 new one.

    I don't like the fact that they removed dungeons, but for all the complaints about them recycling content, I don't see what good spending time to revamp the old dungeons does.

    meanwhile we've been given neither. strongholds. give me a break. 1 zone?. 1 pvp zone that they broke within weeks of introducing? yay 4 dragons at once.

    meanwhile we're at -9 dungeons so where are the 3 new ones to replace those. putting the old dungeons back would take very very little effort. that cryptic can not supply that effort is very telling about the game.

    Why? Granted Castle Never was one of the coolest "feeling" dungeons in the game, but would it really be that fun and exciting to run a 2.5 year old dungeon over and over again, albeit harder?

    Removing the dungeons sucked...but revamping CN would just be a huge step backward...

    what was a huge step backwards was making everything a purely linear snore fest. yes im against recycling content. that doesnt mean im not against taking content away. they promised us the old dungeons would come back. 5+ months is plenty of time to have waited for them. there's plenty of interns at UC that would love to pad their resume working on this for free or nearly free. the only thing stopping them from doing so is a complete disregard for the players.

    edit: i would ask you to stop making excuses for them and let them acutally respond to this for once. soon doesn't mean 5 months. then again changing the prices on gmops somehow broke sh pvp. so go figure.
  • d4rthd00fusd4rthd00fus Member Posts: 453 Arc User

    Why? Granted Castle Never was one of the coolest "feeling" dungeons in the game, but would it really be that fun and exciting to run a 2.5 year old dungeon over and over again, albeit harder?

    Removing the dungeons sucked...but revamping CN would just be a huge step backward...

    Well CN was made by folks who knew how to make 'em. Nothing the newer teams have created has even come close. Unfortunately I don't think any of the old team is still around anymore so I don't think we are going to get dungeons in the style of the original game again. Dungeons like Frozen Heart, Karrundax and CN were just fun to run, with interesting mechanics (even if some ran into the realm of cheese) and challenging boss encounters. They also had real reasons to run them with actual loot that you could sell. It's a shame that Cryptic never put 2 and 2 together and realized that the LS armies sprouted up when they took away our main method of making in game currency. Perhaps a new way will be given to the players but I have serious doubts the devs even understand what made the old ways good and the new ways bad.
    kalindra said:

    As if many people would - after the Neverwinter-Experience - start with another Cryptic game again.
    We stick to NWO because we have grown fond of it, have guild, friends and characters in who we invested much time and effort.
    But if I happen to run into another game and see Mr. Shicoff was involved in a responsible position, I'll have to think hard about gibing it any chance, and if it's produced by Cryptic I'll surely pass.
    The point is, with the performance (or better abuse) of Neverwinter, all participants not only make a bad name for themselves, but also for their company and all their future products.

    And with Black Desert as a competitor, it seems even more illogical (aka suicidal) to bet on new customers instead of trying to keep the old ones.

    Cryptic has nothing to do with SCL and I doubt I would ever recommend a game from them again. WotC simply licenses the D&D world for them to build around as was done with DDO, NWN, BG etc. I can't say it will be great as I haven't played it yet but what I have seen looks worth a try. The fact that they are fixing things before release instead of just steaming ahead with something broken puts them miles ahead of Cryptic IMO. The Dungeon Master mode is looked forward to by many who play(ed) the P&P stuff and want to see a game that offers that. Black Desert should be in open beta this winter so not too far off, but not D&D so may not appeal to hardcore fans. It has a huge following though and will likely have a lot of the fun this game has lost.
  • edited September 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Here's what I'd love to see:

    Run a contest for players to create a new dungeon. Devote a Cryptic intern to review them to make sure they're of the desired length, and to ensure they contain no cheats or anything. Take the winning submission and implement it as an official dungeon. Give the winner some nice incentive - like maybe a unique legendary mount, (you could easily recolor some existing mount, just upped to a legendary speed rating - BtA). You'd now be able to generate new content with little effort required on Cryptic's part, and you'd be able to really see what the playerbase has to offer. I'd even go so far as to add an NPC version of the creator's character in the entrance to the dungeon, to greet players.

    You could put in certain restrictions, in order to avoid people who would just spam the contest with submissions - like perhaps you need to fill out a rather lengthy form in order to qualify. Heck, the devs could even set certain parameters - like maybe you need to use certain enemies or a particular tileset.
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
    "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
    Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
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