They could make invoke account based instead then. That way way you can do it on any char youre playing, and we dont risk of getting punished because of people with invoking armies now XD.
I like, especially if combined with my recommendations on rewards... You would be able to get the AD rewards for your primary character through actual playing.
That said, I agree with Ghoulz66 "No, just no. People with multiple alts have been punished enough. There should be at least one little reward for dumping millions into character slots still...."
To which I reply... The intent of this suggestion was inherent upon Leadership being a means to get reasonable amounts of AD again, and a limit on how many per Account could Craft.
I agre Ghoulz66... Those of us with multiple account have been punished, but then there are Multiple Accounts (Read: 10 or so) and there are MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS (Read: 50 Character Alt Armies...)
Where would you draw a line?
People with multiple accounts are *supposed* to get banned for it... And alt armies aren't the only thing that are being exploited by non-legit players. A botter has no need for an army. He can just farm nodes all day with a single character and net in more RP than a leadership farm could ever dream of. I had to spend millions to now just have RP get churned out, that botter is just getting fat without any investment, not even on the character he's farming with.
Someone with an army just invoking now isn't going to be buying out enchants and mounts all over the place anymore.
Oops, I mis-wrote. Not Multiple Account. That should have been Multiple Alts. My bad. Corrected.
Make the First one each day award a Celestial Coin & Invocation Blessing
Make the Second one each day award Double Gold for a maximum amount, a Celestial Bag of Refining and Invocation Blessing.
Make the Third one each day award an Experience Boost of 10,000 at 100% rate & Invocation Blessing.
Make the Fourth one each day Award a Celestial Bag of Refining & Invocation Blessing.
Make the fifth one each day award an Astral Diamond Boost of 8,000 at 100% rate & Invocation Blessing.
Make the Sixth one each day award a Celestial Coin and Invocation Blessing.
Just some ideas....
This is actually okey, but the problem is that I wouldn't go do dungeon runs until I get to that 5th invocation. How about we just add the AD boost on the first invocation, do something else in the 5th.
"As the good archmage often admonishes me, I ought not to let my mind wander, as it's too small to go off by itself." -Danilo Thann[/quote]
psyb3rtr011Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 340Arc User
Make the First one each day award a Celestial Coin & Invocation Blessing
Make the Second one each day award Double Gold for a maximum amount, a Celestial Bag of Refining and Invocation Blessing.
Make the Third one each day award an Experience Boost of 10,000 at 100% rate & Invocation Blessing.
Make the Fourth one each day Award a Celestial Bag of Refining & Invocation Blessing.
Make the fifth one each day award an Astral Diamond Boost of 8,000 at 100% rate & Invocation Blessing.
Make the Sixth one each day award a Celestial Coin and Invocation Blessing.
Just some ideas....
This is actually okey, but the problem is that I wouldn't go do dungeon runs until I get to that 5th invocation. How about we just add the AD boost on the first invocation, do something else in the 5th.
Fair enough. It was just a concept... Subject to refinement.
AKA Cyber Troll and Euben Hadd
psyb3rtr011Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 340Arc User
Sorry for those who invested so much time and money on LS but i always though ut was stupid that the main source of ad generation in this game was pressing a few mouseclicks repeateadly on an army of alts.
And I always thought it was stupid that this game's notion of fun was - doing the same 2 dungeons over and over and over again - doing the same quests over and over and over again - doing the mouse clicks over and over and over again to fill your enchant up with RP - doing the mouse clicks over and over and over again to clean your mail box - doing the mouse clicks over and over and over again to send items from one alt to another - doing the mouse clicks over and over and over again to clean out and sell the trash from yourt backpack - doing the mouse clicks over and over and over again to put gems/items/whatever in the SH coffer
And that's why people were using scripts to do leadership, because people are not robots. Those scripting LS were freeing themselves up to enjoy only the fun part of the game. That a game has non-fun, tedious, repeating parts is in itself horrible enough.
No kidding. One of my Alts did only Race/Class and Foundry (After getting to a level when I could do Foundry...) for this very reason.
AKA Cyber Troll and Euben Hadd
theycallmetomuMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,861Arc User
The only reason I have 4 characters, at the moment, is to farm coupons from those celestial refining bags. It used to be coupons were super lucrative. Now, they're mildly lucrative at best, but even so, dolla dolla bills ya'll.
Sorry for those who invested so much time and money on LS but i always though ut was stupid that the main source of ad generation in this game was pressing a few mouseclicks repeateadly on an army of alts.
So I guess ANY MMO with crafting is also stupid. You know, clicking a few buttons to make something valuable out of thin air. We can just forget that its been a part of MMOs from the very first one. We can even ignore the fact that STO maintains a similar system, in fact its the very blue print and progenitor of NWs crafting system with their duty officer system. A system that also pays out time currency for simply clicking a few buttons.
Truth is, there are more examples of ways to make game money in MMOs that don't rely on combat and questing, then people are winning to admit or acknowledge. And it does not make them or the games wrong.
So I guess ANY MMO with crafting is also stupid. You know, clicking a few buttons to make something valuable out of thin air. We can just forget that its been a part of MMOs from the very first one. We can even ignore the fact that STO maintains a similar system, in fact its the very blue print and progenitor of NWs crafting system with their duty officer system. A system that also pays out time currency for simply clicking a few buttons.
Truth is, there are more examples of ways to make game money in MMOs that don't rely on combat and questing, then people are winning to admit or acknowledge. And it does not make them or the games wrong.
give me a break. try alchemy, farm material x 6. refine material x6, make aqua vitae x 3, make potion of x, make potion of y, combine x+y+aquavitae, for a chance at 1 reseach scroll at 10-20 minutes each task. now do that at least 4 more times til you can research the next level. its beyond HAMSTER.
meanwhile jewelcrafting requires just gather materials x whatever until you get to the next gather materials stage. all the way to 25. then its random ( 60% my @#%) whether you'll make what you actually wanted off a rare task. and why is rank 1 rewards better than rank 2 rewards. ( and rank 3 if you dont count the gem slot) same thing with plate/mail/leather/tailor. and 100K ad for a 100-200 armor patch.
or artificing/weaponsmithing which are completely useless.
please dont forget, the lockboxes, they need upgrades for Superiors. also, the enchants and runes are so far outgrowned by 70 lvl characters, they dont need to have rank 1 or rank 2, since they only yields 10 pts and 25 pts when most of us have rank 7/8's that cost over thousands to fill up.
another idea offering, i would like to see tier 2 treasure kit versions, only found in epic zones. only to be open by specific class templates to avoid having someone in random group takin all the loots from kits, hopefully if it has 2 dungeon kits if there is 2 tank classes in same dungeon, if the first one picked up, it get flagged not able pick up next kit in same dungeon until next dungeon runs.
myles08807Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 410Arc User
Okay, so we're at the point where we're thanking the burglar for returning our TV stand...but keeping our TV. As far as I'm concerned, this is proof positive that the complete removal of Leadership as a meaningful profession was a mistake. Didn't their rosy predictions tell us we'd all still make the refining limit every day? Why should they reduce prices...unless they've noticed a huge drop-off in refining item sales because everyone is hoarding their last AD? I hope the rapidly-dwindling PC player base sends an equally powerful message.
Sorry for those who invested so much time and money on LS but i always though ut was stupid that the main source of ad generation in this game was pressing a few mouseclicks repeateadly on an army of alts.
And I always thought it was stupid that this game's notion of fun was - doing the same 2 dungeons over and over and over again - doing the same quests over and over and over again - doing the mouse clicks over and over and over again to fill your enchant up with RP - doing the mouse clicks over and over and over again to clean your mail box - doing the mouse clicks over and over and over again to send items from one alt to another - doing the mouse clicks over and over and over again to clean out and sell the trash from yourt backpack - doing the mouse clicks over and over and over again to put gems/items/whatever in the SH coffer
And that's why people were using scripts to do leadership, because people are not robots. Those scripting LS were freeing themselves up to enjoy only the fun part of the game. That a game has non-fun, tedious, repeating parts is in itself horrible enough.
What would you have? Instant max level and bis in everything for everyone? There is also no fun in no sense of achievement or working at something and enjoying the fruits of your labor after. What are your suggestions? Constructive criticism as much more productive than simply whing.
tripsofthrymrMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,625Community Moderator
Profittted? Did you Price Men-At-Arms, Adventurers, & Hero's?
Yes, I created a return-on-investment spreadsheet actually. All the heroes and adventurers I have were purchased when adventurers were around 40K. All of my other toons (I have 15) use Footmen, because the time to recoop the cost of any other asset was nearly a year, if you don't have downtime running tasks (which means illegal botting). If you are a normal player that just sets your leadership tasks once a day, it would take even longer.
Anyone that purchased green or greater assets in the last 12 months or so is double-shafted by this change. You will now never, ever, ever earn back that investment. Something that all the people without leadership tend to completely ignore when calling us "whiners."
People should try to put themselves in other people's shoes before passing judgement
The solution is even more simple: reward AD for things that can't be botted, but ALL players (to include solo players!) can finish them... like finishing quests.
All that grinding we do in endgame... add AD to the quest rewards... 500 here, 1500 there, whatever.
Add AD to SH quests and heroics. I'm certain that guilds are usually pretty good about policing for bots. Granted this doesn't help solo players, but they are free to join a guild if they'd like, and there are numerous "guilds for solo players" out there.
Add AD to leveling quests and wrappers.. from level 4 and up. Doesn't have to be a lot, but something.
So as an example: I log in and take "Sharandar Support" from the Master of Coin. She gives whatever for XP, coins and shards. Add 200 RAD to the list. I travel to Sharandar and take Arcane Reservoir, which awards the usual stuff, plus another 2,000 RA (weekly lair quest). I also take Feydark Crystals, which awards the usual stuff plus 500 RAD (tertiary quest). I then travel to whatever gate suits me and take the three available quests, all for the usual rewards plus 1,000 RAD (regular quest). However, I'm feeling adventurous and want to take on Celadaine for the usual rewards plus another 1,500 RAD (lair quest).
Total RAD for this trip to Sharandar: 2,000+500+3000+1500= 7,000 RAD. Return to the Master of Coin and get your extra 200 RAD. 7,200 RAD. This, times 4 (for each of the campaign areas) = 28,800 RAD.
Raise the RAD refining cap to 30k.
No need to cap each of the campaign areas, since players can take a finite number of quests, so there would be a very predictable income for players.
Another example: In Elemental Evil, same breakdown, but perhaps slightly less RAD per quest... Put RAD in the wrapper (150, as an example), less RAD for the "Challenge" and "Tome of Air" quests (250 RAD per), usual quests would net you 500 RAD each, lairs would net 1,000 RAD each. Cap this RAD at 4,800 RAD (or whatever PvP is capped at), since people can just continuously grind these areas.
Foundry!! A similar system could be implemented for finishing Foundry quests. I'm sure there would have to be a fairly complex formula put in place to deter exploiters and bots, so that people can't just run a bunch of 5 minute Foundries designed for RAD farming. I'm not the math guy... I'm just the idea guy.
Can this system still be exploited? Of course it can. Bots can invite themselves into open parties, as an example. It will be up to we, the players, to police that sort of thing. Put your party settings on "closed party". Problem solved. I'm sure there would be other "creative" ways to bot/exploit the system, but honestly, my brain just isn't wired that way.
The devs have stated that AD is our "reward" for playing. As the system sits right now, it's only "rewarding" us for running dungeons, skirmishes and PvP. The quandary now is: do I grind these things to get my daily RAD, or do I grind campaign areas to get the desperately-needed campaign treasures to feed the Mimic... nearly 300k Treasures of Tyranny takes a long, long time to grind out, and I'm honestly sick and tired of Harper Boward and demolishing barrows.
Adding RAD to these quests will make the grind a little more palatable for pretty much everyone.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
I'm confused. Pure and Trans weapon/armor enchants will cost 5 SMoP?
darkstarcrashMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,382Arc User
I'm confused. Pure and Trans weapon/armor enchants will cost 5 SMoP?
I think so, based on goatshark's 2nd post in this thread:
All gems (Enchantments, Runestones, Weapon, and Armor Enhancements) will require Superior Marks of Potency (SMoPs) to upgrade from 10->12. Because of their power increase, it will still cost the same to rank a Weapon or Armor Enhancement from 10->12. All of the ranks prior to (and leading up to) 10 will benefit from the GMoP price reduction. As mentioned in the original post, Enchantments and Runestones are now 40% cheaper to upgrade from 10-12, and Weapon/Armor Enhancements will cost the same as before.
and the Preview patch notes:
Refining Armor and Weapon Enchantments above Rank 10 now require Superior Marks of Potency instead of Greater Marks of Potency.
Yes, there is still no way for a strictly solo player to gain AD in a reasonable amount per day. The most guaranteed per day is only 3k AD through invoking, for those that play only solo. This is by far not enough at all.
This game based on Dungeons&Dragons which means you will need a group to run the content at some point unless you are 4k+ geared beast.I dont know why people keep expecting to earn something without group play in this game
vinceent1Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,264Arc User
Yes, there is still no way for a strictly solo player to gain AD in a reasonable amount per day. The most guaranteed per day is only 3k AD through invoking, for those that play only solo. This is by far not enough at all.
This game based on Dungeons&Dragons which means you will need a group to run the content at some point unless you are 4k+ geared beast.I dont know why people keep expecting to earn something without group play in this game
i understand your point but seriously, whats left of DaD adventures? Crazy grind because of monetization model? Solo players are very important dolars spenders in this game, cryptic need them so he need do something for them. Otherwise dev will just shot arrow to theirs already very ill knees
This thread has devolved into nonsense, perpetrated by a lot of misconceptions about the Leadership profession and the amount of time it takes to actually make it worth while. I won't even get into the waste of time that could be achieved by responding to some of the people who don't really get what has happened over the last two years.
I also get the vibe that a lot of people not willing to commit to Leadership, decided to take the stance that people willing to commit were somehow cheating. That level of ignorance isn't worth fighting.
So let's forget about the "red herring" war against bots. Let's put aside the public relations nightmare Cryptic stepped right into. Let's actually realize something profound.....
....most of us thought we were on a death march to quitting and Cryptic responded. Yeah, it should have been handled in one package of changes. I called them out on that plenty. However, they have responded in good faith and they aren't quite done yet. More in-game prices need to come down. If that happens, along with a bit of love to professions (yes, including leadership,) then Cryptic will have rebuilt the bridge.
That bridge takes me to Underdark. Without the bridge I was gone. Now I'm interested. If they deliver on Underdark, I'll be "all in" for the first time in awhile.
Morenthar, you pretty much echo my thoughts on this. This is a good start, but if they want to maintain the good feeling they picked up with these changes, they'll need to keep up with the communication. Nothing worse that a community kept in the dark
I dont know why people keep expecting to earn something without group play in this game
Because some people want to play the game alone, without the stress of dealing with others. (And yes, dealing with other human beings is stressful to some people.)
It's one thing to say the solo players can't play the group content. They don't want to. It's an entirely different thing to say the solo players can't upgrade their equipment.
Rank 11 to 12 was 375,000 AD - the cost of 5 gmops for me at rank 12 i need 4 smops at a cost of all my gems are rank 11 so i won't even benefit from the cheaper lower rank gem upgrades....VIP must apply to smops to at least make it the same price instead of more,
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
Rank 11 to 12 was 375,000 AD - the cost of 5 gmops for me at rank 12 i need 4 smops at a cost of all my gems are rank 11 so i won't even benefit from the cheaper lower rank gem upgrades....VIP must apply to smops to at least make it the same price instead of more,
You gave VIP discount to the GMoP price but do not give VIP discount to SMOP price. 4 SMOP with VIP 12 is 300K. The VIP discount applies to the AD store and not an individual item.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
With the recent changes to the AD economy, we are going to be reducing the cost on a few items in the Wondrous Bazaar, and adding a new item.
Marks of Potency will be reduced from 25k AD to 6k AD
Greater Marks of Potency will be reduced from 100k AD to 25k AD
*NEW* Superior Marks of Potency will be priced at 100k AD
In addition, we are changing some of the upgrade requirements on higher end Enchantments and Runestones. Weapon and Armor Enhancement gems will not be changed at this time.
Going from Rank 10->11 will now cost 2 Superior Marks of Potency, instead of 5 Greater Marks of Potency
Going from Rank 11->12 will now cost 4 Superior Marks of Potency, instead of 5 Greater Marks of Potency
We are reviewing all of the locations Greater Marks of Potency drop/reward in the game, and are swapping those for Superior Marks where appropriate.
These changes will be going live very soon. Once they’re live and we can monitor performance for a bit, we will re-evaluate and see if further changes are necessary. As an FYI, we are continuing to monitor ALL Astral Diamond costs/performance/etc. as we work to balance this economy. Thank you for your patience.
You should swap all existing MOP/GMOPs in-game to GMOP/SMOP when this change does live, by not announcing that you've no doubt burned a decent number of your existing players significantly.
You should also be reviewing blue MOP drops. While I doubt many will shed a tear over the loss of value from bots instance farming resource nodes, it will also affect lockboxes, leadership boxes (but I'm sure leadership will still be fine...), and future repeated event rewards.
Look, I applaud you guys finally attempting to fix the economy. But I do not applaud the way you're doing it at all. This kind of slash and burn method where you announce changes and apply them a few days later with no real testing isn't working. You will probably eventually end up with an economy that is more solidly designed so that it benefits a larger chunk of the playerbase while not hurting your bottom-line, but how small will the playerbase shrink by the time you finally get there?
And frankly, trying to tackle something this important to the overall health of a f2p game, not to mention your income, while focusing primarily on mod 8 is a fool's errand. I really wouldn't be surprised if some major bug leaks through again and you create a second Caturday/Nightmare Thursday.
Don't Panic.
Okay, Panic.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
You should swap all existing MOP/GMOPs in-game to GMOP/SMOP when this change does live, by not announcing that you've no doubt burned a decent number of your existing players significantly.
MOP was cheap. The AD store price is expensive. In AH, it has been lower than 4K for a long time. When I bought mine, it was less than 3K each. I did not even bother to use P-ward.
Swap MOP to GMOP will make a lot of people to be rich instantly.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
I dont know why people keep expecting to earn something without group play in this game
Because some people want to play the game alone, without the stress of dealing with others. (And yes, dealing with other human beings is stressful to some people.)
It's one thing to say the solo players can't play the group content. They don't want to. It's an entirely different thing to say the solo players can't upgrade their equipment.
Wow you are way overthinking the teamplay required in this game.Yes it needed some stress when you were running with bugged DR.I do dungeon runs pretty simply even without saying word to other players on PUG runs.Every dungeon in this game works like clockwork(pretty boring on my opinion).And most players learn what to do after first dungeon
My bad. Corrected.
AKA Cyber Troll and Euben Hadd
AKA Cyber Troll and Euben Hadd
AKA Cyber Troll and Euben Hadd
Truth is, there are more examples of ways to make game money in MMOs that don't rely on combat and questing, then people are winning to admit or acknowledge. And it does not make them or the games wrong.
The total cost of making R12 from R5 is:
meanwhile jewelcrafting requires just gather materials x whatever until you get to the next gather materials stage. all the way to 25. then its random ( 60% my @#%) whether you'll make what you actually wanted off a rare task. and why is rank 1 rewards better than rank 2 rewards. ( and rank 3 if you dont count the gem slot)
same thing with plate/mail/leather/tailor. and 100K ad for a 100-200 armor patch.
or artificing/weaponsmithing which are completely useless.
also, the enchants and runes are so far outgrowned by 70 lvl characters, they dont need to have rank 1 or rank 2, since they only yields 10 pts and 25 pts when most of us have rank 7/8's that cost over thousands to fill up.
another idea offering, i would like to see tier 2 treasure kit versions, only found in epic zones. only to be open by specific class templates to avoid having someone in random group takin all the loots from kits, hopefully if it has 2 dungeon kits if there is 2 tank classes in same dungeon, if the first one picked up, it get flagged not able pick up next kit in same dungeon until next dungeon runs.
Anyone that purchased green or greater assets in the last 12 months or so is double-shafted by this change. You will now never, ever, ever earn back that investment. Something that all the people without leadership tend to completely ignore when calling us "whiners."
People should try to put themselves in other people's shoes before passing judgement
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
The solution is even more simple: reward AD for things that can't be botted, but ALL players (to include solo players!) can finish them... like finishing quests.
All that grinding we do in endgame... add AD to the quest rewards... 500 here, 1500 there, whatever.
Add AD to SH quests and heroics. I'm certain that guilds are usually pretty good about policing for bots. Granted this doesn't help solo players, but they are free to join a guild if they'd like, and there are numerous "guilds for solo players" out there.
Add AD to leveling quests and wrappers.. from level 4 and up. Doesn't have to be a lot, but something.
So as an example:
I log in and take "Sharandar Support" from the Master of Coin. She gives whatever for XP, coins and shards. Add 200 RAD to the list.
I travel to Sharandar and take Arcane Reservoir, which awards the usual stuff, plus another 2,000 RA (weekly lair quest). I also take Feydark Crystals, which awards the usual stuff plus 500 RAD (tertiary quest). I then travel to whatever gate suits me and take the three available quests, all for the usual rewards plus 1,000 RAD (regular quest). However, I'm feeling adventurous and want to take on Celadaine for the usual rewards plus another 1,500 RAD (lair quest).
Total RAD for this trip to Sharandar: 2,000+500+3000+1500= 7,000 RAD. Return to the Master of Coin and get your extra 200 RAD. 7,200 RAD. This, times 4 (for each of the campaign areas) = 28,800 RAD.
Raise the RAD refining cap to 30k.
No need to cap each of the campaign areas, since players can take a finite number of quests, so there would be a very predictable income for players.
Another example:
In Elemental Evil, same breakdown, but perhaps slightly less RAD per quest... Put RAD in the wrapper (150, as an example), less RAD for the "Challenge" and "Tome of Air" quests (250 RAD per), usual quests would net you 500 RAD each, lairs would net 1,000 RAD each. Cap this RAD at 4,800 RAD (or whatever PvP is capped at), since people can just continuously grind these areas.
Foundry!! A similar system could be implemented for finishing Foundry quests. I'm sure there would have to be a fairly complex formula put in place to deter exploiters and bots, so that people can't just run a bunch of 5 minute Foundries designed for RAD farming. I'm not the math guy... I'm just the idea guy.
Can this system still be exploited? Of course it can. Bots can invite themselves into open parties, as an example. It will be up to we, the players, to police that sort of thing. Put your party settings on "closed party". Problem solved. I'm sure there would be other "creative" ways to bot/exploit the system, but honestly, my brain just isn't wired that way.
The devs have stated that AD is our "reward" for playing. As the system sits right now, it's only "rewarding" us for running dungeons, skirmishes and PvP. The quandary now is: do I grind these things to get my daily RAD, or do I grind campaign areas to get the desperately-needed campaign treasures to feed the Mimic... nearly 300k Treasures of Tyranny takes a long, long time to grind out, and I'm honestly sick and tired of Harper Boward and demolishing barrows.
Adding RAD to these quests will make the grind a little more palatable for pretty much everyone.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
This is a good start, but if they want to maintain the good feeling they picked up with these changes, they'll need to keep up with the communication.
Nothing worse that a community kept in the dark
It's one thing to say the solo players can't play the group content. They don't want to. It's an entirely different thing to say the solo players can't upgrade their equipment.
4 SMOP with VIP 12 is 300K.
The VIP discount applies to the AD store and not an individual item.
You should swap all existing MOP/GMOPs in-game to GMOP/SMOP when this change does live, by not announcing that you've no doubt burned a decent number of your existing players significantly.
You should also be reviewing blue MOP drops. While I doubt many will shed a tear over the loss of value from bots instance farming resource nodes, it will also affect lockboxes, leadership boxes (but I'm sure leadership will still be fine...), and future repeated event rewards.
Look, I applaud you guys finally attempting to fix the economy. But I do not applaud the way you're doing it at all. This kind of slash and burn method where you announce changes and apply them a few days later with no real testing isn't working. You will probably eventually end up with an economy that is more solidly designed so that it benefits a larger chunk of the playerbase while not hurting your bottom-line, but how small will the playerbase shrink by the time you finally get there?
And frankly, trying to tackle something this important to the overall health of a f2p game, not to mention your income, while focusing primarily on mod 8 is a fool's errand. I really wouldn't be surprised if some major bug leaks through again and you create a second Caturday/Nightmare Thursday.
Okay, Panic.
Swap MOP to GMOP will make a lot of people to be rich instantly.