Quick question, you have 5 point's in Infernal Wrath (your lesser curse also causes the target to have X% less damage resistance).
I've been using your build for a few day's now. I haven't noticed 'lesser curse' once on the target's. Either WB curse or WC but never lesser. I did notice lesser a lot with HB. Am I missing it? Would the 5 point's be better used elsewhere?
Quick question, you have 5 point's in Infernal Wrath (your lesser curse also causes the target to have X% less damage resistance).
I've been using your build for a few day's now. I haven't noticed 'lesser curse' once on the target's. Either WB curse or WC but never lesser. I did notice lesser a lot with HB. Am I missing it? Would the 5 point's be better used elsewhere?
use all consuming curse, so every crit will applie lesser curse on the target, i take all consuming curse and dust to dust thats the best damage imo, lesser curse works with lots of encounter
I am damnation atm but as fury my build was 15 points in temp tree , I took hope stealer (700+LS ), vampiric sparks (its 3.9% LS not 1.5% what is schould be), and dark revelry (20%powerbuff is what you want) and skipped infernal wrath, killing curse an morderous flames (hurts a bit) depends on if you like and use KF or not, since I normally don´t use killing flame in PVE the build also works well in PVP, that was the main reason i went this way
use all consuming curse, so every crit will applie lesser curse on the target, i take all consuming curse and dust to dust thats the best damage imo, lesser curse works with lots of encounter
I am damnation atm but as fury my build was 15 points in temp tree , I took hope stealer (700+LS ), vampiric sparks (its 3.9% LS not 1.5% what is schould be), and dark revelry (20%powerbuff is what you want) and skipped infernal wrath, killing curse an morderous flames (hurts a bit) depends on if you like and use KF or not, since I normally don´t use killing flame in PVE the build also works well in PVP, that was the main reason i went this way
The build calls for BT & DtD as passives, I was referring to the OPs updated build. I used ACC when I was HB but this is a SB/fury build. I find the heal from DtD and the buff from BT hard to give up. That's why I was asking about the 5 point's. In a build using acc or with something that gives LC yes but the build doesn't from what I've seen/played.
use all consuming curse, so every crit will applie lesser curse on the target, i take all consuming curse and dust to dust thats the best damage imo, lesser curse works with lots of encounter
I am damnation atm but as fury my build was 15 points in temp tree , I took hope stealer (700+LS ), vampiric sparks (its 3.9% LS not 1.5% what is schould be), and dark revelry (20%powerbuff is what you want) and skipped infernal wrath, killing curse an morderous flames (hurts a bit) depends on if you like and use KF or not, since I normally don´t use killing flame in PVE the build also works well in PVP, that was the main reason i went this way
The build calls for BT & DtD as passives, I was referring to the OPs updated build. I used ACC when I was HB but this is a SB/fury build. I find the heal from DtD and the buff from BT hard to give up. That's why I was asking about the 5 point's. In a build using acc or with something that gives LC yes but the build doesn't from what I've seen/played.
I only wanted to point out that it is possible and common to use ACC as SB too (even beeing a damnationlock), because I use it every time I can the curse procs all time and you can stack buff/debuff with DT f.e. SS will consume curse and deal DOT damage even without WC, most things i tested with ACC/lesser curse long time before, only thing that does not interact with lesser curse is Harrow storm/prone (as tooltip tells you) and lift of Hadar grasp as i remember proc of creeping death does not work that way, WC or TT is needed as I remember, someone tested lately
running Dungeons i can skip BT against ACC most time so i run all time ACC+DtD whole dungeon , some OP´s can run eTOS without any healer in party because of permadaily builds, so no need for BT there going solo or PVP you are right, you need BT , I take BT+ ACC/DtD/SW(PVP) depends on situation skip killing curse take relentless curse f.e. , if you want to get LC to proc without using ACC but that will not work that good as ACC does imo The 5% less DR from infernal wrath is not the that bad imo and in case you take a PVE focussed build I would take it but skip killing curse for relentless curse f.e. or what ever triggers LC
Quick question, you have 5 point's in Infernal Wrath (your lesser curse also causes the target to have X% less damage resistance).
I've been using your build for a few day's now. I haven't noticed 'lesser curse' once on the target's. Either WB curse or WC but never lesser. I did notice lesser a lot with HB. Am I missing it? Would the 5 point's be better used elsewhere?
It's in there because I really didn't see anything else that stood out to me, and I felt like having it there for switching powers around, etc.
The build is still evolving, but schietindebux's advice above is solid also and worth trying out!
You mention the zentharum warlock being the best companion for crit..... care to elaborate? I understand your explanation of the stats of a legendary companion having more stats than an augment when using bonding runestones. But why the fuss about the zentharum warlock? Want to be sure before investing in a green companion as long way to legendary
Thank you both for the replies, I'll have to test those suggestions out.
Appreciate it.
No problem at all bud... My Guide is here as a resource, and it will continue forward expanding with information as much as possible. It's a communal effort, so everyone's questions/ideas/posts, help it evolve!
You mention the zentharum warlock being the best companion for crit..... care to elaborate? I understand your explanation of the stats of a legendary companion having more stats than an augment when using bonding runestones. But why the fuss about the zentharum warlock? Want to be sure before investing in a green companion as long way to legendary
The Zhentarim Warlock's main ability, Eldritch Blast, has no cool down. The little booger just keeps being all like:
Which basically means, with Perfect Bonding Runestones having a 65% chance of proc'ing on a hit, that you have 2-3 stacks of the Bonding Runestones stat buff effect going within 3-5 seconds of a combat.
With 2x stacks you get 130% of your Companions stats, and at 3x stacks you get 195% of your Companions stats; both for 20 Seconds. So a majority of the time you have 130%/195%, which equates to a 30%/95% increase in the stats you have from your Companion (who is also doing some minor DPS/Aggroing) over anything an Augment Pet would/will give you a significant majority of the time.
Thanks that helps a lot.. I play on the xbox and don't think the zentharum warlock is on the game yet but il be sure to look out for it. My augment companion will have to do in the meantime.
Thanks that helps a lot.. I play on the xbox and don't think the zentharum warlock is on the game yet but il be sure to look out for it. My augment companion will have to do in the meantime.
I hope they eventually release the companion for Xbox, it friggin rocks!
Thats a bit the curse of Furylock, apply the WC every time correctly Even WB does not trigger CD if you do not apply WC before So its allways and every WC. WB. HG. WC. DT/SS... So happy i can be lazy atm as damnation, my CD only dealt something like 10+% from overall damage, tbh I was a bad performing furylock
Over the past few weeks/months I've received a lot of questions on my Active Companion slot, and why I use the Zhentarim Warlock over an Augment Pet. After trying to explain it multiple times I realized...
So here is an update to show the stat differences, and time frames/percentages for the up time, for the Perfect Bonding Runestone on the Zhentarim Warlock.
Starting out, here is my current gear, as of 10/14:
Dragonflight, Mythic Artifacts, Legendary Artifact Gear, Rank 12s, etc... Also, currently 2k Power from the Barracks Rank 4, so the stats below take that into account.
My companion:
Rank 12 Bonding Runestones, each of the Loyal Avenger Items has a Rank 12 Azure in the Offense Slot, and a Rank 10 Darks in the Defense Slot. Eventually looking to upgrade them to 12 on the next Double RP Weekend...
However, this more focused on the Offensive Stats, though I highly recommend the Lifesteal in the Defensive slots as you'll be able to deduce it adds a great deal of Lifesteal once Bonding Runestone Procs begin.
The Talisman/Ring stats are as follows:
+652 Power +652 Critical Strike +435 Armor Penetration
Now the following pictures, below this, show how my Offensive Stats once the Bonding Runestones begin to proc...
Now let's review some fun facts on timing of the Bonding Runestone Procs, and there respective up times. Here are the text of the Bonding Runestone:
Perfect Bonding Runestone
Equip: When your Companion activates a power, it has chance to grant you Companion's Gift. Companion's Gift grants you 65% of your companion's stats for 20 seconds.
Offense Slot: +560 Power Defense Slot: +560 Defense
It's important to take into account that the key to the Zhentarim Warlock is the fact that it's base attack, Eldritch Blast, has NO cooldown. She just keeps Pew Pew Pewing away constantly. Thus she will begin within a few seconds of combat beginning.
Ok, so we're gonna do some math/timing now, and roll with me on it as I'm not a Math Maestro, so it will be written out more and not in equation form. You'll just have to forgive me this small transgression!
Mind you this was all calculated by myself, doing tests on target dummies in the Win or Lose We Booze Guild Stronghold. This means I used a stop watch, and it was done manually. Then I averaged it all together, which occurred over a total of 50 combat tests. Human error IS a mitigating factor, but I am comfortable with the following results/timeframes!
Average Time it takes to get 1 Proc of Bonding Runestone in combat: 2.97 Seconds Average Time it takes to get 2 Proc of Bonding Runestone in combat: 4.25 Seconds Average Time it takes to get 3 Proc of Bonding Runestone in combat: 5.62 Seconds
We'll take a combat averaging 30 seconds, for posterity, and/or you can use a 30 second cycle of procs for longer combats.
In a 30 Second Combat Cycle you'll have the following:
0x Proc of Bonding up a total of: 6 seconds out of 30 1x Proc of Bonding up a total of: 4 Seconds out of 30 2x Proc of Bonding up a total of: 4 Seconds out of 30 3x Proc of Bonding up a total of: 16 Seconds out of 30
The above takes into account stacks being applied and falling off.
To break it down even more, in a 30 Second Combat Cycle you'll have the following:
0% of your Companions Stats affecting you for 6 Seconds 65% of your Companions Stats affecting you for 4 Seconds 130% of your Companions Stats affecting you for 4 Seconds 195% of your Companions Stats affecting you for 16 Seconds
Which, when compared to an Augment Pet, which gives you a 100% of it's stats over 30 Seconds, you'll have over 100% of said stats for 20 Seconds of every 30 Second Cycle.
What this comes down to is that you'll have a higher Power/Crit/ArmPen for 66% of the time, equivalent to an Augment, which breaks down to having more DPS over the course of each 30 Second Cycle with the Zhentarim Warlock then w/any other Augment Pet.
So ya I did some Math-fu...
I know, I know... It's crazy. I went over the numbers with a few different people, and I'm relatively sure I'm secure in stating having a Zhentarim Warlock as your Active Companion (using Perfect Bonding Runestones!) will lead to a higher average total of stats over time (using the 30 Second Cycle exampled above) than any other current Augment Pet available in the game. Thus leading to higher DPS over all...
I don't think this guy "Leeroy Jenkins" knows what he is talking about. No companion at all is the way to go!!!!
blazious11Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 331Arc User
Have you ever tested the Yeti? His claw attacks also have no cooldown (afaik), he's a defender, so can take hits. His active bonus 10%+damage is quite good. I'd like him on my GWF as a summoned companion, because the active so much better than ZWarlock's. (On gwf because you have to get hit for a.bonus) But I heard that melee companions have the habit of bugging and stop attacking. But i saw someone using it in elol, and worked well at scorpions and boss, outdamaged me by a lot (relatively). Any thoughts on that?
My story is truly a grand tale! Of course, any story about me is going to be grand simply by virtue of the main character.
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
@kolatmaster Thought I would comment on it here, since you going into depth on it here. I do not personally have the currency available to test bonding runestones and active companions, but something a lot of my friends use as their active is the dancing blade or jagged dancing blade. With that, I have seen more then 3 stacks of companions gift on them (7 at most on 1 occasion) and I was curious, since none of them use the warlock, is the warlock comparable?
Have you ever tested the Yeti? His claw attacks also have no cooldown (afaik), he's a defender, so can take hits. His active bonus 10%+damage is quite good. I'd like him on my GWF as a summoned companion, because the active so much better than ZWarlock's. (On gwf because you have to get hit for a.bonus) But I heard that melee companions have the habit of bugging and stop attacking. But i saw someone using it in elol, and worked well at scorpions and boss, outdamaged me by a lot (relatively). Any thoughts on that?
I have the Yeti, and the issue is his Defensive Slots as I'm in no need of the Defense stat, and I'd be giving up a lot of Power for that... Not a good trade for DPS, IMO! However, the little bugger holds aggro pretty darn well!
Thought I would comment on it here, since you going into depth on it here. I do not personally have the currency available to test bonding runestones and active companions, but something a lot of my friends use as their active is the dancing blade or jagged dancing blade. With that, I have seen more then 3 stacks of companions gift on them (7 at most on 1 occasion) and I was curious, since none of them use the warlock, is the warlock comparable?
Dancing Blade and Jagged Dancing Blade are two different Companions, both Strikers. I have a Dancing Blade for the 5% Crit Severity Bonus, don't have the Jagged, but I suppose I could PvP to get the Glory for it... However, I'd like to know first!
The Zhentarim Warlock only gives, at Max 3, though maybe I saw 4x once? Honestly not sure, certainly no more then that! So 7 is very interesting and I'd love to know more...
@thefabricant Just did some HEs with my level 31 Dancing Blade, and I didn't see any stacks of Bonding Runestone higher then 3x.
This was done in my Stronghold, trying AoE and single target powers, etc. Just FYI, it's probably the Jagged Dancing Blade then?
Once, under controlled circumstances, a GWF friend of mine in the trade of blades while bashing dummies demonstrated his dancing blade (not jagged) and with no buffs from other classes, he had 5/6 stacks of companions gift and I saw him sitting at 150k power. That being said, he was BiS in every single way with rank 12's in every slot, including on his companion, so that might have made the difference for bonding runestones.
Also, his dancing blade was legendary and that might make a considerable difference as it then has access to another attack. He said it didn't matter whether you used a jagged or a regular one, only that he believed the dancing blade was the best companion to go with.
Him and a few others who follow this belief are all in the guild.."Blade Runners" with the guild name being reference to their belief in the companion.
I heard it was only possible with lv 11 runestones. Or different level stones. Never worked for my btw.
So, in theory, you need a Greater, then a Level 11, and a Level 12, all on the same active Companion slot?
I'm aware that different Levels of Plague Fire (Greater and Perfect) can stack debuffs... Didn't think you'd be able to get 3x Bonding, as there are 3 spots for it.
Anyone have any info/testing on this?
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
I heard it was only possible with lv 11 runestones. Or different level stones. Never worked for my btw.
So, in theory, you need a Greater, then a Level 11, and a Level 12, all on the same active Companion slot?
I'm aware that different Levels of Plague Fire (Greater and Perfect) can stack debuffs... Didn't think you'd be able to get 3x Bonding, as there are 3 spots for it.
Anyone have any info/testing on this?
I can ask the people I know who use them, I can't afford to use them anyhow, but if its an improvement, then for all you players who can, it would be good for you to know
I've been using your build for a few day's now. I haven't noticed 'lesser curse' once on the target's. Either WB curse or WC but never lesser. I did notice lesser a lot with HB. Am I missing it? Would the 5 point's be better used elsewhere?
I am damnation atm but as fury my build was 15 points in temp tree , I took hope stealer (700+LS ), vampiric sparks (its 3.9% LS not 1.5% what is schould be), and dark revelry (20%powerbuff is what you want) and skipped infernal wrath, killing curse an morderous flames (hurts a bit)
depends on if you like and use KF or not, since I normally don´t use killing flame in PVE
the build also works well in PVP, that was the main reason i went this way
The build is still evolving, but schietindebux's advice above is solid also and worth trying out!
Appreciate it.
-------- The Zhentarim Warlock's main ability, Eldritch Blast, has no cool down. The little booger just keeps being all like:
Which basically means, with Perfect Bonding Runestones having a 65% chance of proc'ing on a hit, that you have 2-3 stacks of the Bonding Runestones stat buff effect going within 3-5 seconds of a combat.
With 2x stacks you get 130% of your Companions stats, and at 3x stacks you get 195% of your Companions stats; both for 20 Seconds. So a majority of the time you have 130%/195%, which equates to a 30%/95% increase in the stats you have from your Companion (who is also doing some minor DPS/Aggroing) over anything an Augment Pet would/will give you a significant majority of the time.
Does that help a bit mi amigo?
So, use your TAB ability to apply Warlock's Curse to the bad guys dome, then hit it in the face with a Necrotic Damaging At-Will or Encounter.
Even WB does not trigger CD if you do not apply WC before
So its allways and every WC. WB. HG. WC. DT/SS...
So happy i can be lazy atm as damnation, my CD only dealt something like 10+% from overall damage, tbh I was a bad performing furylock
Over the past few weeks/months I've received a lot of questions on my Active Companion slot, and why I use the Zhentarim Warlock over an Augment Pet. After trying to explain it multiple times I realized...
So here is an update to show the stat differences, and time frames/percentages for the up time, for the Perfect Bonding Runestone on the Zhentarim Warlock.
Starting out, here is my current gear, as of 10/14:
Dragonflight, Mythic Artifacts, Legendary Artifact Gear, Rank 12s, etc... Also, currently 2k Power from the Barracks Rank 4, so the stats below take that into account.
My companion:
Rank 12 Bonding Runestones, each of the Loyal Avenger Items has a Rank 12 Azure in the Offense Slot, and a Rank 10 Darks in the Defense Slot. Eventually looking to upgrade them to 12 on the next Double RP Weekend...
However, this more focused on the Offensive Stats, though I highly recommend the Lifesteal in the Defensive slots as you'll be able to deduce it adds a great deal of Lifesteal once Bonding Runestone Procs begin.
The Talisman/Ring stats are as follows:
+652 Power
+652 Critical Strike
+435 Armor Penetration
Now the following pictures, below this, show how my Offensive Stats once the Bonding Runestones begin to proc...
Offensive Stats w/1x Proc of Bonding Runestone in effect:
Offensive Stats w/3x Proc of Bonding Runestone in effect:
Perfect Bonding Runestone
Equip: When your Companion activates a power, it has chance to grant you Companion's Gift. Companion's Gift grants you 65% of your companion's stats for 20 seconds.
Offense Slot: +560 Power
Defense Slot: +560 Defense
It's important to take into account that the key to the Zhentarim Warlock is the fact that it's base attack, Eldritch Blast, has NO cooldown. She just keeps Pew Pew Pewing away constantly. Thus she will begin within a few seconds of combat beginning.
Ok, so we're gonna do some math/timing now, and roll with me on it as I'm not a Math Maestro, so it will be written out more and not in equation form. You'll just have to forgive me this small transgression!
Mind you this was all calculated by myself, doing tests on target dummies in the Win or Lose We Booze Guild Stronghold. This means I used a stop watch, and it was done manually. Then I averaged it all together, which occurred over a total of 50 combat tests. Human error IS a mitigating factor, but I am comfortable with the following results/timeframes!
Average Time it takes to get 1 Proc of Bonding Runestone in combat: 2.97 Seconds
Average Time it takes to get 2 Proc of Bonding Runestone in combat: 4.25 Seconds
Average Time it takes to get 3 Proc of Bonding Runestone in combat: 5.62 Seconds
For round numbers, lets say:
1 Proc = 3 Seconds
2 Proc = 4.5 Seconds
3 Proc = 6 Seconds
And to completely err on the side of numbers being low on my end, we'll use the following numbers for the time break down:
1 Proc = 3 Seconds
2 Proc = 5 Seconds
3 Proc = 7 Seconds
So each Bonding Runestone stack lasts 20 seconds.
We'll take a combat averaging 30 seconds, for posterity, and/or you can use a 30 second cycle of procs for longer combats.
In a 30 Second Combat Cycle you'll have the following:
0x Proc of Bonding up a total of: 6 seconds out of 30
1x Proc of Bonding up a total of: 4 Seconds out of 30
2x Proc of Bonding up a total of: 4 Seconds out of 30
3x Proc of Bonding up a total of: 16 Seconds out of 30
The above takes into account stacks being applied and falling off.
To break it down even more, in a 30 Second Combat Cycle you'll have the following:
0% of your Companions Stats affecting you for 6 Seconds
65% of your Companions Stats affecting you for 4 Seconds
130% of your Companions Stats affecting you for 4 Seconds
195% of your Companions Stats affecting you for 16 Seconds
Which, when compared to an Augment Pet, which gives you a 100% of it's stats over 30 Seconds, you'll have over 100% of said stats for 20 Seconds of every 30 Second Cycle.
What this comes down to is that you'll have a higher Power/Crit/ArmPen for 66% of the time, equivalent to an Augment, which breaks down to having more DPS over the course of each 30 Second Cycle with the Zhentarim Warlock then w/any other Augment Pet.
So ya I did some Math-fu...
I know, I know... It's crazy. I went over the numbers with a few different people, and I'm relatively sure I'm secure in stating having a Zhentarim Warlock as your Active Companion (using Perfect Bonding Runestones!) will lead to a higher average total of stats over time (using the 30 Second Cycle exampled above) than any other current Augment Pet available in the game. Thus leading to higher DPS over all...
Thought I would comment on it here, since you going into depth on it here. I do not personally have the currency available to test bonding runestones and active companions, but something a lot of my friends use as their active is the dancing blade or jagged dancing blade. With that, I have seen more then 3 stacks of companions gift on them (7 at most on 1 occasion) and I was curious, since none of them use the warlock, is the warlock comparable?
Can you confirm which one is it?
Dancing Blade and Jagged Dancing Blade are two different Companions, both Strikers. I have a Dancing Blade for the 5% Crit Severity Bonus, don't have the Jagged, but I suppose I could PvP to get the Glory for it... However, I'd like to know first!
The Zhentarim Warlock only gives, at Max 3, though maybe I saw 4x once? Honestly not sure, certainly no more then that! So 7 is very interesting and I'd love to know more...
Just did some HEs with my level 31 Dancing Blade, and I didn't see any stacks of Bonding Runestone higher then 3x.
This was done in my Stronghold, trying AoE and single target powers, etc. Just FYI, it's probably the Jagged Dancing Blade then?
Also, his dancing blade was legendary and that might make a considerable difference as it then has access to another attack. He said it didn't matter whether you used a jagged or a regular one, only that he believed the dancing blade was the best companion to go with.
Him and a few others who follow this belief are all in the guild.."Blade Runners" with the guild name being reference to their belief in the companion.
I'm aware that different Levels of Plague Fire (Greater and Perfect) can stack debuffs... Didn't think you'd be able to get 3x Bonding, as there are 3 spots for it.
Anyone have any info/testing on this?
Still going with the Zhentarim Warlock as like the fact she can attack faster then the Blades, the range matters IMO.
Today was a good day, thank you all for sparking the additional research!