Gammertag: xsilvervikingx
Twitter: @jax2_22
Twitch Handle: xsilvervikingx
Twitch link:
How often do I stream Neverwinter? Whenever I can. Soon to be much more often.
What's my favorite thing about Neverwinter? Tanking. Not playing a guardian and running Nov to Nov poking it with a stick (or axe in my case), but actually herding from one time date to the next and allowing those glass cannons scurrying behind me to be confident that they will be ok putting the pain down on syndreths minions. Best part of it all? Only takes about 11 minutes (1117 to be exact).
Gamertag: suDnd3th
Twitch name: suDndEth
How often do you stream Neverwinter? Usually a few times a week late night NA times. If connection allows it at time.
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? PvP
Gamertag: skimbrell
Twitch name: Skimbrell11
Link to Twitch Channel:
How often do you stream Neverwinter? Every Day
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? Cannot be beat nor does it end
Hey, everyone! Thanks for putting your name into the pool. I'll have further details either later this weekend or early next week. Keep an eye out.
Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)! Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame Like Neverwinter on Facebook: Neverwinter Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
I usually stream everyday it's basically my life until I came across my heart condition that kind of put a bump in the road but I'm keep on fighting then continue on being me and streaming Neverwinter I like to be on the team on the roster
When I stream on Neverwinter I try to help the community for hints tips and tricks how to play this game more effectively and be the right build that they can be that they want to be I rarely play PvP but I do play PvP I do dungeons and tons of other stuff that you can do that cause into exploring in Neverwinter but mostly a PvE player my viewers favorite thing that they like to do in my stream when I open up lock boxes I pick out an item and I give it away to the people that's in my stream I do Microsoft giveaways also on my channel and I also have a YouTube channel that I will be added in and doing things once I get my things together cause of my condition I'm going through have a lot of footage i have to edited I'm pretty much what I like most about this game basically everything so for that being said I'm going to say thank you for opening my eyes to MMO game on xbox one thank you too perfect world and cryptic appreciate and by providing us with free stuff I love this game so much cause its always something to do so if you can and don't mind dropping a follow on Twitch TV or on Twitter or anywhere else in social media please support me and Neverwinter thank you.
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter?
My favorite thing about Neverwinter is adventure with a group of people you do know or group of people you don't know always something new you can find out in the game and the events keep you moving to get new adventures stuff that's very rare in the game from events. I like the grind of everything
looking forward to the upcoming Elemental Evil DLC! Even the little weekend boosts you get like double XP, double refinement and also the current summer festival!
Thank you and keep up the good work strumslinger!
I love the game in general, not any one thing in particular. I have to say I twitch daily of spider temple speed runs and lostmauth. I am doing weekly diamond raffles for fun and to promote myself. Always playing a cleric so if you wanna tune in feel free!
I love trying to push the limits of the game. Ever see a pirate king with less than 30 kills in total ? Fun stuff lol.
> @zachary14 said:
> My Gamertag: Double Didge
> Twitch Name:TheDoubleDidge
> Link to Twitch:
> How Often do I Stream: I have been streaming for about 2 weeks now and I stream every night from 11pm pacific time to about 5am pacific time. I've got over 120 followers in that 2 week time span.
> Whats my favorite thing about Neverwinter: I like the grind of everything and when you actually get a worthwhile drop it feels liek you have accomplished something. Still working on the horn though!
Going to go ahead and call this guy because he's not good for the community. He blatantly boot and loots people and tries to cover it up by 'saying his stream cut out randomly'.
Video 1:
This highlights the guy getting kicked successfully as a Greater Mark of Power is dropped and this streamer proceeding to say, 'Thanks buddy"
Video 2:
The video previous to 'Video 1' where the cut out is noticeable so that he can try to claim he 'didn't do it'.
Just skip to the last 30 seconds to see the actual moment.
Video 3:
This video is right after the incident showcasing his egotistical side stating, and I quote, "Welcome to Neverwinter, you know the terms and conditions of going into a Lostmauth by yourself". This line is stated at 1:45-2:00.
At 5:40 in the same video, he even admits to doing it and then claims a class is useless, which brings me to conclude he thinks he knows everything as well.
If this streamer is supported by anybody in the community, I don't see how this community can function properly. He is just a disease.
Twitch Handle: Devtrax_Gaming
Twitch (sometimes use /Devtrax)
How often do i stream Neverwinter? I stream whenever im online and on my days off.
Whats my favorite thing about neverwinter? I just love the game , i recently just got back into the mmo grind and i particularly love this one, keep it up ARC. Can't wait till mod 6
I stream for a few hours each day. I enjoy answering questions and helping others better understand their classes. My main classes that I stream are my control wizard, and my trickster rogue. I've always been big on fully understanding the different classes ever since I started MMOs over 12 years ago.
You can see how great synergy can be while running dungeons with my guildies. It's amazing how powerful a 5 man group can be when specced, and geared correctly. It's not always about gearscore.
When do I stream:
Daily from 7 pm CEST to open end
on weekends I will personaly host T2 gear giveaways(sometimes artifact equipment) from my daily runs for people watching the stream and actually can use the equipment.
More details are on my twitch channel, check it out!
Whats my favorite thing about Neverwinter:
Well honestly I dont know where to start, I like MMO in general but I love AD&D, we played and still play pen and paper AD&D and Neverwinter has all I love, Dungeons, Dragons, endless grinding, neverending possibilities to do something different today, lots of companions and mounts to collect, artifacts and and and so on...
well, I have a home in Neverwinter on Xbox One, thank you for all ARC and @strumslinger
How often do you stream Neverwinter? Mostly every evening from 4 to 9ish, or on my days off I try to stream as much as I can, mostly when I do countless runs of epic lair of lostmauth...I can pretty much run that diungeon with my eyes closed. don't get much viewers but I enjoy the few that do watch me,
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? EVERYTHING, I freaking love this game, by far the best game released on xbox one. thank you for your time and effort arc.
Sup arc forum, i dont post here often but I'm Indy, a few are already familiar with me and my stream but heres the run down
Gamertag: its indy time
Twitch name: indygoinlive
Link to my twitch:
How often do i stream: 6 days a week between 2 and 6 hours. Often this depends on how much quality time i owe my girlfriend
My favorite thing about neverwinter: the future, i love exploring all the new content and then planning and preparing for more future content, im really happy to have an mmo i can play and progress, while helping my friends and community along the way.
LGPG Leader Indy - XB1 & PS4 - GF xeV Indy - PS4 - TR Nde - XB1 - HR GT: its indy time PSN: itsindytime Twitch: indygoinlive The Kanye West of Neverwinter
GT: PhoeniixInferno Twitch name: Phoenix_Inferno Timezone: GMT Twitch channel link: The amount I stream Neverwinter depends on work and the amount that i stream other games but I'd say it averages out to 2-3 a week. One of my favourite things about NW is that it comes with a lot of content for free. It keeps it interesting unlike some MMORPG's where you have to pay for expansion packs.
Still working the tweaks out. I'll definitely post an announcement here next week.
Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)! Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame Like Neverwinter on Facebook: Neverwinter Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
How often do you stream Neverwinter? I used to stream it every morning, then I got into trying to build more followers. I can stream daily if i had the watchers. I'm on the east coast or est
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? Thats a hard question to answer, theres so many good things about it. But i like being able to help people, and the game is crazy amounts of fun.
thanks to all who watched, yesterday I had tops 11 viewers throughout the day, gonna do some giveaways soon, need to think over the "rules".
Anyways, keep watching, thanks for the dedication, btw my healer is 60 now and ready to rock, gonna do some T2s with him today, starting around 7pm CEST
I'm new to streaming so I don't know how many views I will get or for how long but I will probably get a regular stream up a few times a week.
My favourite part of Neverwinter is the grinding to get the best gear and level for your character, though I do also enjoy the constant addition of new events and features.
Xbox tag: Sniper Sonic Neverwinter tag: Rikku@Sniper Sonic Twitch Name: Sukushi Stream: 3PM EST- Whenever I am done. Monday-Friday Favorite: I like Helping out as many people as I can.
Gamertag:MvN Defiant Twitch name:Mental3860 Link to Twitch Channel: How often do you stream Neverwinter? Not a whole lot, To be honest. Want to have a reason to stream anything again. What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? The amount of time it takes to earn items. Never Winter isn't a game where you go in, level up to Max, and earn top rank items easily. It takes time to get what you want and what you need to progress in anything "Extra" in the game.
Xbox tag: tater tot 91685 Neverwinter tag: Chuck Norris Twitch: Claytiger Stream: at nights and briefly during day Favorite: NeverWinter is the best game out there yo!
Neverwinter tags: I have like 7 characters. Loki Gremory, Alucard VanHellsing, Balzhur Nagato, Katarina DuCourteu, The Doctor, Shana Shakugan, Ddraig Sekiryuu
Twitch name: LokiShinigami
Link to Twitch Channel:
How often do you stream Neverwinter? Any time I'm playing it, unless I'm feeling sick. Usually a minimum of 5 days a week.
I do work during the week, so streams usually start at 6pm Central US time and I'll stream till around 11pm. Weekends, I stream just about all day.
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? Being able to play an MMO with my Xbox Friends. But not just That, its the sense of being able to grind and feel acomplished that all my effot is working towards something. I've played lots of games over the years (been at it for 25 years). Many of which were RPGs, but it was usually solo. Neverwinter is so easy to pick up and play, it's made it easier to introduce friends to it. Some of which now enjoy RPGS when previously they never would have touched them. Combine that ease of picking up with an easy way to keep track of your progression, makes for a fun game where there is always stuff to do.
Current stream notes: Leveling all my alts to level 60 before mod 6 update. I usually play with my wife (anyone figured out how to get xbox one party chat to get into the stream?) And a few other friends when they are on.
I'm still a relatively small channel, I'm talking like less than 15 viewers was my all time high. I don't use a Cam either unfortunatly, my wife prefers to keep our privacy.
Gamertag: JadedDarkeangel Twitch name: JadedDarkeangel Link to Twitch Channel:
How often do you stream Neverwinter? daily, sometimes during the day but usually at night What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? I love my guild, PVP, PVE...ok lets just say all of it!!
One of my other guild mates also stream for Baltimore Riot Squad, so check us both out as we are relatively new streamers and would love to have a following.
UPDATE: I have talked to my other guild mates that stream and we would love to stream for you so not only will you get my point of view of the game but you will get theirs as well
Hope you guys saw the article on our news page about how this will work! I've already been popping in to many of your streams already to get a head start . You guys are amazing!
Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)! Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame Like Neverwinter on Facebook: Neverwinter Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
Do you actually converse with said streamer when you pop in?
Lately I've been seeing a lot of viewers joining my stream and none of them do anything. I talk to them, I ask opinions, I constantly talk and I get nothing out of them, not even a hello back. It's scary/creepy sometimes.
Neverwinter tag: tkimbrell
Twitch: tkimbrell
Stream: as much as possible
Favorite: MMO on console.
Twitter: @jax2_22
Twitch Handle: xsilvervikingx
Twitch link:
How often do I stream Neverwinter? Whenever I can. Soon to be much more often.
What's my favorite thing about Neverwinter? Tanking. Not playing a guardian and running Nov to Nov poking it with a stick (or axe in my case), but actually herding from one time date to the next and allowing those glass cannons scurrying behind me to be confident that they will be ok putting the pain down on syndreths minions. Best part of it all? Only takes about 11 minutes (1117 to be exact).
Twitch name: suDndEth
How often do you stream Neverwinter? Usually a few times a week late night NA times. If connection allows it at time.
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? PvP
Pyx - LvL 60 PvP AC DC Retired
XB1 GT - suDnd3th
Twitch name: Skimbrell11
Link to Twitch Channel:
How often do you stream Neverwinter? Every Day
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? Cannot be beat nor does it end
Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame
Like Neverwinter on Facebook: Neverwinter
Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
Twitch Handle: MHG_Future
Twitch link:
Twitter Handle: @MHG_Future
Youtube Future
How often do you stream Neverwinter?
I usually stream everyday it's basically my life until I came across my heart condition that kind of put a bump in the road but I'm keep on fighting then continue on being me and streaming Neverwinter I like to be on the team on the roster
When I stream on Neverwinter I try to help the community for hints tips and tricks how to play this game more effectively and be the right build that they can be that they want to be I rarely play PvP but I do play PvP I do dungeons and tons of other stuff that you can do that cause into exploring in Neverwinter but mostly a PvE player my viewers favorite thing that they like to do in my stream when I open up lock boxes I pick out an item and I give it away to the people that's in my stream I do Microsoft giveaways also on my channel and I also have a YouTube channel that I will be added in and doing things once I get my things together cause of my condition I'm going through have a lot of footage i have to edited I'm pretty much what I like most about this game basically everything so for that being said I'm going to say thank you for opening my eyes to MMO game on xbox one thank you too perfect world and cryptic appreciate and by providing us with free stuff I love this game so much cause its always something to do so if you can and don't mind dropping a follow on Twitch TV or on Twitter or anywhere else in social media please support me and Neverwinter thank you.
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter?
My favorite thing about Neverwinter is adventure with a group of people you do know or group of people you don't know always something new you can find out in the game and the events keep you moving to get new adventures stuff that's very rare in the game from events. I like the grind of everything
looking forward to the upcoming Elemental Evil DLC! Even the little weekend boosts you get like double XP, double refinement and also the current summer festival!
Thank you and keep up the good work strumslinger!
Show some Love
Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame
Like Neverwinter on Facebook:Neverwinter
Twitch ID: clay tiger
I love the game in general, not any one thing in particular. I have to say I twitch daily of spider temple speed runs and lostmauth. I am doing weekly diamond raffles for fun and to promote myself. Always playing a cleric so if you wanna tune in feel free!
I love trying to push the limits of the game. Ever see a pirate king with less than 30 kills in total ? Fun stuff lol.
Twitch Channel: An1m3Nation
I'm new to streaming so I stream 1-2 times a week
My favorite thing about neverwinter is the dungeons and combat system
> My Gamertag: Double Didge
> Twitch Name:TheDoubleDidge
> Link to Twitch:
> How Often do I Stream: I have been streaming for about 2 weeks now and I stream every night from 11pm pacific time to about 5am pacific time. I've got over 120 followers in that 2 week time span.
> Whats my favorite thing about Neverwinter: I like the grind of everything and when you actually get a worthwhile drop it feels liek you have accomplished something. Still working on the horn though!
Going to go ahead and call this guy because he's not good for the community. He blatantly boot and loots people and tries to cover it up by 'saying his stream cut out randomly'.
Video 1:
This highlights the guy getting kicked successfully as a Greater Mark of Power is dropped and this streamer proceeding to say, 'Thanks buddy"
Video 2:
The video previous to 'Video 1' where the cut out is noticeable so that he can try to claim he 'didn't do it'.
Just skip to the last 30 seconds to see the actual moment.
Video 3:
This video is right after the incident showcasing his egotistical side stating, and I quote, "Welcome to Neverwinter, you know the terms and conditions of going into a Lostmauth by yourself". This line is stated at 1:45-2:00.
At 5:40 in the same video, he even admits to doing it and then claims a class is useless, which brings me to conclude he thinks he knows everything as well.
If this streamer is supported by anybody in the community, I don't see how this community can function properly. He is just a disease.
Twitch Handle: Devtrax_Gaming
Twitch (sometimes use /Devtrax)
How often do i stream Neverwinter? I stream whenever im online and on my days off.
Whats my favorite thing about neverwinter? I just love the game , i recently just got back into the mmo grind and i particularly love this one, keep it up ARC. Can't wait till mod 6
Thrall (GWF)
WickedElm (OP)
Twitch name: killingmacheen
I stream for a few hours each day. I enjoy answering questions and helping others better understand their classes. My main classes that I stream are my control wizard, and my trickster rogue. I've always been big on fully understanding the different classes ever since I started MMOs over 12 years ago.
You can see how great synergy can be while running dungeons with my guildies. It's amazing how powerful a 5 man group can be when specced, and geared correctly. It's not always about gearscore.
Xerxes - GWF
Eazy - DC
Tyrian - TR
Twitch name: nem3sis_AUT
Timezone: CEST
Twitch channel link:
When do I stream:
Daily from 7 pm CEST to open end
on weekends I will personaly host T2 gear giveaways(sometimes artifact equipment) from my daily runs for people watching the stream and actually can use the equipment.
More details are on my twitch channel, check it out!
Whats my favorite thing about Neverwinter:
Well honestly I dont know where to start, I like MMO in general but I love AD&D, we played and still play pen and paper AD&D and Neverwinter has all I love, Dungeons, Dragons, endless grinding, neverending possibilities to do something different today, lots of companions and mounts to collect, artifacts and and and so on...
well, I have a home in Neverwinter on Xbox One, thank you for all ARC and @strumslinger
looking forward to good times with all of you
maintaining HR, DC, GWF, TR, SW, CW, OP, 4 Kids and 1 wife
Tweet me @ nem3sis_AUT
Streaming NWXbox daily @ 7PM CEST My Twitch
When is this for you? Worldtime Buddy
I miss you Boo
Just learning twitch so I will start streaming as soon as I can and usually on everyday.
Twitch Name: urlxstinkyy
Twitch Link:
How often do you stream Neverwinter?
Mostly every evening from 4 to 9ish, or on my days off I try to stream as much as I can, mostly when I do countless runs of epic lair of lostmauth...I can pretty much run that diungeon with my eyes closed. don't get much viewers but I enjoy the few that do watch me,
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter?
EVERYTHING, I freaking love this game, by far the best game released on xbox one. thank you for your time and effort arc.
Gamertag: its indy time
Twitch name: indygoinlive
Link to my twitch:
How often do i stream: 6 days a week between 2 and 6 hours. Often this depends on how much quality time i owe my girlfriend
My favorite thing about neverwinter: the future, i love exploring all the new content and then planning and preparing for more future content, im really happy to have an mmo i can play and progress, while helping my friends and community along the way.
Indy - XB1 & PS4 - GF
xeV Indy - PS4 - TR
Nde - XB1 - HR
GT: its indy time
PSN: itsindytime
Twitch: indygoinlive
The Kanye West of Neverwinter
GT: PhoeniixInferno
Twitch name: Phoenix_Inferno
Timezone: GMT
Twitch channel link:
The amount I stream Neverwinter depends on work and the amount that i stream other games but I'd say it averages out to 2-3 a week.
One of my favourite things about NW is that it comes with a lot of content for free. It keeps it interesting unlike some MMORPG's where you have to pay for expansion packs.
I stream casually throughout the week except a dedicated never winter on Thursday nights.
My favorite thing about neverwinter is the constant events and updates!!
Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame
Like Neverwinter on Facebook: Neverwinter
Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
Twitch name: Dragonfiend31
Link to Twitch Channel:
How often do you stream Neverwinter? I used to stream it every morning, then I got into trying to build more followers. I can stream daily if i had the watchers. I'm on the east coast or est
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? Thats a hard question to answer, theres so many good things about it. But i like being able to help people, and the game is crazy amounts of fun.
Anyways, keep watching, thanks for the dedication, btw my healer is 60 now and ready to rock, gonna do some T2s with him today, starting around 7pm CEST
take care and have a great one!
maintaining HR, DC, GWF, TR, SW, CW, OP, 4 Kids and 1 wife
Tweet me @ nem3sis_AUT
Streaming NWXbox daily @ 7PM CEST My Twitch
When is this for you? Worldtime Buddy
I miss you Boo
Twitch Name: ThisIsTaken2
Twitch Channel:
I'm new to streaming so I don't know how many views I will get or for how long but I will probably get a regular stream up a few times a week.
My favourite part of Neverwinter is the grinding to get the best gear and level for your character, though I do also enjoy the constant addition of new events and features.
Neverwinter tag: Rikku@Sniper Sonic
Twitch Name: Sukushi
Stream: 3PM EST- Whenever I am done. Monday-Friday
Favorite: I like Helping out as many people as I can.
Twitch name:Mental3860
Link to Twitch Channel:
How often do you stream Neverwinter? Not a whole lot, To be honest. Want to have a reason to stream anything again.
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? The amount of time it takes to earn items. Never Winter isn't a game where you go in, level up to Max, and earn top rank items easily. It takes time to
get what you want and what you need to progress in anything "Extra" in the game.
Neverwinter tag: Chuck Norris
Twitch: Claytiger
Stream: at nights and briefly during day
Favorite: NeverWinter is the best game out there yo!
Neverwinter tags:
I have like 7 characters.
Loki Gremory, Alucard VanHellsing, Balzhur Nagato, Katarina DuCourteu, The Doctor, Shana Shakugan, Ddraig Sekiryuu
Twitch name:
Link to Twitch Channel:
How often do you stream Neverwinter?
Any time I'm playing it, unless I'm feeling sick. Usually a minimum of 5 days a week.
I do work during the week, so streams usually start at 6pm Central US time and I'll stream till around 11pm. Weekends, I stream just about all day.
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter?
Being able to play an MMO with my Xbox Friends. But not just That, its the sense of being able to grind and feel acomplished that all my effot is working towards something. I've played lots of games over the years (been at it for 25 years). Many of which were RPGs, but it was usually solo. Neverwinter is so easy to pick up and play, it's made it easier to introduce friends to it. Some of which now enjoy RPGS when previously they never would have touched them. Combine that ease of picking up with an easy way to keep track of your progression, makes for a fun game where there is always stuff to do.
Current stream notes:
Leveling all my alts to level 60 before mod 6 update. I usually play with my wife (anyone figured out how to get xbox one party chat to get into the stream?) And a few other friends when they are on.
I'm still a relatively small channel, I'm talking like less than 15 viewers was my all time high. I don't use a Cam either unfortunatly, my wife prefers to keep our privacy.
Twitch name: JadedDarkeangel
Link to Twitch Channel:
How often do you stream Neverwinter? daily, sometimes during the day but usually at night
What's your favorite thing about Neverwinter? I love my guild, PVP, PVE...ok lets just say all of it!!
One of my other guild mates also stream for Baltimore Riot Squad, so check us both out as we are relatively new streamers and would love to have a following.
Watch live video from JadedDarkeangel on">Watch live video from JadedDarkeangel on
UPDATE: I have talked to my other guild mates that stream and we would love to stream for you so not only will you get my point of view of the game but you will get theirs as well
Gamertag: MNStateOfMindx
Gamertag: ktothazee
Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame
Like Neverwinter on Facebook: Neverwinter
Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
Lately I've been seeing a lot of viewers joining my stream and none of them do anything. I talk to them, I ask opinions, I constantly talk and I get nothing out of them, not even a hello back. It's scary/creepy sometimes.