Hello! There is a quest on Map The Whispering Caverns that cannot be completed by Trickster Rogue class, the quest being Brain Damage. In this quest you have to fight Illithid Brain Canisters which are immune to phisical damage. I couldn't finish this quest without the help of a team mate who had a magic based character. Hope you will resolve this issue for other players (as I could finish the quest with much help).
There is a quest on Map The Whispering Caverns that cannot be completed by Trickster Rogue class, the quest being Brain Damage. In this quest you have to fight Illithid Brain Canisters which are immune to phisical damage. I couldn't finish this quest without the help of a team mate who had a magic based character.
Hope you will resolve this issue for other players (as I could finish the quest with much help).
Thanks in advance!
Damage type doesn't matter in this game. All those quests were designed to be solo'd. There's likely some condition that you need to complete before being able to damage the cannisters. Like killing defending mobs or something.
I do remember that quest being difficult on my first (low-geared) toons, although I can't say much else. it's been a while since I've run it.
If you still have the free full respec from Elemental Evil, use it, and then distribute your points again.
If you don't have the free full respec, either contact the support, and ask them for one, or buy a respec token from the ZEN shop.
There is no general fix coming for this bug, and it looks like they are also not giving out another general free full respec to fix this without the help of the support.
Post edited by regenerde on
I do believe in killing the messenger...
Want to know why?
Because it sends a message!
theycallmetomuMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,861Arc User
I hate to sound ignorant, but what's this about a rank 4 power bug?
With the start of Elemental Evil, you could spend points into a 4th rank of a power with reaching level 65 and having enough points of course.
Then the Devs came up with a brilliant patch, and suddenly anyone that had a 4th rank power, but was not allready level 70, was stuck and had to beg the support for a full respec token or pay for a full respec token to get it fixed.
They should just issue a free full respec with every module... you can only have 1 at the time, so what is the big problem here?
I would like to see the game get back to a more solo friendly atmosphere in the campaign zones. The new patch to lower the hit points and difficulty had no real effect in Icewind Dale and I also suspect the same in WoD. Icewind Dale is still far to unmanageable for many people without being really well geared or uber dps class, even after the patch. You want people to play the game, you still need to tone down the campaign areas a bit more. Make it fun again instead of the chore you made it with mod 6. I need the Icewind Dale boons but don't have the ridiculous time needed to kill just 1 mob over there. Let alone try to get 3 quests done. All the campaign zones need toned down even more than what was done in the last patch. Especially Icewind Dale and WoD. You would have more people playing if you had a more solo friendly game.
Don't get me wrong, I like to group, just not on every dog gone thing in the game. Most of it, I like to do on my own. I think a lot of people do. Why you don't care for the solo player is beyond me but it would certainly benefit the game to get back those players who do enjoy running solo but now can't. It is nice to have a little challenge here and there but even after this last patch, it is still way to much.
Twinking in PvP is an enormous issue. If you guys introduced level requirements for artifacts at a certain rank, enchantments (this one especially, including weapon enchants). I understand that people want to level alts fast, but put a requirement for these items only when queing for pvp because what happens is there are people in almost every single match under level 40 going in with rank 7-10's and perfect weapon enchants completely annihilating everyone and can't be killed. The fix is very simple.
Also: For pvp, tenacity is good in theory but control effects last WAY too long without it. Tenacity shouldn't effect control resistance. All abilities need to have a max cap duration when in pvp. This is already in the game, as some feats and encounter state that the duration is reduced on players, however I go into pvp and am dazed and slowed for 6 seconds. That's insane. That is never okay. With or without tenacity. Tenacity really should be removed and pvp balanced out for players to ALL have the same base resistance that max tenacity would give. Without that happening, pvp is completely one sided. The matches are always like that. One team wins by a landslide and the other ends up either quiting or waiting for the match to end already because the difference is too great based only on gear. People out skill other players but stand no chance. Strongholds is a huge step in the right direction. Please look into removing tenacity and creating a standard maximum length of control effects on players. I know you can do it. It's already in the game. Make it effect ALL abilities.
It would be meaningless to fight with you now. You're too scared and ashamed. Live with the shock. Keep it bottled up inside you. Silently.
Issues I have with the game are
1: disconnection in dom pvp and you get a ban even if you get strait back in and from what i see its your end as many still get this. Lets see a time limit to get back into the game while you fix this.
2: Pvp balance is just awful worse than ever and needs a new formula to balance sides equally and a separate que for guilds who join as a group, perhaps share players out = so one who is 2300 one side and the other side gets one of = rank and share by class and armor and weapon enchant = too, it wont be that hard to do something along these line and would make the game more fun as to many games are all the well kitted people on one side and low on the other and makes for a very dull one sided game.
Another issue in pvp balance of recent is games starting with uneven player distribution ie 2 vs 5 for example. Needs a lot of attention pvp.
3: Paladins need dmg resistance toned down and made to deal a bit more damage to balance them.
4: Hunter trapper roots is able to hold you way to long you told me a while ago this would be fixed but still doesn't appear to be.
when in a party - all my party members line up across the middle of my screen - horizontally - its been this way since mod 6 came out - long time no fix - I've sent in bug reports but no response....very difficult to pvp with a whole mess of party members and their buffs filling up mid screen - I have friends with the same issue....
PVP Leaderboard - seriously - its been messed up for - idk 6 months? more? why is this not a top priority? seeing 0 and 1 scrubs with 0 kills and 15 deaths on page one is ....just....wow
those are my two main....glaring....long existing and most annoying issues...
theres TONS of bugs - I would like to see an overall change in the way you all decide when something is ready to go live.....seems like you are rushing everything way too much....
and the two above items I listed - are MAJOR and have been there SO long - every day that you dont address it is like a big middle finger in our faces honestly....the only thing we see you putting effort into is things that immediately affect income - please remember that overall quality also affects income via reputation and therefore market share....
1. Difficulty is still an issue
2. XP gain and XP needed for the overflow also
3. and don't get me started on bugs...
4. also add crashes and freezes from Strongholds to this.
And no, my SSHD are just fine, there are no "corrupted" sectors there... i check them on a weekly basis, and the same goes for updates for drivers, Win 7 and any other software.
And i have no issues with SkyForge, Rift, TERA, AION, LotRo, SWtoR, The Secret World, Guild Wars 2, WildStar, FireFall, ArcheAge, Trove, DeFiance and several other games!
If there would be something wrong on my end, don't you think that those games would show some kind of issues too?!
Post edited by regenerde on
I do believe in killing the messenger...
Want to know why?
Because it sends a message!
theycallmetomuMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,861Arc User
I'm getting really tired of having to spend so much time just ot manage my powers. As a CW, if my team decides "Hey, let's go fight beholders!" I have to spend a good minute swapping my control/AOE powers out for ranged damage powers, and then when we go do a fight with lots of smaller non-control immune enemies, I have to swap them out again.
I'm definitely not the first to ask for such a thing, but such power tray options are pretty standard in MMOs aren't they? Running content is getting really frustrating without this option.
4: Hunter trapper roots is able to hold you way to long you told me a while ago this would be fixed but still doesn't appear to be.
The roots don't hold very long, but with feats and boons, they can be extended. I can only root a player for about 2 seconds, but I'm not spec'd for pvp.
Over the past month (since some recent patch) picking things up or triggering actions with F has been much more difficult. You have to stand in just the right place, at the right angle, to trigger the map at a door, or to pick up an object, I've had to run over it multiple times looking for the dialog box to pick it up. Did the devs do something 'anti-botter' that is now affecting the rest of us? This needs to be fixed, I'm tired of spending more time trying to pick something up than I did killing the monster that dropped it.
Theycallmetomu, i know switching skills are just as bad as Guild Wars, in some areas, different mobs with different types, and you have to find right combo each time we go, and i got sick of it.
with NW, we only have 3 attacks to pick.
when i play my tank, i use my favorites while soloing, but with groups, i have to change with taunts and that mean less damages to deal, sometimes i am afreaid of using the taunts and i often get sudden death one-shot.
often i am helpless when i have shield up, and if i need to use fresh attacks, it mean instant deaths when i have to lower my shields in order to attack or drink potion.
devs took out tank's main ability to survive, In-combat regeneration as they made mobs hit harder and being outflanked, and very slow to run with groups. seem the devs want to punish players and mobs get better treatments.
i need getting ripped off when my stroghold encounters give me 20 influence instead of 150 and i never make that 400 cap.
2. grouping system that allows more people. maybe a raid option.
3. zen exchange. i have literally had 1million ad there waiting for zen for over 2 weeks and not 1 zen was bought. something has to be done to fix this.
ZAX is working fine, i got 5k ZEN without any problems a few days ago, and right now waiting for another 1k ZEN to come through... probably in two or three days.
Guardian Fighters take too much damage through their shield's. 20% is far too high. 5% - 10% is much more reasonable or 100% block with slightly faster stamina drain for blocking. There are encounters and feats to help with the faster stamina drain if the second option is taken, so Guardian Fighters can still effectively keep their stamina well sustained. Also quite a few other classes increase party stamina recover as well so it would work hand in hand with the party working as a team to ensure the tank doesn't get their stamina completely drained since everyone is pitching it to ensure the GF doesn't stay overwhelmed. TR's can daze to give GF time to recover stamina, CW's can stun critters, DC's can heal, HR's can increase stamina regen for party with a daily they have, SW's can help with healing/buff/debuff. There's ways to make 100% block with faster stamina drain work. The simple solution though is just a reduction in the percent that goes through block. Honestly 5-10 is totally reasonable and it still ensure's that a healer is needed since GF's cannot heal effectively except for one daily (which if they are going full tank, their damage is low so heal amount is low as a result) and one feature which recovers a large amount of HP one time when you drop to low health (which has a long enough cool-down for it to happen again. Protection Paladins take far less damage and have replaced Guardian Fighters as tanks, despite the assurance from the devs during the live stream of the paladin. It was clearly stated that Paladins would not replace the Cleric or Guardian Fighter classes. While that stays true for the Cleric class, it does not stay true for the Guardian Fighter class.
It would be meaningless to fight with you now. You're too scared and ashamed. Live with the shock. Keep it bottled up inside you. Silently.
I'm getting really tired of having to spend so much time just ot manage my powers. As a CW, if my team decides "Hey, let's go fight beholders!" I have to spend a good minute swapping my control/AOE powers out for ranged damage powers, and then when we go do a fight with lots of smaller non-control immune enemies, I have to swap them out again.
I'm definitely not the first to ask for such a thing, but such power tray options are pretty standard in MMOs aren't they? Running content is getting really frustrating without this option.
As a CW, you need to learn to switch powers on the fly - I do it all the time, whether it be in dungeons, middle of a heroic, etc. It's the joy of being a CW - versatility. It's not difficult, learn where the powers are on the page, you can auto run and quickly swap.
Incomplete Teams at the Beginning of Domination
Why is it that people are still being placed in incomplete teams at the beginning of the match? This is still persisting despite the recent "fix".
When people decline the offer of a Domination match, the match goes ahead anyway, and you are left without finding a replacement for those players.
This really is making Domination a joke.
Broken leaderboard
The leaderboard is more broken than ever. It doesn't display correctly according to Kill/Death/Assist Win/Loss ratios. I don't understand it.
No more reinforcements will be found for your party
No more reinforcements will be found for your party when in Dungeons if people leave voluntarily. This makes it pointless for those people who stay in the party, persisting through it. Why penalize them?
The "No more reinforcements" should only be used if people are kicked from the party. Not if they leave or are disconnected and cannot return.
Are they connected?
I think perhaps the Domination matchfinding and "No more reinforcements" bug might be linked. They both appeared with the recent fixes that were made at the beginning of Mod 7.
Please please fix these bugs! They are ruining the game even further. And I don't even understand why these concerns are not being addressed to us? It is like we are speaking to no-one.
when in a party - all my party members line up across the middle of my screen - horizontally - its been this way since mod 6 came out - long time no fix - I've sent in bug reports but no response....very difficult to pvp with a whole mess of party members and their buffs filling up mid screen - I have friends with the same issue....
I think you can arrange this in the Rearrange HUD button when you press escape. Just drag the team status green area to be vertical.
1. Enemies T1 and T2 dungeons deal WAY too much damage. As a tank class, I can easily get one shotted by simple mooks. Their damage needs to be halved or quartered and they'll still be hitting like howitzers and incredibly challenging.
2. XP requirements to hit level 70 and overload XP are way too high. Even after the updates to levelling, people are still finishing all four elemental evil zones by level 67, nowhere close to level 70. And getting those much-needed power points for paladins is nearly impossible.
3. PVP is completely unbalanced. I don't even know where to begin here it's just.... bad.
Hello, and thank you for this opportunity to provide feedback. Here are the top 3 things that would make NeverWinter more fun:
1) Less Repetition, more creativity. This grind-fest has become ridiculous! I mean, I would rather build my stronghold block-by-block than farm the same Heroic Encounters and quests for years. (And it will take years to even see a rank 8 guild hall) At least mining the stone and placing the blocks would feel more creative and satisfying...
The Foundry isn't the creative outlet we wish it could be because the rewards given out are so limited, and I know I'll never find awesome loot in a Foundry. Send us on Stronghold tasks that provide a noticeable change a little sooner, cause right now the Build costs are outside the realm of reality for us. I'd love to have more exploring and problem solving and a little less grind-fest. (even though Neverwinter's Dynamic Combat system is fun, and may be the only reason I'm still addicted to this game!)
Some Stronghold quest suggestions: A) If you clear all the monsters out of a structure and your guild has enough influence (workers), the structure will produce for a while, until the monsters come back. Periodic raids you need to guard the various gates of the stronghold and the guards help more if you recently told them to shape up instead of sleeping. C) recruiting legendary craftspeople to live in your stronghold, who could mentor your personal craftspeople on special recipes / techniques! I would love to find quirky quests all over the zones to recruit wierdos to live in the stronghold! This would give each Stronghold its own character, I feel.
2) More support for small Guilds. Our guild has 80 people, but only about 10 level 70s that are active, and getting even 5 online at once takes a rare alignment of stars... Currently small guilds are totally unable to even start the Dragon Encounter and it is quite frustrating. I also fear we'll never have 20 people for a full PVP. A 5v5 guild pvp or capture - the - flag might be fun.
3) Make Crafting relevant, with more flexibility! It sure would be nice to create Legendary gear to sell! Or be able to "upgrade" any gear to artifact quality, so that purple necklace / belt is worth something again, and we can customize our stats better... Currently Artifacts are the only way to go, and I'm super disappointed whenever I roll up a purple non-artifact necklace/belt... The current things I can craft at level 25 Plate smith and Mail smith are armor kits and underwear... Yawn. I would think a "Legendary" smith could make a helmet or bracers worth wearing! Maybe I'm missing something? I should have to kill air elementals for materials to make +recovery gear, and Earth Elementals for +HP gear materials, etc.
Essentially, I love your game, and I see a ton of potential. If all I can do is grind, I will have to quit. There has to be an element of creativity and camraderie.
schweifer1982Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,662Arc User
I am half happy half sad.
-GWF have still an issue with the determination stuck bug. -Smal guild have to hard life in NWO. -6 dungeons we have. Huge issue and the most hard dungeons are not worth to run. -Guild pvp need to be at least 10 vs 10 . -But DR bug was fixed dungeons are far better .
blazious11Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 331Arc User
Going back to campaign areas is really boring. Most people hate dailies, and glad that after they get the boons, they are over with them. But now we need it for Strongholds. Also influence grinding is boring too. I have to do it for 1-2 hours with my alts, to get some progression and help the guild, but it's really not fun. Even the most dedicated players will get tired of it, it's like a work I have to do, not playing. Some epic HE-s are better, and have some fun random equipment, but that's all. Even the influence is bugged for major and epic HE-s.
Please put vouchers as rewards for HE-s. Green to minor, blue to major, purple to epic. Also, you could put them to dungeon chests - green to skirmish, blue to T1, purple to T2. That way we could get the Stronghold materials by playing the game, not by grinding for dailies. This repetative content will be the downfall for NWO sooner or later. In the legit channel, one thing I see every day at some time, that people want back the dungeons. Please make it happen. TY
My story is truly a grand tale! Of course, any story about me is going to be grand simply by virtue of the main character.
This thread is incredibly long already. Sorry if I didn't read every message. I have seen many report issues that have been worked on since the thread started so it really gives me hope that things are progressing in the right direction. I have two suggestions that many I have played with will agree upon that I did not see (although I may have missed it).
First- Most of the hardcore pvpers that spend quite a bit of actual $$ would really like more than 2 domination maps. We have had two since beta and that does not seem like most developers know that domination is where the serious pvpers set up premade matches. Icewind Dale was nice, but due to companions, lack of limits on teams, its really just mayhem. Many pvp guilds do practice there. So that is nice.
Second- PVE has been reduced not increased. The dungeons that were T1's were really well designed, and so were many of the T2's. They should not have been removed. If developing new T1's and T2's are too time consuming with the push for new modules, could they at least have added areas to the ones that were removed? Maybe variations on the final boss? Removing several dungeons and then making the new T2's almost unplayable unless you have extremely high value gear regardless of class composition is a bit frustrating. I know that prior to the latest mod, the dungeons became too easy to just "nuke" run, but the changes have made it so tanks can't even survive single hits from even some mobs, let along mini bosses and end bosses.
I know there are many other areas the community can offer up as suggestion or talk about bugs, but I have seen some progress. I also noticed that many of the forum moderators do their best to relay what they can to the developers and filter the complaints that really do not offer constructive criticism. Cheers to them, I don't know if I could handle soo much negativity.
Thanks for providing me with some hope, I have been invested in this game too long to leave it and I have aquired some great friends in both the pve and pvp community.
The Devs could use the same difficulty from the Stronghold map for the Sharandar and Dread Ring campaign areas. That would help a lot of players to gear up.
You want feedback? here's some feedback, fix the damn game, for the last week I've spent way more time being disconnected from server than I have been playing, I've flushed my dns and quite simply put its not on my end, fix it, fix it, fix it, fix the damn game already!!!
feanor70118Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,170Arc User
1) Fix the interaction bug with Elven Battle. As much as people complain about HR perma-daze, you'd think that the enchantment which exists specifically to counter it should not make a player more vulnerable to HR powers. According the thread I started in PVP Discussion, it also allows avalance to multi-proc against and CC immune target. This has been going on for MONTHS, been reported to you many times, and has not been addressed. 2) Balance all the difference weaon and armor enhancements. There is no reason that feytouched+negation should be the bext pvp combination for every class. Briartwine, Bronzewood, Plaguefire and all the rest should be just as useful and they are NOT. 3) Get rid of premade groups queuing for pvp. Now that there's guild vs. guild pvp there's no good reason to have premades ruining everyone else's time in Gauntlgrym and domination. 4) Get rid of the animation for negation enchantments. It screws up the player's HUD, is distracting, and serves no good purpose. 5) Seriously debuff the blue dragon in the SH and any other that has AoE attacks that do over one million (or multiple millions) of damage. I thought you'd have learned from the overwhelmingly negative reaction to Mod 6 that players DO NOT LIKE BEING CONSTANTLY, POINTLESSLY, UNAVOIDABLY ONE-SHOTTED. You have finally done this with Tiamat, so we know you know how to do it in the SH. Please, please, please help it find a passage through your abnormally impermeable crania. 6) Just stop letting TRs, GWFs and OPs ruin pvp for everyone else. Hordes of players have been asking for this and the response has uniformly been something to the effect that a simple debuff request will be ignored. Well, apparently so will hundreds of them. Stop ignoring your player base and make a sincere effort to balance pvp. 7) the HR class needs a rethink like TR got for mod 5. However, HR perma-daze is no more obnoxious than unkillable paladins, TRs doing massive damage from perma- (or near perma-) stealth, GF one-rotation kills, and the utterly absurd ranged, aoe and control powers given to GWF that are completely at odds with the class' character, and all those things should be fixed too. Right now HRs do about one third the damage they should be doing. This has been true since the launch of mod 6 and shows no sign of being addressed. 8) SWs also need to be brought back to usefulness in pvp. 9) Fix the first invocation of the day. It is frustrating to have to wait 30 seconds, hop around, check professions and otherwise try to break whatever code it is that will, after as many as ten attempts, finally let a character invoke its god when one logs in. This was not a problem before mod 7 and should not be one at all. 10) Unbind the refinement items that come from invocation. Players shouldn't have to deal with their alts' inventories filling up with marginally useful items that they can't get rid of until those alts are sent something else to refine.
There is a quest on Map The Whispering Caverns that cannot be completed by Trickster Rogue class, the quest being Brain Damage. In this quest you have to fight Illithid Brain Canisters which are immune to phisical damage. I couldn't finish this quest without the help of a team mate who had a magic based character.
Hope you will resolve this issue for other players (as I could finish the quest with much help).
Thanks in advance!
Damage type doesn't matter in this game. All those quests were designed to be solo'd. There's likely some condition that you need to complete before being able to damage the cannisters. Like killing defending mobs or something.
I do remember that quest being difficult on my first (low-geared) toons, although I can't say much else. it's been a while since I've run it.
If you don't have the free full respec, either contact the support, and ask them for one, or buy a respec token from the ZEN shop.
There is no general fix coming for this bug, and it looks like they are also not giving out another general free full respec to fix this without the help of the support.
Then the Devs came up with a brilliant patch, and suddenly anyone that had a 4th rank power, but was not allready level 70, was stuck and had to beg the support for a full respec token or pay for a full respec token to get it fixed.
They should just issue a free full respec with every module... you can only have 1 at the time, so what is the big problem here?
Don't get me wrong, I like to group, just not on every dog gone thing in the game. Most of it, I like to do on my own. I think a lot of people do. Why you don't care for the solo player is beyond me but it would certainly benefit the game to get back those players who do enjoy running solo but now can't. It is nice to have a little challenge here and there but even after this last patch, it is still way to much.
Also: For pvp, tenacity is good in theory but control effects last WAY too long without it. Tenacity shouldn't effect control resistance. All abilities need to have a max cap duration when in pvp. This is already in the game, as some feats and encounter state that the duration is reduced on players, however I go into pvp and am dazed and slowed for 6 seconds. That's insane. That is never okay. With or without tenacity. Tenacity really should be removed and pvp balanced out for players to ALL have the same base resistance that max tenacity would give. Without that happening, pvp is completely one sided. The matches are always like that. One team wins by a landslide and the other ends up either quiting or waiting for the match to end already because the difference is too great based only on gear. People out skill other players but stand no chance. Strongholds is a huge step in the right direction. Please look into removing tenacity and creating a standard maximum length of control effects on players. I know you can do it. It's already in the game. Make it effect ALL abilities.
1: disconnection in dom pvp and you get a ban even if you get strait back in and from what i see its your end as many still get this. Lets see a time limit to get back into the game while you fix this.
2: Pvp balance is just awful worse than ever and needs a new formula to balance sides equally and a separate que for guilds who join as a group, perhaps share players out = so one who is 2300 one side and the other side gets one of = rank and share by class and armor and weapon enchant = too, it wont be that hard to do something along these line and would make the game more fun as to many games are all the well kitted people on one side and low on the other and makes for a very dull one sided game.
Another issue in pvp balance of recent is games starting with uneven player distribution ie 2 vs 5 for example. Needs a lot of attention pvp.
3: Paladins need dmg resistance toned down and made to deal a bit more damage to balance them.
4: Hunter trapper roots is able to hold you way to long you told me a while ago this would be fixed but still doesn't appear to be.
PVP Leaderboard - seriously - its been messed up for - idk 6 months? more? why is this not a top priority? seeing 0 and 1 scrubs with 0 kills and 15 deaths on page one is ....just....wow
those are my two main....glaring....long existing and most annoying issues...
theres TONS of bugs - I would like to see an overall change in the way you all decide when something is ready to go live.....seems like you are rushing everything way too much....
and the two above items I listed - are MAJOR and have been there SO long - every day that you dont address it is like a big middle finger in our faces honestly....the only thing we see you putting effort into is things that immediately affect income - please remember that overall quality also affects income via reputation and therefore market share....
[Edited out link to picture due to privacy reasons. Please block your email address out of it. Thanks.]
2. XP gain and XP needed for the overflow also
3. and don't get me started on bugs...
4. also add crashes and freezes from Strongholds to this.
And no, my SSHD are just fine, there are no "corrupted" sectors there... i check them on a weekly basis, and the same goes for updates for drivers, Win 7 and any other software.
And i have no issues with SkyForge, Rift, TERA, AION, LotRo, SWtoR, The Secret World, Guild Wars 2, WildStar, FireFall, ArcheAge, Trove, DeFiance and several other games!
If there would be something wrong on my end, don't you think that those games would show some kind of issues too?!
I'm definitely not the first to ask for such a thing, but such power tray options are pretty standard in MMOs aren't they? Running content is getting really frustrating without this option.
The roots don't hold very long, but with feats and boons, they can be extended. I can only root a player for about 2 seconds, but I'm not spec'd for pvp.
Over the past month (since some recent patch) picking things up or triggering actions with F has been much more difficult. You have to stand in just the right place, at the right angle, to trigger the map at a door, or to pick up an object, I've had to run over it multiple times looking for the dialog box to pick it up. Did the devs do something 'anti-botter' that is now affecting the rest of us? This needs to be fixed, I'm tired of spending more time trying to pick something up than I did killing the monster that dropped it.
with NW, we only have 3 attacks to pick.
when i play my tank, i use my favorites while soloing, but with groups, i have to change with taunts and that mean less damages to deal, sometimes i am afreaid of using the taunts and i often get sudden death one-shot.
often i am helpless when i have shield up, and if i need to use fresh attacks, it mean instant deaths when i have to lower my shields in order to attack or drink potion.
devs took out tank's main ability to survive, In-combat regeneration as they made mobs hit harder and being outflanked, and very slow to run with groups. seem the devs want to punish players and mobs get better treatments.
i need getting ripped off when my stroghold encounters give me 20 influence instead of 150 and i never make that 400 cap.
2. grouping system that allows more people. maybe a raid option.
3. zen exchange. i have literally had 1million ad there waiting for zen for over 2 weeks and not 1 zen was bought. something has to be done to fix this.
As a CW, you need to learn to switch powers on the fly - I do it all the time, whether it be in dungeons, middle of a heroic, etc. It's the joy of being a CW - versatility. It's not difficult, learn where the powers are on the page, you can auto run and quickly swap.
Why is it that people are still being placed in incomplete teams at the beginning of the match? This is still persisting despite the recent "fix".
When people decline the offer of a Domination match, the match goes ahead anyway, and you are left without finding a replacement for those players.
This really is making Domination a joke.
Broken leaderboard
The leaderboard is more broken than ever. It doesn't display correctly according to Kill/Death/Assist Win/Loss ratios. I don't understand it.
No more reinforcements will be found for your party
No more reinforcements will be found for your party when in Dungeons if people leave voluntarily. This makes it pointless for those people who stay in the party, persisting through it. Why penalize them?
The "No more reinforcements" should only be used if people are kicked from the party. Not if they leave or are disconnected and cannot return.
Are they connected?
I think perhaps the Domination matchfinding and "No more reinforcements" bug might be linked. They both appeared with the recent fixes that were made at the beginning of Mod 7.
Please please fix these bugs! They are ruining the game even further. And I don't even understand why these concerns are not being addressed to us? It is like we are speaking to no-one.
I think you can arrange this in the Rearrange HUD button when you press escape. Just drag the team status green area to be vertical.
2. XP requirements to hit level 70 and overload XP are way too high. Even after the updates to levelling, people are still finishing all four elemental evil zones by level 67, nowhere close to level 70. And getting those much-needed power points for paladins is nearly impossible.
3. PVP is completely unbalanced. I don't even know where to begin here it's just.... bad.
1) Less Repetition, more creativity. This grind-fest has become ridiculous! I mean, I would rather build my stronghold block-by-block than farm the same Heroic Encounters and quests for years. (And it will take years to even see a rank 8 guild hall) At least mining the stone and placing the blocks would feel more creative and satisfying...
The Foundry isn't the creative outlet we wish it could be because the rewards given out are so limited, and I know I'll never find awesome loot in a Foundry. Send us on Stronghold tasks that provide a noticeable change a little sooner, cause right now the Build costs are outside the realm of reality for us. I'd love to have more exploring and problem solving and a little less grind-fest. (even though Neverwinter's Dynamic Combat system is fun, and may be the only reason I'm still addicted to this game!)
Some Stronghold quest suggestions: A) If you clear all the monsters out of a structure and your guild has enough influence (workers), the structure will produce for a while, until the monsters come back.
2) More support for small Guilds. Our guild has 80 people, but only about 10 level 70s that are active, and getting even 5 online at once takes a rare alignment of stars... Currently small guilds are totally unable to even start the Dragon Encounter and it is quite frustrating. I also fear we'll never have 20 people for a full PVP. A 5v5 guild pvp or capture - the - flag might be fun.
3) Make Crafting relevant, with more flexibility! It sure would be nice to create Legendary gear to sell! Or be able to "upgrade" any gear to artifact quality, so that purple necklace / belt is worth something again, and we can customize our stats better... Currently Artifacts are the only way to go, and I'm super disappointed whenever I roll up a purple non-artifact necklace/belt... The current things I can craft at level 25 Plate smith and Mail smith are armor kits and underwear... Yawn. I would think a "Legendary" smith could make a helmet or bracers worth wearing! Maybe I'm missing something? I should have to kill air elementals for materials to make +recovery gear, and Earth Elementals for +HP gear materials, etc.
Essentially, I love your game, and I see a ton of potential. If all I can do is grind, I will have to quit. There has to be an element of creativity and camraderie.
Thanks for reading this, if you did.
-Beverly(70 GWF)
_Lys(64 DC)
_Lokah Samasta(63 CW)
_ILI(60 HR)
_Camo(49 TR)
_Old Gregg(41 GF)
_Una(46 SW)
_Constatine(70 OP)
-GWF have still an issue with the determination stuck bug.
-Smal guild have to hard life in NWO.
-6 dungeons we have. Huge issue and the most hard dungeons are not worth to run.
-Guild pvp need to be at least 10 vs 10 .
-But DR bug was fixed dungeons are far better .
Also influence grinding is boring too. I have to do it for 1-2 hours with my alts, to get some progression and help the guild, but it's really not fun. Even the most dedicated players will get tired of it, it's like a work I have to do, not playing. Some epic HE-s are better, and have some fun random equipment, but that's all. Even the influence is bugged for major and epic HE-s.
Please put vouchers as rewards for HE-s. Green to minor, blue to major, purple to epic. Also, you could put them to dungeon chests - green to skirmish, blue to T1, purple to T2. That way we could get the Stronghold materials by playing the game, not by grinding for dailies. This repetative content will be the downfall for NWO sooner or later.
In the legit channel, one thing I see every day at some time, that people want back the dungeons. Please make it happen. TY
First- Most of the hardcore pvpers that spend quite a bit of actual $$ would really like more than 2 domination maps. We have had two since beta and that does not seem like most developers know that domination is where the serious pvpers set up premade matches. Icewind Dale was nice, but due to companions, lack of limits on teams, its really just mayhem. Many pvp guilds do practice there. So that is nice.
Second- PVE has been reduced not increased. The dungeons that were T1's were really well designed, and so were many of the T2's. They should not have been removed. If developing new T1's and T2's are too time consuming with the push for new modules, could they at least have added areas to the ones that were removed? Maybe variations on the final boss? Removing several dungeons and then making the new T2's almost unplayable unless you have extremely high value gear regardless of class composition is a bit frustrating. I know that prior to the latest mod, the dungeons became too easy to just "nuke" run, but the changes have made it so tanks can't even survive single hits from even some mobs, let along mini bosses and end bosses.
I know there are many other areas the community can offer up as suggestion or talk about bugs, but I have seen some progress. I also noticed that many of the forum moderators do their best to relay what they can to the developers and filter the complaints that really do not offer constructive criticism. Cheers to them, I don't know if I could handle soo much negativity.
Thanks for providing me with some hope, I have been invested in this game too long to leave it and I have aquired some great friends in both the pve and pvp community.
That would help a lot of players to gear up.