Is there something what could be done against perma stealth? I think there should be something to counter this. As a cleric or other there should be a power you can use to see all stealth people. So you can counter it.
I think: The way perma stealth is implemented is unfair. You can only stand there and wait until you are dead - you even can't do anything against it.
Perma Stealth cant out dps a clerics heals (unless they suck) and AoE's or lucky hits knock off 15% of the TR's stealth bar on each hit.
Also AoE CC's are the best as they effect TR's in perma stealth and can easily screw up our rotations.
That ice floor CW Encounter and the HR roots work best.
Or try a Lantern of Revelations.
Wait till you fight me
Your right though, most perma stealths hit like a bag of salad. They're good at holding points but it takes forever to kill anyone.
most of them yes. and they hide more because they cant hurt you, the ones that bite in stealth aren't easy
Easier said than done for sure... But ya, don't be discouraged. Just don't expect to win most 1v1's vs rogues, because I can't recall any mmo really where rogues didn't excel 1v1. If you're good and the right class though, you can definitely compete.
Don't even bother with ice floor HAMSTER, its garbage. Just stick to high dps single target encounters that CONTROL. You need to blow him up outside of his ITC and stealth meter.
Icy Terrain is only garbage if you're one of the useless MoF CWs. Between Icy Terrain and Storm Pillar (along with Oppressive Force once they finally fix it so it stops crashing games) you'll make a TR vacate a node very quickly.
You'll never force any halfway decent TR out of stealth using the single target skills you're raving about
Lykopis - GWF
Embrace the cashgrab
Lykopis - GWF
Embrace the cashgrab