This is a serious discussion....
We all know that Neverwinter is a developing game, BUT is what we're seeing what happened in the PC version?
What I mean is, are these bugs/faults we're seeing happened in PC, or due to the evolution and port to Xbox One; these problems have popped up?
If these problems existed on PC, then how come we're having them on this? Did the Devs bring out the same buggy game that they had on PC which eventually they patched, rather than porting the patch version?
This is not a flame thread, just trying to understand the route the Devs took to bring NW to XB1
Erdan Darksbane - Lvl 60 Soulbinder Fury SW
BamBam - Lvl 30 GWF
Trevok - Lvl 30 GF
Wil - Lvl 25 TR (PvP)
We have all the patches/fixes and class balance through Tiamat that are on PC. In my opinion, we have the best version that existed on PC (minus the missing Mods). Some problems are from the port, some from a different mentality of the player base, and some are simply things that some players consider problems, but the developers do not (perma-stealth TR).
Maybe you can do better than the OP who has failed to reply. Any specific examples of this known bugged content? I really want to know. I've only seen speculation about 2, and one was clearly false (bags of renown, claims it that was previously bugged during prior events on PC, it was not. Only the recent event there, too.) and one that might be true (metallic dragonborn). Maybe these so-called known bugs are just things I don't notice, because I've come to accept them.
The bugs I see often and have reported have been specific to the Xbox version, or patches to same. Things that did work on the PC version, but broke when ported.
It is a slightly older port than the current PC version, but the current PC version has more issues than I can list. As I said in my reply to the OP, I believe we have the best version that existed on PC except for the missing mods/boons.
1) lag on Well Of Dragon when certain class use specific skill (I.e. Astral Shield or Hollow Ground For DC)
2) Crash in ToT when using some skills
That's frustrating couse someone blames complain saying "it's a free game" but everyone spend at least 15/30 $ in game and the devs seems not only without an idea to solve problems, but also don't care the players difficulties.
i think this game will turn in a "money maker" title that will live for 4 month along... then dies due to bugs and problems.
I hope that this don't appens but... The reality of thing is that every time they try to fix something, they broke another 2 things without solving anything.
It's Like my car that every time i adjust a thing, 3 new problems pop up...
what Bugs do you have?
Finally, some specifics.
1. Did not happen. You are reading about problems in TOT that were caused by the combination of DC skills combined with Burning Guidance in TOT, not WOG. BG is a boon not available on Xbox. Therefore, not the same issue. The current Xbox lag issues with some skills is in PVP and dungeons, this did not occur on the PC version. It only happened here after a repair patch. This issue is specific to Xbox and is one of the reasons TOT was delayed for an extra week.
2. We do not yet have TOT. How do you know that there will be a crash with some skills? ESP? As stated above, we don't have Burning Guidance for clerics, so the bug from PC cannot carry over.
This shows my concern. Players are misunderstanding problems that they have read about, yet not experienced and thinking bugs were ported over. No doubt there are problems and issues yet to be resolved, but the claims that bugs were ported over intentionally has not been demonstrated.
Here's some unsolicited advice. Although much of the increased freezing seems to be related to the patch to reduce freezing, the number of people in a dragon instance can contribute even more. As long as you are in an instance with 30 or fewer players, it is only during the fight that I see much lag. I suggest checking the population of your instance about a minute before the Heralds event start, if 25-30 stay (unless you got an "inviter in your instance). If 31 or higher, or someone in your instance is inviting people in, bail. Join an instance with 28 or 29. Might help you, can't hurt.
Second point, you may already know, but if cloaks are your goal you want to run the non-dragon HEs at the dragon circles. Dragons don't drop cloaks, only belts.
As far as numbers, I tried this yesterday with going to an instance with 6 or 10 people in the instance at :42 or so, and then after a bit there was a full server of 30 or 40 or what have you.... That appears to be a problem of not balancing instances properly (some have 40 some have 5) but maybe instead is not enough instances for the number of players (people flood to WoD when they notice it's 14 or 12 to the hour and they all end up having 30-40 players all doing the dragon zerg run in each instance.) Maybe it's just all an issue of no test server, too many players for the servers that are frequently having to have maintenance on them, and maybe that's combined with not-quite-right PC code straight moved over. Yet if your only QA is test servers that the XB One doesn't have, and what console players expect versus PC players makes things more complicated... You have to know what's causing the issues and care about those issues first in order to want to try and go about fixing them.
This is why without specific questions on specific things it's difficult to give an answer, we just ramble around wondering about it all.
Wrong on all counts, when there are issues with a game it IS up to the devs to sort!
Sure, OK.
/Inb4 "omg devs wtf!? me an ma budz zerged the drags hardcore, like 40 of us smashed 'em in 4 mins flat... then we hit the portal and didn't get put in the same Tiamat fight!?!!! Omg fix it now!!"
Riddle me this, If the company has realized that certain classes need more balancing work (PC version have released multiple nerfs/buffs over the course since release) then why are they holding those tweaks back from the console version? They already KNOW that the GWF is severely lacking compared to the other classes, through extensive testing on the PC. They already KNOW that the TR's shadow demise isn't balanced. Don't get me started on the plague fire glitch.
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