As it is, regeneration is worthless. It should either scaling in a better way or just do something more like increase the duration os possitive buffs by "X" %.
Yep, good idea mate, more so since many PVP armors "sets" feature regenaration, but currently it looks useless on a melee char. Only my TR can benfit a bit from it, cause she can run away and wait a bit till her regen procs and she can find a potion, but on the other hand i needed way more regen on her, which made her lose out on the offensive stats.
The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
The difference between no regen and a little regen is huge.
With 1000 regen, I no longer have to summon a healer companion between (pve) battles.
My augment companion stays summoned at all times.
Regeneration is stacked on healers mainly, and low dps tanks. 3k regeneration/4k regeneration is easy to achieve and adds a 10% more healing, which sums up with other healing buffs from feats/ boons.
In PvE, where there is no healing depression, this makes some difference.
In PvP, tanks cannot heal from life steal (low damage). HP pots are not good either. The ToB ones heal for a puny amount of HP. The map pots are not always there, so what do you do if you can't find it.
Regeneration heals you fast while running from a node to another. More than PvP potions. And is always there, unlike map potions.
The concept is right. Players should rely on healer to heal in combat. Life steal is the way to buff survivability on DPS but is not reliable.
Out of combat, it's regenerations cause it works better than potions. And buffs all you heals an incoming heals from DCs/ Paladins.
When I had zero regen, I thought the same thing ... Regen is useless.
After I got some regen, I changed my mind.
The healing outside combat is very nice. Get a little regen and try it.
I either kill everything without dying or i dont. Any stat which doesnt help me directly in combat is useless. I'll take 3 power or critical strike over 3k regeneration any day.
lirithielMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,482Arc User
%10 incoming healing is bad you say.I have 120k HP in my GF which is still a little bit low because I stacked azure enchantments in my defense slots while we were getting one shotted in T2s but I normally got healed 60-70k even 100k sometimes if DC is good.10% of that amount makes nearly 60-70% of that potions which have cooldowns in fights.I am not even talking about how much tiamat hits and how much we got healed by Paladins or DCs while we were fighing
In pvp I barely have time to go for that potions because of being the slowest class in the game so regening(is this the proper term?) on the node after the fight is the only option for me and my fellow turtle build GFs
If one stat doesnt make sense in your build it doesnt mean it is useless for everybody.What will be your answer if I say I dont have any use for control bonus and clearly most of hrs are now better controlllers then CWS so lets remove it and I can stack another stat
Another vote for useless. Remove it from ward armors. From the game entirely, would be ideal.
Don't kill something then pretend it's still alive to fill some void.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
edited July 2015
Hmmm! Life steal is one of the important attribute for my build. That keeps me alive. I cannot depend on healing potion to heal me but I do depend on LS to heal me. It works for me and well. However, this may be class dependent. As a GWF, I cannot even depend on Restoring Strike to heal me anymore because of the nerf. LS fills my health bar although my GWF only has 8% LS chance.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Life-steal wasn't really nerfed, they just flipped the values between severity and chance.
I'd prefer to see life steal further nerfed with regeneration getting returned back to normal and doubling up the incoming healing bonus #'s ala recovery and recharge time.
My GF has 8% lifesteal and guarded assault is the only survivability I need vs. all content.
Life-steal wasn't really nerfed, they just flipped the values between severity and chance.
I'd prefer to see life steal further nerfed with regeneration getting returned back to normal and doubling up the incoming healing bonus #'s ala recovery and recharge time.
My GF has 8% lifesteal and guarded assault is the only survivability I need vs. all content.
Lol I dont know what kind of build you have but the best damage you can hit with guarded assault is 22.5k if you have 150k HP and with the current damage you get from your party is far outweighs that gain unless all of your party is overgeared beasts who runs dungeons for fun and burst through everything with brute force.And that lifesteal is more needless if you use Fighters Recovery on your build since it gives %100 lifesteal with %100 severity and sometimes I activate it second or third time until first ones buff ends with crazy AP gain we get from the damages we sustain
Life-steal wasn't really nerfed, they just flipped the values between severity and chance.
I'd prefer to see life steal further nerfed with regeneration getting returned back to normal and doubling up the incoming healing bonus #'s ala recovery and recharge time.
My GF has 8% lifesteal and guarded assault is the only survivability I need vs. all content.
Lol I dont know what kind of build you have but the best damage you can hit with guarded assault is 22.5k if you have 150k HP and with the current damage you get from your party is far outweighs that gain unless all of your party is overgeared beasts who runs dungeons for fun and burst through everything with brute force.And that lifesteal is more needless if you use Fighters Recovery on your build since it gives %100 lifesteal with %100 severity and sometimes I activate it second or third time until first ones buff ends with crazy AP gain we get from the damages we sustain
I typically just use Supremacy of Steel, VM or Terrifying Impact in PVE. I only use Fighters Recovery on the first go of a boss fight because of its bugged damage.
It's not useless, but the incoming heal bonus should be doubled. Helmite Paladin's seal when you have INC healing bonus stacked to the gills is STRONK. For my Sentinel, it is almost ranging on cheese level.
People still come and say it is useless even after people try to explain regeneration is important for some builds and classes.Are you trolling us or maybe you do not read posts before writing your own
People still come and say it is useless even after people try to explain regeneration is important for some builds and classes.Are you trolling us or maybe you do not read posts before writing your own
Actually, it's the other way around. People come here and explain that all the content can be easily done without single point in Regeneration and even if you had a milion of it there would be no difference due to mob dmg.
I hope they will at least remove this stat from end game items, cause there's 0 need for this stat with mobs hiting for over 100k.
If they are so worried about it in combat, why not just slice it in half? So you only get half the benefits from in combat, but at least you'd still get some benefit from having it. Having a stat that does you nothing in combat does feel wasteful.
gear with regen isnt just bis even if they propose you as that.
Would you please clarify this statement? I have no idea what that means. Perhaps I should clarify my statement. Seeing ANY gear with regen on it is annoying because it is gear that I immediately dismiss as useless. Therefore my gear choices become limited.
If it doesnt work in combat then I dont want it. Remove it from the game. And healing? When has anyone ever needed healing in this game?
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
Just scrap Regen altogether. Just get rid of it. Who wants a stat that doesnt work during combat? I would suggest approximately nobody.
With 1000 regen, I no longer have to summon a healer companion between (pve) battles.
My augment companion stays summoned at all times.
Regeneration is stacked on healers mainly, and low dps tanks. 3k regeneration/4k regeneration is easy to achieve and adds a 10% more healing, which sums up with other healing buffs from feats/ boons.
In PvE, where there is no healing depression, this makes some difference.
In PvP, tanks cannot heal from life steal (low damage). HP pots are not good either. The ToB ones heal for a puny amount of HP. The map pots are not always there, so what do you do if you can't find it.
Regeneration heals you fast while running from a node to another. More than PvP potions. And is always there, unlike map potions.
The concept is right. Players should rely on healer to heal in combat. Life steal is the way to buff survivability on DPS but is not reliable.
Out of combat, it's regenerations cause it works better than potions. And buffs all you heals an incoming heals from DCs/ Paladins.
After I got some regen, I changed my mind.
The healing outside combat is very nice. Get a little regen and try it.
It's not only 10% incoming healing but also extra healing from all sources as I understand it, including Lifesteal.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
Life steal is second most useless stat, right after Regeneration, but at least it has a slim chance to proc during the combat.
let me lol can i?
lifesteal is like 3 times more op now that in the past
In pvp I barely have time to go for that potions because of being the slowest class in the game so regening(is this the proper term?) on the node after the fight is the only option for me and my fellow turtle build GFs
If one stat doesnt make sense in your build it doesnt mean it is useless for everybody.What will be your answer if I say I dont have any use for control bonus and clearly most of hrs are now better controlllers then CWS so lets remove it and I can stack another stat
You must be joking right? I'm going to assume you are. If you aren't... you must be doing something wrong.
Don't kill something then pretend it's still alive to fill some void.
I'd prefer to see life steal further nerfed with regeneration getting returned back to normal and doubling up the incoming healing bonus #'s ala recovery and recharge time.
My GF has 8% lifesteal and guarded assault is the only survivability I need vs. all content.
Lol I dont know what kind of build you have but the best damage you can hit with guarded assault is 22.5k if you have 150k HP and with the current damage you get from your party is far outweighs that gain unless all of your party is overgeared beasts who runs dungeons for fun and burst through everything with brute force.And that lifesteal is more needless if you use Fighters Recovery on your build since it gives %100 lifesteal with %100 severity and sometimes I activate it second or third time until first ones buff ends with crazy AP gain we get from the damages we sustain
I typically just use Supremacy of Steel, VM or Terrifying Impact in PVE. I only use Fighters Recovery on the first go of a boss fight because of its bugged damage.
Actually, it's the other way around. People come here and explain that all the content can be easily done without single point in Regeneration and even if you had a milion of it there would be no difference due to mob dmg.
I hope they will at least remove this stat from end game items, cause there's 0 need for this stat with mobs hiting for over 100k.
Would you please clarify this statement? I have no idea what that means. Perhaps I should clarify my statement. Seeing ANY gear with regen on it is annoying because it is gear that I immediately dismiss as useless. Therefore my gear choices become limited.
If it doesnt work in combat then I dont want it. Remove it from the game. And healing? When has anyone ever needed healing in this game?