Some things I can imagine why, people fed with the problems like lag and freezes and stuff, people fed with the kicking, people who cannot achieve their goals because they suck, people who thought the game is easily played through in no time, people with no patience, people that didn't know what a mmo is
Is the player base dropping off steeply? And what can be done about it? Why did it happen?(aside from ESO).
I've played every day since launch up until about 3 or 4 days ago, I haven't played it at all for 3 - 4 days.
For me, it's a mixture of things to be honest..
1) Fed up with the vote to kick system, and the fact that is still isn't fixed.
2) Fed up with the chat system, and the fact that it still isn't fixed.
3) I'm probably just a bit burnt out with it all from playing too much, but I just don't feel there's enough to do at endgame right now to keep me playing. Run Shores, or run Lostmouth.. that's about it. My campaign is done (as far as it will allow), and my boons are done.. I have my artifact weapon, and belt. What else is there?
Don't mean to sound negative, I'm just giving my reasons for not currently having the motivation to want to play.
lag and frame rate drop on xb1 is atrocious, any time a dragon drops in expect a 5-15 sec wait for the frame rate to come back,by that time you are already looking at a revive screen...
i fall in the casual player base, not spending money on a f2p, low gear score gf (11k) and gwf(7.5k) and i get kicked from just about everything... its annoying, the loot system should do personal drops so a % of the kicking will go down, it wont though
I noticed it also. I'm hoping people are burnt after the event, I can't even get a game together and I have 300+in the guild. 14 were on today. 14. I HAVE NEVER SEEN UNDER 70. I really love playing this game. I hope the frame rate gets fixed, I do. I am excited that there are still more drops, more content, more events, more rare tradable items, more depth. Things like this need some finess. I'm going to continue to stick it out. I still have some go, if I can find a more active guild lol.
I've been playing since day one, both days and nights, and i've definitely noticed a drop the last 10 days or so. People are calling out dragons much less and sometimes the call outs can be dead for an hour, even when people ask for them. And if you're asking for help, you might not get any. That was not the case a couple of weeks ago.
And to the person who wrote that he wishes for people to drop off to improve framerate. Sorry. It's doesn't help. The framrate is still an embarrassing 5-6 fps sometimes even with only 5-6 people fighting a dragon.
Personally i've lost a lot of interest the last week. There's just not anything for me to do but fight dragons (in which i've killed 1000+) and doing dailies. And because of the kicking and the terrible framerate i'm pretty much avoiding dungeons and skirmishes. Now i'm only handling my professions from time to time and that feels pretty pointless too. Also, i've bought ESO so that's where i will be spending my time, hoping they handle their players experience better.
HR - "The Ungodly" DC - "The Unholy" Guild: Ruthless
I've been playing since day one, both days and nights, and i've definitely noticed a drop the last 10 days or so. People are calling out dragons much less and sometimes the call outs can be dead for an hour, even when people ask for them. And if you're asking for help, you might not get any. That was not the case a couple of weeks ago.
And to the person who wrote that he wishes for people to drop off to improve framerate. Sorry. It's doesn't help. The framrate is still an embarrassing 5-6 fps sometimes even with only 5-6 people fighting a dragon.
Personally i've lost a lot of interest the last week. There's just not anything for me to do but fight dragons (in which i've killed 1000+) and doing dailies. And because of the kicking and the terrible framerate i'm pretty much avoiding dungeons and skirmishes. Now i'm only handling my professions from time to time and that feels pretty pointless too. Also, i've bought ESO so that's where i will be spending my time, hoping they handle their players experience better.
Yea like all mmorpg if you play to much you run out of things to do. Though I think this game has more endgame than ESO, just wish we had wvw pvp. Lot of people went over to ESO when it launched but they will be back when they realize how bad it is and that you end up having to pay a subscription to play it.
eso dumped the monthly subs, in favor of the crowns (think neverwinter zen), right now on consoles it is having issues too, but in the 3 days i have played it 10000% less frame rate drop and lag issues.
Now back to NW i logged on this morning on my xbox trying to do a bit more of my dragon campaign (which i have neglected alot) and did not even make it to the vendors in neverdeath grave yard before the game froze for 45s. i had the thought well its my connection , 84.63 download ,11.84 upload with a latency of 33ms wired direct to modem.
i would really enjoy the ability to turn of area chat(resource hog)and the x got this from buying zen messages
eso dumped the monthly subs, in favor of the crowns (think neverwinter zen), right now on consoles it is having issues too, but in the 3 days i have played it 10000% less frame rate drop and lag issues.
Now back to NW i logged on this morning on my xbox trying to do a bit more of my dragon campaign (which i have neglected alot) and did not even make it to the vendors in neverdeath grave yard before the game froze for 45s. i had the thought well its my connection , 84.63 download ,11.84 upload with a latency of 33ms wired direct to modem.
i would really enjoy the ability to turn of area chat(resource hog)and the x got this from buying zen messages
ESO didn't dump the sub, they just gated certain content and features to require a sub. As for NW freezing it happens to me too but only right after I load into the game or the first time.
I've played every day since launch up until about 3 or 4 days ago, I haven't played it at all for 3 - 4 days.
For me, it's a mixture of things to be honest..
1) Fed up with the vote to kick system, and the fact that is still isn't fixed.
2) Fed up with the chat system, and the fact that it still isn't fixed.
3) I'm probably just a bit burnt out with it all from playing too much, but I just don't feel there's enough to do at endgame right now to keep me playing. Run Shores, or run Lostmouth.. that's about it. My campaign is done (as far as it will allow), and my boons are done.. I have my artifact weapon, and belt. What else is there?
Don't mean to sound negative, I'm just giving my reasons for not currently having the motivation to want to play.
That all sounds pretty fair, not negative at all.
In the coming weeks 1 & 2 will have some fixes, and for '3', there will be the new content. I'd suggest taking a break, playing some other games, catching up on some TV shows and coming back in about a month... hopefully when you return it'll feel fresh and those issues you've had will be fixed.
Casual Gamers
Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories. "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."
eso dumped the monthly subs, in favor of the crowns (think neverwinter zen), right now on consoles it is having issues too, but in the 3 days i have played it 10000% less frame rate drop and lag issues.
Now back to NW i logged on this morning on my xbox trying to do a bit more of my dragon campaign (which i have neglected alot) and did not even make it to the vendors in neverdeath grave yard before the game froze for 45s. i had the thought well its my connection , 84.63 download ,11.84 upload with a latency of 33ms wired direct to modem.
i would really enjoy the ability to turn of area chat(resource hog)and the x got this from buying zen messages
Yeah I really think if we had something along the lines of "turn off effects" filter in options it would do wonders!
I've seen quite a bit of speculation (both in forums and game) about a player base drop with TESO; unless it's been majorly overhauled since I played, people will likely quit in droves. Most PC players I think expected somewhat of a sandbox, but instead got the themeparkiest themepark ever.
A steep rise in the exchange rate would indicate a fair size decrease in those who purchase Zen...
You're basing your assumptions on a mistaken premise. The recent rise in the AD/Zen rate has nothing to do with server population, but rather with the Blood Ruby/Profession Pack sale combined with new items in the Zen market and it being a weekend, so people are anticipating new items Tuesday. Population will not affect the exchange rate very much as every player that no longer is purchasing Zen is also no longer earning Astral Diamonds. The rate is just trending up sharply as we approach the expansion because players are anticipating their future Zen needs and a general rise in AD prices.
ESO didn't dump the sub, they just gated certain content and features to require a sub.
Hmm - that's odd. I play ESO regularly, and keep up with the information and I don't know of ANY content or features that require a sub. There are some things you can get from the Zen, er, Crown store -- exactly like NWO so not sure what the h... you are playing.
I haven't played in a couple days. Lots of friends left for Elder Scrolls. Without my normal crew to run with, I've just experienced kick after kick after kick... Came here today to see if there was any news on that, so maybe I can play the game...
All these issues are valid. I hate to make a comparison, but WoW serviced many more people at one time than this game. There is no excuse with current tech. to have these issues! The Xbox1 has the hardware, the internet is not the problem either. This game should not have been released with all these issues. Even ESO has fixed their Q times in less than 1 week... Neverwinter is taking our money daily and will do nothing. The $$ they have made in their Zen for purchase model Im sure more than covers the cost of repairs. These guys haven't even given free stuff away to say sorry...communication is iffy at best with Devs, fixes too slow....and now its Summer and all the kiddies are out of school..Bye bye frame rate. Just having the bar pop up to let you know your Dragon has landed causes the entire game to crash! I am a GF..cannot use a cpl abilities due to frame rate issues. Blah blah blah...this is all becoming a broken record...
Hmm - that's odd. I play ESO regularly, and keep up with the information and I don't know of ANY content or features that require a sub. There are some things you can get from the Zen, er, Crown store -- exactly like NWO so not sure what the h... you are playing.
Sorry should have been more specific, with ESO you will have to pay for all DLC. Either by buying each DLC separately or paying a monthly sub to access them all.
I'll log on to run my professions - that's about all. I'm feeling kind of burned out running Lostmauth after doing it 100ish times without even seeing a horn drop. I refuse to play it in a pug, and will only run it if there's enough guild mates on to put a party together.
Finished my campaign, no desire to keep going and "pre-farming" before mod 5 comes out. Hopefully the patch drops this week.
@wanderingkyng hit the nail on the head. They systematically raise zen prices before they release new content. A week of double AD before mod 5 is no coincidence.
The player base is most definitely dropping off. I recruit for my guild, so I stay in touch with how other guilds are doing. Most players that join now left guilds with 200 players and only 4-5 active members. But that's OK- when they all come back in a couple months because ESO is complete garbage they'll all be way behind.
"I saw you out there. I don't know what came over me, but I couldn't let you die. I found something inside of myself, something incredibly heroic. I mean, not to brag, but objectively..." -Peter Quill
maintaining HR, DC, GWF, TR, SW, CW, OP, 4 Kids and 1 wife
Tweet me @ nem3sis_AUT
Streaming NWXbox daily @ 7PM CEST My Twitch
When is this for you? Worldtime Buddy
I miss you Boo
... or an over abundance of AD.
I've played every day since launch up until about 3 or 4 days ago, I haven't played it at all for 3 - 4 days.
For me, it's a mixture of things to be honest..
1) Fed up with the vote to kick system, and the fact that is still isn't fixed.
2) Fed up with the chat system, and the fact that it still isn't fixed.
3) I'm probably just a bit burnt out with it all from playing too much, but I just don't feel there's enough to do at endgame right now to keep me playing. Run Shores, or run Lostmouth.. that's about it. My campaign is done (as far as it will allow), and my boons are done.. I have my artifact weapon, and belt. What else is there?
Don't mean to sound negative, I'm just giving my reasons for not currently having the motivation to want to play.
i fall in the casual player base, not spending money on a f2p, low gear score gf (11k) and gwf(7.5k) and i get kicked from just about everything... its annoying, the loot system should do personal drops so a % of the kicking will go down, it wont though
And to the person who wrote that he wishes for people to drop off to improve framerate. Sorry. It's doesn't help. The framrate is still an embarrassing 5-6 fps sometimes even with only 5-6 people fighting a dragon.
Personally i've lost a lot of interest the last week. There's just not anything for me to do but fight dragons (in which i've killed 1000+) and doing dailies. And because of the kicking and the terrible framerate i'm pretty much avoiding dungeons and skirmishes. Now i'm only handling my professions from time to time and that feels pretty pointless too. Also, i've bought ESO so that's where i will be spending my time, hoping they handle their players experience better.
DC - "The Unholy"
Guild: Ruthless
Yea like all mmorpg if you play to much you run out of things to do. Though I think this game has more endgame than ESO, just wish we had wvw pvp. Lot of people went over to ESO when it launched but they will be back when they realize how bad it is and that you end up having to pay a subscription to play it.
Now back to NW i logged on this morning on my xbox trying to do a bit more of my dragon campaign (which i have neglected alot) and did not even make it to the vendors in neverdeath grave yard before the game froze for 45s. i had the thought well its my connection , 84.63 download ,11.84 upload with a latency of 33ms wired direct to modem.
i would really enjoy the ability to turn of area chat(resource hog)and the x got this from buying zen messages
ESO didn't dump the sub, they just gated certain content and features to require a sub. As for NW freezing it happens to me too but only right after I load into the game or the first time.
That all sounds pretty fair, not negative at all.
In the coming weeks 1 & 2 will have some fixes, and for '3', there will be the new content. I'd suggest taking a break, playing some other games, catching up on some TV shows and coming back in about a month... hopefully when you return it'll feel fresh and those issues you've had will be fixed.
Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
"In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."
Yeah I really think if we had something along the lines of "turn off effects" filter in options it would do wonders!
I've seen quite a bit of speculation (both in forums and game) about a player base drop with TESO; unless it's been majorly overhauled since I played, people will likely quit in droves. Most PC players I think expected somewhat of a sandbox, but instead got the themeparkiest themepark ever.
You're basing your assumptions on a mistaken premise. The recent rise in the AD/Zen rate has nothing to do with server population, but rather with the Blood Ruby/Profession Pack sale combined with new items in the Zen market and it being a weekend, so people are anticipating new items Tuesday. Population will not affect the exchange rate very much as every player that no longer is purchasing Zen is also no longer earning Astral Diamonds. The rate is just trending up sharply as we approach the expansion because players are anticipating their future Zen needs and a general rise in AD prices.
Hmm - that's odd. I play ESO regularly, and keep up with the information and I don't know of ANY content or features that require a sub. There are some things you can get from the Zen, er, Crown store -- exactly like NWO so not sure what the h... you are playing.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
This is Neverwinter now:
Loading screens. Nothing but boring loading screens.
Sorry should have been more specific, with ESO you will have to pay for all DLC. Either by buying each DLC separately or paying a monthly sub to access them all.
Finished my campaign, no desire to keep going and "pre-farming" before mod 5 comes out. Hopefully the patch drops this week.
The player base is most definitely dropping off. I recruit for my guild, so I stay in touch with how other guilds are doing. Most players that join now left guilds with 200 players and only 4-5 active members. But that's OK- when they all come back in a couple months because ESO is complete garbage they'll all be way behind.
"I saw you out there. I don't know what came over me, but I couldn't let you die. I found something inside of myself, something incredibly heroic. I mean, not to brag, but objectively..." -Peter Quill
Rex IV Tact GF | tRex SS Rene CW | GT: G3TxxS0M3