I felt like sharing some things that have happened tonight, given the different ends of the spectrum I saw in the Xbox community tonight. Let me preface this by saying that this is going to be pretty long. I have a character for each class and have recently gotten them all to 60, granted they're considerably further back than my main. As such, I've been starting on T1's with them all. My friend I usually play with has been busy lately, so he hasn't really been around for me to play with, and currently I'm not in a guild with any of my characters. I'm big on teamwork and generally friendly; I do my best when fighting dragons and doing dungeons to revive people because I know it sucks to have someone standing literally on you and not reviving you, and I pay my Warlock Temptation spec instead of Fury because it's more beneficial to the group.
So with my Rogue, GWF, Ranger, Wizard, and Cleric (not my GF though, her gear score is already pretty high even without epics thanks to good enchantments) I've been starting slow with Cloak Tower with a bit of dread; after all, I've been kicked in the past and heard plenty about people kicking for loot, because your gear score is "too low", they don't need 2 of [insert class here], their friend has a lower gear score and is the same class, you're out DPSing them...whatever.
Starting off with my Cleric I ran Cloak Tower a few times, usually the lone Cleric and a few times with another Cleric who went Virtuous feated to my Faithful feated, which if anything works together nicely in my opinion. I top the heal board each time, good for me. Then I try with my Wizard and have a blast. Right away I get my arms for her, top DPS and kills, granted I am pretty squishy. Cragmire Crypts goes well enough and I do a good job keeping the mob rush at the end from being overwhelming while trying to keep Traven Blackbeard from killing me because he was staying aggro'd on me.
Next is my Ranger, which I was dreading; my friend plays a Ranger and I know well enough that Rangers have a bad reputation and tend to get kicked easily, but Trappers are making themselves known and kicking ***. I, though, am Combat speced, so I figure that if they see me staying in melee stance a lot, a kick will go my way. Especially when there was a Rogue in there with me. When all was said and done I managed to out DPS the Rogue, though, likely because of AoE.
Today, in the evening, I decided to do some runs with my Cleric again. Delves had just started so I'm hoping to get lucky. I get matched in with another Cleric with a sufficiently higher gear score and expect to be kicked. We begin and start going through the dungeon, and I note how similar the two of us are running. I suppose there's only so many combinations of abilities, but it was just kind of amusing every one was identical. We get down the first stairway and they ask everyone to give them a second. Then they tried to trade with me, but it cancelled when we got attacked. We fight those mobs, we move on. I assume they were trying to inspect me and shrug it off. Then they try again, and again, and I notice it says I'm refusing because I'm busy getting hit. I kill the mob and accept the trade offer. To my confusion, they give me an Epic chest piece for free. I put it on, a bit bewildered, and we continue on through the dungeon without incident. We get to the end and I'm second in heals which is understandable, by about 120k with a gear score difference about 4k. They then congratulate me on the heals and I thank them. It was nice to see someone friendly after all the general negativity I was expecting. They tell me good heals are rare, which, if anything, surprises me.
I move on to my Rogue for the next half hour of Delves that is left, no real incident there. Top DPS and kill count, yadda yadda, good for me I can play the really simple class well. With delves over I shrug and go about doing other things for a while. Then I decide a while ago to get my GWF in there and to do a dungeon. What harm could there be? Well, the world has a way of balancing itself out. I found someone really nice in the community, so of course in the next game I meet a complete pain in the ***. We start the dungeon and the Rogue is off, going on ahead with stealth at times and waiting for everyone else to kill things at points. Oh joy...but with our Cleric mysteriously leaving after the first boss just four of us onward, my supply of potions draining quickly. The Wizard with us is really squishy, and the Rogue is well, not quit so squishy but still. We get a fifth near the end, but as we're past the second boss and closing on the end...well, it's not the Rogue that was the annoyance. Someone decided they wanted to pick up everything green. Maybe it was the Ranger in the group, I'm not 100% sure. Well the Warlock in our party decides to get pissy about it. Admittedly, I found it annoying to, but this guy is just really irritated. He lashes out at the ranger once. The pickups lessen but the ranger is hanging back a bit, probably opening chests and such because well, why not? They make the mistake of picking up another green and the Warlock goes off again. A boot request comes up, as we're waiting at the boss, on the Ranger. I vote against it, vote to kick failed. At this point, I'm more annoyed at the Warlock for being unnecessarily rude. The ranger shows up and we get the boss fight started, no health potions ready to use.
We wipe when the boss was at about 10% health. I took a massive chunk out with my first Unstoppable into Indomitable Battle Strike as it was running out, but once I'm down and no longer able to draw aggro, the Wizard follows suit, followed by the Rogue, Ranger, and then the Warlock. "Wow..." says the Warlock, "That was pathetic." Hm. It happens. I'm currently nursing a minor injury reducing my health at this point, and I'm all out of injury kits. The kick request comes up on the Ranger again for "not doing anything/just standing there". I have no idea whether the Ranger was doing nothing, hell, they could've been trolling the Warlock. In any case, I vote no - we'd need to wait a fifth again. The wizard requests a shop and I saw someone else say "you're lagging us" and our Warlock decides to voice his anger again. "You guys are all [insert derogatory term about homosexuals here]." How mature.
We start again. I play more carefully at the cost of doing less damage, but Vansi manages to hit me at a poor time and I go down. Ranger revives me, I get set to go in with Restoring Strike, mistime and get knocked back by the same attack, dead. Poor performance on my part at that; I watch from where I die as the Warlock sits away from all the mobs, in one place, Dreadthefting while the Ranger moves around the outskirts with their bow, the Wizard and Rogue up in the fray as mobs swarm around them. I respawn with a major injury reducing my health even further, so at this point I can only hope they succeed. They do. Awesome. So with that done we can all get the chest and be done with it. I look at the score board. Most kills: myself, second highest damage next to the Rogue. Third is the Warlock with both kills and damage. "Oh look at that, the one doing nothing has the lowest damage," says the Warlock. I roll my eyes and get up from my chair to go grab my headset. I sit back down and plug it in only to notice his majesty has left already.
I was intending to defend the Ranger and at the very least try to say I was sorry that the Warlock was such an ***. Rangers get kicked easy enough and other things, on top of the experiences I've heard from my friend. "Well, [expletive], he left already," I say. "That's too bad, I was planning on giving him a piece of my mind." I'd forgotten, though, that he had yet to leave the group. "Oh you can still go ahead and speak your mind," he says, "you [moar derogatory insults! =D]." I open my mouth and start talking, and am immediately met with him repeating what I say in a mocking tone. I roll my eyes. "I like how you had to wait for me to leave before you said anything." "I had to get my mic..." "Oh, let's see, you were the one with less damage than me," he says smugly. I correct him that I did more than he did and had more kills than he did. He repeats me in a mocking tone again. Hell, I hate how my voice sounds too, but that's not exactly a rebuttal. "Well you died the most!" True. I had 3 deaths, everyone else had 2. I also had no potions left and reduced health after that first round. If anyone had a shop keep, it may have helped. Too bad I'd forgotten about my artifact... "That's because I was busy aggro'ing everything for the group." Again, mocking derision comes from him. "You're trash, bro. Trash. That was a tier 1 dungeon." "Okay? You want to play with my Warlock?" His gear score is under 10k to my 12.5, so he's not really hot ****, especially when his 9.5k couldn't outdamage a poorly geared GWF. More mocking. "I'm better than you. You're trash." He keeps repeating this as I try to speak, kind of like a child covering their ears and making noise to drown you out, eventually leaving group, while I roll my eyes and mutter that he should go back to Call of Duty.
I glance at the chat. "Congrats on your 12th birthday", one of the others had said. Not sure if that was aimed at him or me because of my voice being a bit nasally over electronics. Hard to say. So, I leave the dungeon and the group. Go to recent players to puzzle out which of them he was. Thankfully the name was close to his character, so one report and block later, I'm done for the night.
Tl;dr version: I got to experience the nice side of the community that is helpful and makes the experience of Neverwinter on the console that much better, and then I got to meet probably one of the worst members of the Xbox community I've seen in the seven or so years I've been on XBL.
Anyone else have some awesome examples of people being surprisingly helpful and/or nice or being complete jerks?
I also give things for free to people who need them, no point in having more and more and more raw ADs when you can make someone happy.
maintaining HR, DC, GWF, TR, SW, CW, OP, 4 Kids and 1 wife
Tweet me @ nem3sis_AUT
Streaming NWXbox daily @ 7PM CEST My Twitch
When is this for you? Worldtime Buddy
I miss you Boo