Hey all,
of course, we (this means our guild and me) can understand some of the negative aspect which are mentioned regarding the SW. But statements like "SWs are freakin' useless for endgame content at all" are just wrong. And as it's just necessary to have one counterexample, we decided to you show you one of our videos in SW's PoV.
To avoid questions: Gear is shown at 14:17. We steer clear of SWs and CWs playing with Lostmauth-Set, everything else (Illiyanbruen, Feytouched and all the other ridiculous styles of playing M6 brought with it), too.
Concerning PvE Content, an add-melting SW is a god's bless for every T1 or T2. Just check out: 4:45 (trash), 7:20 (first boss), 10:05 (second boss), 12:45 (trash again) and last but not least the bossfight (just taking 2min40) to see what's meant by saying this.
Another example from one of our eToS runs (max. hits and enc. DPS are honorable mentions):

It's out of question that everyone is able to play like this. But just being aware of its possibility is something valuable, especially for a class that's used to be bashed and insulted all the time.
Have a nice day!
It's abit silly to say you avoid all the above mentioned items but then proceed to use fire wheel, even lostmauth has weaker effect than that.
I always believed with full PVE gear + the right companions = SW is still king, this vid just proves it. But honestly I don't care about PVE, its too easy, anyone can kill an NPC, that's not where the real challenge lies. If you want PVE challenge I'd say play a different game. this one only offers 3 easy dungeons.
meeting them as warlock TT-tab - wb- DT- SS deals redicoules ammounts of damage to them compared to other parts of the dungeon, like > 1mio hits even without wheel, is it possible that the party is somthing like bugged?
and beeing a SB warlock i agree, damage can be delt even without wheel lol-set and feytouched, in some parts of this dungeon you deal the double than the hole rest of your party
thx for the video, and i don´t mind the use of wheel, since lots of other classes use it as well, speaking about broken stuff in this game it is impossible to avoid broken things in most cases
Good grp with good CCs/Tank/DC can handle T2 very well as you can see in this vid.
Aw, thank you for your nice choice of words, feels quite good to read. (....)
We're mostly PvE players and if you would have had a look on the ACT, the Wheel of Elements in PvE is causing far less damage than in PvP (caused by the piercing damage, which for high damage isn't necessary in PvE as you're piecing the mob's armor either way). Other ACTs look the same, firebuff brings up like 2%-5% dmg unlike Lostmauth-Set (CW, GWF) with 15%-25%. But I really don't want to discuss this any further, I guess you know why.. I just wanted to let you know that for PvE players the Wheel's firebuff isn't even like 30%, his Wheel is mythic and 50% of the time up, so it should at least be about 10%-15%. And that's not the case, even a Vanguard's Banner would be more useful.
Yes, except the final bossfight our buffs weren't timed that good and eCC is - in terms of trashmobs and stuff - definitely not suited best for a SW. But it's the same with the 5 Phase Spiders before eToS' final bossroom. Whyever, everyone in this spot fighting these mobs is able to hit very hard, I don't know why. Maybe it's the same with the Adventurer's Party, but this hasn't to be the case, as our style of playing is depending on buffs and those buffs vary extremely.
Another example: Most of the time, my 2,4k GWF in a buffy group of ours crits with IBS round about ~500k. Nevertheless, hits about 1,5M - 2,5M aren't impossible, buffs like DC's Army or Holy Ground, CW's Chaotic Fury, GF's Into the Fray (, ...) make it possible. But you cannot really handle to cast them simultaneously as there's also the "luck thing" (e.g. Fury).
At last, I could mention that this kind of playing SW takes some time to deal damage. The CW and the TR are bursting too hard to let the SW shine through many trashgroups, but as I said before: For bossfights SWs are awesome. Just my opinion.
Psst, those groups are amazing for GWFs and TRs, too. ^-^
Pssst back. GWFs dont make damage. ACTs or vids from DPS GWFs are all fakes. Stay at your CW, or start a SW. If i had the one and only dps player in my guilde like you, i would instantly copy all of him. Believe me. But all i have in my guild is a decent GF, my beloved DC girlfriend and a usual GWF (me). This is wot i have to deal with it
Same gear and skill DPS wizard would trump the damage of a SW.
It is my my life style, my doctrine and my state of mind,
You fight well, but without focus and discipline, you will fall.
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Maybe a dps cleric or a dps pala. Maybe...
Never ^^. No one can beat the one and only Kuro. Espacially a DPS Wizard ( Wizard is a DPS class?). Plz be serious. Im so serious too.
i think in the boss fights with spawning adds in T2 dungeons a warlock will beat most classes by timimg TT and casting WB-DT-SS on the mob, with gift of faith from a right scilled DC you can get it up very fast, virtous DC would be the choice i guess, so you can spamm it in a row
beating a GWF on single target is another story, and normally its a lose, especially if he uses lol-set, but all T2 boss fights are designed with spawning adds, even the small bosses, and on advaturer party I sometimes deal about 9 mio and the other DD´s 2 mio, in case the tank tanks and the DC holds him up, thats a fact
if you look at the damagemeter in the end warlock is followed by CW with litle difference, but assume that the warlock dealt lets say 50% of his damage in boss fights and the CW about 25%, beeing the "Trash-king" watever that would be worth
This is absolutely correct, speaking from my own experiences.
If the group has got let's say 3 buffers (DC, GF, Renegade CW with plague or something), the thauma-DPS-CW will outdamage the SW very easy in terms of trashmobs, but when it comes to bossfights or bigger monsters like the Drider, the CW won't stand a chance against the heavy single target DPS + addmelting TT.
And honestly, nothing is more relaxing for quite difficult bosses (GWD, eCC, eToS maybe as well) than a SW that's "controlling" the adds with its damage.
SWs offer more or less the same amount of damage as other classes in raw damage (In my opinion, less so) and has the handicap of not bringing to the table anything else other than damage, and also having much weaker defensive abilities than other classes.
SWs are lacking, it's more obvious at lower gear levels because at BiS levels everything's easy. Take a minimal recommended lv 70 gear SW and try solo'ing IWD, then do the same with an equal geared CW. You'll see what I mean.
It is my my life style, my doctrine and my state of mind,
You fight well, but without focus and discipline, you will fall.
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He's a fury soulbinder, the damage you see is simply amplified damage from alot of buffs and gear. For the most part it's a common build.
He has a very similar setup to what I will have at BiS levels. And I'm not that impressed, my opinion is that any equally geared DPS will have better performance than the SW class. Some may disagree with it but it's my experience, gear makes dungeons trivial. Remember running pirate king in 6 minutes, it's the same thing here except the ladder isn't that high yet
It is my my life style, my doctrine and my state of mind,
You fight well, but without focus and discipline, you will fall.
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My Support Warlock/Temptation Thread
This is his guide. German, but with pics
Heroes of Darkness
Retired since 02/15
My opinions are my own. Please do not judge my friends nor guild for my statements.
I appreciate it. I have seen similar numbers on my toon with a GF as well...i just dont notice them too much. Watching on a video is a whole different monster lol
show the amount of fire hits, that doubles your procs.
(just for the record I think both lostmauth & wheel are ok, since everyone can use it)
First of all, dude players talk that SW is weak, by compared to other classes. Its not like SW is so broken that he can't land any dmg at all.
You did not bad video, and what u did is just comparisons between race car vs family in term who can finish laps. And yes, even family car can FINISH race laps, but RACE car will done way faster and more efficient. SO same with SW, it still does dmg, but compared to other classes its still is broken.
Sure sw can survive fight, but with any other classes have higher survivability due REAL dodge mechanics not rapid dashing and eating incoming hits.. + some other classes have buffs/encounters to increase survivability. Sw have none. + some classes have CC to increase survivability SW, have so called arm of hadar which is kinda broke and mobs evade it easy...
Sure SW can hit monsters/bosses/players, but other classes does more dmg even if that class is not called damage dealer..
Peoples complain because devs can't decide what warlock role is in game.
Damage dealer? -> then SW should stay on top by dps(DamagePerSecond), but SW is king when come encounters/skills casting, and yet CW beat SW when come damage things..
Supporter??>>> templock depends on life steal.. Before life steal/regeneration changes maybe it could stay in party as healer, now? nah.... Its neither supporter, neither damage dealer.
Debuffer/CC?>>> no chance. Wraith of shadow, require curse target>hit encounter> hit encounter again to trigger AOE CC effect for 1s.. Ghem even server lag is better option than this CC.,. Arm of hadar>>> hits area is one tiny line, and mobs bu walking avoid it(it happens many times) + Warlocks godly slow casting adding extra chance to get killed by mob. In simple words all so called debuffs are for warlock and gives no benefits to party .
Tank>>>> hell no, Cw have way bigger survivability....
In think your sw in this video done just what would done any other class, maybe with other class party would clear dungeon faster....
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
If...and only if...the CW got Lost set, what of course is "bugged". No CW can beat the allmighty Kuro. Thats a fact. And after the nerf from storm spell there is no legit way for a CW to beat allmighty Kuro. Trust me.
2 of them are 2k+
I disagree, go that build and take advantage of soulscorch combined wit TT, in case you speak about PVE and not PVP, thats another story
I read your setup time ago, you tend to go fire damage, scipping CD and necrotic damage, time to test other stuff in your case
SS crits with my mediocre gear arround 2,6k up to 200k, far more in some dungeons always at same spot (in the ACT graph here u see a 2 mio thats probably dealt at advanturer party), where i think there must be something broken
as you can see Soul Scorch is the best encounter by far apart from TT , TT deals 40-50% of overall damage in my runs using dust to dust effectivly
you can perform much better in the bossfights than other classes, like in eCC mobs spread all over the map, same in GWD and eTOS, cast your TT hope the tank holds aggro a bit and the CW cc´s a bit and melt them away with WB-DT-5xSS, Warlock has a big value in these fights for sure
GWF, TR needs groups of mobs to do their heavy aoe imo, warlock can´t beat GWF doing trashmob groups, also single target GWF is hard to beat, dealing 500k IBS with mediocre gear, and dealing with their "sure strike" more damage like an average encounter from warlock
All runs i do with CW who use control builds are real fun in all aspect, all runs I do with CW who scip that part are "a pain"
I hope at this part that the actual patch will give us more CONTROL-Wizards, who do not talk all time about damage and paingiver, running a good setup, I would love to play a Control Wizard since I can see how they perform if right builded and played, lots of these guys seems not knowing where the real power of this class lies in
Sometimes its like telling a miserable DC to use Astral Shield or BoH in case groups dies all time, or telling the GF to raise his shield, so Control Wizards please control, all other classes can´t like you can
Stop saying that. The allmighty can beat GWFs/CWs/TRs easy.
SW seems the new "all around mighty best weapon", i guess:
True. Sometimes i think you can do everything better with an SW.
Mmmhhh....SWs dont need grps of mobs? Mmmhhh...ahh..true.
But enough ironic and funny posts. I think the allmighty knows wot i try to say. BTT:
Besides i dont like ppl who saying that some particular classes are useless, this vid is a good example for a well build and trained grp. I dont care if they try to push dps at one class. They handled eCC very well and they really know how to handle theese mobs/bosses.
Most of all i like the way how the GF and DC are working. Espacially the DC made an really awesome job.
since most of you play other setup or do not take notice of ACT, take it as a nice hint getting animpression about a good setup/build, showing you taht the class performs sufficient in PVE, and very good in bossfights, against most opinions in the warlock forum, at least from those who stick here and complain about damage and perfromance
I am not happy about lots of things about the class, but I know what the class can do even with average gear, I am not leader in paingiver at the end of fight but I can deal a good job at boss encounter
btw your post are not funny, I did not laugh, sry for that, its only the average trash talk in forum and threads like this one we read every day, having controverse opinion is ok for me, and if thats your world I think you are right from your point of view, mine is another sight of things
You never see me trash talkin in forum or threads about you. This is my first thread i try to take your serious believe away that you can judge everybody like you want. You dont show any respect at all. I got my opinion, but i will never say that another classes are useless or this class/that class is much better than this/that. This "allmighty" picture is made from you and your buddys. You created it. And now its bothering you? Interesting.
Did i flame you? Did i say you are a bad player? Did i ever say that your class is useless or your class isnt good? Quote me that. I will be more than happy to apologize from the bottom of my heart, if you can quote me any serious post with that.
The thing is:
Sure we got different opinions. But...i allow you to have another than mine. I dont think you are doin the same. I think your opinion is not only a opinion. I think you really believe your opinion is a fact and ffs everybody has to listen and there is no other opinion allowed.
Why? Cuzz you said so?
And allow me to ask:
We? And trash talk? I think funny posts arent real trash talk, arent they? But this is just "my opinion" :cool:
Not worth? But i have to read my own post? ^^. The last post was my first serious post. I cant see any disrespectfull lines. But maybe the allmighty does
But im really sorry if i bothered you. Believe me...really really sorry ^^. I think you are takin this to serious. Like your "opinion"?
No. Srly. I stop my funny posts now. Dont think i wanna flame or upset you. Im just jokin around. Next time when i see how a player gets totally destroyed with flames from you and your mates i think about your advice in respectful posts. Good advice though.
Agreed. Feels like that person they are talking about is farting lightnings...Those PvE queens xD
I don't do PvE much in this module, unlike m5 which was 90% of time for me. Just daily t2 where I usually top or 2nd DPS (usually 2nd damage taken too along with dmg healed thanks to 31% lifesteal) with my PvP build but I can surely say that poor geared SWs suffer a lot and SWs without DC and GF KV too. Meaning, as somebody already said, they lack defensive mechanism.
WTB Class Reroll please
Good point. After patch ill check it. Stay tuned for more info.