I am fairly new to NeverWinter and currently playing a level 21 Trickster Rogue, Wood Elf. I am looking for any group to play with right now preferably a mature one (18+ is preferred) who enjoy roleplaying their toons, like I said I am new to both the game and lore so there may be some OOC questions but for the most part I would like to remain IC, let me know here or in game if you are interested! My information is below
GT: ZabuzaMomochee
Toon Name: Zabuza Momochi
Hmmm.. the last time I answered a request to associate with other roleplayers, it turned out to be a request for cybersex. They also were looking for +18 matures. And I'm fine with them doing that, whatever floats your boat. But if that is what passes for roleplay these days, leave me out of it. I'm too old for that nonsense.
Don't go to Moonstone Mask...
"I saw you out there. I don't know what came over me, but I couldn't let you die. I found something inside of myself, something incredibly heroic. I mean, not to brag, but objectively..." -Peter Quill
Rex IV Tact GF | tRex SS Rene CW | GT: G3TxxS0M3