Yeah, I find that funny. But still not an exploit. [...]
At least by the definition wikipedia has, it most definitely is:
"In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitches, game system, rates, hit boxes, or speed, etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers.[1] Exploits have been classified as a form of cheating; however, the precise determination of what is or is not considered an exploit can be controversial. This debate stems from a number of factors but typically involves the argument that the issues are part of the game and require no changes or external programs to take advantage of them."
...or do you want to tell me that the Dragon Heralds were meant to be one-shotted?
The ones who matter - the devs - take this all too leniently.
What's the message that gets through?
"Bah, my Dragon's Hoards got nerfed into oblivion, so I don't get my RP anymore because eeeeeevil botters abused that. OSKing Dragon Heralds, however, seems to be OK with them? Doh. Better cut my losses and leave this heap-of-____ game / learn how that stunt is pulled so I can use that, too..."
Another giant hull puncture to the already listing ship we're sitting in.
This game right now really is a so much cluster****ed, gang-violated, sorry, piece of solid organic bodily waste state that IMHO Cryptic either pulls some disciplinary measures - or they can pull the plug...
It's a borderline exploit. It's passive use from either the companion or enchantment but something a player can knowingly use to their advantage and exploit the issue. Imo you shouldn't ban for passive bugs, especially when it's not hotfixed. I've not really seen it because frankly I don't really care much about in game content to actually see it, but aren't they also unreliable issues (as in won't necessarily work straight away). If that is the case then some may be naive enough to not know what the issue is. I mean there are many factors into a players build and it's not their job to figure it out. Some of you might be going "yeah right", but then realise that some people buy gmop from the AH for more than 100k ad...
So I think permabans are to much in such a situation , but temporary disabling a power/enchantment/talent, COMMUNCATIONG THIS TO THE PLAYERS, and delivering a fix the next patch day would be the proper way to act.
...well, permaban is the one thing. And, given it's gone unhindered for so long, a bit too harsh (also probably many of the players have spent significant amounts on getting there in the first place, and those permabanned wouldn't keep doing that).
The other thing is, erm, enticing players to take a one or two week contemplative out-time uninhibited by the needs and demands of this game - a time limited ban. That would be the appropriate measure IMHO (and not only a day o three of it), and as far as I could infer from suspicious absences, this has also been the way the moonlight-foundry-botfarming "community" has been handled.
[This block was added by you in an edit - while i already typed the stuff below] But after all, even the exploiters are still customers, and after all cryptic has done to hurt them (as custoumers, not exploiters) you can't really expect them to still carry the legit flag and respect the TOS or the game designers intent?
What's the worst that can happen to them?
Being banned from a broken game?
I prefer to sit on the sideline and wait for improvements, they throw a tandrum spamming lags or weasel their way through all the known but unfixed bugs.
See above. And yeah, I'm leaning back, too, and have fetched me some popcorn. Good thing I already went on standby / maintenance activity mode early in Mod 6...
...but I'd still like to have a game and a player community woth mentioning to come back to once this whole mess got sorted out.
Solution: fix the issues or offer a private subscription server of players bent on avoiding exploits and playing legal, grant them a fixed amount of AD an PR for free, so you don't need to fix rewards and loot.
Forget about subscription - that would (a) IMHO probably have legalistic implications PWE and/or Cryptic ar afraid of like the Devil of holy water, and (b) scare off a sizeable chunk of the general gaming community (including me), which otherwise might be lured into spending way more of their money than seems reasonable on this game...
On the other side of the topic:
What I find most apalling is the obvious total lack of oversight from Cryptic's side - while the whole mess piled itself up. There neither seems to be anyone who can be bothered with following the chat channels, nor seems anyone to keep an eye on in-game vendor sales (the number of sales of an odd item suddenly skyrockets? Go take a look as to why...), nor is there even the tiniest bit of in-game policing, apparently.
Basically it should be a matter of a day or two to write some piece of software that tracks the function calls sent to / by the servers (which items and skills are actively used in the current game), and compile that in a spreadsheet and/or column or pie chart, or series of those. While the flavors of the Mod or month might lead to certain changes in the use of skills, an exploit like we've seen right now, in an expansive scale like we see now, would make the function calls for the components of the exploit go up significantly. This method even gets more discriminative if connections are analyzed, too - as most exploits don't come by simply using one skill, but several, and only the synergies then cause the fail-high effects. This would ofc be more difficult to program, but still no rocket science. An additional factor is that the process can be massively narrowed down by primarily looking at the events in a short timespan prior to BigFatBossWithTonsOfHP&AoESpamAttack-Death events...
Nothing the like is apparently in place. Another place where the game is in a sorry state....
I think some of you are a bit over-zealous when it comes to calling things out as exploits. If I had a skill that suddenly acquired a glitch that meant I could one-shot a herald I'd have no hesitation in using it (and in finding it funny). You don't really gain much from killing the herald quicker and those with you might even appreciate a quicker kill too. It's very different to, for example, abusing resonators to generate almost unlimited AD.
There are always going to be skills that get bugged. Sometime the bugs work against us and sometimes they work for us. They are just part of the game. The bad ones should be fixed or disabled quickly but you should not blame players when that does not happen. I've even seen the whole Zerg thing described as an exploit, when it is actually a tried and tested military tactic. Concentrate your forces in one place and overwhelm the enemy.
Anyhow, for me: not really an exploit.
are u even listen to yourself??
I said at my original post - exploiters don't comment because u will try to reverse it and troll this
just walk away
see community ? This is my we also need to act alongside the devs .. We can't have people who clearly don't want to understand or worse - don't care , how this things ruin the game and costing real life Money in the long term and eventually and if they will continue like this - game will sink .. That's a fact . There will be no more money flow to the game ..
I would not say what I think about u in this forums .. But u really need to learn some real life lessons before u comment so poorly
It's like justify stealing u know that ? Why ? Because indirectly u cause AD rotation that goes for the wrong way - not for those who play legit lots of hours and want to see results and not for those who put money in game and want that it will mean something
the sad part that there are more like you
that's why as community we need to clean those alongside the devs
I still looking forward to official comment by them hope it will come
Maybe you should try JimmyLand for a while. Over here we keep things in perspective. The so-called exploiter killing the herald and relegating you to being a spectator will have "deprived" you of a mere smattering of WoD currency, and a miniscule chance at an almost worthless artifact belt. You still have all the stuff you invested money in. Of course, if you were sharp enough to fire off one at-will at the herald before it dies you still get a shot at that stuff but that may make you a freeloader, or even an exploiter yourself, given that you are profiting from another player's efforts.
Perspective, people. It is a bug and it will be fixed soon enough. In the meantime, just let it go. It's not exactly a game breaker. Next you'll be wanting to hang people for stepping on the cracks in pavements.
Oh, and there is no need to get abusive, lol.
I comment on your last " genius post"
Stop comment here please
for u just wasting ur breath saying all the wrong things
plz leave this discussion u r clearly can't contribute to it and try to troll it
Maybe you should try JimmyLand for a while. Over here we keep things in perspective. [...]
"In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitches, game system, rates, hit boxes, or speed, etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers"
I ask you again: Do you want to tell me that the Dragon Heralds were intended by the game's designers to be one-shotted?
Your "in perspective" IMHO seems to be... ...a bit odd?
inyawayupdeepMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 206Arc User
are u even listen to yourself??
I said at my original post - exploiters don't comment because u will try to reverse it and troll this
just walk away
see community ? This is my we also need to act alongside the devs .. We can't have people who clearly don't want to understand or worse - don't care , how this things ruin the game and costing real life Money in the long term and eventually and if they will continue like this - game will sink .. That's a fact . There will be no more money flow to the game ..
I would not say what I think about u in this forums .. But u really need to learn some real life lessons before u comment so poorly
It's like justify stealing u know that ? Why ? Because indirectly u cause AD rotation that goes for the wrong way - not for those who play legit lots of hours and want to see results and not for those who put money in game and want that it will mean something
the sad part that there are more like you
that's why as community we need to clean those alongside the devs
I still looking forward to official comment by them hope it will come
I don't believe he claimed to be an exploiter, he just gave you what you asked for, his opinion. To label him as one to make a point isn't fair, and in debate would be considered "poisoning the well". If you want a real discussion keep it civil.
The "perspective" here is that no matter how much I play legit or even pay money, the exploiters will always have more items, gear and currency in the game. Then they proudly proclaim on these forums and zone chat that they cheat and never spent a cent on this game. You think I feel like playing much anymore like that? And the heralds are not even the problem here, farming tiamat and t2 dungeons with the exploits is. Tempban would still leave people will all the stuff they got from it when they come back to the game. That loot needs to be removed again. And I still don't buy it that someone doesn't understand a bug is going on when billions of damage are being done.
If this isn't gonna be taken serious by the devs, then I truly don't see the point of playing this game anymore. All it will revolve around then is finding the best bug and exploiting it. Legit players will not be able to catch up to the exploiters ever if they can keep all their cheated loot.
The "perspective" here is that no matter how much I play legit or even pay money, the exploiters will always have more items, gear and currency in the game. Then they proudly proclaim on these forums and zone chat that they cheat and never spent a cent on this game. You think I feel like playing much anymore like that? And the heralds are not even the problem here, farming tiamat and t2 dungeons with the exploits is. Tempban would still leave people will all the stuff they got from it when they come back to the game. That loot needs to be removed again. And I still don't buy it that someone doesn't understand a bug is going on when billions of damage are being done.
If this isn't gonna be taken serious by the devs, then I truly don't see the point of playing this game anymore. All it will revolve around then is finding the best bug and exploiting it. Legit players will not be able to catch up to the exploiters ever if they can keep all their cheated loot.
...actually, stripping all gear off the char with which an exploit was acted out repeatedly IMHO wouldn't be off the balanced penalty scale - it does have some scare value, after all. Also, banning them from posting offers on the AH for a month or three might also have educational value.
For additional shame and laughs give them a non-disableable hideous donkey hat or tar-&-feather skin for three months...
And I notice you have not quoted the rest of the wikipedia exploit entry, the bit about it being difficult to determine exactly what is and is not an exploit. It's not as clear cut as you would like it to be.
I quoted it first time around. Also I linked to the entry. More than enough diligence to get through peer review foe scientific journals. And several powers of ten times the diligence exerted by most other forum contributors.
You are getting silly...
...also I notice that you still haven't answered my question: Do you really want to tell me that Dragon Heralds were intended to be one-shottable?
Or, to be a bit more meta: When your damage suddenly exceeds that of other party members by a factor of ten or more, you can OSK bosses, and get seven-digit numbers floating around... ...this of course can easily be overlooked, sure. Fully "in perspective", yeah. And one plus one equals three, the earth is a flat disk, and Osama bin Laden's and Saddam Hussein's deaths were staged and they're now kept secretly in the White House basement as an advisors to Barack Obama.
Of course, these "Bladerun" players are also all illiterate or don't speak English, so they don't comprehend all the hubbub about it in zone chat - oh, wait: some advertise that they know hoe to do it and actively advertise that on chat to get invites to parties. Hmmm. Now here's a slight hitch in the logic...
...the innocence assumption seems a bit far fetched in cases like that, don't you think?
Ban. For a reasonable time. And IMHO delete all gear on that char as a deterrent measure.
Actually it would be very easy-, if Cryptic would care- to get rid of all the exploiters.
I have written it in another comment, there are 2 solutions, which are used world wide by many companies.
One is a self made software, all decent Devs can make it, it is based on a solid formula, it is effective, compares payment, spent time and some other "secret things" and enables it to an Admin to decide if there is something nasty being done and then action can be taken.
The second one is atomic bomb proof solution, it costs, cause it can be licensed or you can have to hire a 3rd company, to monitor AH for instance. This later software is used world wide amongst some big brands, it uses special methods to monitor customer/player behavior and can detect any sort of trickery. I can only tell you, since we use it at our company too, it works. Not a single employee, who even cheated us on the smallest cog, could get away.
I can only repeat myself, Cryptic should do something now, cause the big time exploiters use these chaotic times and thrive on them and they push out the heavy guns and try to conserve these times as much as they can, cause they make some serious AD/ZEN and even real life money with current game being in a chaotic state.
Hell, if a shirt costs one day 700K and the next day 300k, even the dumbest person knows, their is something going on and this is just one example.
Those, who play the game honestly and don't "over play" the AH or in game maps are the losers and i am pretty tired to be a loser, only cause i don't do them, not in my nature.
Other thing, as in real life, if a criminal gets caught, he gets deprived of his "toys", that would be actually pretty easy to do, Cryptic should take away the "toys" of those, who earned that by exploiting, it would be a pretty good start.
In my personal opinion Cryptic knows this all too well, but they are a bit afraid to do it, cause they fear, that too many had to be punished and too many in game big names amongst them too and there are many borderline people, who pay a bit, exploit a bit, pretty hard for a game company to decide, what to do with them, cause they generate big money, but on the other hand these exploiters know, their position is rock solid, so they abuse nearly every bug and exploit to it's core. Sure as in RL, there is a solution for this too, but it would take human effort to decide on the measure of punishment between a small crook and a big criminal.
The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
I guess my expectations are pretty low due to past performance. Some people have been calling for in-game DM's and/or in-game moderation for some time, but from what I've seen I think that they simply don't have the budget for it. To be true, when there is something that really threatens the game as a whole and more importantly its finances -- like the resonator exploit -- you might see harsh punishment, but otherwise I don't expect much, save that the bug gets fixed in a timely fashion. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease," as the saying goes, so I'd be shocked if it is isn't fixed this Thursday. Let's just hope that it's not coming from a problem that is intractable from a technical standpoint.
It seems pretty clear to me that, from a contractual standpoint, they're behind the 8-ball: they *have* to release in synch with WotC's release schedule, so that really limits what they can do with existing content with respect to fixes. That makes me wonder which is worse: consistently not going after exploiters or inconsistently going after them? I presume that consistently going after them just isn't affordable considering how many other bugs are still out there. I don't know which option is worse, but I'd be satisfied with consistently fixing the bugs.
While a public bugtracker would be nice, I can also understand why they don't do it. It's sort of "damned if you do, damned if you don't": without one people get irate that certain bugs aren't yet fixed, but with one people also get irate that certain bugs are given priority over others even before they get fixed. Either way, the devs can't win.
Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
Sorry, but this thread looks more like it's discussing exploits rather than discussing bugs. For one, discussion of bad behavior is not permitted--this thread is an excellent illustration of why we don't permit it.
Secondly, please review section 15.3 of the ARC Terms of Service:
We may take any actions and impose any penalties we deem necessary to discourage and punish any violation of these terms or any other illegal or inappropriate conduct, all without prior notice or warning. The determination as to whether a violation has occurred and who is responsible for such act is solely within our discretion, and is based on what we deem best for the community and the Service. By using the Service, you agree you will be bound by our determination as to whether a violation has occurred and any penalty we choose to implement.
Bottom line: PWE/Cryptic determines what is an exploit and the penalty for use thereof, not the player--therefore any discussion of what is or isn't an exploit and what penalty there "should" be is completely academic and moot. By virtue of using the service (e.g. playing the game OR using the forums), we agree to that.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at
At least by the definition wikipedia has, it most definitely is:
"In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitches, game system, rates, hit boxes, or speed, etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers.[1] Exploits have been classified as a form of cheating; however, the precise determination of what is or is not considered an exploit can be controversial. This debate stems from a number of factors but typically involves the argument that the issues are part of the game and require no changes or external programs to take advantage of them."
...or do you want to tell me that the Dragon Heralds were meant to be one-shotted?
The ones who matter - the devs - take this all too leniently.
What's the message that gets through?
"Bah, my Dragon's Hoards got nerfed into oblivion, so I don't get my RP anymore because eeeeeevil botters abused that. OSKing Dragon Heralds, however, seems to be OK with them? Doh. Better cut my losses and leave this heap-of-____ game / learn how that stunt is pulled so I can use that, too..."
Another giant hull puncture to the already listing ship we're sitting in.
This game right now really is a so much cluster****ed, gang-violated, sorry, piece of solid organic bodily waste state that IMHO Cryptic either pulls some disciplinary measures - or they can pull the plug...
...well, permaban is the one thing. And, given it's gone unhindered for so long, a bit too harsh (also probably many of the players have spent significant amounts on getting there in the first place, and those permabanned wouldn't keep doing that).
The other thing is, erm, enticing players to take a one or two week contemplative out-time uninhibited by the needs and demands of this game - a time limited ban. That would be the appropriate measure IMHO (and not only a day o three of it), and as far as I could infer from suspicious absences, this has also been the way the moonlight-foundry-botfarming "community" has been handled.
See above. And yeah, I'm leaning back, too, and have fetched me some popcorn. Good thing I already went on standby / maintenance activity mode early in Mod 6...
...but I'd still like to have a game and a player community woth mentioning to come back to once this whole mess got sorted out.
Forget about subscription - that would (a) IMHO probably have legalistic implications PWE and/or Cryptic ar afraid of like the Devil of holy water, and (b) scare off a sizeable chunk of the general gaming community (including me), which otherwise might be lured into spending way more of their money than seems reasonable on this game...
On the other side of the topic:
What I find most apalling is the obvious total lack of oversight from Cryptic's side - while the whole mess piled itself up. There neither seems to be anyone who can be bothered with following the chat channels, nor seems anyone to keep an eye on in-game vendor sales (the number of sales of an odd item suddenly skyrockets? Go take a look as to why...), nor is there even the tiniest bit of in-game policing, apparently.
Basically it should be a matter of a day or two to write some piece of software that tracks the function calls sent to / by the servers (which items and skills are actively used in the current game), and compile that in a spreadsheet and/or column or pie chart, or series of those. While the flavors of the Mod or month might lead to certain changes in the use of skills, an exploit like we've seen right now, in an expansive scale like we see now, would make the function calls for the components of the exploit go up significantly. This method even gets more discriminative if connections are analyzed, too - as most exploits don't come by simply using one skill, but several, and only the synergies then cause the fail-high effects. This would ofc be more difficult to program, but still no rocket science. An additional factor is that the process can be massively narrowed down by primarily looking at the events in a short timespan prior to BigFatBossWithTonsOfHP&AoESpamAttack-Death events...
Nothing the like is apparently in place. Another place where the game is in a sorry state....
are u even listen to yourself??
I said at my original post - exploiters don't comment because u will try to reverse it and troll this
just walk away
see community ? This is my we also need to act alongside the devs .. We can't have people who clearly don't want to understand or worse - don't care , how this things ruin the game and costing real life Money in the long term and eventually and if they will continue like this - game will sink .. That's a fact . There will be no more money flow to the game ..
I would not say what I think about u in this forums .. But u really need to learn some real life lessons before u comment so poorly
It's like justify stealing u know that ? Why ? Because indirectly u cause AD rotation that goes for the wrong way - not for those who play legit lots of hours and want to see results and not for those who put money in game and want that it will mean something
the sad part that there are more like you
that's why as community we need to clean those alongside the devs
I still looking forward to official comment by them hope it will come
I comment on your last " genius post"
Stop comment here please
for u just wasting ur breath saying all the wrong things
plz leave this discussion u r clearly can't contribute to it and try to troll it
"In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitches, game system, rates, hit boxes, or speed, etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers"
I ask you again: Do you want to tell me that the Dragon Heralds were intended by the game's designers to be one-shotted?
Your "in perspective" IMHO seems to be... ...a bit odd?
If this isn't gonna be taken serious by the devs, then I truly don't see the point of playing this game anymore. All it will revolve around then is finding the best bug and exploiting it. Legit players will not be able to catch up to the exploiters ever if they can keep all their cheated loot.
...actually, stripping all gear off the char with which an exploit was acted out repeatedly IMHO wouldn't be off the balanced penalty scale - it does have some scare value, after all. Also, banning them from posting offers on the AH for a month or three might also have educational value.
For additional shame and laughs give them a non-disableable hideous donkey hat or tar-&-feather skin for three months...
I quoted it first time around. Also I linked to the entry. More than enough diligence to get through peer review foe scientific journals. And several powers of ten times the diligence exerted by most other forum contributors.
You are getting silly...
...also I notice that you still haven't answered my question: Do you really want to tell me that Dragon Heralds were intended to be one-shottable?
Or, to be a bit more meta: When your damage suddenly exceeds that of other party members by a factor of ten or more, you can OSK bosses, and get seven-digit numbers floating around... ...this of course can easily be overlooked, sure. Fully "in perspective", yeah. And one plus one equals three, the earth is a flat disk, and Osama bin Laden's and Saddam Hussein's deaths were staged and they're now kept secretly in the White House basement as an advisors to Barack Obama.
Of course, these "Bladerun" players are also all illiterate or don't speak English, so they don't comprehend all the hubbub about it in zone chat - oh, wait: some advertise that they know hoe to do it and actively advertise that on chat to get invites to parties. Hmmm. Now here's a slight hitch in the logic...
...the innocence assumption seems a bit far fetched in cases like that, don't you think?
Ban. For a reasonable time. And IMHO delete all gear on that char as a deterrent measure.
I have written it in another comment, there are 2 solutions, which are used world wide by many companies.
One is a self made software, all decent Devs can make it, it is based on a solid formula, it is effective, compares payment, spent time and some other "secret things" and enables it to an Admin to decide if there is something nasty being done and then action can be taken.
The second one is atomic bomb proof solution, it costs, cause it can be licensed or you can have to hire a 3rd company, to monitor AH for instance. This later software is used world wide amongst some big brands, it uses special methods to monitor customer/player behavior and can detect any sort of trickery. I can only tell you, since we use it at our company too, it works. Not a single employee, who even cheated us on the smallest cog, could get away.
I can only repeat myself, Cryptic should do something now, cause the big time exploiters use these chaotic times and thrive on them and they push out the heavy guns and try to conserve these times as much as they can, cause they make some serious AD/ZEN and even real life money with current game being in a chaotic state.
Hell, if a shirt costs one day 700K and the next day 300k, even the dumbest person knows, their is something going on and this is just one example.
Those, who play the game honestly and don't "over play" the AH or in game maps are the losers and i am pretty tired to be a loser, only cause i don't do them, not in my nature.
Other thing, as in real life, if a criminal gets caught, he gets deprived of his "toys", that would be actually pretty easy to do, Cryptic should take away the "toys" of those, who earned that by exploiting, it would be a pretty good start.
In my personal opinion Cryptic knows this all too well, but they are a bit afraid to do it, cause they fear, that too many had to be punished and too many in game big names amongst them too and there are many borderline people, who pay a bit, exploit a bit, pretty hard for a game company to decide, what to do with them, cause they generate big money, but on the other hand these exploiters know, their position is rock solid, so they abuse nearly every bug and exploit to it's core. Sure as in RL, there is a solution for this too, but it would take human effort to decide on the measure of punishment between a small crook and a big criminal.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
It seems pretty clear to me that, from a contractual standpoint, they're behind the 8-ball: they *have* to release in synch with WotC's release schedule, so that really limits what they can do with existing content with respect to fixes. That makes me wonder which is worse: consistently not going after exploiters or inconsistently going after them? I presume that consistently going after them just isn't affordable considering how many other bugs are still out there. I don't know which option is worse, but I'd be satisfied with consistently fixing the bugs.
While a public bugtracker would be nice, I can also understand why they don't do it. It's sort of "damned if you do, damned if you don't": without one people get irate that certain bugs aren't yet fixed, but with one people also get irate that certain bugs are given priority over others even before they get fixed. Either way, the devs can't win.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
probably its hard to tipe something to say "hey im here i watch this" ..... this is neverwinter folks
Secondly, please review section 15.3 of the ARC Terms of Service:
Bottom line: PWE/Cryptic determines what is an exploit and the penalty for use thereof, not the player--therefore any discussion of what is or isn't an exploit and what penalty there "should" be is completely academic and moot. By virtue of using the service (e.g. playing the game OR using the forums), we agree to that.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at