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Help! I'm Level 60! A guide to the life of an adventurer

magenubbiemagenubbie Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,344 Arc User
edited August 2015 in PvE Discussion
Help! I'm Level 60!
A guide to the life of an adventurer

Welcome fellow adventurers, to the second half of your life as a hero of Neverwinter. I've re posted this guide because there's too much new stuff to fit it all into 1 post and I was unable to add anything in my old guide.

Up til now you've been left pretty much to yourself where it comes to character builds, gear and tactics. As of now, things are going to heat up. You thought Mount Hotenow was hot? Oh no. The fun is just getting started. In this guide I'll go over the basics of what you need to know and some do and don't at lvl 60. The orange colored text refers to in game terminology. I'll explain them at the end of each paragraph. Let's start out with the most basic of basics:

Introduction to leveling to 70:
Before starting your grind (there’s no need for gentle phrases, it is what it is) to 70, it is of vital importance that your character is the best it can be at that point. Save up some AD and exchange it for Zen to get a respec token and buy some rank 7 enchantments from the auction house. More on that below. While the grind can be a bit boring, rest assured that Minsc will lighten the mood every now and then.

The road from 60 to 70 in a nutshell:
    ]The druid next to the big tree in Protector’s Enclave will get you started on the storyline. She will send you on a few quests along with Minsc and Boo to secure the tree. The 2 “gathering seeds” quests will turn into daily optional quests after you’ve finished.
  1. Depending on your level this druid will send you to one of the new 4 areas to level. Each area has a 3 Vigilance “collection” quests, requiring 8 quests each to complete. You can pick any vigilance quest you wish, but you can take only 4 at the time. Once you’ve done those, or have outleveled the content (whichever comes first) the druid will send you to the next map. Rinse and repeat. This is just a way to level. By no means are any of the collection quests mandatory in any way, except for the ones in Spinward Rise.
  2. The big one is Spinward Rise. Same as before with the vigilance collection quests. Unlike those in the other 3 maps, these collection quests are mandatory in order to gain your new artefact main hand weapon. Once you’ve done them, follow the new short questline and collect it for free.
  3. Your artefact off-hand weapon is also free, and will be given to you once you reach level 70, regardless of how you levelled and what other quests you still have left unfinished. Talk to Knox to get things rolling. After a short ceremony hosted by Neverember, you’ll be granted your off-hand.

  1. The ToD campaign chest (the one that also got us the lvl60 artifact weapon) also gives you the new lvl 70 one, but it requires some mats and AD to get it this way. You can get those from the campaign vendor and/or the AH. While the artefact weapon is not free in this manner, you are free to level any way you choose and ignore the entire grind, if you so desire.
  2. If you’ve collected some ToD currencies, you can buy some basic lvl61 gear from the campaign vendor. This gear is level-matching and will grow with you all the way to level 70. I suggest buying the chest piece first, if you are limited on your campaign currencies, as it has the Armor Enchantment slot that is currently lacking in non-dungeon reward gear
  3. Once you hit lvl70, spend 100k AD on buying some basic lvl70 blue gear. There are no more set bonuses, so you can mix and match the gear according to whatever stats you prefer. That should be enough to get you through the skirmishes and the T1 dungeons. Note that no matter what level it is, artefact gear is currently the best there is. So don’t go exchanging them for new blue gear.

Post lvl 70 advancement
Since the release of module 3, you don't have to waste your experience points anymore when you reach max level. For every level of experience past lvl 70, you will get a reward. Possible rewards include enchantments, AD and power points. Because of this, companions will continue to gain XP even when you are maxed out.

New word:
Power points: Extra points awarded through post lvl 70 advancement. These points can be invested in any skill on your power page you have not maxed out yet.

Builds. AKA What skills do I need?
So far, you've been left alone deciding what skills you want to use. This lack of education stops today. It's time to learn how to get the best out of your character. So head over to the class forums again and start reading. Please do NOT copy a random build just because it seems effective. People show off their builds to give you an IDEA on how to play. By no means should you simple follow a cookie cutter build just because it has max of X. Let me give you an example: A perma-stealth executioner build for a Trickster Rogue is quite common, and arguably the best choice for PvP on a TR. But it doesn't mean it's how YOU want to play. There's also an excellent guide showing what stat on your character does what.

So here's what you do: You look over the guides, take the parts of builds YOU like, and head over to the preview server and test it out. Respeccing your character is free on the preview server, so test away as much as you like. To access the preview server in game, simply click on it on the launcher. Note that the preview server is constantly being modified, so it is NOT a 100% replica of the live server. Nonetheless, for purposes of creating and testing a new build this is the best place to do it. Once you have the build you want, save it on the talent calculator for easy reference and bookmark it.
Now, all that's left to do is gather about 100k AD, put that in the ZAx, buy a respec token from the zen market and you're all set.

New words:
cookie cutter build : A build that focuses on min-maxing your character. Cookie being your opponent, the newbie, the cutter refers to you. It roughly translates as "1 size fits all". Used to indicate a "default" build.
Respeccing: The act of rebuilding your character. With the appropriate token, you can redesign your character, including skills, feats and more aiming to optimize your character for a specific part of the game, usually either PvP or PvE. Although you can combine the 2 with some effort, it's generally better to focus on one of the two. It's better to excel at one than being mediocre at both.
Like everything else, this has no cost on the preview server. Initial stats, race and appearance are excluded from this rebuilding. Use a race reroll token if you wish to change race and initial stats. You cannot change classes in this game.
ZAx: Short for Zen to Astral diamonds eXchange. It is here where you can trade your AD for Zen and vise versa. Note that this exchange is purely governed by supply and demand. So if you can’t get your zen right away, be patient. It’ll come. The ZAx is accessible through its icon on top of your screen

If you gathered some AD during your travels, do not be afraid to spend them on some quality blue gear. Which gear do you need? Excellent question. For this we have the class forums. Remember, the kind of gear you require greatly depends on how you build your character. A damage dealer should not focus on defense and vice versa. Likewise, a perma-stealth TR will focus on other attributes and feats than a non-perma would.

New words:
AD: Short for Astral Diamonds. This is the currency used to buy items from players and the auction house. The other currency is gold, and is mainly used to buy services from NPCs.
build: A combination of skills and feats designed for a specific purpose. Usually either PvE or PvP, but some people choose to run with a combination of the 2.

Artifact Equipment
There are new types of artifacts introduced with the release of module 4.2:
Weapons, of which there are three for each class. These unique primary weapons add an additional effect to a specific at-will power.
Off-hand: forms a gear set with your artifact weapon. Comes with a special bonus to one of the passive skills from your class. You can unlock additional bonuses using augmentation cubes from the Wondrous Bazaar. Unlocking is random, so you may need to purchase several of them.
Cloaks: can form a set with belts and artifacts. Dropped in Well of Dragons HEs, Tiamat's lair or purchased from the campaign vendor.
And belts, one for each of the six ability scores, granting that selfsame ability score to their wearer. There's also a new range of belts that form gear sets with artifact cloaks and artifacts.
It is possible to “buy” your lvl 60 and lvl 70 artifact weapon. If you wish to do so, unlock and use the artefact chest in the Rise of Tiamat campaign window. You will be able to choose between the lvl60 and lvl70 weapon. If you follow the series of quests all the way through to lvl70, both artefact weapon and off-hand are free of charge.

Artifact Equipment requires other level 60+ equipment or unique refinement stones in order to be refined into higher ranks. Higher ranks will increase the potency of the artifact, granting bonuses to their additional effects, weapon damage and ability scores. Matching the same equipment type will yield bonus refinement points. (For example: refining a belt with another belt item.)

Once you hit lvl 70, you'll get a quest to acquire a new artifact weapon and off-hand. The RoI of refining your mod 4.2 artifact weapons into the new ones is about 40%. This sounds rather low, but remember that the new weapons are much better and after refining you will always find yourself stronger than with the lvl 60 weapons. The only thing that really changes is the level and color of the new weapon. So when you refine a purple lvl 60 artifact weapon into a lvl 70 one, it will probably turn blue, but will be more powerful than your old weapon.

Armor reinforcement kits can now be crafted in applicable professions at levels 8/15/20/25 to create an uncommon/rare/epic item that can be consumed to permanently increase a single stat of a head, arm, body or feet slot item by 25/50/100 depending on the quality of the armor reinforcement kit used.
They require 6 refined basic resources, 10 uncommon resources, Astral Diamonds and an arcane shard or a dragon egg for the higher level versions.

If you're still unsure which gear to get after reading this post and the class forums, feel free to make a thread asking questions in the section belonging to your class. Alternatively, but a bit more chaotic due to the huge amount of talk in game, you can PM a better geared player you come across during your travels. Don't be afraid, we won't bite unless specifically asked for.

Le Moneys
Alright. So how do I get that 100k AD? There are some excellent money guides around, but the easiest way to get started is by doing your daily quests. Press L in game, and click the appropriate box for daily quests. Take the quests that are within your limits and finish them.. He pays very well for doing so. Also, invoking and doing leadership tasks will give you some AD.

Campaigns in Neverwinter are basically long-term wars against against foes larger than could ever dream of beating by yourself. Sharandar's fight is with Malabog, a vile creature with no respect for nature or life. In the Dread Ring you finally get to take on Valindra Shadowmantle and her army of undead. Remember that lady that killed your friend on the bridge at the beginning of the game? That's Valindra. Didn't you have a bone to pick with her?
The latest campaign revolves around the return of the dragon goddess Tiamat (Tyranny of Dragons).
Campaigns are played through daily quests and the further you progress in it, more boons will become available. You can start working on the campaigns as soon as you reach lvl 70. The exception is ToD, which starts at at lvl 26. Knox will have quests ready to get you started.

Sharandar consists of 4 parts: 3 gates (areas) to unlock and 1 weekly lair. Each area contains 3 daily quests and a daily lair. The 3 daily quests provide you with the materials you need to unlock rewards and progress through the campaign. The lair is optional, but it can drop you some nice rewards. Don’t forget to take the free key from the leprechaun next to the door.

Dread ring works more or less the same. There are no areas to unlock, but the progression through the campaign and the way you get boons work the same. To mark your progress in either campaign, click on the flag button on top of your screen.

Icewind Dale is the campaign released in module 3. Again, the workings are similar to the other 2. Through progression through the campaign you unlock boons, new maps and useful items such as Black Ice and Black Ice gear.

Upon your first arrival in Icewind Dale, don't forget to search out Jarlaxle, to find out how you can obtain your new class artifact. It requires at least 2 lvl 60 character eligible for and have been to Icewind Dale.

Do not take this campaign lightly. This campaign is not for the weak. To enter this campaign, talk to Knox in Protector's Enclave.

Module 4 added the Tyranny of Dragons quest-line. This module is spread over the already existing storyline maps and can be started at lvl 26. Campaign progression again works similar to the previous ones. Start by talking to Harper Boward in Protectors Enclave, Hall of Justice, who will send you to revisit Neverdeath Graveyard and begin the campaign. If she has nothing for you, talk to Knox and he will send you to her. This module was updated later on with the actual return of Tiamat herself and an extra map, known as the Well of Dragons. Knox will guide you there as soon as you're ready for it. As with the previous campaigns, progress can be marked and reviewed using the flag button on top of your screen.

In return for progressing through these campaigns, you'll unlock boons for your character. They don't always count towards your Item Level, but they will show up on your character's stats.

Getting tired of running the campaigns? Why not test your mettle against other players in some competitive PvP?

New words:
Boons: A stat bonus awarded for completing certain parts of a campaign.
Item Level: The sum total of the value of all your items. When you hover over a particular item, it will display it's Item Level. Some dungeons have Item Level restrictions on them, which is why you generally want to get this number as high as possible. Note while it's important to raise your Item Level high enough to enter specific areas of the game, good stats are more important. Raising your item level high enough is relatively easy, while focusing on raising the right stats can be a much bigger challenge.

For those who never PvPed before, here's the 1o1:
Domination is the name of the game. There are 3 nodes that give points to the party that owns them. To own a node, simply stand on them till they change to your side's color. As long as there's a member of the opposing team on that node, it will not change colors. The opposing team is trying the same, so feel free to kick their butts off your node. First side to 1000 points wins. There are several strategies to get this done, each depending on team makeup and personal preference, but most commonly people fight for the middle node first. Why?

Warfare 1o1: If you can stop the enemy from before entering your territory it's easier to advance to the enemy's side. You're already halfway there, aren't you? Once the center node is won, have 1 member go back to get the node closest to your spawn point, the rest advances to the enemy's side. Again, there are alternative ways to win, but this is the most commonly accepted one.
Personal points are given for kills, node defending, node capturing and kill assists. You'll get glory points based on the amount of personal points and the total result of the match. Gain at least 300 personal points to have them counting towards your glory rewards.

With the release of module 3, 3 PvP campaigns have been created: one for Gauntlgrym, Domination and Open world PvP in Icewind Dale respectively. All 3 progress through the campaign in much the same way. Detailed information can be found here and by pressing the flag icon on top of your screen. Unlike the other 2 PvP events, this is open world PvP. Note that PvP in Icewind Dale is only accessible if you meet the Icewind Dale campaign requirements.

Having acquired some glory points, shop at the Trade of Blades in PE, which sells better PvP gear, artifacts and companions. As always, class specific strategies can be found in the classes forums.

NOTE: PvP is not about personal ego's. While having the most kills is certainly rewarding, sometimes you can be more productive doing something else, like slipping past the war zone and going after the enemy's node. This forces the enemy to split it's forces. Divide and conquer. It's a team effort. Never forget that.

New words:
Domination: A contest between opposing teams. The goal is to occupy certain areas which will give points to your team. While killing the opposing team is not required to gain points, it's often useful to prevent losing control of a node.
glory points: A currency obtained by participating in PvP events. With this currency you can buy items at the Trade of Blades. Items include new gear, artifacts and companions.
nodes: Pillars that give the controlling team points. To control one, stand on it till it changes to your team's color. Contested nodes do not give points.
Open world PvP: A giant free-for-all PvP area in Icewind Dale, where you -and your team if you are in one, are free to kill anyone from the opposing side as you please. Sides are chosen while progressing through the normal Icewind Dale campaign. Note that your loyalty to the chosen side only lasts for 1 day. You're free to switch the next day. To prevent people ganging up on others, both sides have a limit to the amount of players that can sign on on any given moment. Once on the PvP map, you cannot change instances to prevent the same ganging up.

Dungeons are your source of gear advancement once you hit lvl 70. They are way too difficult to handle on your own though even at lvl 70. So gather up a team and start exploring! Collect seals and exchange them for gear at the traders in the Suncoast Market.

They come in 2 types: 3 man and 5 man dungeons. Press K to see which dungeons you can queue for. Requirements are based on what level gear you have, so make sure you have the best gear you can afford.
Each tier has a different requirement to enter and are harder to complete. Keep in mind that just having the average item level for a specific dungeon does NOT mean it'll be easy. Teamwork is required, as well as communication. You all have to get through together, so work as best you can.

If a player is making mistakes or making things harder for your class, kindly point it out between battles, but be respectful. Make sure everybody knows what to do during the boss fights. Don't be afraid to get killed. Gaining experience is how you learn. Bring injury kits just in case. Again, communication is vital. Also noteworthy is the fact that NW has it's own voice channels during dungeons. You'll find the settings under the options when you press Escape.

To gain access to the bonus chest at the end of the dungeon, you require a key. You can acquire a free key every day from the key master in Protector's Enclave. He also sells extra keys, should you desire them. This key gives access to 1 bonus chest. Sarge Knox will give you a quest to meet this guy and pick up your first key.
Post edited by magenubbie on


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  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    A note on arti equipment. Going past epic should be a careful decission. You will spend moire on the way to legendary than you will making a set of epics. For my money the gfirst thing you want at legendary is MH because WD is the most important stat.
  • cybercyanidecybercyanide Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 66
    edited May 2015
    Nice of you to do this for new players! If I may suggest a couple edits?

    If you’ve collected some ToD currencies, you can buy some basic lvl61 gear from the campaign vendor.

    This gear is level-matching and will grow with you all the way to level 70. I suggest buying the chest piece first, if you are limited on your campaign currencies, as it has the Armor Enchantment slot that is currently lacking in non-dungeon reward gear.

    With the release of module 3, people are no longer restricted to the Dungeon Delves hour to open the bonus chest. You can acquire a daily key from the key master in Protector's Enclave. This key gives access to 1 bonus chest outside the DD hours. If you have a key and compete a dungeon within the DD hours, the key will not be used. Serg. Knox will give you a quest to meet this guy and pick up your first key.

    This is no longer true. The dungeon chest key *is required even during DD hour.* Before entering any dungeon that you wish to gain the chest loot from, make sure you have either your daily key or the applicable level key purchased from the Wondrous Bazaar.

    While being in a guild is not mandatory except for Gauntlgrym...*snip* This part of the game is accessible only when you're in a guild.

    This is no longer applicable. GG factions became non-existent with Mod6. Check your guild and you will see it no longer has an allegiance tied to it.

    Thank you again for taking the time to compile this.
  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Is GG still tied to being affiliated to a guild? Now that Luskans/Delzouns have been done away with doesn't it make being in a guild access GG moot?

    Edited to add: Whoops looks like I was beaten to it by Cybercyanide. :D
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • rinat114rinat114 Member Posts: 913 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    That's some great information for newbies, bookmarking incase a guildie wants something to read :)
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  • cybercyanidecybercyanide Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 66
    edited May 2015
    The reason I didn't change this is because as far as I know, it's still unclear if this is WaI or a bug. Have you seen any official statements on the issue? If so, can you provide me with a link or quote?

    WAI, sadly: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?923121-Patch-Notes-NW-45-20150416c-8&p=10867011&viewfull=1#post10867011

    (See Content and Environment section)
  • edited May 2015
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  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    magenubbie wrote: »
    I don't think I like that much. But I changed it. Thank you :)

    It's annoying, but one consolation is that during the DD event, you get 3K ADs back, so you're really only spending 2k ADs for the key - and if you get a piece of gear you don't want, you can salvage it for more ADs, thus resulting in a net gain.
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  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Well done. I'd point these out, though:

    "Respec" is short for "Respecialization" - so "respeccing" isn't really a word that means anything.

    Companions section: I believe this needs to be rewritten. As a guide for new players at level it should highlight Companion Active Bonuses and how the player should equip their companion Active Slots to balance their stats to their liking. Augment Companions should be mentioned for what they are and how they work; not for an agenda-bashed opinion on how superior they are or not. A non-partisan description will lend a lot more credibility to the section.

    Oh, and a misspelling on Minsc in the first mention of him in the opening. :)
  • edited May 2015
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  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Excellent write up, +1 cookie for you to cut. 1 suggestion though to continue with the whole respec thing:
    It makes more sense for respec to refer to respecialise, rather then respecialisation. This is because in context, people say, "I am going to respec my character." In this context, respecialise makes sense and respecialisation does not. I have, as far as I am aware, never seen respec used in a way such that respecialisation makes sense. It then follows as well that respeccing would mean respecialising, which also makes sense in context.
  • edited May 2015
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  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    magenubbie wrote: »
    Fair enough. But to make sure this doesn't turn into a grammar discussion, I've just removed the word and go straight on explaining what it means in game terms.

    With these latest updates I must say the OP is 100% Approved as spectacular. Awesome job there!
  • nem3slsnem3sls Member Posts: 332 Arc User
    thank you OP for this well written, informative and useful guide. Appreciated.
    The Legendary Outlaws

    maintaining HR, DC, GWF, TR, SW, CW, OP, 4 Kids and 1 wife :p Dungeon runs anyone?

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    When is this for you? Worldtime Buddy

    I miss you Boo :(
  • vahid2005vahid2005 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Thanks for this update. I just returned to this game after a long absence, and I was a little overwhelmed with all the changes
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