The following encounter cooldowns are not reduced (at all) by Spell Twisting:
- Shard of the Endless Avalanche -- Spell Mastery
- Shard of the Endless Avalanche -- Normal
- Ray of Enfeeblement -- Spell Mastery
- Imprisonment -- Spell Mastery
- Icy Rays -- Spell Mastery
The following encounters do not apply stacks of Spell Twisting in both Normal and Spell Mastery:
Imprisonment has 2 toggles -- 1 on (choke) and 1 off (release)
- No stack applied on choke
- No stack applied on release
Shard of the Endless Avalanche has 2 toggles -- 1 conjure and 1 push
- No stack applied on conjure
- 1 stack applied for each push
Amusing fact, its my fault, as well as anyone elses who reported the original bug, that its not working on that list of powers. Earlier this mod, those powers were multi proccing spell twisting, shield included, which I happened to report. Shard would proc it every time you moved the shard, ray would apply it twice, icy rays would apply it twice and imprisonment would apply it twice. It seems they tried to ninja patch it, but stopped those abilities from triggering it at all
Sure you have your facts straight?
Yes, Shield still does this.
Yes, Shard still does this.
Yes, RoE still does this.
No, IR never applied two stacks.
No, Imprisonment has never applied stacks.
No, it seems they haven't done a thing about whatever post you made, but keep posting your amusements here and maybe they'll do something about mine :cool: |
#BringBackShard | M5 CW Bug List | My M3 PvP Gameplay |
#BringBackShard | M5 CW Bug List | My M3 PvP Gameplay