False, for gwf dps rage its t1.5 helmet, t1.5 bracers and t2 boots + armor.
For gf acctualy best i see t1.5 full set coz of nice combo of deflect and defense.
Not sure about other classes, but i just eliminated the 2 i know the best.
It's 1/2 and 1/2 for HR too. So wanna do ToS later today? Trah has not run yet and I have a friend coming over. There's a pair of boots that might give a slight increase in aggregate DPS but it drops crit chance.
Operative words are being overlooked here.
Go Cryptic!
PS - I quit.
It's 1/2 and 1/2 for HR too. So wanna do ToS later today? Trah has not run yet and I have a friend coming over. There's a pair of boots that might give a slight increase in aggregate DPS but it drops crit chance.