After someone has been successfully kicked the group leader gets a pop up asking if they have a preference with class check boxes including a IDC or any class option for next auto fill. So if you need a tank then next available gf fills group spot otherwise spot is left empty. Same can go for healer, dps, etc. The only thing I can't figure out is how to let classes fill alternate rolls like a healing SW or tank dc. unless when you que for a dungeon it asks you the roll type you feel you fill then saves it. Would be annoying if you had to set it every time. They could have a new npc in pe where you define your role. An npc that lets you set and change it if necessary due to respec or whatever.
this would remove the kicking people for not being the right class problem which is quite a few unfortunate kicks.
I think this would remove some of the frustration with vtK but not all.
a combo of this idea and something else could fix the vtK system entirely.