One of the resource hog in huge battles, is the creation of massive amounts of overlapping animated damage numbers. Not only will it decrease fps, it blocks a ton of all the visuals. I think it's high time Cryptic re-evaluates the way it's displayed.
Ofcourse you can turn it off in hud settings, and at times I like to play with them off entirally...but that also disables allot of other feedback besides damage. Xbox lacks some of the luxurious us PC get for HUD customisation, so they can't improve their fps situation then.
I have long said that, as a Healer, I would love to have the ability to turn off Mob Health and damage numbers on screen. I already toggled Player Health Always show so I can look across the battle field and see all players in my groups health bars without targeting them but they still get lost in the sea of red health bars from the mobs.
If the option is already there to always show player health, why can't there be an option to never show mob health? Seems like a simple option to implement.
One of the resource hog in huge battles, is the creation of massive amounts of overlapping animated damage numbers. Not only will it decrease fps, it blocks a ton of all the visuals.
Extremely doubtful it effects fps even minutely at best - particle effects probably count for thousands of times the fps drain.
Which options turns off the numbers? Also I think if we do turn them off, having some text options like immune, or reduced, would be nice. Or a big word like POW or BAM when we crit.
One of the resource hog in huge battles, is the creation of massive amounts of overlapping animated damage numbers. Not only will it decrease fps, it blocks a ton of all the visuals. I think it's high time Cryptic re-evaluates the way it's displayed.
Ofcourse you can turn it off in hud settings, and at times I like to play with them off entirally...but that also disables allot of other feedback besides damage. Xbox lacks some of the luxurious us PC get for HUD customisation, so they can't improve their fps situation then.
do you actually notice a difference when you turn these display options off? i would have thought the number crunching behind the scenes would have more impact that just numbers.. that and the other more complex visual effect.
Do you have any valid evidence that suggests this statement is true? Or are you just spouting off with inaccurate information because you "have a hunch" and that it's your opinion this is true?
Lady Vayo TR - Silky OP - Lord Reven DC (retired) - Lady Luck HR (retired)
zephyriahMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,980Arc User
Do you have any valid evidence that suggests this statement is true? Or are you just spouting off with inaccurate information because you "have a hunch" and that it's your opinion this is true?
This is a 4 month old necro thread. The recent posts (not counting yours) only address disabling the display, the original posters who speculateed the resource hog are long gone.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
Please pay attention to the post dates of threads and replies. If a thread hasn't been replied to in over 30 days, it likely contains outdated information and is considered a "Dead thread." Instead of resurrecting the dead, consider starting a new up-to-date topic. Thanks!
If the option is already there to always show player health, why can't there be an option to never show mob health? Seems like a simple option to implement.
Extremely doubtful it effects fps even minutely at best - particle effects probably count for thousands of times the fps drain.
...blocking visuals, well, that is relevant.
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