The Nightfall Draconic Legion seeks active players of all levels to join our ranks. We are open to players of all levels, classes and playing experience. Our main goal is for all members to reach lvl 60 and dominate both PvE and PvP.
To get there it will take dedication and teamwork, something we emphasize our members get accustomed to. Our small guild is tight-knit, those who join will get to experience our unique combination of casual hilariousness and competitive lust for victory. We consider PvE and PvP to be equally important aspects of the game to get involved with and play regularly on both weeknights and weekends after 8pm EST.
Players who are interested are required to report the following about themselves...
Player race/class, level:
Gamertag/Player Name:
Guild Rules:
1. Proper dungeoneering etiquette is vital: this includes no loot ninja-ing or looting during a big fight.
2. Expect adult language in forms of both constructive criticism and motivating trash talk. Jokes are prevalent in our party chat.
3. Keep true to your word, stay consistent with your schedule. Notify us if anything out of the ordinary occurs that we should know about.
4. If you’re in our instances, you need to chat with us…. Have a mic when you play.
5. Rule 2 really only applies to grinding with the guild master and other high ranked members. Amongst lower ranked members your social experience may vary.
6. Know your role in the instance, otherwise ask for help and advice.
7. Most importantly, HAVE FUN! It’s just a game after all.
Our ranking system:
Nightling: default recruit rank. Prove yourself with consistent game activity to rank up!
Nightclaw: Shortly after a few days of activity you can expect yourself to receive this promotion. This establishes that you are indeed active and consistent with what you say in your answers to the prompt above.
Nightscale: After about 1-2 weeks of regular guild activity you can expect this rank to be placed. You would be playing or chatting with us more often than not and you’re pretty much regarded well by all high ranked members.
Nightflame: At this point, you’re well acquainted with us and a proven member who has contributed to guild efforts. No exact time scale for when this promotion is awarded, based on administrative decision.
Nightdragon: Renowned position, your work has finally paid off in full. Carry your rank with pride. Promotion based on administrative decision.
Great Nightdragon: Reserved for co-founders.
Grand Nightdragon: Guild master
Interested players can contact either myself or my co-founder:
Gamertags: eagle z09, Johny Bannanas
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39 years old
eastern time zone
most nights after 10 and some days. (I work full time and go to college)
irishknuckles is the name and tag
I really want in a good guild that values fun and still can take things seriously.