The ENTIRE purpose of this post is SPECIFICALLY to AVOID that. We've also stated repeatedly that we can gear down (not all of our players are BiS anyway). We can also run premades on the preview server, if that's easier for players.
Not necessarily the guilds" fault that they get matched against under-geared pugs. Still, I've run into chocolates on occasion and they danced on our graves. And you can't tell me that these guilds don't have their eyes on the leader boards.
We are the guild "chocolate shoppe" we're purely a PVP focused guild and ALWAYS open for premades, if you would like to premade us in a 5v5 domination PM us in game or on forums ( @xxbabehoneyxx@alt2j@velynna@vedran541 ) we will even personally gear down to match. The comps can be further discussed.
If you love PVP and look to your self upon finding a challenge, then im sure doing premades will make you enjoy the PVP experience even more!
So let me get this straight, you want players that don't exploit like you guys or is ok to do it just like you all? Then just get facerolled by you so you can beat on your chest and the go HAMSTER to how good it felt to beat a bunch of scrubs? Yea this is a pugger talking but a very decent one,less than 1% of the Neverwinter population will ever do premades or they get caught in the semi pre-made crossfire get ****in wrekt and leave the game, pvp in this game is so unbalanced, that all it takes is top gear, 100k hp and your good to go, skill is irrelevant, so I don't see why anyone would want to pvp, against top guilds that use every trick in the book. I used to have mad respect for you guys and Black Lotus, EOG, but when my friend told me about all the exploits goin on,i lost a lot of resepct for all the top guilds. Im gone to dc uni which has way better pvp then here, it's actually fair without a bunch of exploits, sorry to be a HAMSTER but that's how it is
til i have my all perfect runes artifacts etc (lets face it ill never have it since i dont use bots exploits or have a very fat wallet)only then i will agree for a premade fight, till then i think ill stay with pugging and every once in a while meet some high "endgame" pvp player and do some nice 1v1 with him.
If they geared down, they would get torn apart by guys like us, so it isn't gonna happen.
I understand all the hate for PVP but it not in the right direction I blame the Matchmaking setup mostly when you enter pvp its a win or die situation so you do the best and use the best you have end of story. Its all about skill and gear but some of the exploits need to be fixed and all the encounter powers need to be fixed so they work as they are supposed to. I prefer this type of call out you know what you are in for and go or don't accordingly and I respect this group for that and see no reason to bash them they are where I wish to be one day and will grind and get there someday by just hard work and my 20 a month I have allowed for this game.
We are the guild "chocolate shoppe" we're purely a PVP focused guild and ALWAYS open for premades, if you would like to premade us in a 5v5 domination PM us in game or on forums ( @xxbabehoneyxx@alt2j@velynna@vedran541 ) we will even personally gear down to match. The comps can be further discussed.
If you love PVP and look to your self upon finding a challenge, then im sure doing premades will make you enjoy the PVP experience even more!
Challenge accepted - wait for me. I gotta load up some Zen
Challenge accepted - wait for me. I gotta load up some Zen
Rumor has it a good majority of them obtained their stuff through third party vendors. Maybe not all of them in Shoppe, but a good deal of those in major PvP guilds have before.
I'd suggest just avoiding spending money on this game as it's deteriorating as it is. Let them spend money and be kings of piles of dirt.
So im guessing you are accepting the challenge? Since you are putting it that way?[/All they want to do is find easy kills, ive played against some of these guys im sure on there alts in pugs and i can hold my own. I am not afraid of them or anyone else in this game. That does not mean i am claiming to be better than anyone either because i am not. Before mod 6 i was on page 253 of over 3000 pages , so being a pugger, i think that's pretty respectable considering im undergeared and only in all purple. Some guy from Absolute told me " you got big balls Execute dont ever lose em" whatever *shrugs*.
I am a solo guild and i rage quit the game two months ago and kicked everyone out and went anonymous. If i decide to recruit again i would be more than happy to challenge anyone, but my guild making a premade is impossible because it's only me atm. The game is just beyond normal casual players means, who work jobs like i do 6 days a week, while the elites play all day and have tons of cash and bots to do there dirty work lol. But on a level playing field i stand by what i said earlier. I used to love this game, but all this seperation between the elite/p2w and casual/f2p is just to severe atm.
Sorry for the poor grammar and typing
Execute Guild Leader XJ-13
P.S. any cannabis user' interested in joining my guild, send me a message here, need at least one level 60 toon progressing to 70. I will change my settings in game, but i am not posting my user account name because of to many trolls, i would like to come back and have some fun but not sure if that's possible with mod 6. Im a curious about the new pvp changes.
The op said they would gear down. And to be honest, if you don't pug que with at least one other person it is a 50/50 chance anyone else on your team will grasp the fundamentals of the game well enough to even have a chance at winning.
I didn't catch that either, my apologies. That's pretty awesome actually of them. Don't mind the **** talking either , like i said before i use to have mad respect for ya all in the top pvp guilds and wanted to be in one, but that ain't gonna happen now.
Some of them know who i am and i've been in pugs against some of them and we won.
Execute, Guild Leader of XJ-13
Execute Guild Leader of XJ-13
So im guessing you are accepting the challenge? Since you are putting it that way?
Challenge accepted - wait for me. I gotta load up some Zen
Rumor has it a good majority of them obtained their stuff through third party vendors. Maybe not all of them in Shoppe, but a good deal of those in major PvP guilds have before.
I'd suggest just avoiding spending money on this game as it's deteriorating as it is. Let them spend money and be kings of piles of dirt.
Don't forget to let us know how did the match go for you if you decide you want to prove your words.
Execute Guild Leader XJ-13
I didn't catch that either, my apologies. That's pretty awesome actually of them. Don't mind the **** talking either
Some of them know who i am and i've been in pugs against some of them and we won.
Execute Guild Leader XJ-13
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at