Negation hand down. Far above anything else. I have lathander set (buggy) and GSoulForged but there's not way i can truly face a BiS player with negation on.
Today in a serious pug match (pretty much all players quite geared and half of them i'd say BiS) i got to let go facing a BiS shield on tab+ negation CW and leave the job to our BiS Negation-vorpal GWF or team up with someone.
The 20-30% DR you eventually get in PvP makes a ton of difference.
Vorpal is still strong on high crit builds and classes, but other enchants imho come close or may be better on some builds.
Barkshield is useless cause seriously, who needs pityful and easily nullified X HP mitigation when you can have, in PvP, 15-20-30% more DR with 100% uptime?
I use soulforged cause i like the concept behind Lathander set and the fact it is rare, but it's buggy and seriously, 7-10k HP resurrection on top rank every 75 seconds, vs 20-30% DR 100% up in PvP?
Today in a serious pug match (pretty much all players quite geared and half of them i'd say BiS) i got to let go facing a BiS shield on tab+ negation CW and leave the job to our BiS Negation-vorpal GWF or team up with someone.
The 20-30% DR you eventually get in PvP makes a ton of difference.
Vorpal is still strong on high crit builds and classes, but other enchants imho come close or may be better on some builds.
Barkshield is useless cause seriously, who needs pityful and easily nullified X HP mitigation when you can have, in PvP, 15-20-30% more DR with 100% uptime?
I use soulforged cause i like the concept behind Lathander set and the fact it is rare, but it's buggy and seriously, 7-10k HP resurrection on top rank every 75 seconds, vs 20-30% DR 100% up in PvP?
I sold my Vorpal today. It's a complete trash enchant compared to others.