Why is it the team with the most rogues always wins? I only level doing pvp I do pvp everyday for like 5 hours a day atleast... One patten always comes clear...
The team with the most rogues wins....
Now I know there will be immature people who will not actually add anything constructive other than... cry moar plox.... or ... git gud... or just another cry post ect or.elitest day g rogues are easy to kill and if I can do it then you can or your a ****...
but that's what society has come to these days....
Anyways back to the topic...
Even if a rogue is easy to kill and you dominate them.... They still win...
They sea around and ninja cap your points but they got stealth so you can't see them actually going to these places forcing you to send some men to these points which weakens others and then once you actually took it back they took another one in an endless loop that makes them win...
Now even if they are not smart enough to do that they can win simply by killing.... A casual rogue can easy kill 2 casual people solo... Their damage output is so insane that when you get time to react your dead....
The pvp in this game is simple.... team with the most rogues wins..
Why is it the team with the most rogues always wins? I only level doing pvp I do pvp everyday for like 5 hours a day atleast... One patten always comes clear...
The team with the most rogues wins....
Now I know there will be immature people who will not actually add anything constructive other than... cry moar plox.... or ... git gud... or just another cry post ect or.elitest day g rogues are easy to kill and if I can do it then you can or your a ****...
but that's what society has come to these days....
Anyways back to the topic...
Even if a rogue is easy to kill and you dominate them.... They still win...
They sea around and ninja cap your points but they got stealth so you can't see them actually going to these places forcing you to send some men to these points which weakens others and then once you actually took it back they took another one in an endless loop that makes them win...
Now even if they are not smart enough to do that they can win simply by killing.... A casual rogue can easy kill 2 casual people solo... Their damage output is so insane that when you get time to react your dead....
The pvp in this game is simple.... team with the most rogues wins..
The point rogues win is pug v pug or pug v premade. They thrive on unorganization and non-communitive teams. I know my 2 friends and i Q'd up and faced a 4 TR 1 DC team, we won, not by much, 100 or so, but we won. Just need communication.
It's true that rogues are a powerful pvp class. They always have been since the game was released on PC. In premade matches they are also very useful but it's certainly not "the more the merrier" kind of thing for premades. The game is still very new... give people time and they will soon learn that rogues can be countered with strategy and class composition.
It's true that rogues are a powerful pvp class. They always have been since the game was released on PC. In premade matches they are also very useful but it's certainly not "the more the merrier" kind of thing for premades. The game is still very new... give people time and they will soon learn that rogues can be countered with strategy and class composition.
Yea, TR from Lemonade Stand want to say you Xbox users- do not come alone vs TR becouse you will die TR is op from long time, and this game is really annoyng nowadays.
To be honest, I don't fear TRs as much as I do a really good..um whatever the character is that chokes you in the air, SW or CW. Those dudes can kill me (hr) faster.
If I know a TR is there, most of the time I win due to my ability to spam encounters at them, but if they get the first hit in and I don't have cunning active, I'm likely toast.
I'm a Guardian Fighter, and when I come up against a rogue I rarely ever win. I dont know the name of their moves but all I can say is they are able to dodge and become immune to ALL of my attacks when they go invisible and/or roll. And they have all of these stunning and dazing attacks im just a punching bag for all because I cannot see them when they become invisible so I'm looking for footsteps (I have head phones) and they back stab me, dazing me. Then throw up a smoke screen, stopping me from shielding and do their barrage of slashes and finish me off. I have all my stunning attacks along with, knights challenge (for extra damage, if I freaking land a hit on them) and a knock back daily attack, which they too are always able to dodge and immune to it. So I just lose to them. Everyone else I'm fine. They can dodge and immune too but the rouge is my main problem. I'm lvl 60 and of course no team communication or support. But when I'm getting a post and I see him disappear. I literally guard and attack and nothing hits him and if I do stun him (which is supposed to be more than a seconds) I hit them and stun them but immediately they roll out of it. Making me miss my other attacks and leaving me open. Its just annoying. And I record videos and I have evidence where a rouge has taken me and 2 other players out.
I'm a Guardian Fighter, and when I come up against a rogue I rarely ever win. I dont know the name of their moves but all I can say is they are able to dodge and become immune to ALL of my attacks when they go invisible and/or roll. And they have all of these stunning and dazing attacks im just a punching bag for all because I cannot see them when they become invisible so I'm looking for footsteps (I have head phones) and they back stab me, dazing me. Then throw up a smoke screen, stopping me from shielding and do their barrage of slashes and finish me off. I have all my stunning attacks along with, knights challenge (for extra damage, if I freaking land a hit on them) and a knock back daily attack, which they too are always able to dodge and immune to it. So I just lose to them. Everyone else I'm fine. They can dodge and immune too but the rouge is my main problem. I'm lvl 60 and of course no team communication or support. But when I'm getting a post and I see him disappear. I literally guard and attack and nothing hits him and if I do stun him (which is supposed to be more than a seconds) I hit them and stun them but immediately they roll out of it. Making me miss my other attacks and leaving me open. Its just annoying. And I record videos and I have evidence where a rouge has taken me and 2 other players out.
Hey buddy I'm sorry you are having troubles with TRs. GF is the one class I have never played so I'm sorry I can't be of help with your build. However, a good GF is very, very hard to hit and can contest nodes I feel, better than almost any class when played right with a good build and gear.
I actually haven't faced many good GFs on Xbox but I know they have the capability, as I have friends who still play on PC and are near unkillable.
Mods please don't delete this as it's not shaming and pertains to his question. Iron Lotus has a GF named Vader. He is the best GF I have played this far in Xbox and I would guess he would be more than happy to give a fellow GF some pointers. If I was going to start a GF, he's be the one I would want to chat with.
Good luck friend and keep yer head up! Hope this helps
I have a unique perspective, maybe, as my first level 60 was a TR and I pvp'd with him a lot (one piece away from full profound).
TRs are ridiculous. Insta critical from stealth is broken. Lashing is broken. Smoke bomb and Dazing are broken as well. And, to an extent, dodge is broken.
- Smoke bomb needs a smaller radius, or should only be able to insta-stealth without any Dazing effect.
- Dazing strike can be triggered immediately after lashing or deft strike. You can actually hit dazing/lashing while teleporting with Deft and your daze/lashing will hit at the same time as your Deft strike.
- Dodge is simply broken. Your skill can HIT can but a TR can roll at the same time and it'll miss. Again, AFTER THE HIT. Not to mention it cost too little stamina and moves too far. It's too long of an animation and gives unnecessary invincibility frames.
And more.
You simply cannot give the highest ST dps class so many tools to get away and ridiculous burst dps from stealth. Not to mention you can use Cloud of Steel from stealth and remain in stealth with every single attack critting.
The day I was one shot by a TR on my cleric through an empowered Astral Shield was the day I quit playing him. That's basically close to 40k damage in a single hit that is unprevantable and you can't see coming.
There is a reason EVERY team has at least two TRs.
This is know as the mod of the rogues. With the shadow of demise crit glitch running rampant. From what I read from the PC forums, TR really falls off at lvl 70, basically being average. I've heard rumors that Septemberish is when it will hit Xbox live will get 6. If that's true or not remains to be seen.
Tenacity PvP Guild Divine 60 Spellstorm Control Wizard twitch.tv/Divine1982
Rogues need a nerf. There is no debate. Having a class so overpowered that teams must design comps to beat this one OP class is riduculous. Frankly, control wizards need a nerf as well. To much damage with CC.
I have been playing these type of games for years and never understood the kids that gravitate to OP classes. Control wizards and TR should be ashamed of their class and ask Perfect World to nerf them.
The author of this thread is exactly right. If you play an OP garbage class it is not even your skill or ability that determines victory. What is the point. How is that even fun. Lol
Rogues need a nerf. There is no debate. Having a class so overpowered that teams must design comps to beat this one OP class is riduculous. Frankly, control wizards need a nerf as well. To much damage with CC.
I have been playing these type of games for years and never understood the kids that gravitate to OP classes. Control wizards and TR should be ashamed of their class and ask Perfect World to nerf them.
The author of this thread is exactly right. If you play an OP garbage class it is not even your skill or ability that determines victory. What is the point. How is that even fun. Lol
Where to begin, CW have the lowest AC in the game, we are basically glass cannons. Secondly I can count on one hand the amount of good CW that play on Xbox.
So be lucky there are no more of them that know what they are doing.
Hint: if they are running Conduit of Ice, they don't know what they are doing.
Tenacity PvP Guild Divine 60 Spellstorm Control Wizard twitch.tv/Divine1982
Rogues need a nerf. There is no debate. Having a class so overpowered that teams must design comps to beat this one OP class is riduculous. Frankly, control wizards need a nerf as well. To much damage with CC.
I have been playing these type of games for years and never understood the kids that gravitate to OP classes. Control wizards and TR should be ashamed of their class and ask Perfect World to nerf them.
The author of this thread is exactly right. If you play an OP garbage class it is not even your skill or ability that determines victory. What is the point. How is that even fun. Lol
People like you are always going to get dominated in games. Why? Because you get beat in PvP, and instead of doing some research and figuring out why a particular class is beating you, you post a whiny poopee pants thread crying all over my screen with your emo tears.
Don't Q for PvP anymore. It's obvious you can't handle it.
People like you are always going to get dominated in games. Why? Because you get beat in PvP, and instead of doing some research and figuring out why a particular class is beating you, you post a whiny poopee pants thread crying all over my screen with your emo tears.
Don't Q for PvP anymore. It's obvious you can't handle it.
Leave the PvP to us "kids"....
lol yo your fappy character's TR seems pretty broken to me. Don't get me wrong we played you guys twice the other day and you literally rekt us. twice. You guys are good. After seeing how the game was going I just said F it I'll just try to mess with your back capping perma stealth rogue.
I maybe killed him 2 or 3 times. A teammate came over, still the same thing, can't hit the guy, he's basically in stealth 24/7. I don't play a rogue but I know it does take "skill" to remain in stealth for so long... but to be able to stun us for like 7 seconds, while my roots are HALVED in all of PvP, contributes to my personal feeling that there is a balance issue. I don't really fear rogues; your boy couldn't really kill me consistently, and I couldn't really kill him consistently. After some thought I realized I probably shouldn't have been trying to kill the dude lol.
I'm going to start taking clips of me hitting a rogue with constricting shot, the damage showing on the screen, and the rogue just... disappearing. No roots or anything.
I don't think you need to try and prove that the class doesn't need a nerf. It's pretty accepted that it is a bit over powered.
lol yo your fappy character's TR seems pretty broken to me. Don't get me wrong we played you guys twice the other day and you literally rekt us. twice. You guys are good. After seeing how the game was going I just said F it I'll just try to mess with your back capping perma stealth rogue.
I maybe killed him 2 or 3 times. A teammate came over, still the same thing, can't hit the guy, he's basically in stealth 24/7. I don't play a rogue but I know it does take "skill" to remain in stealth for so long... but to be able to stun us for like 7 seconds, while my roots are HALVED in all of PvP, contributes to my personal feeling that there is a balance issue. I don't really fear rogues; your boy couldn't really kill me consistently, and I couldn't really kill him consistently. After some thought I realized I probably shouldn't have been trying to kill the dude lol.
I'm going to start taking clips of me hitting a rogue with constricting shot, the damage showing on the screen, and the rogue just... disappearing. No roots or anything.
I don't think you need to try and prove that the class doesn't need a nerf. It's pretty accepted that it is a bit over powered.
So he couldn't kill you consistently....but he's OP? I do not understand your logic I'm afraid. You said it yourself, "I shouldn't have been trying to kill him". So, you admit your flaw in playing against him and you should have adjusted your tactics,..but you didn't. Oghmas token btw breaks CC, and grants further CC immunity. More than likely why your roots weren't doing anything. As well, ITC is CC immunity. If you are trying to use encounters and CC on a TR when they have CC invulnerability that's on you, that's not a TR being OP, that's you making a mistake.
All of this goes back to exactly what I just said. Do research on class mechanics before you make yourself look silly and get upset when you can't root a TR using a CC breaking encounter.
People like you are always going to get dominated in games. Why? Because you get beat in PvP, and instead of doing some research and figuring out why a particular class is beating you, you post a whiny poopee pants thread crying all over my screen with your emo tears.
Don't Q for PvP anymore. It's obvious you can't handle it.
Leave the PvP to us "kids"....
I do agree most people are cry babies and have a problem in trying to improve and adapt. PvP in neverwinter has always been a matter of adaptation after every update. I think it is pretty interesting, however, the way this SoD is working, defending rogues from fixing it is like defending GWFs when Destroyer was a God in PvP having insane dmg, insane resistance, roar root. etc...
So he couldn't kill you consistently....but he's OP? I do not understand your logic I'm afraid. You said it yourself, "I shouldn't have been trying to kill him". So, you admit your flaw in playing against him and you should have adjusted your tactics,..but you didn't. Oghmas token btw breaks CC, and grants further CC immunity. More than likely why your roots weren't doing anything. As well, ITC is CC immunity. If you are trying to use encounters and CC on a TR when they have CC invulnerability that's on you, that's not a TR being OP, that's you making a mistake.
All of this goes back to exactly what I just said. Do research on class mechanics before you make yourself look silly and get upset when you can't root a TR using a CC breaking encounter.
hey guy, i mean, let's think about something here. but first thanks for pointing that out to me about the CC immunity. I didn't know the artifact made you totally immune to my roots, but I digress.
I did learn a lot from those two games, specifically how to deal with or not deal with a back capping permastealth rogue; hence why I said I realized after...
From another thread:
"mod 6 on PC rogues are very vanilla, daze duration has been halfed, shadow of demise bug has been fixed, and a 3 second reveal has been implemented ( no more perma stealth ( fappy Gilmore ) ( not sure if that's out yet, but I know they are doing it )"
So yeah I'd say the class currently on Xbox is OP. Facts are facts, mr permastealth got a nerf.
edit: don't mean to sound like a HAMSTER here, I really have nothin crazy against rogues they are HAMSTER characters who I love to have on my team lol, just simply not enough balance.
Honestly I haven't played Mod 6, I've read the changes to TRs and other classes however and I am not the least bit worried. A good player in this game whether it be a TR, or CW or GWF, or any of the classes for that matter. Will adjust if need be and continue to play well in PvP and PvE.
I've played a TR since day one of PC release with many different builds, ever evolving and changing and learning about the class. I enjoy the TR and will continue to compete at the highest lvl with my TR, whether that be Mod 6 or 7 or 8...you get the point.
Forums will still be flooded with whiny need threads. Mod 6 isn't going to change that, in fact I bet it's going to be worse. Because people think Mod 6 is all of a sudden going to make skilled TRs bad...you have a rude awakening coming my friends.
As a GF I personally like fighting rogues. Figuring out when Bull Charge will knock them back and taking advantage of them just throwing knives at me so I just take the hits to get my guard back up is challenging and fun. I"ll never kill one, since I'm running all Profound Preserver gear and feats/boons all into defense and negating combat advantage etc, but it's fun making a rogue leave after 5 minutes where they've only taken 1/4 of my health. I haven't played any other class in PvP so I don't have any other perspective except from a Node Troll.
One thing I find very unfortunate for rogues is that when I'm on the cap and they creep over stealth I see the node go from blue to blue/red. Unintentional give away that I have no resolution for without it being really broken, such as in not letting rogues cap a point while stealth, (as not letting the node become contested), which would not be a good fix and would run the risk of malfunctioning.
BUT, when talking about OP, hunters and that root. That'll kill faster than anything else. Friggen spam rooted and can't turn to block. That makes me QQ all day.
Anyways, Up hill battles are more fun. If you win as the fantasized OP class everyone QQ's. If you win as the underdog class...your class suddenly becomes OP =(. dang forums.
Where to begin, CW have the lowest AC in the game, we are basically glass cannons. Secondly I can count on one hand the amount of good CW that play on Xbox.
So be lucky there are no more of them that know what they are doing.
Hint: if they are running Conduit of Ice, they don't know what they are doing.
Lol..... Where to begin. They are OP due to CC and damage. No amount of nonsense is changing this fact. The devs will fix it. Only a matter of time.
Like, this one time. Some wizard named "imakeemobabiescry" did like this super cool move and dropped like a hundred million pound ball of snow on my guy....and then I died.
We should like, ban together or something neato and like...get them banned, oh my gah!
Rogues need a nerf. There is no debate. Having a class so overpowered that teams must design comps to beat this one OP class is riduculous. Frankly, control wizards need a nerf as well. To much damage with CC.
I have been playing these type of games for years and never understood the kids that gravitate to OP classes. Control wizards and TR should be ashamed of their class and ask Perfect World to nerf them.
The author of this thread is exactly right. If you play an OP garbage class it is not even your skill or ability that determines victory. What is the point. How is that even fun. Lol
CW is the 3rd best class at best. I would go TR, DC and a good HR before a CW
hey guy, i mean, let's think about something here. but first thanks for pointing that out to me about the CC immunity. I didn't know the artifact made you totally immune to my roots, but I digress.
I did learn a lot from those two games, specifically how to deal with or not deal with a back capping permastealth rogue; hence why I said I realized after...
From another thread:
"mod 6 on PC rogues are very vanilla, daze duration has been halfed, shadow of demise bug has been fixed, and a 3 second reveal has been implemented ( no more perma stealth ( fappy Gilmore ) ( not sure if that's out yet, but I know they are doing it )"
So yeah I'd say the class currently on Xbox is OP. Facts are facts, mr permastealth got a nerf.
edit: don't mean to sound like a HAMSTER here, I really have nothin crazy against rogues they are HAMSTER characters who I love to have on my team lol, just simply not enough balance.
CW is the 3rd best class at best. I would go TR, DC and a good HR before a CW
A narsty CW can straight up SCHMELT my HR. Like within seconds. I get choked, and just start absolutely mashing my disruptive shot lol, hoping to stop em for a few seconds.
Battles against TRs are more drawn out and I usually get really dizzy because I have to swing my right stick around a lot (lol) to keep tabs on them.
I would much rather fight a team of glitching one shot TRs than a couple skilled Trapper Hunters or CWs.
The Trapper HR is my hardest fight, I don't think will change anytime soon either. The good ones are constantly making me rethink what encounters I am using.
In fact, I love them for beating me up sometimes, it's great training and making me a much better PvPer
The day I was one shot by a TR on my cleric through an empowered Astral Shield was the day I quit playing him. That's basically close to 40k damage in a single hit that is unprevantable and you can't see coming.
There is a reason EVERY team has at least two TRs.
I've never been one shot through a 3 x Empowered AS even by the most geared TRs I've played against - maybe you need more DR and Tenacity? Since the only one-shot I've been on the receiving end of comes from exploiting an unintended bug, I'm not too concerned about it. Once you've got a full set of PvP gear and learn to anticipate their openers they start to become less of an issue.
You can always see a TR coming; they'll be running towards you from another objective or you'll see your Objective Icon go from capped (blue) to contested (half red, half blue) and know they're about to open on you. Half the time I see them in stealth trying to cozy up next to me to drop a smoke bomb - it's funny, really. You've got plenty of options available to you, and there are always different ways to tweak your build to handle them better if they give you more trouble than other classes.
I've played and won plenty of games vs 2-3 TRs where my team only had one or none at all. They're a great class to be sure and desireable on good PvP teams, but I don't think they're overpowered. Every class has strengths and counters, you just have to figure out what works and what doesn't.
I've never been one shot through a 3 x Empowered AS even by the most geared TRs I've played against - maybe you need more DR and Tenacity? Since the only one-shot I've been on the receiving end of comes from exploiting an unintended bug, I'm not too concerned about it. Once you've got a full set of PvP gear and learn to anticipate their openers they start to become less of an issue.
You can always see a TR coming; they'll be running towards you from another objective or you'll see your Objective Icon go from capped (blue) to contested (half red, half blue) and know they're about to open on you. Half the time I see them in stealth trying to cozy up next to me to drop a smoke bomb - it's funny, really. You've got plenty of options available to you, and there are always different ways to tweak your build to handle them better if they give you more trouble than other classes.
I've played and won plenty of games vs 2-3 TRs where my team only had one or none at all. They're a great class to be sure and desireable on good PvP teams, but I don't think they're overpowered. Every class has strengths and counters, you just have to figure out what works and what doesn't.
Dude. TR can one shot people out of stealth. In no way is this anywhere near balanced. It is impossible to honestly debate the issue. There is no point. It is embarassing reading people defend this garbage.....
Dude. TR can one shot people out of stealth. In no way is this anywhere near balanced. It is impossible to honestly debate the issue. There is no point. It is embarassing reading people defend this garbage.....
TR needs a nerf first. Then CW.
You're right, there is no point. If you can't avoid getting one-shotted then you're doing something wrong, and nothing I say is going to help players who aren't willing to help themselves. TRs are bursty and extremely squishy - take away their burst and the majority of them will reroll because they can't compete, while the good players will adapt and remain competitive.
Take away a CWs burst or CC and they'll be even more useless, because their offense is their defense. If they don't get the opener and land a CC chain they're usually dead. I don't have problems with either class. I honestly think your issue involves two things: gear and L2P.
It's kind of telling that you complain about two of the stronger classes in the game; that's typically how it goes. Doesn't matter that 80% of the issue is the Shadow of Demise exploit! I can avoid one-shots just fine, so I know it isn't impossible. You can too, but if you aren't willing to put in the time to learn then you can just sit here and cry nerf all day long.
I would much rather fight a team of glitching one shot TRs than a couple skilled Trapper Hunters or CWs.
The Trapper HR is my hardest fight, I don't think will change anytime soon either. The good ones are constantly making me rethink what encounters I am using.
In fact, I love them for beating me up sometimes, it's great training and making me a much better PvPer
It's easy to be a good PvP player with TR's though since that class has PLENTY of utility to counter all the classes.
That's why everyone is annoyed at TR.
The Best PVP Guild on Dragon/Neverwinter: YoloOldSkoolSwagLoveNeverGingersLuvDupStep even if it's just one of us, you might as well just afk.
The point rogues win is pug v pug or pug v premade. They thrive on unorganization and non-communitive teams. I know my 2 friends and i Q'd up and faced a 4 TR 1 DC team, we won, not by much, 100 or so, but we won. Just need communication.
Aldren Boweing - 60 HR
[Xbox] Skill <Iron Lotus> - Trickster Rogue
Yea, TR from Lemonade Stand want to say you Xbox users- do not come alone vs TR becouse you will die
If I know a TR is there, most of the time I win due to my ability to spam encounters at them, but if they get the first hit in and I don't have cunning active, I'm likely toast.
Hey buddy I'm sorry you are having troubles with TRs. GF is the one class I have never played so I'm sorry I can't be of help with your build. However, a good GF is very, very hard to hit and can contest nodes I feel, better than almost any class when played right with a good build and gear.
I actually haven't faced many good GFs on Xbox but I know they have the capability, as I have friends who still play on PC and are near unkillable.
Mods please don't delete this as it's not shaming and pertains to his question. Iron Lotus has a GF named Vader. He is the best GF I have played this far in Xbox and I would guess he would be more than happy to give a fellow GF some pointers. If I was going to start a GF, he's be the one I would want to chat with.
Good luck friend and keep yer head up! Hope this helps
TRs are ridiculous. Insta critical from stealth is broken. Lashing is broken. Smoke bomb and Dazing are broken as well. And, to an extent, dodge is broken.
- Smoke bomb needs a smaller radius, or should only be able to insta-stealth without any Dazing effect.
- Dazing strike can be triggered immediately after lashing or deft strike. You can actually hit dazing/lashing while teleporting with Deft and your daze/lashing will hit at the same time as your Deft strike.
- Dodge is simply broken. Your skill can HIT can but a TR can roll at the same time and it'll miss. Again, AFTER THE HIT. Not to mention it cost too little stamina and moves too far. It's too long of an animation and gives unnecessary invincibility frames.
And more.
You simply cannot give the highest ST dps class so many tools to get away and ridiculous burst dps from stealth. Not to mention you can use Cloud of Steel from stealth and remain in stealth with every single attack critting.
The day I was one shot by a TR on my cleric through an empowered Astral Shield was the day I quit playing him. That's basically close to 40k damage in a single hit that is unprevantable and you can't see coming.
There is a reason EVERY team has at least two TRs.
Divine 60 Spellstorm Control Wizard
I have been playing these type of games for years and never understood the kids that gravitate to OP classes. Control wizards and TR should be ashamed of their class and ask Perfect World to nerf them.
The author of this thread is exactly right. If you play an OP garbage class it is not even your skill or ability that determines victory. What is the point. How is that even fun. Lol
Where to begin, CW have the lowest AC in the game, we are basically glass cannons. Secondly I can count on one hand the amount of good CW that play on Xbox.
So be lucky there are no more of them that know what they are doing.
Hint: if they are running Conduit of Ice, they don't know what they are doing.
Divine 60 Spellstorm Control Wizard
People like you are always going to get dominated in games. Why? Because you get beat in PvP, and instead of doing some research and figuring out why a particular class is beating you, you post a whiny poopee pants thread crying all over my screen with your emo tears.
Don't Q for PvP anymore. It's obvious you can't handle it.
Leave the PvP to us "kids"....
lol yo your fappy character's TR seems pretty broken to me. Don't get me wrong we played you guys twice the other day and you literally rekt us. twice. You guys are good. After seeing how the game was going I just said F it I'll just try to mess with your back capping perma stealth rogue.
I maybe killed him 2 or 3 times. A teammate came over, still the same thing, can't hit the guy, he's basically in stealth 24/7. I don't play a rogue but I know it does take "skill" to remain in stealth for so long... but to be able to stun us for like 7 seconds, while my roots are HALVED in all of PvP, contributes to my personal feeling that there is a balance issue. I don't really fear rogues; your boy couldn't really kill me consistently, and I couldn't really kill him consistently. After some thought I realized I probably shouldn't have been trying to kill the dude lol.
I'm going to start taking clips of me hitting a rogue with constricting shot, the damage showing on the screen, and the rogue just... disappearing. No roots or anything.
I don't think you need to try and prove that the class doesn't need a nerf. It's pretty accepted that it is a bit over powered.
So he couldn't kill you consistently....but he's OP? I do not understand your logic I'm afraid. You said it yourself, "I shouldn't have been trying to kill him". So, you admit your flaw in playing against him and you should have adjusted your tactics,..but you didn't. Oghmas token btw breaks CC, and grants further CC immunity. More than likely why your roots weren't doing anything. As well, ITC is CC immunity. If you are trying to use encounters and CC on a TR when they have CC invulnerability that's on you, that's not a TR being OP, that's you making a mistake.
All of this goes back to exactly what I just said. Do research on class mechanics before you make yourself look silly and get upset when you can't root a TR using a CC breaking encounter.
I do agree most people are cry babies and have a problem in trying to improve and adapt. PvP in neverwinter has always been a matter of adaptation after every update. I think it is pretty interesting, however, the way this SoD is working, defending rogues from fixing it is like defending GWFs when Destroyer was a God in PvP having insane dmg, insane resistance, roar root. etc...
hey guy, i mean, let's think about something here. but first thanks for pointing that out to me about the CC immunity. I didn't know the artifact made you totally immune to my roots, but I digress.
I did learn a lot from those two games, specifically how to deal with or not deal with a back capping permastealth rogue; hence why I said I realized after...
From another thread:
"mod 6 on PC rogues are very vanilla, daze duration has been halfed, shadow of demise bug has been fixed, and a 3 second reveal has been implemented ( no more perma stealth ( fappy Gilmore
So yeah I'd say the class currently on Xbox is OP. Facts are facts, mr permastealth got a nerf.
edit: don't mean to sound like a HAMSTER here, I really have nothin crazy against rogues they are HAMSTER characters who I love to have on my team lol, just simply not enough balance.
I've played a TR since day one of PC release with many different builds, ever evolving and changing and learning about the class. I enjoy the TR and will continue to compete at the highest lvl with my TR, whether that be Mod 6 or 7 or 8...you get the point.
Forums will still be flooded with whiny need threads. Mod 6 isn't going to change that, in fact I bet it's going to be worse. Because people think Mod 6 is all of a sudden going to make skilled TRs bad...you have a rude awakening coming my friends.
Until then, Cheers!
One thing I find very unfortunate for rogues is that when I'm on the cap and they creep over stealth I see the node go from blue to blue/red. Unintentional give away that I have no resolution for without it being really broken, such as in not letting rogues cap a point while stealth, (as not letting the node become contested), which would not be a good fix and would run the risk of malfunctioning.
BUT, when talking about OP, hunters and that root. That'll kill faster than anything else. Friggen spam rooted and can't turn to block. That makes me QQ all day.
Anyways, Up hill battles are more fun. If you win as the fantasized OP class everyone QQ's. If you win as the underdog class...your class suddenly becomes OP =(. dang forums.
Lol..... Where to begin. They are OP due to CC and damage. No amount of nonsense is changing this fact. The devs will fix it. Only a matter of time.
We should like, ban together or something neato and like...get them banned, oh my gah!
CW is the 3rd best class at best. I would go TR, DC and a good HR before a CW
Control Wizard
I think you sound fairly reasonable
Control Wizard
sorry I thought that it was pc forum.
A narsty CW can straight up SCHMELT my HR. Like within seconds. I get choked, and just start absolutely mashing my disruptive shot lol, hoping to stop em for a few seconds.
Battles against TRs are more drawn out and I usually get really dizzy because I have to swing my right stick around a lot (lol) to keep tabs on them.
The Trapper HR is my hardest fight, I don't think will change anytime soon either. The good ones are constantly making me rethink what encounters I am using.
In fact, I love them for beating me up sometimes, it's great training and making me a much better PvPer
I've never been one shot through a 3 x Empowered AS even by the most geared TRs I've played against - maybe you need more DR and Tenacity? Since the only one-shot I've been on the receiving end of comes from exploiting an unintended bug, I'm not too concerned about it. Once you've got a full set of PvP gear and learn to anticipate their openers they start to become less of an issue.
You can always see a TR coming; they'll be running towards you from another objective or you'll see your Objective Icon go from capped (blue) to contested (half red, half blue) and know they're about to open on you. Half the time I see them in stealth trying to cozy up next to me to drop a smoke bomb - it's funny, really. You've got plenty of options available to you, and there are always different ways to tweak your build to handle them better if they give you more trouble than other classes.
I've played and won plenty of games vs 2-3 TRs where my team only had one or none at all. They're a great class to be sure and desireable on good PvP teams, but I don't think they're overpowered. Every class has strengths and counters, you just have to figure out what works and what doesn't.
Gamertag: ReallyRecon
Dude. TR can one shot people out of stealth. In no way is this anywhere near balanced. It is impossible to honestly debate the issue. There is no point. It is embarassing reading people defend this garbage.....
TR needs a nerf first. Then CW.
You're right, there is no point. If you can't avoid getting one-shotted then you're doing something wrong, and nothing I say is going to help players who aren't willing to help themselves. TRs are bursty and extremely squishy - take away their burst and the majority of them will reroll because they can't compete, while the good players will adapt and remain competitive.
Take away a CWs burst or CC and they'll be even more useless, because their offense is their defense. If they don't get the opener and land a CC chain they're usually dead. I don't have problems with either class. I honestly think your issue involves two things: gear and L2P.
It's kind of telling that you complain about two of the stronger classes in the game; that's typically how it goes. Doesn't matter that 80% of the issue is the Shadow of Demise exploit! I can avoid one-shots just fine, so I know it isn't impossible. You can too, but if you aren't willing to put in the time to learn then you can just sit here and cry nerf all day long.
Gamertag: ReallyRecon
It's easy to be a good PvP player with TR's though since that class has PLENTY of utility to counter all the classes.
That's why everyone is annoyed at TR.