TL,DR? Skip this bit and just read the steps listed below. I've seen a few other people suffering from this bug and have attempted to reach out to Neverwinter/Cryptic/Arc Support only to be either ignored or told that "they'll look into it". Well as a Networking IT professional, I didn't really find this answer good enough. Especially with this weekends awesome event and sales. So I dove in and messed around for several hours to try and figure out the issue. WHile I STILL don't know what causes the issue specifically, I HAVE indeed found a workaround that you guys suffering from this issue can use while we wait on Cryptic to fix the issue properly.
Steps to fix issue:
1. If you do not have more than one Xbox Profile on your Xbox One, create a new profile now. So that you have your usual Xbox Live gaming profile on the Xbox, and one additional one. (You do not need to create an additional profile if there is already one loaded onto your Xbox that has never played Neverwinter, just use that one when I mention to use the alternate account)
2. Log in to your usual account and boot up Neverwinter. Wait for the "Connecting to Shard Provider" message to go away and the game's Title screen to load in. This can take a few minutes, you're basically waiting for the connection attempt to timeout.
3. From the Neverwinter title screen (the screen with the currently greyed out "Play" button), press the "Y" button to change the active profile.
4. Select the alternate profile. If it asks you to link this account to an Arc account, just press the Skip button.
5. Upon switching active profiles you'll be forced back to the "Press A to launch" screen. Press A. The game should launch normally and when it's done, the "Play" button should no longer be greyed out. DON'T push the play button, you're currently logged into the wrong profile.
6. Press "Y" again to change your active profile back to your original XBL profile that you typically use for playing Neverwinter.
7. You'll be forced out to the "Press A to launch" screen again. Press the "A" button. The game should launch normally now. I've noticed that even after doing this there is a "No Shard Available" error in the bottom right of the title screen, however, the "Play" button will no longer be greyted out and you should be able to now get into the game.
8. Have fun playing Neverwinter
9. ????
10. Profit
Now this is NOT a permanent fix. This is a workaround. The Neverwinter devs need to still address this issue. BUT hopefully you can enjoy yourself some good old Neverwinter with your friends now while you wait for a proper fix. If you're still having issues even after trying my workaround please reply so I can try to help you out. I've already found out firsthand that the official support team for this game is a bit lackluster.
The Kompany
Member of Look Good Play Good
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XBL GT: TehPuppy