10%, you're joking, right? The purpose is exactly that: forcing people to bring skilled controllers, tanks and healers, not to faceroll the content again with glass cannon builds because it doesn't hurt that much.
dude you have zero clue what your talking about. Go try a t2.
Its not that you cant faceroll you literally cant even DPS unless the mobs are 100% controlled. Even IN unstoppable you will get 1 shot.
cromejohnsenMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 207Arc User
edited April 2015
unstoppable sometimes doesnt even work at all even with full determination bar .. very annoying.
+1 to diogene0...some of us are farming these dungeons already and would prefer for the difficulty to be kept in tact, it increases our profit margins Elol is quite good for AD and reasonably easy with a decent group, the t2's are a challenge however and I will admit I have yet to see any group beat the last boss in CC.
"If I can't do it it's not doable" is a pretty poor mentality. You may want to take a look at the artifact page on the AH, therre are green ones and they're mine. That was my loot. Feel free to buy it if you can't finish the content because you're not good enough. :cool:
So this is what it comes down to? It's no longer about fun or playing a game, it's about excluding others as a scheme to earn more ingame currency.
And that's why you are lobbying everywhere for the difficulty to not get lowered, no other reason.
cromejohnsenMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 207Arc User
edited April 2015
sounds more like an easy way for him to make money using bugs / exploits and keeping others from getting any gear at all...
Thats probably why he said not to lower "difficulty"
So this is what it comes down to? It's no longer about fun or playing a game, it's about excluding others as a scheme to earn more ingame currency.
And that's why you are lobbying everywhere for the difficulty to not get lowered, no other reason.
Yup. Still - doubt that strategy will do him much good once the servers are empty. Which is going to happen pretty soon at this rate.
... You may want to take a look at the artifact page on the AH, therre are green ones and they're mine. That was my loot. Feel free to buy it if you can't finish the content because you're not good enough. :cool:
+1 to diogene0...some of us are farming these dungeons already and would prefer for the difficulty to be kept in tact, it increases our profit margins ...
thefabricant and diogene0 sound like out-of-touch players wanting to protect their lordship over everyone else. Either that or they're really sad trolls. :rolleyes:
Yup. Still - doubt that strategy will do him much good once the servers are empty. Which is going to happen pretty soon at this rate.
You nailed it bro!
This Mod 6 whatever thing is the easiest solution coding wise to all problems, like a boxer throws in his white towel.
Boy i thought i was only a mediocre programmer, but even i could do it 100 times better.
How to fix bugged and unbalanced classes? Make them unplayable so nobody wants to run with them, problem solved and we got a 2-3 class game, so much for the diversity of DnD.
Sadly it was bound to happen, since Mod 3 the standard was falling down with such a speed, that it had to hit the ground sooner or later.
They will have their casual 2-3 months players, we long time players are more of a pain in the neck, cause we can compare.
The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
dude you have zero clue what your talking about. Go try a t2.
Its not that you cant faceroll you literally cant even DPS unless the mobs are 100% controlled. Even IN unstoppable you will get 1 shot.
Don't bother replying to the guy , he was a troll on the preview forums too saying the content was still easy when I think abbadon posted a similar thread about Cragmire crypts , I called him out and asked him to post a video of him doing one of the T2 dungeons he reckons are so easy and never heard anything back , just ignore him , obvious troll is obvious.
No offense, but just zerging a dungeon is not fun. Rushing as fast as you can in order to group up half the instance to AE them down is lame. It makes every instance feel the same.
I welcome challenge, as long as its doable. I think their intention was to utilize each class's abilities and require you to have a semi formal group. IE. Not 4 CW's and a Rogue.
Coming from 10+ years of MMO experience. The games I enjoyed the most were the ones that were NOT easy. In-fact, Id say EverQuest ranks up as #1. You have no idea what difficult is until you try to orchestrate 72 players in a single Raid for a 2hr boss fight. ( Rathe Council, Plane of Earth ) haha Now THAT was an Epic Battle!
Dr.Real Good :Sun Elf-Annointed Champion : Trith :Fury Soulbinder :
OBVIOUSLY you're playing the game wrong, and YOU need to change. It's not POSSIBLY the fact that game is a big old pile of dog turds.
I'm getting tired of that sort of response. We should be able to continue playing the game as WE choose, not as the devs choose.
But hey.. they control everything, right? Not the hundreds of thousands of players who are the ones who control the money, because idiots will continue to spend money on this.. but they doon't realize that a polished dog HAMSTER is still a HAMSTER nonetheless.
I agree. This game is dead. I honestly think they WANTED to kill it. I think they are done with the PC and are looking to be Xbox only. New cows to milk and all...
10%, you're joking, right? The purpose is exactly that: forcing people to bring skilled controllers, tanks and healers, not to faceroll the content again with glass cannon builds because it doesn't hurt that much.
oh so u think its better balanced now then before ,now when cw have the same hp as gwf and gf and have better dr then them?
I agree. This game is dead. I honestly think they WANTED to kill it. I think they are done with the PC and are looking to be Xbox only. New cows to milk and all...
but the new playerbase dont will survive if gentleman crush stay in the project OR the true owner of the **** dont stop doing stupid demands like sacrifice the entire game just to dont nerf cw. since the ancient egipty , God dont hardens a heart like that.
well, still have time to make an omelette using the AC thing.
drkbodhiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,378Arc User
edited April 2015
I never said that I can't do it. I will never say that. I was suggesting that if 5/5 exceed the minimum req's by a large margin... how will 5/ 5 do it when they are 1600?
I would have to say that considering that I have not played the game for years... only 6 weeks here... I am ahead of your abilities and standing at 6 weeks. Condescension will not work on me... I know my abilities and you do not.
I want to see proof... and your green artifacts do not mean dookie to me. I would rather earn it than buy it from a person who has to belittle someone who challenges his abilities.
Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
Leadership Council of Civil Anarchy
SYNERGY Alliance
cromejohnsenMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 207Arc User
edited April 2015
somehow this thread has lost its purpose or initial topic
I hear pretty geared ,experienced players saying that the content T1 is extra hard but doable,but t2 impossimple.
All except a very very tiny minority,playing a spesific class.
My instict hinds to me that
Either there are some players that found the best strat/tactic.And keeping that to themselves.Fair enough
Or :
That some players found a bug/glitch using spesific powers (past bugged examples i know off :Valiant T1 bug oneshoting bosses,old Stalwart bulwark stacking, etc)And are able to finish the dungeons in that way.
Ofcourse i might aswell be wrong ,and it is really a thing of excellent gameplay ,strat and party composition.Running spesific rotations,timed and all equipped with a spesific array of enchantments.If i prove to be wrong that would be good for the game .Meaning that it can be done with out exploiting.
Untill i see some videos with any player finishing any t2 i am sceptical.
People used to post videos of beating ToS 1 1/2 year ago.Yet i see nothing now.
cromejohnsenMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 207Arc User
edited April 2015
actually not really because u cant stun a boss atm or interrupt him/her it ?....
As long as a normal auto attack hits for more than 200k (or any hp pool you fully specced tank has after dr) it is simply impossible to beat the t2 legit.
I will say it again and as many times as needed. A pala tank with 60% base DR and his 2 auras which supposedly reduce at least 20% on r3 can not even tank 3 sec taking some hits because he tries to engage enemies without dying and that are auto attacks alone. We dont have unlimited spammable encounters with 2 sec cd. This problem comes to light specifically on boss fights because on mob fights u can simply perma stun them and hope that they never ever get to hit you.
i think only ppl defending difficulty of dungeons atm are either exploiters (infinite ap on dc ) or cws
I just ran with an infinite AP exploiter on DC and I do have a demo of it.
As for the CWs liking the new dungeons - trust me, I hate them so much. Which is why I'm leaving the game. I dislike playing pure DPS only to survive and CC is pretty much BROKEN. Anyone who tells otherwise is playing with fully geared up guildmates and/or 3 CWs with Icy Veins cause that's the only way to actually do something and not get hit.
The difficulty is broken and imbalanced, drastically. HP pool offers nothing of importance, if mobs kill you - they'll kill you. Opting for 5000 defense will bring 10% damage reduction so why bother?
Mobs are FASTER than player who dodges an attack.
True Neutral
Left the Game due to heavy Damage Control & Missing Spanish Language
aimeesellersMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 342Arc User
edited April 2015
So at what point is someone just going to buck up and say that this mod was "Not ready for Prime Time"?
Seriously...just look at the amount of recycled areas. They pushed back the release date once... then ran out of time again. They even admitted Mod 6 was releasing with "minor bugs"... that they were aware of and would fix in later patches.
What is truly sad... is there isnt even a new dungeon featuring the new content. Same old tired dungeons with a faceflit, and buffed monsters.
If they can at least make the dungeons playable... without making them too easy... then we have something. As it stands now, all we have now are insane epic dungeons, and leveling dungeons which are so easy... even at low levels... that they are pointless.
What is truly sad... is there isnt even a new dungeon featuring the new content. Same old tired dungeons with a faceflit, and buffed monsters.
This right here is perhaps one of the biggest disappointments of the new module. There is so much potential for a truly epic dungeon here ... stop the cult from making a devastation orb and unleashing havoc on the Sword Coast. Add in the new monsters and an interesting environment and that could have been a great addition. Devs, if you are reading ... this would make a great future addition to the game.
This right here is perhaps one of the biggest disappointments of the new module. There is so much potential for a truly epic dungeon here ... stop the cult from making a devastation orb and unleashing havoc on the Sword Coast. Add in the new monsters and an interesting environment and that could have been a great addition. Devs, if you are reading ... this would make a great future addition to the game.
Honestly I wish more mobs were control immune making more room for "tanks" and "off tanks" rather than just a perma TR + CC heavy group.
For this though, the PVE mob damage needs to be reduced AND I think the value of AC needs to be increased.
This creates a larger difference between high AC classes and low. With gear making up the HUGE majority of HP, nearly everyone can get the same level of HP so what separates a tank from a nontank? Especially now that defense is 400:1 - its really only giving tanks a few small extra DR %.
do what i said about ac in the page 2 or some match that will make the diference between a fighter ac and a general ac is die in 5/6 attacks or be oneshoted.
eliminate dodges for range classes (is necessary think about rangers).
turn stealth just a super threat reduct, and not a invisible thing (for example, you will generate only 1% of the threat).
now you have balance
ps, of course, gwf will need that dilema:rolleyes:
in terms of balance, I really dont have any interest in doing everything if exist another solid class/build that can fulfill the defensive functions without accumulating other functions.
well, a 9k player solo the most hard content exploring the bad AI of the game dont work. receive one milion damage dont work too. a non tank can protect yourself better than a tank is not fair.
well, a 9k player solo the most hard content exploring the bad AI of the game dont work. receive one milion damage dont work too. a non tank can protect yourself better than a tank is not fair.
so yeah, no dodge, no stealth. long live to AC.
Rather just reduce PVE mob damage since its irrelevant to a non-tank class, they get 1 shot if the damage is 1 million or 100k. Right now its like 200-300l GROSS thus like 100-150k NET.
If the damage was even 100k GROSS it would be <50k NET for a tank class and nearly 1 shot a non-tank.
I still think WHITE hits should never be more than about 30k on a tank... Which would be near 50k for a non tank.
Also buffing AC would be a MAJOR buff to tanks giving them more than a few SINGLE DIGIT DR %.
white damage as you say should never be more that 10% of the average players hp so 10k
even if it was 20% say thrown axe of say 20 k when there are 10 mobs all doing 20k hits this a death sentance to everyone if the mobs are going to hit like this then our dr needs to be much higher
the point is: If you make the ac an additional dr, in the end, just will buff other classes that will have the extra dr and the natural tools.
is necessary create a aditional damage to the natural damage of mobs; "AC DAMAGE" and a "Dr. damage"
the ac damage is "simple". If you have the ac necessary, you dont take any additional damage. If you have more ac than necessary, you will mitigate for each extra AC point, 5/10 / 15k damage of the main damage (to be mitigated by the normal dr).
If you have less ac than necessary, each ac point represent 5k / 10 / 15k piercing+the normal damage.
example: a monster hit by50k+32"AC damage". you have 34 ac and 50% dr? you will receive 25k-10. 15k damage
you have 20AC and 50%dr? 25k+60 (12vs5) piercing = 85k.
the normal damage can be calculated by differents ways, the ac need be that. 0 influence in pvp, 0 buffs for tanks.
seens crazy, but... is a omelette.
over the top, iam sadic, eliminate dodge for range classes/change the stealth rules (ok... maybe change the stealth is not necessary)
white damage as you say should never be more that 10% of the average players hp so 10k
even if it was 20% say thrown axe of say 20 k when there are 10 mobs all doing 20k hits this a death sentance to everyone if the mobs are going to hit like this then our dr needs to be much higher
See im not sold on this. I dont mind white damage hitting REALLY hard. Part of the issues are:
1) DPS classes are JUST as tank as tanks.
2) White damage is hitting 100k-300k NETTING >100% of ANY players HP and in RARE occasions ~80% of ANY players HP.
So what needs to happen is 2 fold.
1) Tanks need more DR to separate themselves from DPS classes, allowing the TANK to soak up more damage and do their job. The biggest undervalued piece here that cannot be "stacked" by DPS classes is AC.
2) Mobs need to deal less damage.
If AC gets boosted, A tank can have more like 10-20% more DR than non-tanks instead of something like 5-10%.
Then if you (for instance) make a MOB hit for 60k BASE, on a TANK itll be netted down to 20-30k. However on a DPS class itll end up hitting for 30-40k which is MUCH more painful HOWEVER non-tanks get "immunity frame dodges"
You rarely ever have 10 mobs attacking all at once, Most of the dungeons are about 5 mobs each. Also you have things like DC debuffs and Party buffs, CC etc. So I DONT think the tank SHOULD be able to tank ALL the mobs. I think he SHOULD get nearly 1 shot if noone else is doing their roles.
For this reason thats why I think white damage should REALLY hurt. I also think that some of the HP on gear should be re-worked a little to provide tanks somewhere in the range of 10-20% MORE HP than the non-tank classes. Thus 100k on a tank is easy to get where as 100k on a non-tank is much harder to get.
the point is: If you make the ac an additional dr, in the end, just will buff other classes that will have the extra dr and the natural tools.
is necessary create a aditional damage to the natural damage of mobs; "AC DAMAGE" and a "Dr. damage"
the ac damage is "simple". If you have the ac necessary, you dont take any additional damage. If you have more ac than necessary, you will mitigate for each extra AC point, 5/10 / 15k damage of the main damage (to be mitigated by the normal dr).
If you have less ac than necessary, each ac point represent 5k / 10 / 15k piercing+the normal damage.
example: a monster hit by50k+32"AC damage". you have 34 ac and 50% dr? you will receive 25k-10. 15k damage
you have 20AC and 50%dr? 25k+60 (12vs5) piercing = 85k.
the normal damage can be calculated by differents ways, the ac need be that. 0 influence in pvp, 0 buffs for tanks.
seens crazy, but... is a omelette.
over the top, iam sadic, eliminate dodge for range classes/change the stealth rules (ok... maybe change the stealth is not necessary)
This is too complicated. They clearly have ALOT of other things on their plates to look at. This is why I think just "buffing" an already existing already DE-valued stat (like AC) will make a BIG difference.
Classes like OP/GF/GWF have MUCH more AC than CW for instance.
I mean there are even heroic FEATS (armor Specialization) for the classes that buff the benefits of AC/Defense, so ven just making those something like: 25%/50%/75% increased value of AC/Defense would make a BIG difference. That way it atleast takes POINTS to get the benefits...
Heck that would even make Defense as a stat MUCH more valuable as well. 75% increased value puts it at nearly 250:1% DR making it worth MORE than HP
dude you have zero clue what your talking about. Go try a t2.
Its not that you cant faceroll you literally cant even DPS unless the mobs are 100% controlled. Even IN unstoppable you will get 1 shot.
So this is what it comes down to? It's no longer about fun or playing a game, it's about excluding others as a scheme to earn more ingame currency.
And that's why you are lobbying everywhere for the difficulty to not get lowered, no other reason.
Thats probably why he said not to lower "difficulty"
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
They will do it in some other MMO.
thefabricant and diogene0 sound like out-of-touch players wanting to protect their lordship over everyone else. Either that or they're really sad trolls. :rolleyes:
You nailed it bro!
This Mod 6 whatever thing is the easiest solution coding wise to all problems, like a boxer throws in his white towel.
Boy i thought i was only a mediocre programmer, but even i could do it 100 times better.
How to fix bugged and unbalanced classes? Make them unplayable so nobody wants to run with them, problem solved and we got a 2-3 class game, so much for the diversity of DnD.
Sadly it was bound to happen, since Mod 3 the standard was falling down with such a speed, that it had to hit the ground sooner or later.
They will have their casual 2-3 months players, we long time players are more of a pain in the neck, cause we can compare.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
Don't bother replying to the guy , he was a troll on the preview forums too saying the content was still easy when I think abbadon posted a similar thread about Cragmire crypts , I called him out and asked him to post a video of him doing one of the T2 dungeons he reckons are so easy and never heard anything back , just ignore him , obvious troll is obvious.
I welcome challenge, as long as its doable. I think their intention was to utilize each class's abilities and require you to have a semi formal group. IE. Not 4 CW's and a Rogue.
Coming from 10+ years of MMO experience. The games I enjoyed the most were the ones that were NOT easy. In-fact, Id say EverQuest ranks up as #1. You have no idea what difficult is until you try to orchestrate 72 players in a single Raid for a 2hr boss fight. ( Rathe Council, Plane of Earth ) haha
Trith : Fury Soulbinder :
I agree. This game is dead. I honestly think they WANTED to kill it. I think they are done with the PC and are looking to be Xbox only. New cows to milk and all...
oh so u think its better balanced now then before ,now when cw have the same hp as gwf and gf and have better dr then them?
but the new playerbase dont will survive if gentleman crush stay in the project OR the true owner of the **** dont stop doing stupid demands like sacrifice the entire game just to dont nerf cw. since the ancient egipty , God dont hardens a heart like that.
well, still have time to make an omelette using the AC thing.
I would have to say that considering that I have not played the game for years... only 6 weeks here... I am ahead of your abilities and standing at 6 weeks. Condescension will not work on me... I know my abilities and you do not.
I want to see proof... and your green artifacts do not mean dookie to me. I would rather earn it than buy it from a person who has to belittle someone who challenges his abilities.
All except a very very tiny minority,playing a spesific class.
My instict hinds to me that
Either there are some players that found the best strat/tactic.And keeping that to themselves.Fair enough
Or :
That some players found a bug/glitch using spesific powers (past bugged examples i know off :Valiant T1 bug oneshoting bosses,old Stalwart bulwark stacking, etc)And are able to finish the dungeons in that way.
Ofcourse i might aswell be wrong ,and it is really a thing of excellent gameplay ,strat and party composition.Running spesific rotations,timed and all equipped with a spesific array of enchantments.If i prove to be wrong that would be good for the game .Meaning that it can be done with out exploiting.
Untill i see some videos with any player finishing any t2 i am sceptical.
People used to post videos of beating ToS 1 1/2 year ago.Yet i see nothing now.
As long as a normal auto attack hits for more than 200k (or any hp pool you fully specced tank has after dr) it is simply impossible to beat the t2 legit.
I will say it again and as many times as needed. A pala tank with 60% base DR and his 2 auras which supposedly reduce at least 20% on r3 can not even tank 3 sec taking some hits because he tries to engage enemies without dying and that are auto attacks alone. We dont have unlimited spammable encounters with 2 sec cd. This problem comes to light specifically on boss fights because on mob fights u can simply perma stun them and hope that they never ever get to hit you.
I just ran with an infinite AP exploiter on DC and I do have a demo of it.
As for the CWs liking the new dungeons - trust me, I hate them so much. Which is why I'm leaving the game. I dislike playing pure DPS only to survive and CC is pretty much BROKEN. Anyone who tells otherwise is playing with fully geared up guildmates and/or 3 CWs with Icy Veins cause that's the only way to actually do something and not get hit.
The difficulty is broken and imbalanced, drastically. HP pool offers nothing of importance, if mobs kill you - they'll kill you. Opting for 5000 defense will bring 10% damage reduction so why bother?
Mobs are FASTER than player who dodges an attack.
Seriously...just look at the amount of recycled areas. They pushed back the release date once... then ran out of time again. They even admitted Mod 6 was releasing with "minor bugs"... that they were aware of and would fix in later patches.
What is truly sad... is there isnt even a new dungeon featuring the new content. Same old tired dungeons with a faceflit, and buffed monsters.
If they can at least make the dungeons playable... without making them too easy... then we have something. As it stands now, all we have now are insane epic dungeons, and leveling dungeons which are so easy... even at low levels... that they are pointless.
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
This right here is perhaps one of the biggest disappointments of the new module. There is so much potential for a truly epic dungeon here ... stop the cult from making a devastation orb and unleashing havoc on the Sword Coast. Add in the new monsters and an interesting environment and that could have been a great addition. Devs, if you are reading ... this would make a great future addition to the game.
Winter Lily (CW) / Winter Rose (DC) / Winter Ivy (HR)
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
Honestly I wish more mobs were control immune making more room for "tanks" and "off tanks" rather than just a perma TR + CC heavy group.
For this though, the PVE mob damage needs to be reduced AND I think the value of AC needs to be increased.
This creates a larger difference between high AC classes and low. With gear making up the HUGE majority of HP, nearly everyone can get the same level of HP so what separates a tank from a nontank? Especially now that defense is 400:1 - its really only giving tanks a few small extra DR %.
do what i said about ac in the page 2 or some match that will make the diference between a fighter ac and a general ac is die in 5/6 attacks or be oneshoted.
eliminate dodges for range classes (is necessary think about rangers).
turn stealth just a super threat reduct, and not a invisible thing (for example, you will generate only 1% of the threat).
now you have balance
ps, of course, gwf will need that dilema:rolleyes:
in terms of balance, I really dont have any interest in doing everything if exist another solid class/build that can fulfill the defensive functions without accumulating other functions.
I think not.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
so yeah, no dodge, no stealth. long live to AC.
Rather just reduce PVE mob damage since its irrelevant to a non-tank class, they get 1 shot if the damage is 1 million or 100k. Right now its like 200-300l GROSS thus like 100-150k NET.
If the damage was even 100k GROSS it would be <50k NET for a tank class and nearly 1 shot a non-tank.
I still think WHITE hits should never be more than about 30k on a tank... Which would be near 50k for a non tank.
Also buffing AC would be a MAJOR buff to tanks giving them more than a few SINGLE DIGIT DR %.
even if it was 20% say thrown axe of say 20 k when there are 10 mobs all doing 20k hits this a death sentance to everyone if the mobs are going to hit like this then our dr needs to be much higher
is necessary create a aditional damage to the natural damage of mobs; "AC DAMAGE" and a "Dr. damage"
the ac damage is "simple". If you have the ac necessary, you dont take any additional damage. If you have more ac than necessary, you will mitigate for each extra AC point, 5/10 / 15k damage of the main damage (to be mitigated by the normal dr).
If you have less ac than necessary, each ac point represent 5k / 10 / 15k piercing+the normal damage.
example: a monster hit by50k+32"AC damage". you have 34 ac and 50% dr? you will receive 25k-10. 15k damage
you have 20AC and 50%dr? 25k+60 (12vs5) piercing = 85k.
the normal damage can be calculated by differents ways, the ac need be that. 0 influence in pvp, 0 buffs for tanks.
seens crazy, but... is a omelette.
over the top, iam sadic, eliminate dodge for range classes/change the stealth rules (ok... maybe change the stealth is not necessary)
See im not sold on this. I dont mind white damage hitting REALLY hard. Part of the issues are:
1) DPS classes are JUST as tank as tanks.
2) White damage is hitting 100k-300k NETTING >100% of ANY players HP and in RARE occasions ~80% of ANY players HP.
So what needs to happen is 2 fold.
1) Tanks need more DR to separate themselves from DPS classes, allowing the TANK to soak up more damage and do their job. The biggest undervalued piece here that cannot be "stacked" by DPS classes is AC.
2) Mobs need to deal less damage.
If AC gets boosted, A tank can have more like 10-20% more DR than non-tanks instead of something like 5-10%.
Then if you (for instance) make a MOB hit for 60k BASE, on a TANK itll be netted down to 20-30k. However on a DPS class itll end up hitting for 30-40k which is MUCH more painful HOWEVER non-tanks get "immunity frame dodges"
You rarely ever have 10 mobs attacking all at once, Most of the dungeons are about 5 mobs each. Also you have things like DC debuffs and Party buffs, CC etc. So I DONT think the tank SHOULD be able to tank ALL the mobs. I think he SHOULD get nearly 1 shot if noone else is doing their roles.
For this reason thats why I think white damage should REALLY hurt. I also think that some of the HP on gear should be re-worked a little to provide tanks somewhere in the range of 10-20% MORE HP than the non-tank classes. Thus 100k on a tank is easy to get where as 100k on a non-tank is much harder to get.
This is too complicated. They clearly have ALOT of other things on their plates to look at. This is why I think just "buffing" an already existing already DE-valued stat (like AC) will make a BIG difference.
Classes like OP/GF/GWF have MUCH more AC than CW for instance.
I mean there are even heroic FEATS (armor Specialization) for the classes that buff the benefits of AC/Defense, so ven just making those something like: 25%/50%/75% increased value of AC/Defense would make a BIG difference. That way it atleast takes POINTS to get the benefits...
Heck that would even make Defense as a stat MUCH more valuable as well. 75% increased value puts it at nearly 250:1% DR making it worth MORE than HP
This would actually solve ALOT of the issues.....