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DLCs over priced

bumshakalakaxxxbumshakalakaxxx Member Posts: 6 Arc User
Im a big fan of the neverwinter universe.... i remember the old days when i was a kid playing baldurs gate 1 and 2 and neverwinter nights... good old days.

so when i saw neverwinter pop in my xbox dashboard it made me happy. i download it, start the game as a wizard (im always a mage is any other class??)

i love neverwinter, the flow, the controls, the feel.... is a great game. so i was like cool it is free, lets spend some real money to get some dlcs and support the developers.....

and bam.... if i want all the 5 dlcs avilable... i would spend $429.95 dollars.... really???? this is like getting a new xbone and what you get from most of the dlcs is not worth it...
the hero of the north pack is 199.99 with that i could get 3-4 new games the rest costs 59.99... this is the price of 1 new game.

i guess i wont be able to support the devs buying a dlc... mybe i get a $15 mount for this goal. but buying the dlc... never, or till they lower the prices.... so never.

whats your opinion of this prices?? do you think xbox will make a bundle to get all of them at a reasonable price??
did you bought already 1 or all of them??
Post edited by bumshakalakaxxx on


  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    There is nothing in those packs that you need. You can play any available class, to level cap, and visit every dungeon, area, and region in the game without a paying a single dime.

    The packs simply give you access to unique races or mounts, there is nothing overly game breaking or powerful in any of them. And nothing absolutely required to get.
  • ilmareeilmaree Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Don't you think they should make the enchanted keys, you can buy them thought in game currency or real money
  • bumshakalakaxxxbumshakalakaxxx Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    sockmunkey wrote: »
    There is nothing in those packs that you need. You can play any available class, to level cap, and visit every dungeon, area, and region in the game without a paying a single dime.

    The packs simply give you access to unique races or mounts, there is nothing overly game breaking or powerful in any of them. And nothing absolutely required to get.

    i know, and this is something i respect of neverwinter, that the zen items are not needed to become the best player arround.

    but still if the prices of the dls where more reasonable i would get em for sure. more races, companions, mounts.... more options are always welcome just not that crazy expensive
  • bigdaddysargebigdaddysarge Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I tend to agree Prices are steep. I understand they have to support the game but I think the Dragonborn pack which I would love to get to play as the Dragonborn Race is 7500 Zen if my math is right (which its often wrong lol) 100 Zen is basically a dollar so 7500 Zen is 75 dollars? Thats a lot of Cash just to unlock one Race. Dont you think more people would buy it if it was like 10-20 dollars?
  • bumshakalakaxxxbumshakalakaxxx Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I tend to agree Prices are steep. I understand they have to support the game but I think the Dragonborn pack which I would love to get to play as the Dragonborn Race is 7500 Zen if my math is right (which its often wrong lol) 100 Zen is basically a dollar so 7500 Zen is 75 dollars? Thats a lot of Cash just to unlock one Race. Dont you think more people would buy it if it was like 10-20 dollars?

    i totally agree, i would like to play with the dragonborn race too, also the moon elf is a nice race for CW
    and you are correct is 75 dollars well 74.99 you can check the prices in this website in the proper area... thats how i get the ludacris total of 429.95 for all dlcs
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I tend to agree Prices are steep. I understand they have to support the game but I think the Dragonborn pack which I would love to get to play as the Dragonborn Race is 7500 Zen if my math is right (which its often wrong lol) 100 Zen is basically a dollar so 7500 Zen is 75 dollars? Thats a lot of Cash just to unlock one Race. Dont you think more people would buy it if it was like 10-20 dollars?

    There's a pack for $25 that has just the DB unlock and a race reroll token.

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  • bigdaddysargebigdaddysarge Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Thanks lewstelamon, I may look into that option cause I think I would really like to play as a Dragonborn. Nice Forum name too, I love the Wheel of Time series. Have read them all and one of my favorite Book series of all time.
  • warlord2015kwarlord2015k Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Im a big fan of the neverwinter universe.... i remember the old days when i was a kid playing baldurs gate 1 and 2 and neverwinter nights... good old days.

    so when i saw neverwinter pop in my xbox dashboard it made me happy. i download it, start the game as a wizard (im always a mage is any other class??)

    i love neverwinter, the flow, the controls, the feel.... is a great game. so i was like cool it is free, lets spend some real money to get some dlcs and support the developers.....

    and bam.... if i want all the 5 dlcs avilable... i would spend $429.95 dollars.... really???? this is like getting a new xbone and what you get from most of the dlcs is not worth it...
    the hero of the north pack is 199.99 with that i could get 3-4 new games the rest costs 59.99... this is the price of 1 new game.

    i guess i wont be able to support the devs buying a dlc... mybe i get a $15 mount for this goal. but buying the dlc... never, or till they lower the prices.... so never.

    whats your opinion of this prices?? do you think xbox will make a bundle to get all of them at a reasonable price??
    did you bought already 1 or all of them??

    If everything in game was cheap everyone would soon have everything they wanted from the store meaning they would no longer need to purchase any more Zen which also means the developers stop getting cash I think you know what happens after that
  • bumshakalakaxxxbumshakalakaxxx Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    If everything in game was cheap everyone would soon have everything they wanted from the store meaning they would no longer need to purchase any more Zen which also means the developers stop getting cash I think you know what happens after that

    i see your point, and thats why i wanted the dlcs in the first place... to support the developers.
    but is crazy to charge 199.99 for a dlc! (acording to the prices in this website.) dlc is not a full game is an adon to it... so explain to me how is posible that a dlc costs 3 times more than a brand new game??
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    If everything in game was cheap everyone would soon have everything they wanted from the store meaning they would no longer need to purchase any more Zen which also means the developers stop getting cash I think you know what happens after that

    Not to mention that you can buy nearly everything without spending a dime simply by converting AD to Zen. So, you can not only play the game for free, but can..technically get everything in the zen store for free as well. Granted, the level of grinding to pull that off would be legendary, but its still doable. I don't know many free games that allow free players so much access, to even paid for items.

    So while I agree, the prices seem high. I feel they are this way as a balance for the free accessibility. The game seems largely funded by those expensive packs, but you do get a lot for them. In all cases they offer far more then you can get if you tried to buy all the goodies by themselves. So, if you feel that makes the packs worth it, get them, support the game. If not, dont.

    After all the point of the packs isnt for someone to get them all. Its the shotgun approach, they are simply offering enough pack choices that hopefully one will be appealing to someone.
  • warlord2015kwarlord2015k Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The way im going about it is using diamonds to buy Zen here and there then I only have to put a small amount of cash towards what I want ,I do agree there are some expensive things.but I'm putting cash into the game each week no matter what, they put enough effort into bringing this to xbox so the least I can do is support them all the way ��
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    You're not supposed to buy them all at once! This is a game they want you to play for weeks, months and years. There is new content every few months and lots of end-game stuff to grind.
    Try this instead: Buy one. If you're still playing in a month, buy another. If you're still playing month after that, buy something else.

    Bottom line: The is nothing on the zen store you need, but if you're playing the game and want to support the devs, just buy a single pack to say thanks.
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  • latinlegendlatinlegend Member Posts: 43
    edited April 2015
    Trust me when I say that the discounts for premium currency or purchasable content will come in due time. I'm not talking about a dingy 15% discount either. As Digital Extremes, developer for Warframe, quickly learned. A majority of people, including myself, refused to spend a dime on Warframe until they started doing 50% off platinum purchases. Those are the only occasions where I purchased the currency. I am also a long time PC gamer myself & I know that PC gamers in general are more accustomed to dropping money on market place type games. Console gamers are a completely different breed & many will not give the devs anything until steep discounts start to happen. As was the case with Warframe. I don't blame them either since a full fledged game can be purchased for the same price for a handful of items in Neverwinter.
  • ryugasiriusryugasirius Member Posts: 996 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I tend to agree Prices are steep. I understand they have to support the game but I think the Dragonborn pack which I would love to get to play as the Dragonborn Race is 7500 Zen if my math is right (which its often wrong lol) 100 Zen is basically a dollar so 7500 Zen is 75 dollars? Thats a lot of Cash just to unlock one Race. Dont you think more people would buy it if it was like 10-20 dollars?

    What's in that pack is more than worth its price if you think of making many alts, it contains a 30-slot bag that is account-wide (a single 24-slot bag is priced 1k ZEN each).

    A purple artifact and ring (account-wide as well) is also great to start with for any alt! :)

    As a matter of fact, I purchased this bundle and I have absolutely no intention of making any ugly lizard characters :P
  • tomiri2525tomiri2525 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    On steam the dragonborn race is about 20$ in zen the full 75 dollar pack has some nice things like the red dragon heart and the ring and 30 slot bag but is not required

    and there is only 3 races that are locked moon elf (sun elf reskin) dragonborn and a reskin drow.

    for dragonborn you can pay money and unlock it or you can get very lucky and buy a key and get it from the lock box. Metallic dragons are a shiny reskin of regular dragonborn... no breath weapon nothing special between them.
  • astewart42astewart42 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    A purple artifact and ring (account-wide as well) is also great to start with for any alt! :)

    Why do I need the purply rings? What does that get me, or even the artifacts? No clue what the numbers mean so how's that an incentive to buy.
  • strandthemanstrandtheman Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    You're absolutely right about the prices being overpriced...but you also have to remember that the game and all of it's content is completely free. The developers have to make money to support the game somewhere and to be honest, it's a great business strategy. The higher prices make the items rarer and more valuable, which pushes people to want to buy them. It's as brilliant as it is evil lol.

    Remember that you can trade AD for Zen as well as obtain most variations of the same items (if not exactly the same) by just playing the game. Sure there is a grind, but that's all MMOs in a nutshell. Nothing in the Zen store is necessary and the items you can purchase only give you a slight advantage in the early stages of the game. Also, if there is something you really want, save up that AD for Zen conversion and wait for one of the weekly sales. There should be regular sales where packs, mounts, etc are up to 25% off. There is also a chance to find Zen coupons from enemy drops...I had found a 15% off a special companion the other day. Just be patient. :)
  • jailbirdeyjailbirdey Member Posts: 33
    edited April 2015
    I think once all the initial buying slows down, you will see some weekly or monthly specials start to be posted. In the Zen store on Xbox, the "Specials" area had no items listed. This area will start to contain items at a discounted price. Look at the main web page on the PC version and you will see they have 25% off the Greater bag of Holding this week and well as a couple other items.

    “The problem with both socialism and F2P games is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”
  • jjb828jjb828 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I agree with the steep prices. I feel they could be 25-40% cheaper, and they would still make bank, but people are still paying. So they don't have to change anything.

    You can also use your Astral Diamonds to obtain Zen to use on the Zen Market. Nobody has to pay, though. If you are a hardcore player you will be able succeed without dropping a dime on the game.
    Check out the Neverwinter/ESO guild Rogue's Gallery! While you're at our forums, submit an application and join our glorious regime!
  • gfalconiogfalconio Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    this game should only buy the epic mount.
    PVP GF Sword Master Dominion Champion :3
  • jjb828jjb828 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    gfalconio wrote: »
    this game should only buy the epic mount.

    I bought the tiger. Not the fastest, but I love tigers. And on top of the 15% off discount coupon, it was a money saver for me
    Check out the Neverwinter/ESO guild Rogue's Gallery! While you're at our forums, submit an application and join our glorious regime!
  • karlspaklerkarlspakler Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Agree completely. My brother and I can't believe this game is free. That's how good it is. I would like to support the developers too. I'll probably wind up buying something just for that reason. The costs seem very high though.
  • bumshakalakaxxxbumshakalakaxxx Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    thank you all for your replys.

    i guess in the end i will do the AD for ZEN to get stuff.
    how ever, what i wanted to do was to buy stuff with real money to support the devs, geting zen with AD, wont help me to achive this goal.
    so yesterday when i got home, i got the 2k zen pack... mission acomplished.

    also i noticed that not all the packs avilable for pc, are avilable for xbox.

    i.e. the hero of the north pack in pc gives you 3 char slots, a mount, the drow race among other items. for the xbox, it onley gives 1 char slot spider mount, drow race, and much less items.... thats why in xbox that package is 6k zen and in pc is much more expensive.

    the pack where you get the moon elf i couldn find it in the xbox zen store... (mybe is not avilable yet?)

    i got the heirloom pack... it was that or a mount, and the pack i felt more value for my money.

    the dragonborn pack is exactly the same in pc and xbox.

    i will drop more money when i see what i want with a nice discount, in the midtime ill AD for ZEn sounds good
  • bigdaddysargebigdaddysarge Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    You can usually always expect to pay more for an MMO than other games. like if the original game is around 50-60 dollars and the first expansion or what not is around 30 and possible microtransactions another 20-30 in the first year you can usually expect to spend around 100-150 bucks on most other titles Ive played. but these prices are much higher than what Ive seen in other games. Perhaps cause the initial client is Free Im guessing.
  • ueturuetur Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I ran into the exact same problem the original poster did. I really like this game and as a free to play game the quality is high. So I though why not spend some money and support the game. However I then looked at the cost per item and I am frankly really shocked. All the different purchases are really expensive and as many people pointed out are no necessary in any way.

    I would drop $50 to $60 right now for real feature unlocks. A permanent go back to base token, more bag and vault space, character slots, etc. Then as the game sucks me in I would drop another $20-$50 here and there as I play this for months to buy cosmetics, keys, etc. I have played a ton of games in the free to play model and this game has incredible free value but doesn't quite have their marketplace down for me.
  • zachary4829zachary4829 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Instead of looking at the additional content as a single purchase, decide how much this game is worth to you a month and break it down into segments.

    $15 dollars a month is my number for most games. It is the normal subscription for non-free-to-play games like WoW that still charge you for expansions. Every month I budget $15 dollars for the game, if there is something I want that costs more I wait until the next month.

    This game has a fantastic pay model, they really don't make you feel like you are missing anything by not paying like most games do. Buying a pack or some keys to support the game is just a way to support a great game if you choose to.

    Keep in mind that you can purchase almost anything in the store just from playing the game.
  • arnuel28arnuel28 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Not only the dlc, zen in general is overpriced. I mean in the zen store most items cost from 2000z to 6000z and to get 1000 z you have
    to pay $10.00. I also want to support the developers but that's too much money.
  • vhylevhyle Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    In my opinion, I would have pre-ordered this game if it was coming out as a subscription based game, and I would have wanted the collector's edition. So, we're talking roughly $90-$100 or so just to get the base game and some goodies. Personally, having a job and no other commitments, I see no problem dropping that much. However, I wouldn't do that blindly. After having played a few days with this game, I can make that decision regret free.

    Now, what I plan to do is this: I get paid tonight, so I'll drop an easy $60 as if I was "purchasing" the game for the first time. I've seen posts where people have stated they would drop $60 for the game in a heartbeat because the game is that good. I agree with that sentiment. Now next payday, I'll drop probably $30, which would be about what an expansion would be. Maybe $40, since some cost a bit extra. If I wanted the collector edition of said expansion, I'd drop $50, but none of the "DLC's" feel like that to me. Maybe the Dragonborn one has that feel, what with the bag and stuff added to it.

    So yeah, that's my opinion on it. I always wanted to play on the PC, but my PC isn't made for gaming as such, so it won't run it very well (as well as the One I should say). So, I'm a huge fan of this game and extremely happy I can play it. I guess it's a matter of perspective, and I agree that it's overpriced. If I didn't have a job I'd be leery of that as well, but since I have a job and no real commitments (no wife, woman, kids, or car) so dropping cash on a whim isn't such a big deal to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not money bags by any stretch of the word.
  • xxxrumbl3xxxxxxrumbl3xxx Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Personally I'd like to see the prices come down - yet I've already bought the Dragonborn pack. Do I get the Zen balance if they lower prices? Probably not. But the Dragonborn I have is pretty boss, including all the extras you get with him.

    Still - wish the price wasn't so steep. Not all of us have mass amounts of disposable income for some of the cooler things in the game.
  • the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 1
    edited April 2015
    Not sure what you're buying but that's alot of money!

    Personally, I planned on buying the hunter ranger pack, the heirlooms, the warlock packs because each one of those came with a bag, special items including and end game weapon, cosmetics, a companion so the packs pretty much eliminate much of the purchase cost.

    Now I'm definitely not the type to support the greedy and I'm the first one to tell them how lazy they were for not including the founders pack in the Xbox version (you can see three threads I've been in for it) but you can reduce the costs by buying packs instead for many of them include the essentials such as bags for example. That's the only thing that made it worth it for me.

    The heirloom definitely helps with leveling as that gear enhances your character in ways the blues in the game do not i've noticed.

    There's another pack I've been looking at lately that has some usefulness and it has alot of essentials in it too might get that one as a final purchase.

    Mounts now are another story as I've been running around with the gold standard mount now it's not as fast as the mounts I had before sadly but it gets me there and it's not excrutiating to use.
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