Can some1 explain me EXACLTY how it will be calculated now?
Because i dont found anywhere it, and i just watched one video at youtube, and the guy is with full legendary itens and rank 10, etc. Their GS is showing 1.670.
Last time i logged on preview i got more than it and i got epic equips, like no legendary item, then i got confused here.
And last day i logged again, more GS coz i changed some itens, and my other char , one GWF without half itens i got at CW, was with 1.982 gs. So, how its going to be calculated?
i see some ppl talking on game thats counting ALL ur inventory, another chars, etc.. so, any1 know ?
All it is doing is calculating the value of the the gear you're wearing. Your boons, companion bonuses, and natural stats don't count. Every piece of gear has a value based on it's color and level you're wearing (Sitting in your inventory doesn't count). Each enchantment and artifact level has a specific value. It is only these values that factor into the Item Score.
Your gear now has an item level which is added together to present item score?? Gear score
in contrast would add up the stats on your gear with some sort of weighting metric and may have included some feats.
New item level is simpler and will let people pick the most useful stat rather then the one that increases a useless number from what i understand.
Every piece of gear, artifact, and enchantments has an item level associated with it now. The new gear score is simply a total of all those item levels. It will be a true gear score, it will no longer measure stats or hit points, but worn and equipped gear alone.
Neverwinter Wonderland
Neverwinter Wet & Wild
Neverwinter 2nd Anniversary Montage
Neverwinter Anniversary Montage
Protector's Jubilee Speech
Oh the Carnage
in contrast would add up the stats on your gear with some sort of weighting metric and may have included some feats.
New item level is simpler and will let people pick the most useful stat rather then the one that increases a useless number from what i understand.
Have fun everyone,