Vanguards Banners lvl 140 give 1996 power and 1996 ls when summon on the description : in real it gives same amount than lvl 100 artifact 510 power and .....
legendary companion give bonus legendary only on summon companion instead activ companion and only during 15 second and deseapper .
New roots on Hr procs on every Dammage and dot , means perma daze :all type of perma style (sleath , block shield , daze , immune cc , roots , etc ) broke the game , it s highly recommanded to change it .
lvl12 rank barkshield are perma 4 scales : imposssible to break it
lvl 10/11/12 negation : give 15 stack instead of 10 as description said
dark enchant give 430 stat (rank10) all other give 400
lvl 70 boost (lvl60 boost to 70 on iwd ) need to change the huge boost stat because a lvl 60 boost with lower stat and gear is 300% stronger than a real 70 full gear full rank 12 . Querstion : why i need lvling and spend time to upgarde if i am stronger when i am lower lvl ?
countless scars feat , it give the intended 15 stack but don t change ur dr stat on stat when u press C so u can t know if it work as intended .
Hr : one of there encounter deals infinite dot ( dmg proc dot , this dot proc dot and another dot infinitlly )
Paladin range protection is around 200 feet, it s look like a bug if it s not it must be changed or a palandin can carry a whole team on whole map alone (pvp)
Hrs Longstrider shot dot lasts 20 second as in description. Ticks every second of less. Damage in description is total damage by encounter I think. Tested it on dummies
The HR infi DOT skill is the Melle version of Longstrider shot : Gushing wounds (lol the skill icon is like lashing blade) (not yet fixed)
May the bacon Bless.