ah the good old days, I used to enjoy running dungeons, getting some loot, and making some good money on that rare avatar of war drop
Now theres what, 4 things in total worth doing in this game: SHores skirmish for that shore set and Books to sell, Lostmouth strictly for salvage and hopeful Books to drop. Dragon Heralds are on the list cus they are still fun, but I don't think they are really worth running anymore. And then of course Tiamat, cus well we all gotta get that 7th boon some day right?
Does cryptic ever plan on making Dungeon Profitable again? Give us a good reason to play this game, run things and even "attempt" to get to end game quality, you know, like where are right now in live server..
i Started my Trickster Rogue somepoint early on just after Caturday thingy, Demon Neeson, you might remember him ;p Love playing PvP until the day they nerfeed Lurkers Assault daily, then I switched to PvE so that I could farm some cash and gear etc. The only gear i even had was the GauntleGrim Skulker set, which in turnj gave me just enough HP so that I could easily Face tank all the bosses in the epic Dungeons. This made for some great dungeon delves with my olllllld guildies back then since we were able to move along without a Tank, I was able to hold the aggro and provide pretty amazing DPS vs the boss (back then no other class could toch the TR Executioner spec DPS vs a Boss, too bad the rest of the dungeon is pretty much random AoE encounters while quietly following along) but somehow was never able to make a full set of any other PvE set =(
Ended up quiting the game sometime after Sharandar release, got halway through the boons and became so sick of the game i left until Dread Ring Release. SOmehow made it through both boons but by this time TR's were shunned by the PvE community as they were almost all perma stealthspecced, and 100% useless in a PvE dungeon. So I wasnt able to find any groups unless with guildies, but the guildies were quitting the game left and right too.... so I ended my TR, no more than 14.9k GS (id say 17k-18k GS was BIS at the time).
Made a CW and had random fun, but just couldnt get into it =(
FInally in July I Started testing the SW for Mod 4 and fell in love instantly, Hellbringer Fury fit my play style perfectly so I turned that into my Main once release on Live. I enjoyed evey second of it, PvP was great (despite all the risks and issues that we do have inb PvP) as I was able to make plenty of quality Kills. Finished my DOmination PvP campaign pretty quickly and picked up a Defenders Banner + Dvoted Sigil and teh Lantern that i had.
I leveled the Defenders Banner strictly so that I could tweak my build into a Hybrid for PvE and PvP, the defenders has Regen and Incoming Heal Bonus which effects my personal healing so that I could survive longer in a 1 on 1 or 2 on 1 situation. Thanks to this setup and about 40-45k HP + 2 piece corrupt/purified, I was able to bring some serious pain in PvP in most situations (until Mod 5 tr'S OF COURSE).
Now with Mod 6, Regen will not work in combat, and my inc healing bonus will only be useful if I have a healer in my team, i cant even remember the last time I was in a Domination, and a Healer was on my team that actually healed anyone ^^..
So my problem now, my 99 level defenders Banner will get benched (So upset about this cus I saved up for months to lvl this thing during 2 x RP weekend and spent my DOmination time unlocking it.....) and then replaced by my old Sigil of the Controller i guess...
Very Upset with Cryptics decision to release alllllll this stuff so shortly after initially introducing Artifact Items.. Cus now seriously...even my Legendary Dragon Mainhand will be completely wasted/useless since I will have to level teh new lvl 70 version instead.....
I have very colorful and choice words for the Dev's.. words that maybe cant even be conveyed verbally, possibly requiring a stern look at a backhand to the mouth.
I cant be the only on who feels completely cheated and betrayed.. And I didnt even put money into the game like so many of you have!!!
I find it interesting, according to forum posts, noone spends money on this game. A question, how is this game still running then?
Feels like most players on the forums are f2p cynics, maybe that's where all that snowball of cynism comming from causing panic among the community. But before I say anything about ESO - do their devs communicate with their players?
I have very colorful and choice words for the Dev's.. words that maybe cant even be conveyed verbally, possibly requiring a stern look at a backhand to the mouth.
I cant be the only on who feels completely cheated and betrayed.. And I didnt even put money into the game like so many of you have!!!
Devs receive so much vitriol yet so many people don't understand that it's not the devs' fault that the game is going to pot...Look higher up people, the suits are to blame.
Our pain is self chosen.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
I find it interesting, according to forum posts, noone spends money on this game. A question, how is this game still running then?
Feels like most players on the forums are f2p cynics, maybe that's where all that snowball of cynism comming from causing panic among the community.
I put money into this game because I can. It's no different than paying those ridiculous movie house ticket prices to watch really crappy movies; in the end it's all just entertainment. I could just download all my movies for free and never pay a dime. but that would be "illegal". At least here Cryptic is flat-out inviting you to do so: play 100% for free. A wise person will just throw a saddle onto the gift horse rather than look into its mouth.
I love threads like these, they're almost as entertaining as playing the game itself.
Now back to the topic at hand: My general thinking on Mod 6 and the so-called "feedback" in this thread, especially the OP: MOD 6 Isn't finished yet; the reason Preview server is called Preview is because you get to see *unfinished* work before it's finished. It's that same as the bonehead "tech media" bashing the Apple Watch before anyone has even had a chance to see it, much less actually use one. But Apple doesn't allow previews for unreleased hardware. Which is smart.
Cryptic allows previews for the specific purpose of getting comment *feedback*. Complaining is a moot point because they haven;t had the chance to implement that feedback as of yet. If I may recommend: we stick to actually *feedback* until the Mod is finished and goes Live. Then you have the right, nay - the responsibility to *complain* about stuff.
Yes, Mods, I am all over the place, feel free to dump this into the 404 bin for being irrelevant. LOL
The devs don't care about your opinions. These forums are for free bug testing. Its why you put your opinions in blue, so they know what to ignore.
The game was more new player friendly. It isn't now. It used to be fun too. Now it has heroics.
It would be nice if the mods could compile enough data to say, "here are the major issues for the forums users". Right now they would run like this roughly, the rp system is awful and it feels like we are being squeezed for cash, tr is way too strong in pvp, we need good dungeons because its been kind of stale for a while and please fix the kicking people from pvp because it drives people incandescent with rage. Maybe they do that already but the next step would be for them to issue some kind of response and for it not to be awful. If their response to the rp system is along the lines of "we are squeezing you and you can expect at best small mitigations" well then we can make decisions easier. What would be nice is some level of clarity instead of insane random decrees and silence. That isn't even asking them to anything because they are obviously going to do whatever they want anyway but at least we would have some idea where things are going.
I agree with what you are saying lvl99looter.
Was here on beta, start. Returned on mod 3-4 to see GWF roar.
I can agree with you on pretty much everything. 90% of what you say I do feel too. Main problem of this game - players are customers of this game. And devs go against main business law - they don't care about thier customers and their feedback.
I do feel that this mod has too much of bad changes -new level for items, RP system broken, crazy application of RND to everything, new artifacts on top on new old ones. Poor content. "Copy/Paste" careless development of new powers and new content. Unbalanced dungeons like 10gs Tiamat. List can go on really.
Yet I do agree on that HP and curves changes was necessary at this point of game state. But implementation is still "careless"
It would be nice if the mods could compile enough data to say, "here are the major issues for the forums users".
Ummm, they do that, and even asked community to help. Or have you not seen the "Class Reporters" (Previously "Class Advocates") threads asking for volunteers?- and people beotched about it. Cryptic cannot win for losing. I'm not defending Cryptic here, just stating a fact. And this lays into threads like these about new content.
Mod 6 might still be a mess right now. Which is the reason for Preview play-testing. And yes, the Devs do pay attention to feedback (many, if not most of the requested changes to new DC were actually implemented before Mod 5 went Live).
It's not what you ask but how you ask. Sure: three weeks is a very short time, but there is an army of Devs working on it, each with their own expertise on different parts of the project.
I don't wholly agree with the OP, but much of what was said is fair at this point in time. It's the additional commentary that I find so amusing.
I can agree with you on pretty much everything. 90% of what you say I do feel too. Main problem of this game - players are customers of this game. And devs go against main business law - they don't care about thier customers and their feedback.
But keep in mind that this forum is NOT the only avenue for feedback. They're also tracking tons of metrics based on what players actually DO in game, not just what they come onto the forums and complain about.
We don't even know if the people complaining here have even played the game, let alone how much they've played, or what they've "tested" for Module 6. Anyone can register an account and post here.
Truth be told, that's what you see from 90% of the posts here. Nine out of every ten posters here are commenting on their "opinion" of the changes, not their actual experience. And then even more people post their opinion of the opinion of someone else, which makes no sense.
For example, look at the two threads about the Leadership changes. The first thread posted was nothing more than some guy's opinion about the changes, without any facts or evidence to support it. And then you had dozens of people posting about how the changes were going to ruin the game, but it was all based on the OP's opinion, not the reality. It took 3 pages of posts before people actually started providing information to the contrary...but even then, all you get in response is people huffily posting that, despite overwhelmingly evidence to the contrary, they'll basically "believe it when they see it."
Which is maddening. Any time a Developer posts something, it's met with the utmost scrutiny.
But anytime a regular schmoe posts something, it's take as Gospel until it can meticulously be proven otherwise.
I find it interesting, according to forum posts, noone spends money on this game. A question, how is this game still running then?
Feels like most players on the forums are f2p cynics, maybe that's where all that snowball of cynism comming from causing panic among the community. But before I say anything about ESO - do their devs communicate with their players?
Oh I have spent money on this game. I have bought every pack / booster pack on my wife's and my account. Did not buy the $200 pack did not see the value of putting $400 into a 'free' game. After the Dragonborn pack bullcrap I have turned my wallet off. There is to be no more money spent on this game. I still enjoy a few things in the game but I find myself playing less and less.
The funny thing is that since I have stopped spending on this game Cryptic keeps bringing in changes that just reinforce my wallet to stay closed.
Mod 6 is not helping this at all.. in fact I am testing it out and just laughing at the ridiculousness of the Mod and we haven't even seen the whole thing yet.
I will admit I am one of those players that has max everything all legendary equipment rank 10s etc etc. My number to reach that point in Mod 6 is 72 million + refining points.... and I am starting at rank 10s and legendary!!! I truly feel sorry for any new person that starts this game in Mod 6 and feel real bad for anyone that felt they were making head way in their gear progression. The rug is being yanked out from under your feet HARDCORE.
I will NEVER see my character back at the max again nor will I even try too hard. With how quickly the Mods are coming out there is no hope in trying to anymore.
There have been plenty of great feedback threads in every module beta that simply go ignored. Mod 6 is no different.
Try to have fun out there
Here is the exclamation mark on my thoughts... try to post this and get:
Service Unavailable - Zero size object
The server is temporarily unable to service your request. Please try again later.
Reference #15.1753e4cf.1424797790.200d7bf
I mean how long has this forum bug been around? LOL
Sad but true, almost %75 of my friend lists are constant offline
other remaining ones, as you guess in farm frenzy
NW's social side already died.
no one talks with eachother, no hi ,no bye.
guildies like robots. keep farming endlesly.
I try to find a reason for stay at the game, except talking with 1 or 2 close friends.
Im not going to say "I hope..." for this or for that.
because i know there is no hope for anything.
Ummm, they do that, and even asked community to help. Or have you not seen the "Class Reporters" (Previously "Class Advocates") threads asking for volunteers?- and people beotched about it. Cryptic cannot win for losing. I'm not defending Cryptic here, just stating a fact. And this lays into threads like these about new content.
Mod 6 might still be a mess right now. Which is the reason for Preview play-testing. And yes, the Devs do pay attention to feedback (many, if not most of the requested changes to new DC were actually implemented before Mod 5 went Live).
It's not what you ask but how you ask. Sure: three weeks is a very short time, but there is an army of Devs working on it, each with their own expertise on different parts of the project.
I don't wholly agree with the OP, but much of what was said is fair at this point in time. It's the additional commentary that I find so amusing.
Of the 4 major things I see people complaining about one of them is a class balance thing and somehow I don't see the tr class advocate telling them you made us too strong just like everyone said in preview mod 5. Maybe the mods do compile those problems but what I want is how the devs see it and what their plan if they have one is for it or at least their statement of it isn't a real issue we aren't going to do anything.
lirithielMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,482Arc User
I put money into this game because I can. It's no different than paying those ridiculous movie house ticket prices to watch really crappy movies; in the end it's all just entertainment. I could just download all my movies for free and never pay a dime. but that would be "illegal". At least here Cryptic is flat-out inviting you to do so: play 100% for free. A wise person will just throw a saddle onto the gift horse rather than look into its mouth.
I love threads like these, they're almost as entertaining as playing the game itself.
Now back to the topic at hand: My general thinking on Mod 6 and the so-called "feedback" in this thread, especially the OP: MOD 6 Isn't finished yet; the reason Preview server is called Preview is because you get to see *unfinished* work before it's finished. It's that same as the bonehead "tech media" bashing the Apple Watch before anyone has even had a chance to see it, much less actually use one. But Apple doesn't allow previews for unreleased hardware. Which is smart.
Cryptic allows previews for the specific purpose of getting comment *feedback*. Complaining is a moot point because they haven;t had the chance to implement that feedback as of yet. If I may recommend: we stick to actually *feedback* until the Mod is finished and goes Live. Then you have the right, nay - the responsibility to *complain* about stuff.
Aah Angrysprite, ever the optimist But you know as well as I do that upwards of 90% of the content tested on preview remains unchanged come live despite there being major flaws that were pointed out time and time and time again.
Our pain is self chosen.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
But keep in mind that this forum is NOT the only avenue for feedback. They're also tracking tons of metrics based on what players actually DO in game, not just what they come onto the forums and complain about.
We don't even know if the people complaining here have even played the game, let alone how much they've played, or what they've "tested" for Module 6. Anyone can register an account and post here.
Truth be told, that's what you see from 90% of the posts here. Nine out of every ten posters here are commenting on their "opinion" of the changes, not their actual experience. And then even more people post their opinion of the opinion of someone else, which makes no sense.
I agree with you on that this is not the only source feedback. Yet among available options from player this is one of major. At this point forum is pretty much solid on that changes are very questionable and not desirable. I hear the same thing in legit in-game channels.
At at least my words are solidly based on preview testing and changes introduces. As it was for mod 4 and 5 earlier.
Most of people propose ways to fix things how they see it. Based on their experience. This is called feedback really imho. There are plenty of options suggested and people may not agree on one solid. But what people who raise voice here agree is that current state introduced by devs is not best option avalieble and in most cases hurt game and players in it.
Sad but true, almost %75 of my friend lists are constant offline
other remaining ones, as you guess in farm frenzy
NW's social side already died.
no one talks with eachother, no hi ,no bye.
guildies like robots. keep farming endlesly.
I try to find a reason for stay at the game, except talking with 1 or 2 close friends.
Im not going to say "I hope..." for this or for that.
because i know there is no hope for anything.
Maybe they just don't like you anymore.
Nixon the TR
Give a man a fire and he's warm for the day. But set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.
I find it interesting, according to forum posts, noone spends money on this game. A question, how is this game still running then?
Feels like most players on the forums are f2p cynics, maybe that's where all that snowball of cynism comming from causing panic among the community. But before I say anything about ESO - do their devs communicate with their players?
I bought dragonborn pack - 70$ wasted. Warlock. Bunch of zen charge bonuses ets. I do tend to spend some bucks each month on game I play. If i play neverwinter - it goes to neverwinter. Yet still grind level is beyond any cash limit possible.
to be true - I returned in game 1.5 month ago after crazy grind in mid of mod 4. And I don't see how any 1$ spent will give me any possible "less" grind bonus. Right now game is a waste of money imho with all new gear, levels, RP ets "refreshed" every module.
PS Also I had experience with ESO. Yet this is not the subject atm.
onecoolscatcatMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 575Arc User
My general thinking on Mod 6 and the so-called "feedback" in this thread, especially the OP: MOD 6 Isn't finished yet; the reason Preview server is called Preview is because you get to see *unfinished* work before it's finished. It's that same as the bonehead "tech media" bashing the Apple Watch before anyone has even had a chance to see it, much less actually use one. But Apple doesn't allow previews for unreleased hardware. Which is smart.
Cryptic allows previews for the specific purpose of getting comment *feedback*. Complaining is a moot point because they haven;t had the chance to implement that feedback as of yet. If I may recommend: we stick to actually *feedback* until the Mod is finished and goes Live. Then you have the right, nay - the responsibility to *complain* about stuff.
You make sense and I agree with you 100%.
Several months ago, in response to players recognizing NW's Mod2/Mod3 shortcomings, I pointed out changes take time to filter through the in-progress development pipeline and urged guildies to wait until Mod6. I reasoned three development cycles was sufficient time to collate, address, and implement Mod3's feedback.
Based on preview, Mod3's feedback still hasn't been acted on.
This isn't complaining. This is recognizing long-term blindness and neglect.
First, I don't want the devs to be spending all day reading the forums. The devs are supposed to be, you know, developing the game.
Second, even if/when they do read the forums, they shouldn't be acting upon all the self-entitled whiny feedback that so often populates these forums, or the ridiculous "nerf them buff me" 'feedback' that some players provide.
For example: refining. Lots of people don't like refining. Okay, fine. But they aren't going to take it away. Demanding that refining be removed forever, otherwise "the devs aren't listening to me", is a ridiculous demand. And no the devs shouldn't listen to you if that is your 'feedback'.
All I can see in this post is ranting and a bunch of "I quit, I already quit, or I'm going to quit if this goes live" posts, as well as other rule violations. There may be a constructive post or two in here but it's all drowned out in the violations.
Please refrain from such "reviews" that are posted in a biased manner or not objective, or essentially amount to a "doomsday prediction".
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
Now theres what, 4 things in total worth doing in this game: SHores skirmish for that shore set and Books to sell, Lostmouth strictly for salvage and hopeful Books to drop. Dragon Heralds are on the list cus they are still fun, but I don't think they are really worth running anymore. And then of course Tiamat, cus well we all gotta get that 7th boon some day right?
Does cryptic ever plan on making Dungeon Profitable again? Give us a good reason to play this game, run things and even "attempt" to get to end game quality, you know, like where are right now in live server..
i Started my Trickster Rogue somepoint early on just after Caturday thingy, Demon Neeson, you might remember him ;p Love playing PvP until the day they nerfeed Lurkers Assault daily, then I switched to PvE so that I could farm some cash and gear etc. The only gear i even had was the GauntleGrim Skulker set, which in turnj gave me just enough HP so that I could easily Face tank all the bosses in the epic Dungeons. This made for some great dungeon delves with my olllllld guildies back then since we were able to move along without a Tank, I was able to hold the aggro and provide pretty amazing DPS vs the boss (back then no other class could toch the TR Executioner spec DPS vs a Boss, too bad the rest of the dungeon is pretty much random AoE encounters while quietly following along) but somehow was never able to make a full set of any other PvE set =(
Ended up quiting the game sometime after Sharandar release, got halway through the boons and became so sick of the game i left until Dread Ring Release. SOmehow made it through both boons but by this time TR's were shunned by the PvE community as they were almost all perma stealthspecced, and 100% useless in a PvE dungeon. So I wasnt able to find any groups unless with guildies, but the guildies were quitting the game left and right too.... so I ended my TR, no more than 14.9k GS (id say 17k-18k GS was BIS at the time).
Made a CW and had random fun, but just couldnt get into it =(
FInally in July I Started testing the SW for Mod 4 and fell in love instantly, Hellbringer Fury fit my play style perfectly so I turned that into my Main once release on Live. I enjoyed evey second of it, PvP was great (despite all the risks and issues that we do have inb PvP) as I was able to make plenty of quality Kills. Finished my DOmination PvP campaign pretty quickly and picked up a Defenders Banner + Dvoted Sigil and teh Lantern that i had.
I leveled the Defenders Banner strictly so that I could tweak my build into a Hybrid for PvE and PvP, the defenders has Regen and Incoming Heal Bonus which effects my personal healing so that I could survive longer in a 1 on 1 or 2 on 1 situation. Thanks to this setup and about 40-45k HP + 2 piece corrupt/purified, I was able to bring some serious pain in PvP in most situations (until Mod 5 tr'S OF COURSE).
Now with Mod 6, Regen will not work in combat, and my inc healing bonus will only be useful if I have a healer in my team, i cant even remember the last time I was in a Domination, and a Healer was on my team that actually healed anyone ^^..
So my problem now, my 99 level defenders Banner will get benched (So upset about this cus I saved up for months to lvl this thing during 2 x RP weekend and spent my DOmination time unlocking it.....) and then replaced by my old Sigil of the Controller i guess...
Very Upset with Cryptics decision to release alllllll this stuff so shortly after initially introducing Artifact Items.. Cus now seriously...even my Legendary Dragon Mainhand will be completely wasted/useless since I will have to level teh new lvl 70 version instead.....
I have very colorful and choice words for the Dev's.. words that maybe cant even be conveyed verbally, possibly requiring a stern look at a backhand to the mouth.
I cant be the only on who feels completely cheated and betrayed.. And I didnt even put money into the game like so many of you have!!!
Very beatiful post indeed.
Sadly Pwi/Crypt wont give a HAMSTER , and do as they please ,regardless of how You/Me/All provide awesome feedbacks/game saving idea's.
Tired , Boored , irritated.
May the bacon Bless.
Feels like most players on the forums are f2p cynics, maybe that's where all that snowball of cynism comming from causing panic among the community. But before I say anything about ESO - do their devs communicate with their players?
WTB Class Reroll please
Devs receive so much vitriol yet so many people don't understand that it's not the devs' fault that the game is going to pot...Look higher up people, the suits are to blame.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
I put money into this game because I can. It's no different than paying those ridiculous movie house ticket prices to watch really crappy movies; in the end it's all just entertainment. I could just download all my movies for free and never pay a dime. but that would be "illegal". At least here Cryptic is flat-out inviting you to do so: play 100% for free. A wise person will just throw a saddle onto the gift horse rather than look into its mouth.
I love threads like these, they're almost as entertaining as playing the game itself.
Now back to the topic at hand: My general thinking on Mod 6 and the so-called "feedback" in this thread, especially the OP: MOD 6 Isn't finished yet; the reason Preview server is called Preview is because you get to see *unfinished* work before it's finished. It's that same as the bonehead "tech media" bashing the Apple Watch before anyone has even had a chance to see it, much less actually use one. But Apple doesn't allow previews for unreleased hardware. Which is smart.
Cryptic allows previews for the specific purpose of getting comment *feedback*. Complaining is a moot point because they haven;t had the chance to implement that feedback as of yet. If I may recommend: we stick to actually *feedback* until the Mod is finished and goes Live. Then you have the right, nay - the responsibility to *complain* about stuff.
Yes, Mods, I am all over the place, feel free to dump this into the 404 bin for being irrelevant. LOL
The game was more new player friendly. It isn't now. It used to be fun too. Now it has heroics.
It would be nice if the mods could compile enough data to say, "here are the major issues for the forums users". Right now they would run like this roughly, the rp system is awful and it feels like we are being squeezed for cash, tr is way too strong in pvp, we need good dungeons because its been kind of stale for a while and please fix the kicking people from pvp because it drives people incandescent with rage. Maybe they do that already but the next step would be for them to issue some kind of response and for it not to be awful. If their response to the rp system is along the lines of "we are squeezing you and you can expect at best small mitigations" well then we can make decisions easier. What would be nice is some level of clarity instead of insane random decrees and silence. That isn't even asking them to anything because they are obviously going to do whatever they want anyway but at least we would have some idea where things are going.
Was here on beta, start. Returned on mod 3-4 to see GWF roar.
I can agree with you on pretty much everything. 90% of what you say I do feel too. Main problem of this game - players are customers of this game. And devs go against main business law - they don't care about thier customers and their feedback.
I do feel that this mod has too much of bad changes -new level for items, RP system broken, crazy application of RND to everything, new artifacts on top on new old ones. Poor content. "Copy/Paste" careless development of new powers and new content. Unbalanced dungeons like 10gs Tiamat. List can go on really.
Yet I do agree on that HP and curves changes was necessary at this point of game state. But implementation is still "careless"
Ummm, they do that, and even asked community to help. Or have you not seen the "Class Reporters" (Previously "Class Advocates") threads asking for volunteers?- and people beotched about it. Cryptic cannot win for losing. I'm not defending Cryptic here, just stating a fact. And this lays into threads like these about new content.
Mod 6 might still be a mess right now. Which is the reason for Preview play-testing. And yes, the Devs do pay attention to feedback (many, if not most of the requested changes to new DC were actually implemented before Mod 5 went Live).
It's not what you ask but how you ask. Sure: three weeks is a very short time, but there is an army of Devs working on it, each with their own expertise on different parts of the project.
I don't wholly agree with the OP, but much of what was said is fair at this point in time. It's the additional commentary that I find so amusing.
But keep in mind that this forum is NOT the only avenue for feedback. They're also tracking tons of metrics based on what players actually DO in game, not just what they come onto the forums and complain about.
We don't even know if the people complaining here have even played the game, let alone how much they've played, or what they've "tested" for Module 6. Anyone can register an account and post here.
Truth be told, that's what you see from 90% of the posts here. Nine out of every ten posters here are commenting on their "opinion" of the changes, not their actual experience. And then even more people post their opinion of the opinion of someone else, which makes no sense.
For example, look at the two threads about the Leadership changes. The first thread posted was nothing more than some guy's opinion about the changes, without any facts or evidence to support it. And then you had dozens of people posting about how the changes were going to ruin the game, but it was all based on the OP's opinion, not the reality. It took 3 pages of posts before people actually started providing information to the contrary...but even then, all you get in response is people huffily posting that, despite overwhelmingly evidence to the contrary, they'll basically "believe it when they see it."
Which is maddening. Any time a Developer posts something, it's met with the utmost scrutiny.
But anytime a regular schmoe posts something, it's take as Gospel until it can meticulously be proven otherwise.
Oh I have spent money on this game. I have bought every pack / booster pack on my wife's and my account. Did not buy the $200 pack did not see the value of putting $400 into a 'free' game. After the Dragonborn pack bullcrap I have turned my wallet off. There is to be no more money spent on this game. I still enjoy a few things in the game but I find myself playing less and less.
The funny thing is that since I have stopped spending on this game Cryptic keeps bringing in changes that just reinforce my wallet to stay closed.
Mod 6 is not helping this at all.. in fact I am testing it out and just laughing at the ridiculousness of the Mod and we haven't even seen the whole thing yet.
I will admit I am one of those players that has max everything all legendary equipment rank 10s etc etc. My number to reach that point in Mod 6 is 72 million + refining points.... and I am starting at rank 10s and legendary!!! I truly feel sorry for any new person that starts this game in Mod 6 and feel real bad for anyone that felt they were making head way in their gear progression. The rug is being yanked out from under your feet HARDCORE.
I will NEVER see my character back at the max again nor will I even try too hard. With how quickly the Mods are coming out there is no hope in trying to anymore.
There have been plenty of great feedback threads in every module beta that simply go ignored. Mod 6 is no different.
Try to have fun out there
Here is the exclamation mark on my thoughts... try to post this and get:
Service Unavailable - Zero size object
The server is temporarily unable to service your request. Please try again later.
Reference #15.1753e4cf.1424797790.200d7bf
I mean how long has this forum bug been around? LOL
other remaining ones, as you guess in farm frenzy
NW's social side already died.
no one talks with eachother, no hi ,no bye.
guildies like robots. keep farming endlesly.
I try to find a reason for stay at the game, except talking with 1 or 2 close friends.
Im not going to say "I hope..." for this or for that.
because i know there is no hope for anything.
Of the 4 major things I see people complaining about one of them is a class balance thing and somehow I don't see the tr class advocate telling them you made us too strong just like everyone said in preview mod 5. Maybe the mods do compile those problems but what I want is how the devs see it and what their plan if they have one is for it or at least their statement of it isn't a real issue we aren't going to do anything.
Aah Angrysprite, ever the optimist
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
You're in a bad guild then.
I agree with you on that this is not the only source feedback. Yet among available options from player this is one of major. At this point forum is pretty much solid on that changes are very questionable and not desirable. I hear the same thing in legit in-game channels.
At at least my words are solidly based on preview testing and changes introduces. As it was for mod 4 and 5 earlier.
Most of people propose ways to fix things how they see it. Based on their experience. This is called feedback really imho. There are plenty of options suggested and people may not agree on one solid. But what people who raise voice here agree is that current state introduced by devs is not best option avalieble and in most cases hurt game and players in it.
Maybe they just don't like you anymore.
Give a man a fire and he's warm for the day. But set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.
I bought dragonborn pack - 70$ wasted. Warlock. Bunch of zen charge bonuses ets. I do tend to spend some bucks each month on game I play. If i play neverwinter - it goes to neverwinter. Yet still grind level is beyond any cash limit possible.
to be true - I returned in game 1.5 month ago after crazy grind in mid of mod 4. And I don't see how any 1$ spent will give me any possible "less" grind bonus. Right now game is a waste of money imho with all new gear, levels, RP ets "refreshed" every module.
PS Also I had experience with ESO. Yet this is not the subject atm.
You make sense and I agree with you 100%.
Several months ago, in response to players recognizing NW's Mod2/Mod3 shortcomings, I pointed out changes take time to filter through the in-progress development pipeline and urged guildies to wait until Mod6. I reasoned three development cycles was sufficient time to collate, address, and implement Mod3's feedback.
Based on preview, Mod3's feedback still hasn't been acted on.
This isn't complaining. This is recognizing long-term blindness and neglect.
Mod6 is D-Day.
Second, even if/when they do read the forums, they shouldn't be acting upon all the self-entitled whiny feedback that so often populates these forums, or the ridiculous "nerf them buff me" 'feedback' that some players provide.
For example: refining. Lots of people don't like refining. Okay, fine. But they aren't going to take it away. Demanding that refining be removed forever, otherwise "the devs aren't listening to me", is a ridiculous demand. And no the devs shouldn't listen to you if that is your 'feedback'.
Please refrain from such "reviews" that are posted in a biased manner or not objective, or essentially amount to a "doomsday prediction".
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com