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Cryptic Wants Your Feedback on The Foundry



  • polaris1986polaris1986 Member Posts: 320 Arc User
    One monent.

    Pls, make a size of donations after quest bigger. now its 100-250-500 aa.
    to have 100k need 200 people played your quest and make max donation.

    aslo, we want new NPC (Drizzt and else after m5, too many new NPC in game)
    we need friendly combat with Rogue and else classes. Now its possible with GF, DC and mage.

    also we need archer pose. pls )
    "sometimes the world doesn't need another hero, sometimes what it needs is a monster"

  • manufracturemanufracture Member Posts: 92 Arc User

    One monent.

    Pls, make a size of donations after quest bigger. now its 100-250-500 aa.
    to have 100k need 200 people played your quest and make max donation.

    aslo, we want new NPC (Drizzt and else after m5, too many new NPC in game)
    we need friendly combat with Rogue and else classes. Now its possible with GF, DC and mage.

    also we need archer pose. pls )

    I could not agree more, I have played a few quests I would happily donate 100k myself due to the awesomeness which was the quest. Great talent deserves Great rewards....but yeah I can see how this would be exploited by some...but still.
  • murphyvamurphyva Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    I want a foundry on ps4 xd
  • janderxjanderx Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    The Foundry was what drive me to try NW in the first place back in 2013 and what make me stay, yet the original cmapain that reflected in the Foundry content and the D&D4e era with all that spellplague HAMSTER really let me dow, since i was hoping to have a more neutral, classic all editions conent in the Foundry.
    As modules werer added to the game i was hopping to see that reflected in the Doundry and some little, too little things where added, but the mods continue to roll and no more new things were added to the Foundry.
    By Dread Ring i lost all hope in the Foundry and move on. I came back recently decided to wash down all idead to the really limited scenario, detail and mobs of the Foundry and try to focus on story thou most of the people skip or don't pay attention and by that time, playing Foundry advantures were a thing of the past.

    For the player there is no motivation, nothing to tie into the core campaing or mods, no rewards beyond the HAMSTER that normal dungeons pay or worst, no sense of need to do it.

    PvP is a big enemy for me, hat it in all its version in all games, yet here, at some point, someone decided to make a separated pvp campaing with rpogression and achivements and rewards, and perhaps for others like me that hate pvp that was a incentive (not for me since i really hate pvp and consider it against all that rpg and D&D promotes and treasures above all that is collaboration not putting players vs players), and Foundry modules for players need something like that some sort of valuable reward that helps in everyday aspect of the game, for new players and end game players.

    As author i feel it really restrictive having mods that put you agaisn gaiants, differents undeads, vampires now, dinosours etc, having to use the same spellplague crappy aberrations mobs, gnolls, pirates or zombies and skeletons, every single type of creature must be reflect in the Foundry an available to use, if not at least the same ones thar are already used in the game, all of them, including dragons!

    Also in the scenario and decorations side why there is no tiles of the new mods, or eviroments or details. This week when the Foundry was up again i was happy to see that chult dungeons were in, but it took me a while to realize that they are only to use with the room makers?! WTF?! and in the decoration i couldn't find the tomb of horros/tong face that is iconic for D&D!

    Can't the chult/omu dungeons be made tiles? can ALL decor be there to use and also add the mobs! the yuanti, the dinos, add all! and add more.

    The Foudnry could be a tool to bring non D&D players into the game (tabletop), if we can recreate the classic printed modules or campaings, it can help to add mod specific adventures or campaings to flesh out the very skinny mods that are launched (skt was the most awful campaing in my opinion printed or in game but the storyline was just a part not the whole, as well as chult and as well as ravenloft now) and for new original adventures that authors create having a lot more resources will be a benefit.

    Also there will be a motivation for more people diving in the Foundry if your reward the authors with more than crappy capes or leave it to the generosity of other players few ad that can donate.

    Real rewards for both, players and aouthors and for every lvl, under 70 and end game that are useful, plus a campaing format to keep doing Foundry meterial and creating it will be nice.

    And wil make us belive that you are not only for the money but for the fun.

    And waht also will make us belive is to give the same amount of priority to the Foundry as you do to the game itself, the map transition bug that is since idk when still, the time that is down after mod release, and this weekend suprise server down with no estimated up time will also help!
  • checkmatein3checkmatein3 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 525 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    I have recently been playing one foundry quest per day for the past two weeks. And whereas the rewards and combat challenges are not difficult for my TIL, I find the variety and the inventiveness of the authors refreshing. I use foundry to slow down and explore, to look at things, and to be reinvigorated in the game.

    If resources were put into the foundry for the community and for test campaigns from developers or to float lore or to have old dungeons and quest lines return unofficially, the foundry will serve the community well. I understand the limitations on the foundry due to past abuses by a few, but given the state of game is module campaigns, and advancement is slow at the top, the foundry serves to make all things fresh again. Not every foundry is going to be a work of a genius, but every one I have played has made my game play funner, which is all I want.

    Please, Cryptic, as an Open Beta player, I personally would love more resources into the foundry for the authors, so that I can be an avid consumer.

    LEVIATHAN--19.3k Metallic Dragonborn Guardian Fighter Swordmaster Loadouts

    Guild--And the Imaginary Friends

  • polaris1986polaris1986 Member Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    pls, add new NPS (Drizzt, Jurlaxle.. ets.)

    pls. open Foundry for Drider (rrrrr...)

    back daily quests

    increase players donations. PLS.

    and add mimics in battle. I can't find them.
    "sometimes the world doesn't need another hero, sometimes what it needs is a monster"

  • polaris1986polaris1986 Member Posts: 320 Arc User
    Cant accept any quest in Catalog in game (Dragon).

    "sometimes the world doesn't need another hero, sometimes what it needs is a monster"

  • nasawnasaw Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I used to play Foundry a lot because some of the missions were cool, and you used to get AD from Rhix for playing. Bring back the AD and put the Foundry missions back on the Job Board where they belong.
  • teatana#7101 teatana Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    So I am kind of new to the foundry system. I have created a map, and everything within that map works fine..... But before you go to that map, you have to travel from one location. Every time I try to travel to my map, I just end up at the beginning again. For example, in Protectors Enclave, it spawns you at the top near the invocation girl. When I go to the fountain I set as the leave from spot, and I use it, it just teleports me right back up to Invocation spot.

    Is this ever going to be fixed?
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User
    @teatana#7101 This bug is newer than others, but one of many (see full bug list) and it appalls all Foundry Authors these bugs go year after year without a fix. I started on the Foundry when I learned of its existence in 2012. It was being "beta tested" on Star Trek Online. I dislike science fiction, but to learn the Foundry, I joined STO and made some missions. Sadly once Neverwinter was released the Foundry was poorly managed and could have been the cash cow for the game. Meanwhile the Foundry on STO (still in beta) works much better and has fewer bugs. The Foundry was never meant to be on STO, it was just placed there for testing purposes.

    The only thing you can do at this time is publish, test the map transitions, then withdraw should you find any errors. I would suggest this as a process just prior to final publishing. Click my signature below, if you don't already belong to the Cryptic Author Facebook group. You you don't have to join the group, we also welcome people just to lurk in the shadows. Once you get the work finished post us a link and we can play test it for you. <3
  • glasnosglasnos Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    The foundry asset library is a real piece of HAMSTER, they don't have any decent building pieces such as good village walls, doors, etc., so that quest developers, like myself can make buildings that players can actually enter, such as taverns, churches, houses, castles, and much more, in order to make good quests. The people in charge of the foundry simply refuse to fix and and Cryptic, I found out is not even in charge of the foundry. I think that players should start boycotting Neverwinter until this disgraceful and disrespectful part of the game is fixed, otherwise they'll just sit on the rears and do nothing about it
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    we want "customizable" player made and all we got was fixed pre-made rooms and streets that been recycled over and over for 5 years. i like Bio-ware's landscape version, but still has pathing issues and aurora toolset was okay, those player made contents are years ahead.
    then why we still not seeing in Foundery, why not intergrated format?
  • polaris1986polaris1986 Member Posts: 320 Arc User
    cant re-publish quest since 01 dec.
    drider server
    "sometimes the world doesn't need another hero, sometimes what it needs is a monster"

  • lordrhavinlordrhavin Member Posts: 160 Arc User
    Some Foundry suggestions:
    • Free editable encounter abilities on up to 5 enemies. Each ability has a kind of point-value (like itemlevel on gear). Defeating an encounter gets you that points in relation to players current item-level. Those encounters are considered bosses and have the big health bar.
    • Up to 5 reward chest, one that you can categorize as 'final'.
    • Loot is distributed accross those chests, with the final one getting about 66% of it.
    • Overall loot is determined by points already gotten and time played, so playing a foundry mission for 60min should give you comparable rewards to doing a 60min non-foundry-quest.
    • Connection-points for doors on all levels, not just the base level.
    • Timers with ways to set, start, stop and cancel them. Also a callback called if a certain timer expires.
    • Stackable custom quest items and appropriate comparators for objectives.
    • Up to 3 respawn points per map instead of just one.
    • A menu item 'create from active char', to play test your own quest with an ad-hoc-copy of one of your chars (including key binds!).
    • A menu item 'Friendzone' to make all enemies friendy unless attacked (you might find a better name for it ;) to test a map without fighting everything.
    • A menu item 'ghost mode' which basically lets you float through all walls and makes you uninteractive just to check overall lighting and look.
    • A customizable text for the load screen of the map, also a selection for the picture used.
    • A time-spend-points-earned-based foundry currency that lets you buy special fashion items.
    • A way to set just any encounter to -5...+5 of the current player / average group level with points earned scaling accordingly.
    • A useful bunch of string-replacement variables, not just [Nickname], but also [Race], [Races](!), [Class], [Classes], [Origin], [Deity], [ZoneFrom], [Daytime] etc. A comparator for those.
    • A way to strip the player of all his Items. He can get them back if he abandons the quest or reaches a certain objective.
    • A simple flag on any encounter/npc that makes him a translucent ghost without further changing its values, just a scenic story-effect.
    • Zone-effects like DeadRing/Underwing.
    • A setting 'automap disabled' for a map.
  • limsenlimsen Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    First, I just want to say to Cryptic I have returned and began spending money on your game again because you finally re-launched the foundry I wish I had noticed sooner. Second, if you want to breathe new life into this amazing aspect of your incredible game there needs to be a reward. I completely understand that any safe guard to prevent exploits will quickly be broken by the community: it’s what some of us do. However, here‘s my idea to prevent that and offer some kind of tangible reward because that’s the only way that a majority of players will spend their game time on foundry quests. Allow the quests to offer more than an end reward when it’s submitted to cryptic and featured. Once featured by Cryptic the author can no longer change that version of the quest so there is 0 danger of over rewarding. A cryptic employee simply needs to run the thing and see that it’s acceptable to whatever standard your fine company establishes. Then it can be offered in a list of quests eligible for a daily reward of astral diamonds (since there is an account max refine now there is no worry of unbalancing anything here) and empty chests placed by the author can be easily changed to chests players can loot with a simple macro. Of course new NPC’s and details would always be awesome but an AD reward is likely the only true way to knock the dust off this tragically underused fantastic aspect of your game! Tell your corporate masters it also has the potential to minimize costs as it pertains to recruiting new quest writers or quest ideas. I’m sure in the fine print somewhere it says that you guys own all the ideas we publish.
  • rancidmojo#7824 rancidmojo Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    I know this is an old thread, but as someone that likes to play around in the foundry as much as just playing the game here is my two cents…

    The foundry needs more incentives for players. Maybe marks of potency or runes. But it needs something that makes people WANT to play the quests in the foundry. There are some really good ones in there.

    As for the foundry itself, I would like more assets. If you build a quest in the city there are only about 3 generic “city street maps” and they all kind of look the same. Sure, you can dink around to make them different in some ways, but I’d like a few more choices.

    • Maybe some River District maps. II wanted to build a quest centering around ships, but it was really time consuming and difficult to build anything that looked like a dock. I know that the assets in the foundry are from the game. Let more of them be accessed in the foundry.
    • Cobblestones. Building a road or street in a generic village or town isn’t a lot of fun. The cobblestone roads that are in the foundry are kind of weak. You have to overlay a few of them on top of each other just to make them look “real”. That also takes up the allotted assets that are allowed on a map. (I know that is minor, I just wanted to say it)
    • MORE MONSTERS. Also the ability to make a “boss” monster. Give me a gelatinous cube or a dragon I can use. Let me have an owlbear or a Grey Render.
    • Why is there no sitting emote for NPCs? There’s a sit against a wall sickly” one for chairs, but in the game you can see various NPCS in taverns sitting and eating.

    Anyway, those are just some of my ideas off of the top of my head.
  • eldartheldarth Member Posts: 4,494 Arc User
    Most suggestions have already been requested dozens and dozens if not hundreds of times since beta.
    Don't hold your breath. There have been no devs assigned to improve foundry in the last 6 years or so.

    08-14-2013 Shifting a portion of normal loot drops to Final Chest & Encounter loot caches
    08-22-2013 Foundry Doubloons - awarding experience/rewards for non-combat objectives
    06-25-2013 Foundry Rewards and multiple Chests loot tables
    10-12-2013 Reset Average Quest Duration when re-published
    11-09-2013 Contact NPCs need Idle Dir. & Animation, Contact Dir. & Animation
    11-10-2013 Ability to transition to previously visited maps
    11-13-2013 Requests: Standard Content Not Available In Foundry
    11-24-2013 Request: Alternative Selection Boxes on Large Detail Assets
    12-03-2013 Request: Sounds For Foundry
    12-10-2013 Non exploitable author placed Skill Nodes
    12-11-2013 Request: Individual actor encounters for each elite/solo
    12-11-2013 Request Behavior: Spawn AT Encounter Complete
    12-11-2013 Request: Zen Store assets for Foundry "Product Placement"
    12-16-2013 Expose "leash" radius in encounter UI
    01-01-2014 Request: Fight to Submission Behavior option on ALL Behaviors
    01-17-2014 Request: Editing Quest Description of Featured Quests
    01-17-2014 Request: Allow authors to reply to reviews
    01-17-2014 Request: Version Release Notes for UGC Quests
    01-28-2014 Component Complete on one-time Sound Effects
    01-28-2014 Component Complete on one-time Animation Effects
    02-20-2014 Request: Insert Dialog Before First Node
    02-24-2014 Request: Replace Red X in Foundry editor with "DELETE" labeled button
    04-03-2014 Request: Fix for foundry Rhix and daily rewards
    05-03-2014 Request: Desert Terrain maps
    06-09-2014 Request: Drop/Require/Consume multiple Quest Items
    06-09-2014 Request: Allow Drop/Require/Consume Quest Items at Dialog Response Nodes
    06-15-2014 Request: Ask user to Subscribe to author AFTER submitting 4-5 star review
    06-18-2014 Request: Visual Effects for Foundry
    06-22-2014 Request: Visual Outline of Volume Effects in edit mode
    07-01-2014 Request: Camera Zoom in 3-D editor and Increased Zoom Level in 2-D editor
    08-10-2014 Request: More Costume Options
    09-02-2014 Temporary Zen Store Item Rewards
    01-10-2015 [new] Completely Preventing Foundry Exploitation implementation
    02-08-2015 [new] Request: Dialog/Visible If values beyond Name/Skill
  • limsenlimsen Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    "Most suggestions have already been requested dozens and dozens if not hundreds of times since beta.
    Don't hold your breath. There have been no devs assigned to improve foundry in the last 6 years or so."

    I think we all know this already but thanks for the heads up anyway lol. I for one will express my opinion in an empty room if I feel so inclined. When people stop talking about the foundry completely that's when it'll get removed again. Companies change personnel and policies all the time. No one thought the assets would ever get reloaded into it either! If you like the foundry and want to see it get a new life keep telling Cryptic because it'll never happen if we all stop "wasting our breath".
  • limsenlimsen Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Well... like I said. Thank God some people didn't waste their breath!
  • warrfb#9532 warrfb Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    One salute for the foundry system.
  • bobgreenwadebobgreenwade Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 65 Arc User
    While I'm as sorry as anyone else to see the Foundry go, I do hope you'll archive the existing work that's been done just in case you ever decide to bring it back. It's enough of a shame to lose all this work; it'd be even more frustrating to have the system come back but the content still gone.
    Author of the Realm Hunter series of novels
  • forumgambittforumgambitt Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2019

    While I'm as sorry as anyone else to see the Foundry go, I do hope you'll archive the existing work that's been done just in case you ever decide to bring it back. It's enough of a shame to lose all this work; it'd be even more frustrating to have the system come back but the content still gone.

    The Foundry isn't coming back, dude. They're getting rid of it because they're hemorrhaging money and cutting out "legacy code" from the game. Undermountain is their last chance to appeal to a new potential group of players. Too bad it's not gonna work anyways since Neverwinter's campaign system is by design a grindy shitfest to begin with...
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    If it's worth anything, I'm working like mad to get Blood Magic finished. It's nearing completion, I just have to finish the final map to tie it all up.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • aandrethegiantaandrethegiant Member Posts: 3,369 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    I saw this coming since the alpha days. After 8 months of marketing the Foundry before game launch, and no updates of significance after the game went live, the Foundry was simply left to die a slow and painful death.

    In my opinion, failure to build up this part of the game turned into one of the biggest mistakes the developers ever made with this game.

    I know Brother Eldarth knows what I'm talking about.

    TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
    No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
    Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
  • warrfb#9532 warrfb Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    hustin1 said:

    If it's worth anything, I'm working like mad to get Blood Magic finished. It's nearing completion, I just have to finish the final map to tie it all up.

    I will be glad to play it once its ready :) Even if its the last day

  • testerosity#6620 testerosity Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Hi folks, I am new to the game so I don't really have much of a voice. I recently saw that the foundry will be removed from the game which is disappointing to me. One of the things I was really enjoying in this game was some of those clever adventures that were player generated. I am sure you have your reasons for removing this wonderful aspect of the game, but understand that was a big part of drawing me into the game more.

    Perhaps you could consider taking the best of the adventures and incorporating them into the game as a permanent feature somehow.

    Thanks to all those who did develop content, I am enjoying what I can before it's gone.

    Anyhow, didn't know where else to put this comment but I felt like saying something.
  • warrianswarrians Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited March 2019

    Perhaps you could consider taking the best of the adventures and incorporating them into the game as a permanent feature somehow.

    My only beef with that idea is how do u classify someones quest as "BEST", and someone´s who put even more effort as being the "REST".

    Because the current "BEST" classification only takes into account number of plays. And that, my friend, only shows that your quest was easy to hit the 15 minutes daily for AD back in the old days.

  • dread4moordread4moor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    I'm Nostradamus Took.
    2 years ago to the day...


    Compare this to the Foundry announcement. Eeirily similar.
    I am Took.
    "Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
  • warrianswarrians Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited April 2019

    I'm Nostradamus Took.

    2 years ago to the day...


    Compare this to the Foundry announcement. Eeirily similar.

    Now thats some memory.
    ive seen a lot worse than what the Foundry is going tru now, but we all also seen a lot better. I remember this one whole game, from this certain other company, that was closed overnigh,t and got an announcement on the game company page the next day , stating the game didnt generate enough revenue. Not even a "sorry."
  • mattachinemattachine Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    I got this advice from a Divinity,
    that was quite Original,
    as the advice was about an other game which mentioning in here is a Sin !!
    But I'm not sure I should take said advice.
This discussion has been closed.