Just to see if other people fell that an enchant trading event would be much appreciated. Similar grade, greater for greater, perfect for perfect and type, armor for armor, weapon for weapon. As considerable time and/or money are put to into enchantments that sounded better on paper, bugged, or broken completely (Perfect Elven Battle). Also it would give players the ability to occasionally change up their play maybe or paths. Plus if you found one you liked, then you would know that it is one worth making for alts. Thanks in advance.
I was thinking something like they do for gauntlgrym gear in the trade of blades, you can change one for gg piece for grim. Maybe something similar to that. Could be where the event people normally are in PE once or twice a year. Just an idea.
sell your vorpal, buy 2 useless enchants, get 2 vorpals, keep one and sell another