Well, if it was perceived that way was my mistake, but within that thread there is an high-value argue on game mechanics that can be improved, just what this Forum was built for, and what must not be underevaluated at all.
Here I am talking about class general equilibrium in pvp, where the strenght points of a class are 4: Damage, Defense, Control, and Movement.
And I am saying that there is a class among all the others which far prevails in all of this points at the same time, this is the best way to destroy any pvp. Even more, when the stealth come in play.
Here you are such considerations, I invite all readers to reflect about them:
""First, you very well know that TR is the only class that can reach 50k Damage in a single blow. NO one can do this in a single blow, even with the best combo. And furthermore we are not talking about a daily power, but about a Encounter power with 19 sec CD.
Second, we are talking about TR, a class who starts the fight as stealthed. The first blow is ALWAYS of a TR, and if the first Blow can kill a 20k gs player, please tell me what kind of pvp duel you are supposed to have.
Third, any class who maximise attack capability must be weak at defense, as someone correctly highlighted. TR is not. Even a TR based on high offense can hit you with a Shadow Knife and stealth again in a second, this is a very powerful defense. OR, can keep rolling (avoiding any hit) until, with the talent restoring the stealth meter by rolling, they can stealth out again. This again is a very powerful defense.
Fourth, TR is a class with a very high control. So we have unbelievable damage, powerful defense (not to talking about the amount of deflection reached), high Control, and stealth from the beginning.
And i forgot to mention the walk speed that can be reached by running/rolling.
There are a lot of problems in pvp right now, but TR is the king of unbalacing things and i wonder how it can be allowed in a game who claims to perform "Player Versus Player" matches. ""
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com