since the realease of Mod 5 and bop dragon hoard the server got a bit empty i barely see ppl grouping for something and the LFG chat looks empty also the troll zone chat .
Have you checked well of dragons? Cause there were like 100 instances there. It's crawling with players. Probobly a big part of Protector's enclave spending their time there.
Yeah, there are alot of instances of WoD. Maybe a bit too many. But then again if they really reduce the number your going to have a hard time doing things. Dragons die too quickly as it is.
Haven't paid much attention to the chat, usually don't though, but I have seen plenty of people around in Well of Dragons. I figured since it's all new most people will be spending their time there for a while.
the more zones in well of dragon the easier the quests will be, I don't want to spoil what you'll see tomorrow as a daily but you'll thank thayan for having all those zones to choose from if someone is following you around to steal your quest loots.