I recently returned and made a Ranger for the first time, and while at first I thought his powers have very minimal (or no) sound effects, it actually turns out the only way to listen to the normal sound is by having the camera right on top of his model.
I accidentally discovered that in the Tower District, when I walked in a corner near the gate and looked down, so that my camera was right on top of my Ranger, and clipping with his model. In any other case, his powers are completely mute, with the only exception being Rain of Arrows, and that's only when I position my camera very close to the DoT patch.
I assume the game manipulates the volume based on the camera's distance from the source of the sound, but they way it works is completely bugged. Resetting my options to default did nothing.
My other characters have similar problems (GWF and Wizard): No sound for their At-Wills (unless I do the camera trick again) and barely audible sfx for the rest of their powers.