To the Neverwinter Community,
Hi guys. Some of you know me from the server, while most of you are rightfully thinking, "Who dafuq is this guy?" To help those who don't know me, I'm one of the more outspoken Cleric players in the various Zone Chats, Youtube Channels, and Reddit posts that are scattered across this internet of ours. I've been playing Neverwinter for a long time, and I've been playing Perfect World Entertainment Games for a lot longer (I'd even say that I recall signing up for the Perfect World International Beta, back when the Patriot Act was just signed and before Hybrid Cars were on the road.)
I wanted to leave a missive here to the CM's of Neverwinter: Akromatik and DwightMC for doing a bang-up, ace-tastic job on the Extra Life Charity Event on the 25th of October. These guys not only came into work on their day-off, forgoing family time and their individual social lives (and yes, these folks do more than work. They're people, just like you! (Well, maybe not YOU, but you sitting next to him? Yea they're more like you)).
---To DwightMC. You have gone above and beyond Cryptic's call of duty by coming into work on a Saturday. Though you maintained silence through most of Neverwinters' streams, you were seen diligently working on the back-end of things to make sure everything was running smoothly. You were the wizard behind the proverbial scenes. You were part of the glue that has held this charity together, and for that - we of the community thank you. All we could possibly ask of you is to TALK MORE! lol - Jeez, bro. We understand that you're shy. We're Gamers! We're Nerds! We know shy! But come on, man. Be a little more chatty. A lot of us would like to hear what you have to say.

---To Akromatik. I confessed during the event that I admitted some hesitation about when you took over for Sominator so many months ago. When the game launched, this community had grown to admire and respect Sominator for everything that he did for the Adventure Hour. When he suddenly stepped down, and you took over the reins of the weekly stream, there were some of us who weren't quite sure how to take your mild-mannered tone. You guys were polar opposites in a lot of ways. Sominator was sort of like Steve from Blues Clues, always happy and carefree and excited about the most menial stuff. But you were more like Bob Ross. You're reserved, you think twice about what you're going to say, and usually what comes from your efforts is nothing short of breathtaking. Don't ever change (cept your hair color, PICK A COLOR ALREADY! lol)
---Lastly, to Blacklight: Retribution's Community Manager I Only Know As Domino. Sir, you took the stage for most of the Charity. I've been at work for most of the event, but I rarely left my seat when your personality took over. It's currently 1:30 in the morning where I am, and all I can think about right now is getting BL:R reinstalled on my PC so I can be part of that madness all over again! Your bold personality floored me, sir. Your
sincerity floored me even more, I don't think there's a CM in all of Perfect World Entertainment that has the passion for their product like you have. Akromatik got me to watch the event, but you /sold/ me on this event.
Because of these three guys, I donated $30 twice throughout the day, and I'm kicking myself in the behind because I can't afford to make a third donation. I didn't even bother by adding my
@handle or any information, because I didn't spend part of my paycheck for free swag incentive. I donated my cash for the kids, because that's what these three amazing people told me to do.
And they're telling you as well!!! Go donate!!!
The event is not over for another week! If it's a dollar, ten dollars, a hundred dollars, a thousand dollars? It doesn't matter! Go donate it, and you'll save a life. It could save a life you know.
TL;DR: If you missed the Extra Life Charity Event this weekend, you missed greatness. Go donate, and watch next weekend's last 12-hour marathon.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
I think that surprised all of us.
I've always thought he was annoyingly obnoxious but he's just an expressive/emotional guy, my opinion of him changed completely since yesterday.
And I'm pretty sure a lot of the viewers of the live stream yesterday sympathized/knew that feel about his short story that he told us.
^ Yes to my shame I had reservations when I first saw Akromatic , I guess I judged him by his appearance but my stupid first impressions have been proven to be completely wrong , Akromatic has turned out to be a terrific community manager , not wanting to be a HAMSTER but he is infinitely better at the job than Sominator , Sominator did the live streams and pretty much not much else , Akromatic actually manages the whole community making sure event rewards and giveaways are random and also making sure as many people as possible get a chance to take part instead of it just being the same 20 - 30 people every time like when Sominator did giveaways .
Trickster Rogue
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