Actually, in an ironic way, I think the DC artifact is useful for every other class than the DC in pvp. I actually do not use it for pvp. I have heart of red dragon, CW and Oghma artifacts all at legendary. The control resist is too important for the last 2 and DC dailies are too gimped anyway. Yes, even the wonderful hallowed ground. I wish we have a daily that is a life safer in dangerous situation since asking for super dps would be frowned upon for DC.
Personally I don't think it is OP, but think we have covered most points and I think I will leave it at agree to disagree. The imbalance really comes from certain feat built that magnifies the powers that end in a loop of endless CC and instant death. Lately I have been the subject of the circle of 2 to 3 GWF with "come and get it" and shout or roar as I stand frozen by their awesomeness and melt away into oblivion.
OP means over powered, over powered is something that cant be counterable.
DC artifact slowly refills your action points in 15 seconds. 15 seconds is the counter, you have time to react killing him or running back. HELL 1vs1 doesnt even last 15 seconds.
oghma on the other hand is what i can consider OP or kessell or the old seldarine with basically no internal cooldown and proccing for dots.
now in pve maybe OP but hey not my fault or the DC artifact if Oppressive force HAS NO TARGET CAP. would be OP if it would hit 5 targets like all the ****** skills in this game?? no
let's compare that artifact with water. it gives back 9k HP in 6 sec while offering 3 concrete stats.
6 not 15 ! and 9k is an average not critted daily
Well it's not that good for DCs because dailies are quite lousy, but for all other classes, except GWFs (maybe) there's no better choice than the DC artifact. On my CW in pve it's a critical part of my 'paingiver zerg all' strategy. It's extremely important to completely shut down groups of NPCs repeteadly with multiples CWs using oppressive force. It's not really the artifact itself but how strong control or dailies are in this game. All or nothing. With the DC artifact well it's easier to get "nothing" from adds quite often. If it's not oppressive force then it's the instant room cleaner, tyrannical threat, or a swordmaster GF entering god mode more often with villain's menace, and so on.
They could nerf it or keep it as it is, I don't mind, the stats are also excellent anyway. In pvp it's very handy to engage the opposing team with a devastating ice storm or ice knife in icewind dale. If a change has to happen I'd rather get something useful for clerics instead.
OP means over powered, over powered is something that cant be counterable.
I just wanted to say that is not what overpowered means. You have have an overpowered object that has few counters but is much more effective than everything else or forces you to play a way in which you have to take the limited options to counter.
Lets say we have a daily that stuns everything in a pvp arena for 10 secs but you can't dodge it but you can see an animation 1 or 2 seconds before it casts. You could use maelstrom of chaos to avoid that stun or some other options, but that doesn't mean the skill isn't overpowered. Just wanted to clear that up.
IMO filling AP over 15 seconds is not that OP, except ,maybe the frequency in which a legendary allows you to do it (2 min.) It doesn't take much more than 15 secs of heavy combat to fill my meter on most of my chars anyway (if any,) and some much less.. without this artifact. I mean seriously, I barely have time to get a rotation in before my daily is hollering 'pick me! pick me!'
I think this might be OP in PvP (no idea- I got tired of running those maps in about 2 days,) but it isn't much in PvE.
Anyway, nerf the active portion all you like. I use the artifact on several chars for the stats. I don't have any use for it as a primary.
(Wow. I finally saw a nerf cry that I couldn't care less about. Every nerf usually hurts one or more of my chars since I play them all.. but not this one.)
#1 The artifact is available to anyone who puts forth the effort to get it.
#2 Balance exists in Neverwinter? Since when? Shouldn't we be more concerned about REAL problems, like bugs that have existed since the beginning, or feats and powers that have been obsolete from day one?
#3 People have invested considerable time and resources into the artifacts they have now, having them start from scratch on something like this would not make them happy.
#4 Moderation does not enter the Devs vocabulary, if a nerf does come, it won't be a balancing nerf, it will be a massive overnerf.
#5 Active bonuses across artifacts are not balanced to begin with.
The entire nature of this thread is like "perfect vorpal enchants are OP, they should be nerfed"
It's nothing new, and it is what it is. Nerfing vorp enchants wouldn't solve the problems with Wep enchants, everyone would just switch to GPFs. Certain builds and classes would be affected more than others. And people who invested in vorp would be heavily affected on one of the priciest parts of character building. Same deal with the DC artifact. Singling out a single item in a flawed and unbalanced system points to a personal bias, rather than a real comprehensive solution.
Your not wrong, but your not right either. More to the point I have a list a mile long of other things I would much rather see the devs spend their time on.
is this gonna be nerfed because im thinking of forking out the $100 to unlock it...
You are probably kidding, I'm sure. But nothing is going to be nerfed this is just another one of those threads that everyone gets worked up over and eventually gets locked. It was dead when it was born, it just didn't know it. And it doesn't cost anything to unlock, you just have to kill a few weak mobs and a weakish Eye Tyrant or whatever it is.
Of course you might have to buy a char slot to make a cleric..
You are probably kidding, I'm sure. But nothing is going to be nerfed this is just another one of those threads that everyone gets worked up over and eventually gets locked. It was dead when it was born, it just didn't know it. And it doesn't cost anything to unlock, you just have to kill a few weak mobs and a weakish Eye Tyrant or whatever it is.
Of course you might have to buy a char slot to make a cleric..
im not kidding.. grinding my DC (current level 34) through leadership.... waiting for sharanderp box to go on sale,,,
so you want to nerf a free artifact,waw
if it was something that the average player can not get other than pay for it ,than I will say ok
but a artifact that you can get for free and you complain,I cant belief I am hearing this
and no surprise its from a pvp player
they kill me with that nerf it they kill me with this nerf it,jezuz
every time someone get kill with something scream nerf
did you look if the other party got a higher GS than your party before screaming nerf
DC artefact is very good, but not OP. The OP artefacts had effects to instakill/ heal a group. This one is strong, depending on class, but not OP as the other ones.
Besides that, the other ones where expensive items, just a vew ppl had. DC artefact is available to EVERYONE, if he takes the time to play a DC.
Last but not least. If a class artefact gets nerfed, you cant use it to refine another one. 4 million+ AD down the sink for every legendary DC artefact, yay.
Personally I don't think it is OP, but think we have covered most points and I think I will leave it at agree to disagree. The imbalance really comes from certain feat built that magnifies the powers that end in a loop of endless CC and instant death. Lately I have been the subject of the circle of 2 to 3 GWF with "come and get it" and shout or roar as I stand frozen by their awesomeness and melt away into oblivion.
OP means over powered, over powered is something that cant be counterable.
DC artifact slowly refills your action points in 15 seconds. 15 seconds is the counter, you have time to react killing him or running back. HELL 1vs1 doesnt even last 15 seconds.
oghma on the other hand is what i can consider OP or kessell or the old seldarine with basically no internal cooldown and proccing for dots.
now in pve maybe OP but hey not my fault or the DC artifact if Oppressive force HAS NO TARGET CAP. would be OP if it would hit 5 targets like all the ****** skills in this game?? no
let's compare that artifact with water. it gives back 9k HP in 6 sec while offering 3 concrete stats.
6 not 15 ! and 9k is an average not critted daily
They could nerf it or keep it as it is, I don't mind, the stats are also excellent anyway. In pvp it's very handy to engage the opposing team with a devastating ice storm or ice knife in icewind dale.
I just wanted to say that is not what overpowered means. You have have an overpowered object that has few counters but is much more effective than everything else or forces you to play a way in which you have to take the limited options to counter.
Lets say we have a daily that stuns everything in a pvp arena for 10 secs but you can't dodge it but you can see an animation 1 or 2 seconds before it casts. You could use maelstrom of chaos to avoid that stun or some other options, but that doesn't mean the skill isn't overpowered. Just wanted to clear that up.
I think this might be OP in PvP (no idea- I got tired of running those maps in about 2 days,) but it isn't much in PvE.
Anyway, nerf the active portion all you like. I use the artifact on several chars for the stats. I don't have any use for it as a primary.
(Wow. I finally saw a nerf cry that I couldn't care less about. Every nerf usually hurts one or more of my chars since I play them all.. but not this one.)
#2 Balance exists in Neverwinter? Since when? Shouldn't we be more concerned about REAL problems, like bugs that have existed since the beginning, or feats and powers that have been obsolete from day one?
#3 People have invested considerable time and resources into the artifacts they have now, having them start from scratch on something like this would not make them happy.
#4 Moderation does not enter the Devs vocabulary, if a nerf does come, it won't be a balancing nerf, it will be a massive overnerf.
#5 Active bonuses across artifacts are not balanced to begin with.
The entire nature of this thread is like "perfect vorpal enchants are OP, they should be nerfed"
It's nothing new, and it is what it is. Nerfing vorp enchants wouldn't solve the problems with Wep enchants, everyone would just switch to GPFs. Certain builds and classes would be affected more than others. And people who invested in vorp would be heavily affected on one of the priciest parts of character building. Same deal with the DC artifact. Singling out a single item in a flawed and unbalanced system points to a personal bias, rather than a real comprehensive solution.
Your not wrong, but your not right either. More to the point I have a list a mile long of other things I would much rather see the devs spend their time on.
You are probably kidding, I'm sure. But nothing is going to be nerfed this is just another one of those threads that everyone gets worked up over and eventually gets locked. It was dead when it was born, it just didn't know it. And it doesn't cost anything to unlock, you just have to kill a few weak mobs and a weakish Eye Tyrant or whatever it is.
Of course you might have to buy a char slot to make a cleric..
im not kidding.. grinding my DC (current level 34) through leadership.... waiting for sharanderp box to go on sale,,,
please close this nerf thread now thx mods x
if it was something that the average player can not get other than pay for it ,than I will say ok
but a artifact that you can get for free and you complain,I cant belief I am hearing this
and no surprise its from a pvp player
they kill me with that nerf it they kill me with this nerf it,jezuz
every time someone get kill with something scream nerf
did you look if the other party got a higher GS than your party before screaming nerf
Close it because someone has a different opinion than you? I hope you remember this when one of your threads gets locked that you don't want.
Besides that, the other ones where expensive items, just a vew ppl had. DC artefact is available to EVERYONE, if he takes the time to play a DC.
Last but not least. If a class artefact gets nerfed, you cant use it to refine another one. 4 million+ AD down the sink for every legendary DC artefact, yay.