instigator still lacks defensive mechanic so my suggestion is to change and improve 2 feats.
Nimble Runner- Bravery sloted now grants +5% more deflect and 10% more mov speed.
Instigator Vengenance- now grants +30% determination gain from damage taken together with the damage bonus it has.
come on, instigator still lacks defensive mechanic for a dps/tank tree.
-make a clear visual effect for stunned targets, atm sometimes i have no clue if i landed or not a stun.
-give the stun effect a minimum duration so it wont get under that no matter what (i have deflect in mind) or maybe separate the stun from the hit and apply deflect only for the dmg component.
-for the love of god fix intimidation dmg and give more cc to it like an extra stun/sleep time once Cagi is over, similar to Steal Time.
-give a mark ability to Instigator path: punishing charge comes in mind.
-pls fix animations for wicked strike and threatening rush as they are almost impossible to use: any environment (WS) and pvp (TR). Maybe change TR with a 2 phase skill, one that puts a mark and the other a jump to the target location.
-marked targets should not be invisible for the ones that marked them and you;ll solve the perma invisibility as well
GWF flourish should be like GF's lunging strike. I've yet to see one GWF who successfully utilize this encounter since its near-impossible to land this in a pvp with lots of dodges/immunity frames.
-pls fix animations for wicked strike and threatening rush as they are almost impossible to use: any environment (WS) and pvp (TR). Maybe change TR with a 2 phase skill, one that puts a mark and the other a jump to the target location.
Tbh I don't really have a problem with TR anymore, ever since I tought myself the reflex of jumping right before using it. Although, stairs and elevated places are HAMSTER as ever xD wish devs made it disregard terrain.
Pathfinder: Careful Attack - procs every time a different person attacks the target (has a different cooldown for each person instead of a global 1.5s cd as it should)
Pathfinder: Careful Attack hits 3-4 times per tick with a DOT enchantment such as Plague Fire or Flaming, resulting in x4 more DPS than intended
Binding Arrow - roots do not activate if target is more than 40' away.
Binding Arrow - roots apply about 1 second after the initial encounter animation and damage, resulting in an inability to dodge the roots most times
Boar Charge - often rubberbands back if target is at edge of range (usually when they're moving out of range)
Boar Charge - renders user inert/stuns user for 1 second upon use
Boar Charge - still executes and moves you forwards even when you're rooted by skills such as strong/weak roots and CW's Icy Rays
Constricting Arrow - roots apply about 1 second after the initial encounter animation and damage, resulting in an inability to dodge the roots most times
Fox Cunning - cancels the remaining effect of a dot if it blocks one tick (i.e. Disheartening Strike)
Fox Shift - if cancelled or interrupted, shows as still useable on the tray when it's actually on cooldown
Hindering Shot - charges not affected by recharge speed or cooldown reductions such as Swiftness of the Fox (trapper)
Hindering Shot - weak roots bypasses dodges and still roots when dodge is done (aka cannot be dodged)
Hindering Shot - weak roots has no animation to show it's active
Hindering Strike - encounter sometimes goes on cooldown when used but does not deal damage or apply roots even when target is clearly in range (possibly a terrain issue)
Hindering Strike - applies Thorned Roots to a stealthed TR but does not root or reveal them if they move out of your line of sight before the roots are applied
Hindering Strike - roots apply about 1 second after the initial encounter animation and damage, resulting in an inability to dodge the roots most times
Marauder's Escape - stays in one spot instead of moving back 50' when used from the air
Pathfinder: Bear Trap - charges not affected by recharge speed or cooldown reductions such as Swiftness of the Fox (trapper)
Rain of Arrows - does not damage the target unless you damage them after you activate the encounter
Thorn Ward - sometimes does not activate
Pathfinder: Slasher's Mark - cannot be cancelled by dodge
Pathfinder: Slasher's Mark - mark does not apply if a HR uses marauders rush/escape when it hits
Pathfinder: Slasher's Mark - can be removed by DC "Cleanse"
Stormwarden: Cold Steel Hurricane - sometimes gets stuck on terrain
Class Features
Pathfinder: Pathfinder's Action - only grants 10% deflection chance instead of 15% deflection chance (5% per rank, rank 1 seems to be missing the deflect even though it's listed (unknown value) on the description)
Trapper: Serpent's Bite - does not grant the mentioned critical chance at all
Trapper: Thorned Roots - DoT is removed if CC immunity is applied during the DoT sequence (i.e. TR is ticking on a GWF, and GWF sprints or goes unstoppable - TR dots are removed)
Trapper: Thorned Roots - does not proc dragon glyphs (i.e. each hit should also add 600 damage (pre-mitigation) from Greater Red Dragon Glyphs but currently do not)
Strong Roots - animation does not last for the full duration of the roots, especially if you have the Trapper feat Ancient Roots (affects Hindering Strike, Binding Arrow and Constricting Arrow)
Please fix the Hindering Shot/Bear Trap cooldown bugs as well as the Careful Attack multiple procs please! The former is extremely annoying and detrimental for Trapper HRs in both PvP and PvE and the latter is part of the reason why HRs have been over the top in PvP.
Closing as these have changes have since gone live. If you have any concerns or comments about the LIVE changes, please post them in the appropriate class forum. Thank you.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at
come on, instigator still lacks defensive mechanic for a dps/tank tree.
-give the stun effect a minimum duration so it wont get under that no matter what (i have deflect in mind) or maybe separate the stun from the hit and apply deflect only for the dmg component.
-for the love of god fix intimidation dmg and give more cc to it like an extra stun/sleep time once Cagi is over, similar to Steal Time.
-give a mark ability to Instigator path: punishing charge comes in mind.
-pls fix animations for wicked strike and threatening rush as they are almost impossible to use: any environment (WS) and pvp (TR). Maybe change TR with a 2 phase skill, one that puts a mark and the other a jump to the target location.
-marked targets should not be invisible for the ones that marked them and you;ll solve the perma invisibility as well
Class Features
List from
Please fix the Hindering Shot/Bear Trap cooldown bugs as well as the Careful Attack multiple procs please! The former is extremely annoying and detrimental for Trapper HRs in both PvP and PvE and the latter is part of the reason why HRs have been over the top in PvP.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at