mnemosiusMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2014
okay, I was just trying out a variation on a perma build (shadow strike, bait and switch, lashing blade for encounters) that relies on gloaming cut and the lovely, lovely capstone of the saboteur build, One with the Shadows. Here's what it does: once every twenty seconds, the next time you use a damage-dealing encounter, it refills your stealth bar and then for ten seconds your encounters do 20% more damage.
Here's what I've found it means: If you keep One With the Shadows up, Lashing Blade does NOT break stealth. This means that if I slot first strike, capitalize on extra critical severity on top of the bonus 50% LB already gives now, I can do an insane amount of damage and still not leave stealth. With the addition of an always critting gloaming cut, a perma build in PVP seems to work quite, quite well with the addition of a terrifying burst.
After some more testings, I am ready to offer my final impressions for the changes.
Thank You for taking the time to craft a very well written and constructive break down.
The fact that you include the positive and negative and explain both will help both the players and the devs.
The extra damage is great, but the TR class needs tools to survive. That is the one thing I still see lacking in the changes
Oh dear lord.. **facepalm**..
What they did was reduce the damage by 10%, and then divide that by 15 seconds;;;
So now, a single tick of DHS does roughly 1/3rd of what it used to do.
No wonder the damage became so uselessly weak....
THIS IS AN OUTRAGE... They've actually made the Whisperknife even WEAKER!!!!!
We might as well call it the "Weakerknife" now...
To be fair, DIS synergizes quite well with a lot of the new feats. With that in mind add auto-crit and how absurdly easy it is to land this ability in PVP. I'm not saying it justifies the nerf, but by the same token I never liked the idea of a rogue that could kill people from range while stealthed, that goes double for COS. In any case, this is a HUGE blow to WKs in PVE, since DIS falls well below GC in that arena.
I would be in favor of both MI and WK getting ITC, GC, and DIS. Maybe make deft or wicked reminder MI only, and COS WK only and switch the artifact wep talon to DIS. With the proposed changes ITC is still good, GC is MUCH better, meanwhile VP still sucks and DIS got kicked to the curb.
Feedback: WK/exec LB hits too hard. I have BiS gear & I think I can 1-shot 80% of the player base.
The solution is not to lower 1st strike %, because it should be good damage boost to other encounters. The best solution to keep viable for PvE, yet remove PvP 1-shot is to cut the damage in half, but also cut the CD in half.
Feedback: WK/scoundrel I don't even notice micro dazes.
Dazes need to be changed to stuns or if you are insistent on them staying dazes, double their duration. Add micro heals on deflect to scoundrel.
mojoratMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 90
edited October 2014
I ran several lairs on my try ( biggrun on my first post and now celadrine and the phantasmal tower and the Tod lair in to the valley) running sab I did most of these no problem at 14k it was only running content intended for multiple players in iwd that I struggled. Now at face value this would be fine but I'm sure other classes at 14k can do most iwd heroics solo.
I have yet to do PvP or any group play yet.
Since my first run on iwd the damage contrast between the different at wills for try seems evident. I think they need the be all looked at for the new meta. I don't think gloaminc cut should keep the no stealth depletion otherwise permastealth will remain easily.
WhisperKnife is STILL underperforming. Something needs to be done ASAP, because even me, who I consider myself the "Mother" of WhisperKnives, is about to give up on that paragon, I've always played WK since the minute it released, testing new builds and releasing infos here and there either in the forums or in-game, but this is getting harder and harder with the way things are going, I've always cheered for WK's and told the WhisperKnife on my friends list in-game not to give up, but this is getting hopeless, seriously.
1) GET RID of that useless Advantageous Position and make it something like Aspect of the Lone wolf.
2) Razor Action is the most useless thing I've ever used in my life, remove it and add something else which will be USEFUL.
3) Vengeance's Pursuit is beyond hope, At least let us mark Walls and Grounds so we can parkour with it or something... it's worthless.
Paragon powers have to be equally viable, but in moduel 5, WK will be crappier than ever... come on now.
Bug: We lost 5% crit chance for no reason on the preview shard.
Wicked Reminder is supposed to stack to 3 but currently goes past 3 on the preview shard.
Feedback: I really like both play styles of saboteur and executioner, however I'd like to see some changes.
I'm ok with the ITC nerf but i believe that it should have a longer duration and shorter CD so that we may use it to stay alive with all the aoe going on in dungeons. Also, change it to have even higher AoE resist, because rogues are supposed to have Improved Evasion.
I really like the wicked reminder change, seeing as spamming it can make us go back to stealth very quickly with the saboteur tree. However, the duration of the debuff is still way too short and does not fit very nicely into a rotation as executioner.
I very much dislike the At-wills draining stealth. I love being able to duelist flurry and lashing blade at the end. it makes a good rotation for executioner tree on live and I feel that only cloud of steel needs to drain stealth seeing as that is the main ability of perma-stealth TR's in pvp. If we melee we are seen so its not a big deal to make the melee abilities not drain stealth.
3) Vengeance's Pursuit is beyond hope, At least let us mark Walls and Grounds so we can parkour with it or something... it's worthless.
The problem is that its still so goddam*ed sloooooww to activate. With tenacity, halflings and high WIS classes running about, the 2-second daze from Skullcracker effect is reduced to like less than 1.5 seconds usually.
A VP(teleport) strike from out of stealth deals 3 consecutive slashing attacks, so in theory, a Skullcracker-buffed VP(throw) would induce a 2s daze, and then an immediate follow up would hit 3 more attacks turning it into a 3.5s daze with time to follow up with another attack.
In reality, the teleport activation is still so slow that by the time the teleport attack lands, the target is out of the less-than-2second daze.
Just depressing.
(ps) The developers need to understand that NW is still a game very unfriendly for melees... and if they've seen the speed that a lot of people with high-end gear can move in IWD, they'll understand how a daze doesn't mean anything in most cases.
I've seen someone I've dazed run away from me at a speed resembling a tier1 mount. Am I supposed to be able to connect anything while they are dazed for like 1.5 seconds?
Or is it simply just like what those who ridicule the Scoundrel path say: "that ain't no CC, that's net-lag"
Give dazes an inherent slow-effect that goes with it. Or, at least add a feat to the Scoundrel tree to make it happen. Otherwise, the micro-dazes, for the receiving end, is nothing but some occasional net-lag.
Stop making excuses. Be a man. If you know something to be broken, stop using it. Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
This is filmed on preview, where the stamina IS BUGGED.
The TR has infinite dodges while stealthed, anybody can perma-stealth only using either shadow strike or bait and switch.
Once that bug is fixed everyone will see how painful it is to stay in stealth.
cynogenicMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 26Arc User
edited October 2014
First of all my opinions, I tested. As a PvE player and in solo dailies questing (in IWD, etc). I came back and now I have mixed feelings about this. I love the damage boost so far but as a perm-stealth player I kind of don't like this. But overall understandable I knew it was coming so idc. However my only problem with this is how our survivability just went down the drain with the stealth change.
Feedback: Stealth Change/Survivability/Duelist's Flurry/Path of the Blade
Now that stealth lasts for so little now, I think damage reducing your stealth regeneration while out of stealth needs to be removed. Stealth regeneration needs to replenish at a steady pace. A visible TR is dead from my experience. That said Tenacious Concealment should be changed to something else. Our mobility and our dodge should be changed to compensate the stealth loss since being in stealth (in my opinion not fact, don't get this wrong)was our only viable defense. Duelist's Flurry I still believe you should be able to move with the first 2 strikes or reduce the strikes to 1 strike then the flurry. Now path of the blade, I still don't understand why the damage reduction since it was reduced previously.
dexy205Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited October 2014
ok just been testing the new TR out in PVP. It is very strong with high damage. They're many different builds out right now and its hard to see which one is best.
However in pve its a whole different story. The TR I tested had gone executioner path and I found it hard against groups of mobs as i could really only use encounters or dailies as I wanted to be in stealth longer so I could survive. Duellist's flurry I find in pve is not good at all as you are so immobile and have no defensive stats at all. This means you die rather quickly even with 1.5k lifesteal and 1.5k defense. It seems like you need to swap out flurry for gloaming cut now as it seems gloaming does far more damage. Oh and rogues can still easily perma stealth so don't think thats been hit rather hard.
PVP the rogue has higher damage but easier to catch. However can still perma stealth. PVE it has got nerfed so hard. No survivability, no stealth and considerably less damage. [thats what i dont understand i liked my PVE TR ] Maybe if ITC was kept the same it would help out in pve? Do somewhat what you did to the GWF's frontline surge and make it different for PVE and PVP?
Thanks for looking at TR. I like the direction the class is going and the damage buffs were much needed. I understand the goal is to remove permastealth or at least make it hard to do. I am in favor of this however currently the class is still build around the stealth mechanic. All of our encounters take us out of stealth and are most effective from stealth. As well, damage taken reduces stealth and the new gear indirectly reduces stealth because there is no bonus stealth time on it. With our at will depleted stealth it forces all TR to use shadow strike. This encounter refills stealth but does little damage.
I would like to see TR get some survivability outside of stealth. I suggest using deflect mechanic for this. maybe doubling the deflect percentage our abilities give us for a start.
I would really like to see stealth regenerate while in combat. Can be at a reduced rate but this way we could have the ability to stealth again.
A lot of TR perfected duelist flurry timing but now it is kinda of pointless to use as it takes you out of stealth immediately. Would prefer if the 3rd strike counted as one 15% stealth reduction calculation. Again this will still make it hard to perma but makes the at will viable.
Dazes. Simply put, they are terrible, we are melee and we need stuns. At the very least we need a daze with a slow effect. The effect that smoke bomb does from stealth would be find. Daze them and make them slow enough to hit. We have to have to give up encounter slot for a daze, we need to be able to hit what we daze.
I am still testing and will provide more feedback.
1st at avarage gameplay:
NEED MORE DODGE! something to survive !!! Without stealth we r squishy, have low dmg, slow movement.
With stealth + first strike we do great spike dmg, but thats all. After that, nothing.
Feels like a monkey with samurai sword. Do some sudden dmg, but if the victim notice us, we r dead. High dmg 1st, but after that hardly can do a real dmg. Thx to the looong cooldown on encounters.
The whole character built around stealth. Combat advantage is 1 of our dmg source, stealth meant to protect us .. but now ?
Make it to a toggle skill: every attack brake it, but let it last 15sec, 20sec, 30min dunno. And let it regen in combat, ignore dmg.
Dont care if every attack brings ut from stealth, but let me go back if i need to
MI vs WK :
Pathetic how useless the WK path is. Disheartaning Strike was the main reason for this way. But now it does less than half of the live server dmg. On bigger mobs every1 refreshing it (especialy if feated) so the total dmg with 1 DiS doesnt matter.
So it ticks with 40%? of the orignal dmg. Waaaaay too low.
Even in PvP with original dmg it ticks 1-200 on a tankier target, and maybe 700-1000 on the weakest CWs. Soo the original dmg with the new feats would tick 300-600 on a tank and 2000 - 2700 on a low armor character with First Strike from Stealth. Forgot how much tick it has on live ... maybe 5-7 ?, total dmg wouldnt be that high.
Raise Dagger Treat bonus to make WK viable, no real bonus with the dagger throwing path.
The MI way is good right now. With the new ITC its tricky, dont have a panic button. the aoe dmg (blitz, path of the blade, wicked strike) is still low, but or the daily grind almost enough.
The maind idea (operate with stealth) is good, but hard to maintain the "back to stealth" part. I guess the One with the shadows CD too much, and the encounter from behind too hard. Gloaming cut way better for that (for MI WK dont have that:rolleyes:) PvP/PvE 2
Again, the idea is good ... but eh the deflect, life steal bonus feats soo weak any other path could get almost that much with gear/enchant etc. This way the avarage incoming dmg 1,5x of the executioner path. With less dmg.
The + dmg for controlled target sounds good, but do TRs have real CC ? The 1 sec daze on critical barely noticeable. Make it longer ? Personaly i like the random control effect idea
The capstone doesnt even sure worth taking. Have a 10 sec CD daze encounter already
Thats the way it meant. Dmg dealer, glass cannon. Maybe Shadow of Demise should get a lower aktive time 4sec instead of 6sec
OK so. After a day of running dungeons on preview, rather than lulzing on training dummies to see how much I can get a bug to proc for, and talking with other TRs and working on working out rotations and loadouts, my thoughts on the Executioner tree. I did not test Saboteur or Scoundrel, did not have time.
So. I said PvE TR was dead from reading the changelog. Have I seen the light and changed my tune after a day of running PvE TR?
In short, no.
So, some thoughts:
Down overall. Nothing was done to address the issues we face in PvE, they are still present and in fact worse. This is the biggest, most glaring failure and contributes to another issue I'll get to in a moment. What we needed was something outside of stealth and ItC - One does nothing for AoEs, and one is only on one Paragon Path. Instead Stealth can no longer be used for survival during stage clearing and soloing, ItC has a longer cooldown on Executioner due to the loss of Dazzling Blades, and ItC has been nerfed. Our durability in PvE has never been worse. We've been begging for something like a third dodge or damage not depleting the stealth meter while it refills for over a year; but those cries have gone ignored and we now permanently have our pants down. This is an utter failure. There is no nice way to put this. This was completely screwed up. I cannot shout the next bit loudly enough:
The Stealth depletion on at-wills was a horrible idea when you tried to put it through a year ago during Mod 1, it is still a horrible idea now. This is not the way to break perma-stealth, it breaks everything *but* perma stealth.
Further: Not only does the Stealth depletion on at-Wills need to go away, we need further durability changes for PvE:
- We need a third dodge. It is the only thing that can get us out of AoEs and one-shots. Make it take more stamina in PvP so we only have two there if need be. We have nothing in PvE now. Nothing. We are a slow immobile melee class who has to sit in red we can't deal with to do damage.
- We need Stealth to not drain from hits while the meter is refilling. Solo, you cannot regain stealth in combat except through Shadow Strike. In a party, if you get aggro or there's a lot of AoE, you cannot regain stealth in combat except through Shadow Strike. Since so much of our damage, especially in the Executioner tree, relies on Stealth, this is bad. We either lose an Encounter slot to a power that has no damage and no useful PvE effect, or we just don't stealth for far too much of the content.
Which brings us to the next section:
Up... And down. Mostly down. Yes, even with that cute 240k Lashing Blade you got on that mob.
So, for PvP, you've gone too far and broken things. Exes I hear are one-shotting people. I've been playing since Closed Beta. I know what happened last time TRs were able to one-shot people in PvP with Lashing Blade. Where the class has been up to now happened: And endless stream of ill-conceived, class-gutting damage nerfs that have made us the worst class in the game in PvE for far, far too long. And because I've been playing so long, I know this will repeat.
So, for PvE, you haven't done enough, and you've actually screwed us up at our one job in dungeons.
See, Executioner used to be able to do sustained DPS. Dazzling Blades cooldowns made our powers go off more often, so more ItC to be able to hold up to the CCing AoEs mobs love to do. More Lashing if you used that at bosses to do those big pretty numbers people like to look at, even though they're mostly useless. Duelist's Flurry could be sustained and the bleeds would build up and tick over time and we'd end up doing a nice big pile of damage to the boss. It wasn't great, but it was a thing and we were pretty good at it. Stealth DF would help us do more damage, hide from adds, chain it into a Lashing or a stealth ItC if things got bad.
But DF has a problem. Several problems actually. It's slow. Very slow. It takes forever to start up and get to the meat, the flurry. You can't move during it, at all. You're rooted and you can only break it with... One of the measly two dodges you have. If you're out of dodges and get caught DFing, you're likely to die in places like eLOL. Oh, by the way, you're pretty much permanently parked in a red circle in eLOL final boss. Good thing you've got ItC and that Dazzling Blades cooldown reduction, right? ...Right?
Well, no, none of that actually works properly anymore. DF can no longer be used from Stealth. Even if you hit stealth at the third hit, it's drained entirely by the end. So you can't use it safely during the stages. Nor are you getting any kind of boost to its damage while using it. It is now dead.
DF was the core of our sustained boss DPS. It is no longer. Gloaming Cut is better now - Another TR I trust who has a legendary DF weapon tested it vs Gloaming Cut and GC came out even in a perfect setting. Guess what, in practice, GC is even more ahead now. Too bad there's no artifact weapon for that. You can stay in stealth during GC! So it's safe in stages. It's good at bosses because it's getting your stealth bonuses. But it's slow too. And it's not getting those bleeds up because it doesn't have any. Those DF bleeds kept us doing damage even when we had to go run in circles due to red circles at bosses. Now, it's honestly a wash I think with old DF pre-stealth nerf just because GC is so much more usable now. But we didn't need a wash. We needed an improvement. We didn't get one. We just got an invalidated at-will replaced with another at-will that can't be buffed with an artifact weapon. I bet all the TRs who put time and money into upgrading their DF weapons aren't very happy right now. I know I'm glad I didn't.
Oh, I still haven't found a good boss rotation I'm actually happy with. It *was* Shadow Strike/Impossible to Catch/Wicked Reminder with Duelist Flurry/Cloud of Steel. But no longer. That's actually pretty terrible now. Maybe with GC instead of DF and just spam that. I don't know. Nothing really seems to work, because we have no sustained DPS now. Just a one-hit alpha strike.
Now, I spoke of an increase but here I am complaining about our HAMSTER sustained boss damage now. Where's that increase, Veldrin?
Well, it's Blitz. That's right. Blitz, with First Strike and Stealth. Run in and throw that out and you're hitting like 30-40k each on 7 mobs with no debuffs. You can one-shot multiple trash now even in dungeons. It's fantastic. It's like...
...being the world's worst CW. We aren't an AoE class. Well we weren't, I guess we are now, too bad we have so few AoE powers and we don't have any useful CC. (Dazes are pathetic. Stuff still runs away to follow the SW who has aggro and does 3x our damage during the stage.)
So, me and the other TR I was running with, we're still bottoming paingiver. Paingiver is useless, granted, but it's annoying to see no change in position when yes, I'm doing a couple million more damage than I normally would have during a ToS run throwing Blitz and Wicked Reminder at all this trash. Part of this may just be how massively OP DCs are now - First and second for PG in a ToS run and a CN run, third behind highly geared CW and GWF in several FH runs. Neither of us were far behind them thanks to Blitz spamming, granted, but really? Most players in this game are stupid and only look at Paingiver. If we're still bottoming it, they still aren't going to want us in dungeons. Especially once they figure out that our boss damage is HAMSTER now.
Basically, this is disappointing. Executioner spike damage is pretty much just one hit and it's sad-making. No sustained DPS. We are no longer good at bosses. Fail. We are good at one-shotting in PvP, apparently, which is another huge fail because it means one thing: We've lost even more of our limited durability for DPS we will not get to keep. I'm sorry, there's no nice way to put this. It's been proven to me with endless, endless damage nerfs since closed beta that the instant people cry in PvP, the TR will get another damage nerf. They will cry.
We will get a damage nerf. We will be worse than we were before you changed us. This is how it works. This is how it has always worked. The changes are already a PvE nerf if you're not some insane 18k+ monster, and they will become more of a nerf. I really wish you'd left us alone. I know this sounds mean, but it's true. I wish I knew how to nicen it, but there's nothing nice in it. It's not a good change for PvE. It really isn't. Not the way it is now. It is almost entirely bad. Blitz is a good change. GC being useful is nice, but not when I have no choice but to use it. That just took away the option of DF and replaced it with a new best PvE at-will. Still no choice.
Speaking of TRs I trust, they've done testing on Saboteur and Scoundrel and report that those aren't any better for PvE than Executioner is. Well then.
Specific powers/changes:
Improved Cunning Sneak: This might as well not exist now. Besides being stupid, the Stealth nerf deals a percentage. You lose 5/5 ICS stealth as fast as you lose unfeated stealth. This is ridiculous. No, this wasn't changed, but it's still invalidated. WK can't really use it because they don't get GC.
"We don’t really like the gameplay of “invisible attacker dealing steady damage” because the cases for counterplay are limited and require more skill to fight against than we feel is appropriate. Therefore we made two major changes to stealth. Firstly it will drain a little bit when you attack from stealth. To compensate for this you will get 100% critical chance while stealthed. We want stealth in Neverwinter to move towards a quick burst in power that rewards smart play to confuse foes, rather than an effect you can keep up indefinitely."
- This shows a complete and utter disregard for the needs of the class in PvE and is 100% about people whining about perma stealth in PvP. Keep the stealth drain for PvP then. But get rid of it in PvE. The 100% critical chance is NOT in ANY way a compensation for the loss of 90% of our defensive capability in PvE. You can't confuse PvE foes, they're too stupid and rely on more and more AoE as the mods go by. You can only dodge so much AoE, and we can't dodge much at all.
"Executioner is focused on using a golden opportunity to deal an incredible amount of spike damage."
Your idea of incredible and mine do not match. What's 'incredible' in PvP is not even close to useful in PvE. Bosses have millions of HP and throw out AoEs like mad while adds swarm you. Doing 250k damage on my first Lashing Blade of the fight does nothing at all. It is useless. Scoundrel from reports doesn't do good damage. Saboteur is too fiddly for PvE where GWFs and GFs spin bosses like records and CWs pile all the adds on the boss to where you can't even get your powers to hit the boss unless you're hugging it without letting go, hoping you'll survive the add pounding and the AoEs. Well, Lair of Lostmauth doesn't have adds at the boss, sure. No, it just has constant AoEs and abilities that one-shot you if you happen to be caught by one without dodges. Stealth ItC used to be a hail mary for that but I doubt it is now.[/COLOR]
Stealth: Using At Wills while Stealthed now drains 15% of your Stealth Meter per attack.
This is terrible for PvE. Absolutely awful. I've said it many times in this already but I will say it again and again. Solo, you cannot regain stealth. In a group, you oftentimes cannot regain stealth. Sustained boss damage relied on using Stealth and ItC to be able to keep Duelist's Flurry going for the bleeds, allowing you to stay in one place long enough to actually get the stacks going and boosting your damage. Duelist's Flurry bleeds could be as much as half of your damage depending on what you were doing. With the Stealth change, that is gone. Duelist Flurry bleeds were the vast majority of why were were good at bosses. Stealth was also 90% of our defensive capability in PvE, what little we had. No more. Again, Stealth needs to be able to refill without interruption in combat if you think for some reason this nonsense has to stay in PvE.
Stealth: Now also grants 100% Critical Chance in addition to Combat Advantage.
This might be useful if we could in any way maintain stealth while attacking in PvE. Since we can't outside of doing nothing but spamming Gloaming Cut, this is not useful. This could make Duelist's Flurry great but since you can't use DF anymore in stealth, it doesn't.
First Strike: Damage bonus increased to 33% per rank (up from 5% per rank).
This looks exciting. It is exciting when you get that big Lashing Blade. Until you remember that you're never out of combat at a boss fight. This is our big burst thing now, but it is worthless at the one thing we were once good at.
Whirlwind of Blades: No longer ignores Damage Resistance and Immunity and can be Deflected.
Whirlwind of Blades: Now increases your Power by 20% per target hit (up from 10%).
This is fine, the resistance ignored doesn't affect PvE at all and the power helps make up for the gutting of everything else.
Courage Breaker: Now increases power by 25% (up from 10%).
Courage Breaker: Damage increased by roughly 15%.
I still don't see ever using this, especially since the debuff is supposed to be bugged.
Deft Strike: Damage increased by roughly 15%.
Maybe if this had immunity frames. As it is, I don't even slot it for fighting Valindra in VT where it might be vaguely useful, because I don't even need it there.
Lashing Blade: Stealth: Now strikes with 50% increased Critical Severity.
This is bugged or something. The damage done by this power is incredibly inconsistent, even in the same circumstances. I've had everything from less than I'd have done before the TR changes to more than I've ever done, and that's taking into account First Strike being a thing now. In fact it's so inconsistent now that I've taken it off my bar entirely. I can't rely on it.Further, this has such a long cooldown and is so easy to miss with, it really needs something like CW's Steal Time interruption cooldown - Especially now that Executioner no longer has Dazzling Blades.
Blitz: Damage increased by roughly 20%.
Blitz: Maximum number of targets increased to 7 (up from 5).
This is the one singular change whose praises I will sing from the rooftops. Blitz is actually fairly amazing now and lets me be a crappy CW. I didn't actually want to be a crappy CW, but I'm doing multiple millions more damage in dungeon runs than I was previously, and it's all Blitz, so I'm at least vaguely more useful during the stage than I was previously. That's cool.
Path of the Blade: Duration increased to 20 seconds (up from 10).
Path of the Blade: Damage reduced by roughly 20%.
Path of the Blade: Tooltip now displays the total damage this power will deal, rather than how much it deals each tick.
Still not ever using it in PvE. Nothing lives 20 seconds except the boss, and I have better things to slot there. Also, it still only hits one thing at a time, so it's still not a good AoE.
Shadow Strike: Stealth: Daze increased to 4 seconds (up from 3).
This wasn't useful to begin with in PvE, it's still not. At least the core function is there still
Wicked Reminder: Now correctly stacks on players.
Wicked Reminder: Maximum stacks reduced to 3.
Wicked Reminder: Now reduces the target's defenses by 7% per stack (up from 4%).
Wicked Reminder: Now has 3 charges and 1 charge is refilled every 5 seconds.
Wicked Reminder: Damage increased by roughly 10%.
This still stacks to 5. I don't know if it's getting the 7% each stack or not, there's not really a good way to test this. The stacks is a good change as it lets me throw three stacks on in rapid succession without wasting my stealth. Can we maybe change it to not be usable unless you're in range? The range is awful and hard to judge because there's no indication of it so it gets wasted a lot in actual play.
Master Infiltrator: Gloaming Cut: Does not drain Stealth Meter when used from Stealth.
Master Infiltrator: Gloaming Cut: Now deals up to 25% more damage as the target's HP diminishes (up from 20%). This effect is increased by 25% per rank (up from 5%).
Congratulations, while you destroyed Duelist's Flurry with the stealth change, you now made this its replacement. I still only have one at-will to reasonably use for damage, but at least I still have one. Unfortunately I can't get a nice OP artifact weapon for it, but hey. I've got something. This is a good change. Get rid of the stealth nerf and let DF be useful in PvE again and we'll have two good at-wills to choose from in PvE.
Master Infiltrator: Impossible to Catch: Stealth: This power no longer makes you immune to all damage but now also increases your damage resistance by 50%.
Bad. Pure unadulterated bad. Sometimes stealth ITC was the only thing keeping us alive. We don't have the HP like GF does to take some of the damage we can't avoid, especially on some of the more ridiculous one-shots in Epic Shores of Tuern/Epic Lair of Lostmauth. Especially since we were probably already below full health. Another hit to our PvE survival we didn't need.
Master Infiltrator: Shocking Execution: No longer ignores Damage Immunity effects. It still ignores all sources of damage resistance and cannot be deflected.
Nobody uses this power in PvE. I don't think anyone even still uses it in PvP. This doesn't change that at all.
Only commenting on Executioner feats and the two T1 Saboteur feats:
Saboteur: Sustained DPS focused on being able to reactivate stealth quickly to land hits for increased critical bonus.
Reports say this isn't accurate and Sab isn't sustained DPS in PvE any more than Executioner is. That said it is next on my list to test in hopes I find it more enjoyable than the mess made of Executioner.
Flashing Blades: Your At Will attacks deal 1/2/3/4/5% more damage while your stealth meter isn't full.
Given that it almost never is full, this is a nice dip for Exe while you're spamming GC.
Shady Preperations: Entering Stealth reduces all your cooldowns by 2/4/6/8/10%.
I had high hopes for this to maybe be the replacement for Executioner's wonderful Dazzling Blades feat, but solo it never kicks in and it doesn't kick in enough in dungeons either unless you're running Shadow Strike. Alas.
Executioner: Uses stealth to try and deal as much damage as possible in a single strike.
I cringed when I read this, I seriously did. The path used to be good for doing sustained DPS, but yeah. This path is also now entirely gear dependent, which is not fun and does not reward skill.
Arterial Cut: You have 3/6/9/12/15% increased Critical Severity while Stealthed.
Strictly worse than Brutal Backstab was. It's a better Deadly Momentum, I guess, but given that this is now the only crit severity increase on the path, it's bad. Oh, and DM wasn't just Stealth either so it's still worse than DM. Very bad. Especially since it replaced where Dazzling Blades once was. We've lost 25% crit severity while stealthed to these changes. That's a Normal Vorpal enchantment.
Grim Pleasure: Your Critical Strikes increase your Power by 1/2/3/4/5% for 4 seconds.
The first of the gear-dependent feats. Mine's about 8000 while Swashbuckling Captain's 4-piece set bonus is active. So that's... 400 power. That's... Barely even noticable. If you have less power you get even less. Not a good feat. None of the feats like this are good, honestly, on any class, but.
Vicious Pursuit: Foes you damage take 1/2/3/4/5% more damage from you for 6 seconds. This effect does not stack.
This is OK. Most stuff doesn't live 6 seconds in a party, and often not even solo, but hey. The alternative at this tier for MI is the same old crappy Shocking Execution feat nobody takes anyway, and it replaces a feat that was kind of meh, so OK.
Twisted Grin: When a foe within 30' of you dies you gain Twisted Grin for 10 seconds which improves the damage of your next attack by 2.5/5/7.5/10/12.5%. This bonus is doubled while in stealth.
If this triggers off other people killing, this is decent, if not then... Mrr. Oh, it can't trigger during Lair of Lostmauth final boss, and can only trigger once each on the mid-bosses. So this is worthless at boss fights. I'd honestly rather have Brutal Backstab back, which is what used to be here.
Last Moments: You deal 5/10/15/20/25% more damage to foes who are below 40% HP. This threshhold is increased to 70% while you are stealthed.
This one is mostly just overkill, although it helps a bit at bosses and big solos. I'd almost prefer Critical Teamwork, which was a nice party buff.
Exposed Weakness: Stealth also causes you to ignore 5/10/15/20/25% of your target's armor.
Completely worthless dead feat in PvE. No PvE TR I know of has less than 24% DR ignored. This gives no benefit in PvE and makes me think PvE wasn't even consisdered during the TR rework, even more than I already did from everything else.
Shadowborn: Entering Stealth grants you 20/40/60/80/100% increased power for your next attack.
Another gear-dependent feat. At least more useful than the meh of Grim Pleasure, but I'm still not happy to see gear-dependent feats.
Shadow of Demise: Dealing damage from Stealth places "Shadow of Demise" on the target for 6 seconds. When Shadow of Demise end the target takes 50% of the damage the Rogue dealt as Piercing Damage. Piercing damage cannot be deflected and ignores armor.
This would be better if it procced more. It only procs from the stealth you're rarely in, but it also doesn't always proc then. I've had entire boss fights where it didn't trigger once. Given that this is supposed to be our big bad capstone, that's not helpful. And as I've mentioned before, outside of bosses, almost nothing in PvE actually lives long enough for it to proc during stage clearing. Oh, there's also a bug with it, apparently, where those screenshots of TRs doing 1 billion damage with it on training dummies come from, but the circumstances leading to that aren't likely to ever occur in the field.
General notes:
Critical Teamwork: Why mention a bug on a feat that no longer exists? Because I didn't lose 5% crit chance from it. I lost about 6%. This is odd, and annoying. Also, I want my 51.4% crit chance back.
Resistance ignored stat, lack thereof: We still, STILL do not have one of these. You give us a feat tree that's entirely gear dependent on how much power we can stack, but leave us in PvE with a BIS armor set that gives 0 Apen, forcing us to slot a ton of Dark Enchantments to get to the 24% DR ignored we need for bosses in PvE, which means we have less space for slotting power. We're allegedly a DPS class. HR gets resistance ignored from a stat. GWF does. SW does. GF even does. We don't. Why? Make it CHA so the stat is actually useful if you must.
CHA is multiplicative, not additive. It only gives you .1% per point, not 1%. It's a complete waste of a stat currently. Fail.
Yeah there's a ton of thoughts there. I don't PvP, I am strictly PvE, and so far me and my equally-geared, slightly more skilled TR companion from the dungeon runs see this as pure PvE nerf. You've killed our sustained damage and survival for a single attack of spike damage we won't even get to keep. This is lame.
We need to collect as much feedback as possible on this so we can tweak the feel and effects of the Trickster Rogue in PVE and performance in PVP. Given that, we would like you to categorize and color code your feedback so we can sort it and act on it most effectively! Please use the below format to submit bugs/feedback.
Type: Bug/Feedback (Please only choose one) Spec: (Please enter the spec that you are providing feedback for here)
Please use “Bold” face text for the Type & Spec then type your feedback in the body of your post. If you are listing a bug please have this text in RED, if you are posting an opinion or feedback please use BLUE.
(Concise Feedback & Screen Shots are much appreciated)
Examples: Bug: Destroyer Destroyer’s Purpose didn’t grant stacks while dealing damge.
Feedback: Sentinel I feel like I don’t have enough tools to stay alive under fire now and it makes tanking too hard.
Please try to play for a few hours to get used to the changes. Thank you again for all your help Adventurers! We look forward to hearing back from you!
Chris “Gentleman_Crush” Meyer
The damage is too much now, need some nerf on it, also perma-stealth can still be done, so it also need some work, on pvp, TR's will be kings again, no one can math then right now, too much burst, even more than CW's, also on pve, they'll take out the GWF place due to amount of damage they can do now, so the idea is to balance classes, not substitute one to another.
change itc to have shorter duration but have charges, that would allow to use it more often to evade aoe attacks while not adding too much duration in pvp, or maybe change it to auto deflect next attack with x charges
Scoundrel: A brawler who debuffs foes and can take a lot of damage. - add damage resistance based on how full your stealth bar is making scoundrel less reliant on stealth and more of a brawler that can take damage and stealth more of a gap closer or escape and less smth you must rely on during combat.
Shady Preparations + Knife's Edge + Shadow Strike. Add Invisible Infiltrator, if you're a Master Infiltrator. Combo it with powers like Path of the Blade and Impossible to Catch. Reinvent it using Whisperknife paragon path if that's your style. Combine it with Scoundrel and Executioner if you prefer those paths.
Spam stealth, spam your dailies, and watch the cooldowns fall.
Once you've had enough of that, then you can start complaining about the changes.
You there. New to the game? Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you think getting to end-game is impossible for a casual player like yourself, or maybe you just need to be around a community that helps each other stay sane and competitive with the latest news, current trends, random chitchat and most of all LEGIT (that is, we try to keep things fair) gameplay. If you don't mind being around quirky people and the rare occasional drama (one of our prominent TR members is apparently a mafia godfather) join nw_legit_community at
Naicalus is spot on IMO. Executioner is not viable in PvE for anything other than dailies, and even then it won't work well on Dragons.
Sab can be built into an effective perma- or semi-perma skirmisher that cuts through daily encounters with little difficulty, but again I see little utility for this spec in dungeons and you won't kill Dragons with it.
Scoundrel is just a flat bust. Massively disappointing. It's trying to be a poor man's Combat HR and failing miserably.
I can't help but feel that this entire rework has been all about PvP. And it won't even work for that.
Feedback: Saboteur
I like the changes in general. It works well with my gameplay.
Feedback: Whisperknife Vegenance`s Pursuit - still too risky to use. I think it would work better if: 1. 2 steps should be merged into one. You can use it anytime you want, then you Stun by throwing dagger and then you teleport to stunned opponent while dealing damage. [stun should be long enough to let you finish enounter, but no longer than that.]
2. The debuff from marking should be changed into longer daze/stun or heavier and/or longer slow down.
Disheartening Strike:
Instead of making it longer, make it more worth to throw at target. For example, add +10/20% total damage on 1st tick.
Feedback: TR PvP We need more dodges or better chasing. We should be faster, or slow down opponents by attacking/targeting.
Maybe we could slow down opponent that we are targeting when we go into stealth?
It`s pretty annoying when you need to run here and there after CW/HR/DC/SW who just dodge and move back from you.
Changing dazes into stuns should work too.
Feedback: TR PvE How about changing that : "Stealth: Using At Wills while Stealthed now drains 15% of your Stealth Meter per attack." Would work only in PvP? Or at least lower from 15% into 2-3% in PvE? Then executioners would be able to survive much more in PvE while dealing much better dmg than Saboteur.
Feedback: TR artifacts (At least) one of artifacts should change their bonus.
Maybe switch from [this and that At-Will do x% more dmg] into stuff like:
- every attack slow target down by x% [stacks?]
- you get x% from dmg as temporary hp [chance?]
- every hit replenish some of your stamina [chance?]
Feedback: TR passives
Same could be used for passives. Change the useless ones [mentioned everywhere, like Invisible infiltrator] into:
a) more defense/hp
b) something that let us stick to opponent with no-range between
c) something that replenish stamina with each "something" / in combat etc.
Feedback: sky flourish Make it small AoE please? Then difference between choosing duelist flurry and this would rise a question.
(These were just quick ideas. Don`t take them too seriously)
Feedback: Ramp-up Time Another thing to note, ramp-up time for our dps is way too long. Gloaming cut and duelist flurry take FOREVER to cast, which means we can only get 1 or 2 off before we have to roll away again. Due to massive AoE, there have been times where the boss is half dead before I can even get to him/her. Please make ITC have more AoE resist, and reduce the ramp up time it takes to cast our dps skills.
Well, after actual testing, I can say I don't like them...
What I get as Executioner build: - spike damage: encounters end much quicker... and by spamming WR and Blitz out of combat I have my daily up for every encounter - lower DPS: DF was indeed our best DPS at will... we go down 8% in crit chance because of no Critical Teamwork and by switching Skillful Infiltrator with First Strike... 5% if you're willing to let go of Invisible Infiltrator instead
- quicker death, which has nothing to do with ITC, since i didn't use that much anyway; actually this comes from losing 15% run speed from switching Skillful Infiltrator with First Strike.
- I can now go PERMA... granted, by using WR, B&S + the profound gear set... still, if a Exec build which couldn't achieve perma before can do it now, I don't think that really got "fixed"
Vengeance Pursuit: extra damage on VP won't be of much benefit to WK. What we need is VP with a shorter cooldown for it to be useful
I would like something along the lines of this:
Vengeful Pursuit: Has two charges. Target a foe briefly stunning him. Reactivating the power after in a 5sec period teleport you BEHIND the enemy. When you activate this power you break loose of all crowd control and dash to your targeted foe within 80ft. Upon arrival you remove the knife causing them to take bleeding damage for X sec equal to 100% of your weapon damage. When activating your power again you teleport to the most recently targeted victim.
If you use BOTH charges on an enemy you gain a combat advantage against the target and you refill your stealth by 10/15/20%(Or causes you to deal %more damage to the target OR you have increased dodge/deflect against targeted enemy! Or gain movement speed after arrival? Some kind of buff from landing BOTH Charges.
I think this could provide some really fun play as a Whisperknife while providing an unique power that makes the Paragon path stand out. This would basically provide a short -BLINK- For the play. If they are able to keep track of the targeted enemies, could really provide some fun PvP/PvE play. Thoghts?
I really want the Whisperknife class to be more about dodging/maneuvering around the battlefield. It really need to be taken back. There is no need for a ranged/melee hybrid...we have the Hunter Rangers for that...
I think at the moment Exec is better suited for PVP, for PVE we need sustained damage, and I think maybe sab can do it better with all the bonus damage from stealth and being able to enter stealth more easily.
Like everyone is said, our survability is even lower than before, we need more tools for survival in a dungeon with lots of AOE attacks on the ground.
Here's what I've found it means: If you keep One With the Shadows up, Lashing Blade does NOT break stealth. This means that if I slot first strike, capitalize on extra critical severity on top of the bonus 50% LB already gives now, I can do an insane amount of damage and still not leave stealth. With the addition of an always critting gloaming cut, a perma build in PVP seems to work quite, quite well with the addition of a terrifying burst.
Thank You for taking the time to craft a very well written and constructive break down.
The fact that you include the positive and negative and explain both will help both the players and the devs.
The extra damage is great, but the TR class needs tools to survive. That is the one thing I still see lacking in the changes
Leaving dead question marks everywhere
To be fair, DIS synergizes quite well with a lot of the new feats. With that in mind add auto-crit and how absurdly easy it is to land this ability in PVP. I'm not saying it justifies the nerf, but by the same token I never liked the idea of a rogue that could kill people from range while stealthed, that goes double for COS. In any case, this is a HUGE blow to WKs in PVE, since DIS falls well below GC in that arena.
I would be in favor of both MI and WK getting ITC, GC, and DIS. Maybe make deft or wicked reminder MI only, and COS WK only and switch the artifact wep talon to DIS. With the proposed changes ITC is still good, GC is MUCH better, meanwhile VP still sucks and DIS got kicked to the curb.
LB hits too hard. I have BiS gear & I think I can 1-shot 80% of the player base.
The solution is not to lower 1st strike %, because it should be good damage boost to other encounters. The best solution to keep viable for PvE, yet remove PvP 1-shot is to cut the damage in half, but also cut the CD in half.
Feedback: WK/scoundrel
I don't even notice micro dazes.
Dazes need to be changed to stuns or if you are insistent on them staying dazes, double their duration. Add micro heals on deflect to scoundrel.
I ran several lairs on my try ( biggrun on my first post and now celadrine and the phantasmal tower and the Tod lair in to the valley) running sab I did most of these no problem at 14k it was only running content intended for multiple players in iwd that I struggled. Now at face value this would be fine but I'm sure other classes at 14k can do most iwd heroics solo.
I have yet to do PvP or any group play yet.
Since my first run on iwd the damage contrast between the different at wills for try seems evident. I think they need the be all looked at for the new meta. I don't think gloaminc cut should keep the no stealth depletion otherwise permastealth will remain easily.
1) GET RID of that useless Advantageous Position and make it something like Aspect of the Lone wolf.
2) Razor Action is the most useless thing I've ever used in my life, remove it and add something else which will be USEFUL.
3) Vengeance's Pursuit is beyond hope, At least let us mark Walls and Grounds so we can parkour with it or something... it's worthless.
Paragon powers have to be equally viable, but in moduel 5, WK will be crappier than ever... come on now.
We lost 5% crit chance for no reason on the preview shard.
Wicked Reminder is supposed to stack to 3 but currently goes past 3 on the preview shard.
Feedback: I really like both play styles of saboteur and executioner, however I'd like to see some changes.
I'm ok with the ITC nerf but i believe that it should have a longer duration and shorter CD so that we may use it to stay alive with all the aoe going on in dungeons. Also, change it to have even higher AoE resist, because rogues are supposed to have Improved Evasion.
I really like the wicked reminder change, seeing as spamming it can make us go back to stealth very quickly with the saboteur tree. However, the duration of the debuff is still way too short and does not fit very nicely into a rotation as executioner.
I very much dislike the At-wills draining stealth. I love being able to duelist flurry and lashing blade at the end. it makes a good rotation for executioner tree on live and I feel that only cloud of steel needs to drain stealth seeing as that is the main ability of perma-stealth TR's in pvp. If we melee we are seen so its not a big deal to make the melee abilities not drain stealth.
Razor Action: Increase the Armor Penetration of the rogue for a % Value (Rogues lack Armorpen in gear so.. this might be good)
Advantageous Position: Giving us Bonus Mitigation/Deflect depending on how many enemies are near us (Just like Aspect of the Lone Wolf)
The problem is that its still so goddam*ed sloooooww to activate. With tenacity, halflings and high WIS classes running about, the 2-second daze from Skullcracker effect is reduced to like less than 1.5 seconds usually.
A VP(teleport) strike from out of stealth deals 3 consecutive slashing attacks, so in theory, a Skullcracker-buffed VP(throw) would induce a 2s daze, and then an immediate follow up would hit 3 more attacks turning it into a 3.5s daze with time to follow up with another attack.
In reality, the teleport activation is still so slow that by the time the teleport attack lands, the target is out of the less-than-2second daze.
Just depressing.
(ps) The developers need to understand that NW is still a game very unfriendly for melees... and if they've seen the speed that a lot of people with high-end gear can move in IWD, they'll understand how a daze doesn't mean anything in most cases.
I've seen someone I've dazed run away from me at a speed resembling a tier1 mount. Am I supposed to be able to connect anything while they are dazed for like 1.5 seconds?
Or is it simply just like what those who ridicule the Scoundrel path say: "that ain't no CC, that's net-lag"
Give dazes an inherent slow-effect that goes with it. Or, at least add a feat to the Scoundrel tree to make it happen. Otherwise, the micro-dazes, for the receiving end, is nothing but some occasional net-lag.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Stealth is still quite useful and i think trs do not need anymore stealth nerf or buff as shown in this video
VERY misleading video.
This is filmed on preview, where the stamina IS BUGGED.
The TR has infinite dodges while stealthed, anybody can perma-stealth only using either shadow strike or bait and switch.
Once that bug is fixed everyone will see how painful it is to stay in stealth.
Feedback: Stealth Change/Survivability/Duelist's Flurry/Path of the Blade
Now that stealth lasts for so little now, I think damage reducing your stealth regeneration while out of stealth needs to be removed. Stealth regeneration needs to replenish at a steady pace. A visible TR is dead from my experience. That said Tenacious Concealment should be changed to something else. Our mobility and our dodge should be changed to compensate the stealth loss since being in stealth (in my opinion not fact, don't get this wrong)was our only viable defense. Duelist's Flurry I still believe you should be able to move with the first 2 strikes or reduce the strikes to 1 strike then the flurry. Now path of the blade, I still don't understand why the damage reduction since it was reduced previously.
However in pve its a whole different story. The TR I tested had gone executioner path and I found it hard against groups of mobs as i could really only use encounters or dailies as I wanted to be in stealth longer so I could survive. Duellist's flurry I find in pve is not good at all as you are so immobile and have no defensive stats at all. This means you die rather quickly even with 1.5k lifesteal and 1.5k defense. It seems like you need to swap out flurry for gloaming cut now as it seems gloaming does far more damage. Oh and rogues can still easily perma stealth so don't think thats been hit rather hard.
PVP the rogue has higher damage but easier to catch. However can still perma stealth. PVE it has got nerfed so hard. No survivability, no stealth and considerably less damage. [thats what i dont understand i liked my PVE TR
Path of the Blade encounter does not activate the Saboteur feat Return to Shadows at all (while stealth is recharging of course).
Thanks for looking at TR. I like the direction the class is going and the damage buffs were much needed. I understand the goal is to remove permastealth or at least make it hard to do. I am in favor of this however currently the class is still build around the stealth mechanic. All of our encounters take us out of stealth and are most effective from stealth. As well, damage taken reduces stealth and the new gear indirectly reduces stealth because there is no bonus stealth time on it. With our at will depleted stealth it forces all TR to use shadow strike. This encounter refills stealth but does little damage.
I would like to see TR get some survivability outside of stealth. I suggest using deflect mechanic for this. maybe doubling the deflect percentage our abilities give us for a start.
I would really like to see stealth regenerate while in combat. Can be at a reduced rate but this way we could have the ability to stealth again.
A lot of TR perfected duelist flurry timing but now it is kinda of pointless to use as it takes you out of stealth immediately. Would prefer if the 3rd strike counted as one 15% stealth reduction calculation. Again this will still make it hard to perma but makes the at will viable.
Dazes. Simply put, they are terrible, we are melee and we need stuns. At the very least we need a daze with a slow effect. The effect that smoke bomb does from stealth would be find. Daze them and make them slow enough to hit. We have to have to give up encounter slot for a daze, we need to be able to hit what we daze.
I am still testing and will provide more feedback.
Shadowy Opportunity gives 0 piercing dmg
14K Tr with around 6k power, 2,2k armorpen
1st at avarage gameplay:
NEED MORE DODGE! something to survive !!! Without stealth we r squishy, have low dmg, slow movement.
With stealth + first strike we do great spike dmg, but thats all. After that, nothing.
Feels like a monkey with samurai sword. Do some sudden dmg, but if the victim notice us, we r dead. High dmg 1st, but after that hardly can do a real dmg. Thx to the looong cooldown on encounters.
The whole character built around stealth. Combat advantage is 1 of our dmg source, stealth meant to protect us .. but now ?
Make it to a toggle skill: every attack brake it, but let it last 15sec, 20sec, 30min dunno. And let it regen in combat, ignore dmg.
Dont care if every attack brings ut from stealth, but let me go back if i need to
MI vs WK :
Pathetic how useless the WK path is. Disheartaning Strike was the main reason for this way. But now it does less than half of the live server dmg. On bigger mobs every1 refreshing it (especialy if feated) so the total dmg with 1 DiS doesnt matter.
So it ticks with 40%? of the orignal dmg. Waaaaay too low.
Even in PvP with original dmg it ticks 1-200 on a tankier target, and maybe 700-1000 on the weakest CWs. Soo the original dmg with the new feats would tick 300-600 on a tank and 2000 - 2700 on a low armor character with First Strike from Stealth. Forgot how much tick it has on live ... maybe 5-7 ?, total dmg wouldnt be that high.
Raise Dagger Treat bonus to make WK viable, no real bonus with the dagger throwing path.
The MI way is good right now. With the new ITC its tricky, dont have a panic button. the aoe dmg (blitz, path of the blade, wicked strike) is still low, but or the daily grind almost enough.
The maind idea (operate with stealth) is good, but hard to maintain the "back to stealth" part. I guess the One with the shadows CD too much, and the encounter from behind too hard. Gloaming cut way better for that (for MI WK dont have that:rolleyes:) PvP/PvE 2
Again, the idea is good ... but eh the deflect, life steal bonus feats soo weak any other path could get almost that much with gear/enchant etc. This way the avarage incoming dmg 1,5x of the executioner path. With less dmg.
The + dmg for controlled target sounds good, but do TRs have real CC ? The 1 sec daze on critical barely noticeable. Make it longer ? Personaly i like the random control effect idea
The capstone doesnt even sure worth taking. Have a 10 sec CD daze encounter already
Thats the way it meant. Dmg dealer, glass cannon. Maybe Shadow of Demise should get a lower aktive time 4sec instead of 6sec
So. I said PvE TR was dead from reading the changelog. Have I seen the light and changed my tune after a day of running PvE TR?
In short, no.
So, some thoughts:
Down overall. Nothing was done to address the issues we face in PvE, they are still present and in fact worse. This is the biggest, most glaring failure and contributes to another issue I'll get to in a moment. What we needed was something outside of stealth and ItC - One does nothing for AoEs, and one is only on one Paragon Path. Instead Stealth can no longer be used for survival during stage clearing and soloing, ItC has a longer cooldown on Executioner due to the loss of Dazzling Blades, and ItC has been nerfed. Our durability in PvE has never been worse. We've been begging for something like a third dodge or damage not depleting the stealth meter while it refills for over a year; but those cries have gone ignored and we now permanently have our pants down. This is an utter failure. There is no nice way to put this. This was completely screwed up. I cannot shout the next bit loudly enough:
The Stealth depletion on at-wills was a horrible idea when you tried to put it through a year ago during Mod 1, it is still a horrible idea now. This is not the way to break perma-stealth, it breaks everything *but* perma stealth.
Further: Not only does the Stealth depletion on at-Wills need to go away, we need further durability changes for PvE:
- We need a third dodge. It is the only thing that can get us out of AoEs and one-shots. Make it take more stamina in PvP so we only have two there if need be. We have nothing in PvE now. Nothing. We are a slow immobile melee class who has to sit in red we can't deal with to do damage.
- We need Stealth to not drain from hits while the meter is refilling. Solo, you cannot regain stealth in combat except through Shadow Strike. In a party, if you get aggro or there's a lot of AoE, you cannot regain stealth in combat except through Shadow Strike. Since so much of our damage, especially in the Executioner tree, relies on Stealth, this is bad. We either lose an Encounter slot to a power that has no damage and no useful PvE effect, or we just don't stealth for far too much of the content.
Which brings us to the next section:
Up... And down. Mostly down. Yes, even with that cute 240k Lashing Blade you got on that mob.
So, for PvP, you've gone too far and broken things. Exes I hear are one-shotting people. I've been playing since Closed Beta. I know what happened last time TRs were able to one-shot people in PvP with Lashing Blade. Where the class has been up to now happened: And endless stream of ill-conceived, class-gutting damage nerfs that have made us the worst class in the game in PvE for far, far too long. And because I've been playing so long, I know this will repeat.
So, for PvE, you haven't done enough, and you've actually screwed us up at our one job in dungeons.
See, Executioner used to be able to do sustained DPS. Dazzling Blades cooldowns made our powers go off more often, so more ItC to be able to hold up to the CCing AoEs mobs love to do. More Lashing if you used that at bosses to do those big pretty numbers people like to look at, even though they're mostly useless. Duelist's Flurry could be sustained and the bleeds would build up and tick over time and we'd end up doing a nice big pile of damage to the boss. It wasn't great, but it was a thing and we were pretty good at it. Stealth DF would help us do more damage, hide from adds, chain it into a Lashing or a stealth ItC if things got bad.
But DF has a problem. Several problems actually. It's slow. Very slow. It takes forever to start up and get to the meat, the flurry. You can't move during it, at all. You're rooted and you can only break it with... One of the measly two dodges you have. If you're out of dodges and get caught DFing, you're likely to die in places like eLOL. Oh, by the way, you're pretty much permanently parked in a red circle in eLOL final boss. Good thing you've got ItC and that Dazzling Blades cooldown reduction, right? ...Right?
Well, no, none of that actually works properly anymore. DF can no longer be used from Stealth. Even if you hit stealth at the third hit, it's drained entirely by the end. So you can't use it safely during the stages. Nor are you getting any kind of boost to its damage while using it. It is now dead.
DF was the core of our sustained boss DPS. It is no longer. Gloaming Cut is better now - Another TR I trust who has a legendary DF weapon tested it vs Gloaming Cut and GC came out even in a perfect setting. Guess what, in practice, GC is even more ahead now. Too bad there's no artifact weapon for that. You can stay in stealth during GC! So it's safe in stages. It's good at bosses because it's getting your stealth bonuses. But it's slow too. And it's not getting those bleeds up because it doesn't have any. Those DF bleeds kept us doing damage even when we had to go run in circles due to red circles at bosses. Now, it's honestly a wash I think with old DF pre-stealth nerf just because GC is so much more usable now. But we didn't need a wash. We needed an improvement. We didn't get one. We just got an invalidated at-will replaced with another at-will that can't be buffed with an artifact weapon. I bet all the TRs who put time and money into upgrading their DF weapons aren't very happy right now. I know I'm glad I didn't.
Oh, I still haven't found a good boss rotation I'm actually happy with. It *was* Shadow Strike/Impossible to Catch/Wicked Reminder with Duelist Flurry/Cloud of Steel. But no longer. That's actually pretty terrible now. Maybe with GC instead of DF and just spam that. I don't know. Nothing really seems to work, because we have no sustained DPS now. Just a one-hit alpha strike.
Now, I spoke of an increase but here I am complaining about our HAMSTER sustained boss damage now. Where's that increase, Veldrin?
Well, it's Blitz. That's right. Blitz, with First Strike and Stealth. Run in and throw that out and you're hitting like 30-40k each on 7 mobs with no debuffs. You can one-shot multiple trash now even in dungeons. It's fantastic. It's like...
...being the world's worst CW. We aren't an AoE class. Well we weren't, I guess we are now, too bad we have so few AoE powers and we don't have any useful CC. (Dazes are pathetic. Stuff still runs away to follow the SW who has aggro and does 3x our damage during the stage.)
So, me and the other TR I was running with, we're still bottoming paingiver. Paingiver is useless, granted, but it's annoying to see no change in position when yes, I'm doing a couple million more damage than I normally would have during a ToS run throwing Blitz and Wicked Reminder at all this trash. Part of this may just be how massively OP DCs are now - First and second for PG in a ToS run and a CN run, third behind highly geared CW and GWF in several FH runs. Neither of us were far behind them thanks to Blitz spamming, granted, but really? Most players in this game are stupid and only look at Paingiver. If we're still bottoming it, they still aren't going to want us in dungeons. Especially once they figure out that our boss damage is HAMSTER now.
Basically, this is disappointing. Executioner spike damage is pretty much just one hit and it's sad-making. No sustained DPS. We are no longer good at bosses. Fail. We are good at one-shotting in PvP, apparently, which is another huge fail because it means one thing: We've lost even more of our limited durability for DPS we will not get to keep. I'm sorry, there's no nice way to put this. It's been proven to me with endless, endless damage nerfs since closed beta that the instant people cry in PvP, the TR will get another damage nerf. They will cry.
We will get a damage nerf. We will be worse than we were before you changed us. This is how it works. This is how it has always worked. The changes are already a PvE nerf if you're not some insane 18k+ monster, and they will become more of a nerf. I really wish you'd left us alone. I know this sounds mean, but it's true. I wish I knew how to nicen it, but there's nothing nice in it. It's not a good change for PvE. It really isn't. Not the way it is now. It is almost entirely bad. Blitz is a good change. GC being useful is nice, but not when I have no choice but to use it. That just took away the option of DF and replaced it with a new best PvE at-will. Still no choice.
Speaking of TRs I trust, they've done testing on Saboteur and Scoundrel and report that those aren't any better for PvE than Executioner is. Well then.
Specific powers/changes:
Improved Cunning Sneak: This might as well not exist now. Besides being stupid, the Stealth nerf deals a percentage. You lose 5/5 ICS stealth as fast as you lose unfeated stealth. This is ridiculous. No, this wasn't changed, but it's still invalidated. WK can't really use it because they don't get GC.
"We don’t really like the gameplay of “invisible attacker dealing steady damage” because the cases for counterplay are limited and require more skill to fight against than we feel is appropriate. Therefore we made two major changes to stealth. Firstly it will drain a little bit when you attack from stealth. To compensate for this you will get 100% critical chance while stealthed. We want stealth in Neverwinter to move towards a quick burst in power that rewards smart play to confuse foes, rather than an effect you can keep up indefinitely."
- This shows a complete and utter disregard for the needs of the class in PvE and is 100% about people whining about perma stealth in PvP. Keep the stealth drain for PvP then. But get rid of it in PvE. The 100% critical chance is NOT in ANY way a compensation for the loss of 90% of our defensive capability in PvE. You can't confuse PvE foes, they're too stupid and rely on more and more AoE as the mods go by. You can only dodge so much AoE, and we can't dodge much at all.
"Executioner is focused on using a golden opportunity to deal an incredible amount of spike damage."
Your idea of incredible and mine do not match. What's 'incredible' in PvP is not even close to useful in PvE. Bosses have millions of HP and throw out AoEs like mad while adds swarm you. Doing 250k damage on my first Lashing Blade of the fight does nothing at all. It is useless. Scoundrel from reports doesn't do good damage. Saboteur is too fiddly for PvE where GWFs and GFs spin bosses like records and CWs pile all the adds on the boss to where you can't even get your powers to hit the boss unless you're hugging it without letting go, hoping you'll survive the add pounding and the AoEs. Well, Lair of Lostmauth doesn't have adds at the boss, sure. No, it just has constant AoEs and abilities that one-shot you if you happen to be caught by one without dodges. Stealth ItC used to be a hail mary for that but I doubt it is now.[/COLOR]
Stealth: Using At Wills while Stealthed now drains 15% of your Stealth Meter per attack.
This is terrible for PvE. Absolutely awful. I've said it many times in this already but I will say it again and again. Solo, you cannot regain stealth. In a group, you oftentimes cannot regain stealth. Sustained boss damage relied on using Stealth and ItC to be able to keep Duelist's Flurry going for the bleeds, allowing you to stay in one place long enough to actually get the stacks going and boosting your damage. Duelist's Flurry bleeds could be as much as half of your damage depending on what you were doing. With the Stealth change, that is gone. Duelist Flurry bleeds were the vast majority of why were were good at bosses. Stealth was also 90% of our defensive capability in PvE, what little we had. No more. Again, Stealth needs to be able to refill without interruption in combat if you think for some reason this nonsense has to stay in PvE.
Stealth: Now also grants 100% Critical Chance in addition to Combat Advantage.
This might be useful if we could in any way maintain stealth while attacking in PvE. Since we can't outside of doing nothing but spamming Gloaming Cut, this is not useful. This could make Duelist's Flurry great but since you can't use DF anymore in stealth, it doesn't.
First Strike: Damage bonus increased to 33% per rank (up from 5% per rank).
This looks exciting. It is exciting when you get that big Lashing Blade. Until you remember that you're never out of combat at a boss fight. This is our big burst thing now, but it is worthless at the one thing we were once good at.
Whirlwind of Blades: No longer ignores Damage Resistance and Immunity and can be Deflected.
Whirlwind of Blades: Now increases your Power by 20% per target hit (up from 10%).
This is fine, the resistance ignored doesn't affect PvE at all and the power helps make up for the gutting of everything else.
Courage Breaker: Now increases power by 25% (up from 10%).
Courage Breaker: Damage increased by roughly 15%.
I still don't see ever using this, especially since the debuff is supposed to be bugged.
Deft Strike: Damage increased by roughly 15%.
Maybe if this had immunity frames. As it is, I don't even slot it for fighting Valindra in VT where it might be vaguely useful, because I don't even need it there.
Lashing Blade: Stealth: Now strikes with 50% increased Critical Severity.
This is bugged or something. The damage done by this power is incredibly inconsistent, even in the same circumstances. I've had everything from less than I'd have done before the TR changes to more than I've ever done, and that's taking into account First Strike being a thing now. In fact it's so inconsistent now that I've taken it off my bar entirely. I can't rely on it. Further, this has such a long cooldown and is so easy to miss with, it really needs something like CW's Steal Time interruption cooldown - Especially now that Executioner no longer has Dazzling Blades.
Blitz: Damage increased by roughly 20%.
Blitz: Maximum number of targets increased to 7 (up from 5).
This is the one singular change whose praises I will sing from the rooftops. Blitz is actually fairly amazing now and lets me be a crappy CW. I didn't actually want to be a crappy CW, but I'm doing multiple millions more damage in dungeon runs than I was previously, and it's all Blitz, so I'm at least vaguely more useful during the stage than I was previously. That's cool.
Path of the Blade: Duration increased to 20 seconds (up from 10).
Path of the Blade: Damage reduced by roughly 20%.
Path of the Blade: Tooltip now displays the total damage this power will deal, rather than how much it deals each tick.
Still not ever using it in PvE. Nothing lives 20 seconds except the boss, and I have better things to slot there. Also, it still only hits one thing at a time, so it's still not a good AoE.
Shadow Strike: Stealth: Daze increased to 4 seconds (up from 3).
This wasn't useful to begin with in PvE, it's still not. At least the core function is there still
Wicked Reminder: Now correctly stacks on players.
Wicked Reminder: Maximum stacks reduced to 3.
Wicked Reminder: Now reduces the target's defenses by 7% per stack (up from 4%).
Wicked Reminder: Now has 3 charges and 1 charge is refilled every 5 seconds.
Wicked Reminder: Damage increased by roughly 10%.
This still stacks to 5. I don't know if it's getting the 7% each stack or not, there's not really a good way to test this. The stacks is a good change as it lets me throw three stacks on in rapid succession without wasting my stealth. Can we maybe change it to not be usable unless you're in range? The range is awful and hard to judge because there's no indication of it so it gets wasted a lot in actual play.
Master Infiltrator: Gloaming Cut: Does not drain Stealth Meter when used from Stealth.
Master Infiltrator: Gloaming Cut: Now deals up to 25% more damage as the target's HP diminishes (up from 20%). This effect is increased by 25% per rank (up from 5%).
Congratulations, while you destroyed Duelist's Flurry with the stealth change, you now made this its replacement. I still only have one at-will to reasonably use for damage, but at least I still have one. Unfortunately I can't get a nice OP artifact weapon for it, but hey. I've got something. This is a good change. Get rid of the stealth nerf and let DF be useful in PvE again and we'll have two good at-wills to choose from in PvE.
Master Infiltrator: Impossible to Catch: Stealth: This power no longer makes you immune to all damage but now also increases your damage resistance by 50%.
Bad. Pure unadulterated bad. Sometimes stealth ITC was the only thing keeping us alive. We don't have the HP like GF does to take some of the damage we can't avoid, especially on some of the more ridiculous one-shots in Epic Shores of Tuern/Epic Lair of Lostmauth. Especially since we were probably already below full health. Another hit to our PvE survival we didn't need.
Master Infiltrator: Shocking Execution: No longer ignores Damage Immunity effects. It still ignores all sources of damage resistance and cannot be deflected.
Nobody uses this power in PvE. I don't think anyone even still uses it in PvP. This doesn't change that at all.
Only commenting on Executioner feats and the two T1 Saboteur feats:
Saboteur: Sustained DPS focused on being able to reactivate stealth quickly to land hits for increased critical bonus.
Reports say this isn't accurate and Sab isn't sustained DPS in PvE any more than Executioner is. That said it is next on my list to test in hopes I find it more enjoyable than the mess made of Executioner.
Flashing Blades: Your At Will attacks deal 1/2/3/4/5% more damage while your stealth meter isn't full.
Given that it almost never is full, this is a nice dip for Exe while you're spamming GC.
Shady Preperations: Entering Stealth reduces all your cooldowns by 2/4/6/8/10%.
I had high hopes for this to maybe be the replacement for Executioner's wonderful Dazzling Blades feat, but solo it never kicks in and it doesn't kick in enough in dungeons either unless you're running Shadow Strike. Alas.
Executioner: Uses stealth to try and deal as much damage as possible in a single strike.
I cringed when I read this, I seriously did. The path used to be good for doing sustained DPS, but yeah. This path is also now entirely gear dependent, which is not fun and does not reward skill.
Arterial Cut: You have 3/6/9/12/15% increased Critical Severity while Stealthed.
Strictly worse than Brutal Backstab was. It's a better Deadly Momentum, I guess, but given that this is now the only crit severity increase on the path, it's bad. Oh, and DM wasn't just Stealth either so it's still worse than DM. Very bad. Especially since it replaced where Dazzling Blades once was. We've lost 25% crit severity while stealthed to these changes. That's a Normal Vorpal enchantment.
Grim Pleasure: Your Critical Strikes increase your Power by 1/2/3/4/5% for 4 seconds.
The first of the gear-dependent feats. Mine's about 8000 while Swashbuckling Captain's 4-piece set bonus is active. So that's... 400 power. That's... Barely even noticable. If you have less power you get even less. Not a good feat. None of the feats like this are good, honestly, on any class, but.
Vicious Pursuit: Foes you damage take 1/2/3/4/5% more damage from you for 6 seconds. This effect does not stack.
This is OK. Most stuff doesn't live 6 seconds in a party, and often not even solo, but hey. The alternative at this tier for MI is the same old crappy Shocking Execution feat nobody takes anyway, and it replaces a feat that was kind of meh, so OK.
Twisted Grin: When a foe within 30' of you dies you gain Twisted Grin for 10 seconds which improves the damage of your next attack by 2.5/5/7.5/10/12.5%. This bonus is doubled while in stealth.
If this triggers off other people killing, this is decent, if not then... Mrr. Oh, it can't trigger during Lair of Lostmauth final boss, and can only trigger once each on the mid-bosses. So this is worthless at boss fights. I'd honestly rather have Brutal Backstab back, which is what used to be here.
Last Moments: You deal 5/10/15/20/25% more damage to foes who are below 40% HP. This threshhold is increased to 70% while you are stealthed.
This one is mostly just overkill, although it helps a bit at bosses and big solos. I'd almost prefer Critical Teamwork, which was a nice party buff.
Exposed Weakness: Stealth also causes you to ignore 5/10/15/20/25% of your target's armor.
Completely worthless dead feat in PvE. No PvE TR I know of has less than 24% DR ignored. This gives no benefit in PvE and makes me think PvE wasn't even consisdered during the TR rework, even more than I already did from everything else.
Shadowborn: Entering Stealth grants you 20/40/60/80/100% increased power for your next attack.
Another gear-dependent feat. At least more useful than the meh of Grim Pleasure, but I'm still not happy to see gear-dependent feats.
Shadow of Demise: Dealing damage from Stealth places "Shadow of Demise" on the target for 6 seconds. When Shadow of Demise end the target takes 50% of the damage the Rogue dealt as Piercing Damage. Piercing damage cannot be deflected and ignores armor.
This would be better if it procced more. It only procs from the stealth you're rarely in, but it also doesn't always proc then. I've had entire boss fights where it didn't trigger once. Given that this is supposed to be our big bad capstone, that's not helpful. And as I've mentioned before, outside of bosses, almost nothing in PvE actually lives long enough for it to proc during stage clearing. Oh, there's also a bug with it, apparently, where those screenshots of TRs doing 1 billion damage with it on training dummies come from, but the circumstances leading to that aren't likely to ever occur in the field.
General notes:
Critical Teamwork: Why mention a bug on a feat that no longer exists? Because I didn't lose 5% crit chance from it. I lost about 6%. This is odd, and annoying. Also, I want my 51.4% crit chance back.
Resistance ignored stat, lack thereof: We still, STILL do not have one of these. You give us a feat tree that's entirely gear dependent on how much power we can stack, but leave us in PvE with a BIS armor set that gives 0 Apen, forcing us to slot a ton of Dark Enchantments to get to the 24% DR ignored we need for bosses in PvE, which means we have less space for slotting power. We're allegedly a DPS class. HR gets resistance ignored from a stat. GWF does. SW does. GF even does. We don't. Why? Make it CHA so the stat is actually useful if you must.
CHA is multiplicative, not additive. It only gives you .1% per point, not 1%. It's a complete waste of a stat currently. Fail.
Yeah there's a ton of thoughts there. I don't PvP, I am strictly PvE, and so far me and my equally-geared, slightly more skilled TR companion from the dungeon runs see this as pure PvE nerf. You've killed our sustained damage and survival for a single attack of spike damage we won't even get to keep. This is lame.
You've put my thoughts into words, man. Everyone of them. Devs, with this changes you are going to destroy us in PVE, for sure.
And, sadly, I'm one of those fools that made my Duelist Flurry artifact weapon legendary GDN_(
Please, PLEASE, don't make this changes see the light. Let us as we are now. I don't want any boost dmg if it came like that.
The key for us in PVE is DPS SUSTAIN, not high dmg pikes. This, maybe, is more a PVP issue.
change itc to have shorter duration but have charges, that would allow to use it more often to evade aoe attacks while not adding too much duration in pvp, or maybe change it to auto deflect next attack with x charges
Scoundrel: A brawler who debuffs foes and can take a lot of damage. - add damage resistance based on how full your stealth bar is making scoundrel less reliant on stealth and more of a brawler that can take damage and stealth more of a gap closer or escape and less smth you must rely on during combat.
Shady Preparations + Knife's Edge + Shadow Strike. Add Invisible Infiltrator, if you're a Master Infiltrator. Combo it with powers like Path of the Blade and Impossible to Catch. Reinvent it using Whisperknife paragon path if that's your style. Combine it with Scoundrel and Executioner if you prefer those paths.
Spam stealth, spam your dailies, and watch the cooldowns fall.
Once you've had enough of that, then you can start complaining about the changes.
Sab can be built into an effective perma- or semi-perma skirmisher that cuts through daily encounters with little difficulty, but again I see little utility for this spec in dungeons and you won't kill Dragons with it.
Scoundrel is just a flat bust. Massively disappointing. It's trying to be a poor man's Combat HR and failing miserably.
I can't help but feel that this entire rework has been all about PvP. And it won't even work for that.
Back to the drawing board for this one.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
Feedback: Saboteur
I like the changes in general. It works well with my gameplay.
Feedback: Whisperknife
Vegenance`s Pursuit - still too risky to use. I think it would work better if:
1. 2 steps should be merged into one. You can use it anytime you want, then you Stun by throwing dagger and then you teleport to stunned opponent while dealing damage. [stun should be long enough to let you finish enounter, but no longer than that.]
2. The debuff from marking should be changed into longer daze/stun or heavier and/or longer slow down.
Disheartening Strike:
Instead of making it longer, make it more worth to throw at target. For example, add +10/20% total damage on 1st tick.
Feedback: TR PvP
We need more dodges or better chasing. We should be faster, or slow down opponents by attacking/targeting.
Maybe we could slow down opponent that we are targeting when we go into stealth?
It`s pretty annoying when you need to run here and there after CW/HR/DC/SW who just dodge and move back from you.
Changing dazes into stuns should work too.
Feedback: TR PvE
How about changing that : "Stealth: Using At Wills while Stealthed now drains 15% of your Stealth Meter per attack."
Would work only in PvP? Or at least lower from 15% into 2-3% in PvE? Then executioners would be able to survive much more in PvE while dealing much better dmg than Saboteur.
Feedback: TR artifacts
(At least) one of artifacts should change their bonus.
Maybe switch from [this and that At-Will do x% more dmg] into stuff like:
- every attack slow target down by x% [stacks?]
- you get x% from dmg as temporary hp [chance?]
- every hit replenish some of your stamina [chance?]
Feedback: TR passives
Same could be used for passives. Change the useless ones [mentioned everywhere, like Invisible infiltrator] into:
a) more defense/hp
b) something that let us stick to opponent with no-range between
c) something that replenish stamina with each "something" / in combat etc.
Feedback: sky flourish
Make it small AoE please? Then difference between choosing duelist flurry and this would rise a question.
(These were just quick ideas. Don`t take them too seriously)
Another thing to note, ramp-up time for our dps is way too long. Gloaming cut and duelist flurry take FOREVER to cast, which means we can only get 1 or 2 off before we have to roll away again. Due to massive AoE, there have been times where the boss is half dead before I can even get to him/her. Please make ITC have more AoE resist, and reduce the ramp up time it takes to cast our dps skills.
What I get as Executioner build:
- spike damage: encounters end much quicker... and by spamming WR and Blitz out of combat I have my daily up for every encounter
- lower DPS: DF was indeed our best DPS at will... we go down 8% in crit chance because of no Critical Teamwork and by switching Skillful Infiltrator with First Strike... 5% if you're willing to let go of Invisible Infiltrator instead
- quicker death, which has nothing to do with ITC, since i didn't use that much anyway; actually this comes from losing 15% run speed from switching Skillful Infiltrator with First Strike.
- I can now go PERMA... granted, by using WR, B&S + the profound gear set... still, if a Exec build which couldn't achieve perma before can do it now, I don't think that really got "fixed"
So yeah... no go from me.
Butters TR PVP
I would like something along the lines of this:
Vengeful Pursuit: Has two charges. Target a foe briefly stunning him. Reactivating the power after in a 5sec period teleport you BEHIND the enemy. When you activate this power you break loose of all crowd control and dash to your targeted foe within 80ft. Upon arrival you remove the knife causing them to take bleeding damage for X sec equal to 100% of your weapon damage. When activating your power again you teleport to the most recently targeted victim.
If you use BOTH charges on an enemy you gain a combat advantage against the target and you refill your stealth by 10/15/20%(Or causes you to deal %more damage to the target OR you have increased dodge/deflect against targeted enemy! Or gain movement speed after arrival? Some kind of buff from landing BOTH Charges.
I think this could provide some really fun play as a Whisperknife while providing an unique power that makes the Paragon path stand out. This would basically provide a short -BLINK- For the play. If they are able to keep track of the targeted enemies, could really provide some fun PvP/PvE play. Thoghts?
I really want the Whisperknife class to be more about dodging/maneuvering around the battlefield. It really need to be taken back. There is no need for a ranged/melee hybrid...we have the Hunter Rangers for that...
Like everyone is said, our survability is even lower than before, we need more tools for survival in a dungeon with lots of AOE attacks on the ground.
example here
[Combat (Other)] RAPTOR Moritus 2 deals 2038 (3611) Physical Damage to Squishy 1 with Shadowy Opportunity.