Not all the time, but at least a few times per session, I will see glow effects as a cloud of square single color pixels of varying sizes. Usually the squares drift and move as the glow effects are supposed to, but with a dramatically lower resolution and often no transparency, occluding some things behind the glow.
I have seen this bug around quest indicators, creature auras, player auras, spell effects - pretty much anything that generates dynamic lighting effects. This happens more frequently when first zoning into an area - reloading the zone or relogging will often fix the issue.
My system and vid card are on the higher end (core i5 2500k, geforce gtx 760, 16gb RAM, SSD) and I don't have any lag or stutter. I run at 1920x1080 with most settings all the way up, 8xMSAA, all effects on, fullscreen, no vsync. My video card temp is fine and I run with the latest versions of the GeForce drivers.
Any suggestions or possible fixes would be appreciated - thanks.