Honestly, just change the need option to make it BoP this whole argument will stop there. After all, the person truly "needs" it anyways so it will be bound to them once they try to use it. Its not like they need to sell it since that "need" it for better gear. That way, you have to greed it if you want to sell it in the AH and there are no issues.
But the leader/person who formed the channel says it is NOT the rules. You and other members made that up. It's also riddled with trolls, which is why I left.
I am in legit too and everybody here knows that in dungeons parties the rule is GREED. Anyway I always ask if that' s the rule when I join a party with players I don't know. And as far as trolls is concerned, there come here some trolls too every now and then but as you did, they leave soon...:D
Honestly, just change the need option to make it BoP this whole argument will stop there. After all, the person truly "needs" it anyways so it will be bound to them once they try to use it. Its not like they need to sell it since that "need" it for better gear. That way, you have to greed it if you want to sell it in the AH and there are no issues.
It won't solve everything but it would make the need system less exploitable. It's still suck when the SW/<insert new class here> needs on a pair of super expensive equipment just because he wants to use it considering that the boss drop is the only loot there is and that piece of equipment is worth way more AD than the time to get your piece from the chest. You still have people giving up their time to help others with no chance of compensation for their time, especially if that person doesn't intend to run that dungeon again. In that case it would still be kind of selfish to need on something you can get ready bounded form the chest, especially if you need and then get that item from the chest (which will happen). That mostly applies to the release of a new class though, that AD will be a lot more useful than the time to get it from the chest. Other than that it's good that people who genuinely want it are the only ones who would role need.
I am in legit too and everybody here knows that in dungeons parties the rule is GREED. Anyway I always ask if that' s the rule when I join a party with players I don't know. And as far as trolls is concerned, there come here some trolls too every now and then but as you did, they leave soon...:D
It isn't a rule in /Legit AFAIK- it is simply the custom that developed, as most people find it the simplest and fairest way to distribute loot.
Yes, exactly. Vetran players understand that most players, espeically new players, are not trustworthy on this system. We would love for this to be different, but it simply is not.
Secondly - I would reccomend that if you get in a group you don't leave the opening camp until the loot rules are absolutely clear. I always double check.
No veteran player is going to say "need if you need it." We've all been screwed by this mentality before. It's either greed, split, or don't run at all.
You know, the thing about speaking in absolutes is that you are either absolutely right or you are absolutely wrong. In this case, you are the latter.
I've been playing MMOs since the beta of Asheron's Call, by any possible definition of the word I am a veteran player. I have always favored "Need before Greed" as a loot strategy, and I always will. I am not alone.
That doesn't mean there can't be "greed only" runs, but rules should be clearly set at the beginning of a run. For example, a simple popup once the 5th person has joined a run could offer the two options...all greed or NBG...and the party could decide. Don't like the majority decision? Drop group then and there before any feelings are bruised.
Also, "Needed" items should be BOP, non-sellable, non-salvageable. That will eliminate "Hey, what's your problem?? I need the AD so I need the item!" bull excrement.
For some reason people expect you to greed on boss loot in dungeons. I find this baffling.
Lets say the boss drops an item for my class, an item which is better than what I have, which I intend to use, which I NEED. Why would someone expect me to "greed" on it? He/she cant use it and just want to sell it on the AH for, well no better word to say it - greed.
We play a game. We run dungeons for fun and to get nice new shinny things for our toon. I never cared for any loot I cant use, and I never cared for the AH. I just enjoy the game. why other people can't?
I'm sure the topic changed since the original post. But back to it...
First off (I almost missed this), just because you aren't there for other class loot doesn't matter. Greed runs in particular tend to be all about getting stuff to sell. Just because you never cared for the AH doesn't mean you can dismiss the wishes of everyone else in the group.
As far as pugs go - Assuming the run is declared all greed at the start. Then its fair. People running greed usually already have the gear. Everyone is there for themselves. To find items sell. Its not their fault that you actually need the item. Why should they be forced to lose out on their chance at the loot because you are missing a piece of gear? Its not their responsibility to gear you up. By needing on stuff in a greed run, you are the one being greedy.
Now if these are your friends or guild. Then you need better friends. In my opinion, you should be able to need on an item in that situation. Just ask first and make it clear that you need the item. You probably should have mentioned it before the run started though. Playing with friends is its own benefit. But having help gearing up is another. If its really a problem in that situation, then seriously - find better friends/guild.
Remember you can always form your own party and make your own rules. Get a group together, and decide/discuss the rules before you ever go in. Then you don't have to worry about breaking someone else' rules.
yesterday I run a skirmish with a pug,we fought the barbaric ring drops.as you know we all can need on it
and thats what we do every run in skirmish we need things
Ok,there was 3 guyz who greed on it. me and the other guy need on it
In the first 5 sec. they say wtf man ninja and things.then it went silent,because they saw after wards that they could have need on the ring.so we went on fighting without saying a word till the end
As you can see how condition the ppl are in greeding on things that they forget that they have the need on green
Its like a racing horse with the gringola,a mask for the horse that they only can see in front of them
thats why greed is no good,you forget to play and only see the loot
If the drop isn't for my toon I pass it
and thats why I dont do greed runs,if they want greed runs I drop out
If i m a CW and i join a party with 2 CW and they running Need..i m sure to quit party coz i know my chance of getting stuff in low. Eventhough i know i need my CW boot from a particular set but i need to roll with other 2 CW to get it. And so i wait for the next match make..again there is CW..damm i will never get into party with no CW...hmm i think CW is more popular in this game..hmm i think i ma roll to TR ..mayb less ppl playing.. i might get my stuff easy..
Scenario 2
Ok ..think i ma run greed.. ok the boss drop the piece i want..so i ma ask the party if i can have it.. nope..they want me to roll..fine i'll roll...damm that HR got my stuff..nvm let move on.. ok the boss drop GWF stuff..think i ma roll greed..oh cool..i got it..maybe i sell it to get my boot..ok lets move on..hmm a chest..let see what i have..oh wow..thats the boot i want..nice!! now i got extra money to get other stuff if that gwf stuff sold..Hey..greed is not so bad..
Trust me..when u play long enough in this game..u will prefer greed more than need..Thats why majority of the player in this game go Greed..
I am in legit too and everybody here knows that in dungeons parties the rule is GREED. Anyway I always ask if that' s the rule when I join a party with players I don't know. And as far as trolls is concerned, there come here some trolls too every now and then but as you did, they leave soon...:D
As someone else pointed out, it actually is NOT a rule. Just common practice. The rules for that channel just say it has no loot rule. This is why its always a good idea to make sure of the loot rules before you get started.
yesterday I run a skirmish with a pug,we fought the barbaric ring drops.as you know we all can need on it
and thats what we do every run in skirmish we need things
Ok,there was 3 guyz who greed on it. me and the other guy need on it
In the first 5 sec. they say wtf man ninja and things.then it went silent,because they saw after wards that they could have need on the ring.so we went on fighting without saying a word till the end
As you can see how condition the ppl are in greeding on things that they forget that they have the need on green
Its like a racing horse with the gringola,a mask for the horse that they only can see in front of them
thats why greed is no good,you forget to play and only see the loot
If the drop isn't for my toon I pass it
and thats why I dont do greed runs,if they want greed runs I drop out
Thats why i suggest earlier if some1 could clarify to greed on epic class bound item only..to prevent cheats or missclicking..
You speak like you're speaking for everyone out there on that channel. Who died and made you god for them? :eek: Let the group leader/person who formed the group, decide what the loot rules are. If there is none, let the majority decide. Very simple.
Groups do decide for themselves in the legit channel....and most of them usually do greed runs
Personally, I have my own rules that I use for certain types of drops:
Epic Item <30k AD in AH - Everyone in party chooses greed regardless of class or whether or not you need it. If you really do need it, you can buy it in the AH just by doing a few of Rhix's daily quests, so don't even complain about it.
Epic Gear >30kAD in AH - Split it, and be happy that you are getting AD, it's better than depending on RNG
Greater Mark of Potency / Artifacts - Same as above
Any Blue/Green Refining/Enchant drop - Need, greed, whatever, if you want and the RNG gods are smiling upon you, you can have it
Any BoP Epic Gear - If you actually need it, you can need the item. However, if you already have the item, someone else in the party actually needs it, don't even think about needing because that's a HAMSTER move.
And to all of the whining needing kids out there, here's what I'm gonna say to you:
If I managed to gear my character to 17.6k on only greed and split runs, so can you, so quit complaining that only asses do greed runs, then start grinding cause nothing is going to change the fact that most of the community prefers greed/split runs.
Yah lets convolute the system even more (ps i like your way).
No ones really whining, some just prefer other systems and are attempting to justify them.
This thread has gone too long. The devs probably dont know what to do and probably wont change the ingame system, all this thread did was confuse them even more.
I only run legit runs now and am fine with the greed system most of the people there use. I just ask prior to run to make sure EVERYONE in the group is on the same page.
And to all of the whining needing kids out there, here's what I'm gonna say to you:
If I managed to gear my character to 17.6k on only greed and split runs, so can you, so quit complaining that only asses do greed runs, then start grinding cause nothing is going to change the fact that most of the community prefers greed/split runs.
I prefer the slow but steady progression of split runs and/or greed runs. You don't get frustrated as much and you know you are getting something out of every dungeon run (especially in guild in-house split runs)
I hate the RNG nonesense that Cryptic introduced to the fullest in module 4.
No, it's like saying that an abusive exploit of the game code to your own advantage at the expense of your own party members is an abusive exploit.
There is nothing wrong with using LFG for a GRRRREEEEEEEEDDDDDD RUUUNNNNNNNN!!!!! as that is what everyone wants.
But people in Legit Channel pretending that GRRRREEEEEEEDDDDDDD!!!!! is the Channel Rule, when it is not, or trying to force it on PUGs AFTER you have started when you queue up is just wrong.
That's all I'm saying.
Ah, ok. I like greed runs because it's fair to everyone. I just misunderstood you, that's all.
Mmm... Call me old school then. I'm very much into the "Golden Rule". Do unto others... Don't get me wrong. I'm not some complete sap/sucker. If I give trust and my face gets rubbed into it, I'm not going to leave myself open to that same individual again. On the topic of having to worry about trusting someone you don't know... Why worry about it? How do you know that your guildie/friend isn't going to all of a sudden decide to pull one over on you and Need something he obviously doesn't need? While you're at it, why not worry about if a car is going to hit you the next time you step out onto the street. Don't forget worrying about Ebola, anthrax, the bubonic plague, and Armageddon while you're there in paranoid land.
Life is too short to spend it worrying about every little thing out there. Also, it's a game. Relax, play it, enjoy it. Don't let jerks or the potential for jerks spoil it for you. Just /ignore people who have "wronged" you and you'll never have to bother with them in-game ever again. So what if they "ninjaed" that 1 million AD item from your group. Just /ignore them so if you ever run into them again, you'll know they're on there for a "good" reason and can avoid them. I've actually done that with PUGs I've gotten into before. When I get into a group, I always check to see if anyone is on my /ignore list. If there is one or more, I try to think if I can remember them. Either way though (if I remember or not), I politely excuse myself from the group with an explanation why. I was in a group once where the cleric was on my /ignore list. I remembered that person as a hijacker and explained why I was leaving to the rest of the group, then dropped group. A short while later, I joined that exact same group again after they had booted the cleric. Karma? /shrug You decide.
Oh yeah man, I like helping people too. Just today i carried a group in SP where i formed specifically looking for people who need their helms. I have no issue helping others, just i have seen people who are nice and friends turn really nasty when it reduces their AD/HR by 10-20%. I know how people are with loot, so I insist it is fair.
You know, the thing about speaking in absolutes is that you are either absolutely right or you are absolutely wrong. In this case, you are the latter.
I've been playing MMOs since the beta of Asheron's Call, by any possible definition of the word I am a veteran player. I have always favored "Need before Greed" as a loot strategy, and I always will. I am not alone.
That doesn't mean there can't be "greed only" runs, but rules should be clearly set at the beginning of a run. For example, a simple popup once the 5th person has joined a run could offer the two options...all greed or NBG...and the party could decide. Don't like the majority decision? Drop group then and there before any feelings are bruised.
Also, "Needed" items should be BOP, non-sellable, non-salvageable. That will eliminate "Hey, what's your problem?? I need the AD so I need the item!" bull excrement.
Yeah, always clarify before the run, for sure.
My faith in the honesty of PUGS is about 0 - now i do understand that probably 90% are nice and honest, but those other 10% really ruins things for the rest of us.
If i m a CW and i join a party with 2 CW and they running Need..i m sure to quit party coz i know my chance of getting stuff in low. Eventhough i know i need my CW boot from a particular set but i need to roll with other 2 CW to get it. And so i wait for the next match make..again there is CW..damm i will never get into party with no CW...hmm i think CW is more popular in this game..hmm i think i ma roll to TR ..mayb less ppl playing.. i might get my stuff easy..
Scenario 2
Ok ..think i ma run greed.. ok the boss drop the piece i want..so i ma ask the party if i can have it.. nope..they want me to roll..fine i'll roll...damm that HR got my stuff..nvm let move on.. ok the boss drop GWF stuff..think i ma roll greed..oh cool..i got it..maybe i sell it to get my boot..ok lets move on..hmm a chest..let see what i have..oh wow..thats the boot i want..nice!! now i got extra money to get other stuff if that gwf stuff sold..Hey..greed is not so bad..
Trust me..when u play long enough in this game..u will prefer greed more than need..Thats why majority of the player in this game go Greed..
Not the best written post, but hey man, you get it. It will all even out over time.
Personally, I have my own rules that I use for certain types of drops:
Epic Item <30k AD in AH - Everyone in party chooses greed regardless of class or whether or not you need it. If you really do need it, you can buy it in the AH just by doing a few of Rhix's daily quests, so don't even complain about it.
Epic Gear >30kAD in AH - Split it, and be happy that you are getting AD, it's better than depending on RNG
Greater Mark of Potency / Artifacts - Same as above
Any Blue/Green Refining/Enchant drop - Need, greed, whatever, if you want and the RNG gods are smiling upon you, you can have it
Any BoP Epic Gear - If you actually need it, you can need the item. However, if you already have the item, someone else in the party actually needs it, don't even think about needing because that's a HAMSTER move.
And to all of the whining needing kids out there, here's what I'm gonna say to you:
If I managed to gear my character to 17.6k on only greed and split runs, so can you, so quit complaining that only asses do greed runs, then start grinding cause nothing is going to change the fact that most of the community prefers greed/split runs.
For a long time i ran a guild and we split 1500+ items. Eventually that amount of paperwork (1500 splits to about 70-80 players) caused me to take a break.
That said if someone else wants to split something, all good. Go for it, i never mind split.
If i never get my share, well I don't have to run with them again. If i get my share, great. No worries.
I don't mind split or greed, as long as it's fair.
Well, GREED is just that... greed. Evne a low NEED roll will outweigh a GREED. The problem arises from someone genuinely needing the item for use as oposed to someone rolling need with full intent to sell on the AH. Still, what can you do?
I planned not to write anything here, but there are so many silly posts... Will be short though.
There is no need to need a boss drop, since you'll get it from the chest anyway. 10% chance really isn't that bad.
Someone wrote the the chest is the bonus. No, the boss drop is the bonus. You'll get your gear from the chest, you're guaranteed to get it from the chest. I repeat, 10% chance, not too bad.
Nothing more to say.
Well, GREED is just that... greed. Evne a low NEED roll will outweigh a GREED. The problem arises from someone genuinely needing the item for use as oposed to someone rolling need with full intent to sell on the AH. Still, what can you do?
Play another game, as this is the RNG system the designers intended, working as intended?
Need if you can;
Greed if you can't
Pass if you don't care.
If an items drops for my DC, no one can steal it.
If an item drops for a CW, I have no desire to steal it. It's their drop. If there are two CWs in the party, the NEED roll decides which of them gets it.
Back in the day, with real AD&D, a Fighter would not get a Wand of Lightning just so he could sell it for gold, unless the Magic User did not want it.
A Cleric would not get a +5 Vorpal Sword just so he could sell it for gold, unless the Fighter or Paladin did not want it.
People spamming CN, VT and MC just so they can steal other people's drops are the equivalent of TRs with 10 Wands of Lightning, 15 +5 Vorpals and 5 Gauntlets of Ogrekind, all sold on the AH.
Play another game, as this is the RNG system the designers intended, working as intended?
Need if you can;
Greed if you can't
Pass if you don't care.
Those are called NEED runs.
I know this is tough to hear, but there are people with different opinions than you do and they prefer GREED runs or as I like to call it: EQUAL CHANCE FOR EVERYBODY runs. In those runs, you greed on the epic boss loots.
Of course, whether a party runs Need or Greed runs all depends on the agreement made at the start of the party.
WoW this Thread is getting a lot of attention I'll say that, nice to see a good discussion going on and it didn't get shut down.
Been gone on some family stuff so hadn't been active in this one but seems a lot has been said so I won't take to much of anyone's time, there seems to have been a remark made that my last post seemed illogical, for the life of me I can't figure why, maybe it was the wording or how someone preceives it when read, ( Poe-Tay-Toe, Pa-Tat-Toe ).
Group 1: Your Friends you always group with, this is moot, it's your regular group and you probably don't even have to waste time thinking about loot or anything as your a close bunch. You get in the quest and go, go, go, and I would find it odd if you all weren't on voice anyways talking with each other. Point being, from running together so regularly you know what the loot mode is before you even start, don't have to question anything.
Group 2: LFM this is another moot argument, when someone looks in LFG, they are going to look for what appeals to them, if they don't like Greed runs then I would think that they are not going to try to get into a group running one, that would be absurd. Same goes for LFG's that want a specific GS, if you see a LFM And That person is looking for people with 15K+ if your only say 10K + your not going to try to get into the group. Point being, In well posted LFM's the person can see and know what the intent of the group is going to be, before they decide to join the group.
However I have got into groups via LFM that didn't have a specific requirement, and halfway into them all of a sudden the loot was decided when someone seen a nice first drop, and that's not right, if I wanted to go on a greed run I would have grouped with one, I have also joined groups where the loot was decided before we started and then it still didn't work out because the person rolls need while everyone else rolled that persons specified greed from the beginning. And what could we do, the person(s) all ready have the item because they cheated, so even stated loot mode at the beginning of a dungeon isn't fool proof.
Group 3: Queue System, A random group of people thrown together, this is the toughest one to deal with, because it is a random group of strangers and 9/10 no one is on voice, and in my experience could careless about the group anyways,
And to try and get everyone at the first fire entering a dungeon to iron things out, that is like trying to catch a HAMSTER in the wind, I have been in so many groups an seen that not all the people in the group are zoned in yet before 1, 2, or 3 people are already running ahead to fight, so how do you get any guidelines set? And usually the person that has the lead crown isn't the same person that I asked to join the group, but it makes no difference anyways because the leader nor any of the people are voice communicating anyways.
Moral of this story, If I know what I'm getting into and still join a group, No Harm No Foul, but I don't think rules should be made on the fly, and the honest person has to pay the price for it, and if someone basically steals an item(s) because they did a need in stead of greed, shafted individuals shouldn't have to wait and wait, after putting tickets in to try and get what was rightfully theirs via the specified roll, meanwhile the cheater walks away with the loot laughing.
This was longer then I intended but thx for taking your time to read it,
I am in legit too and everybody here knows that in dungeons parties the rule is GREED. Anyway I always ask if that' s the rule when I join a party with players I don't know. And as far as trolls is concerned, there come here some trolls too every now and then but as you did, they leave soon...:D
It won't solve everything but it would make the need system less exploitable. It's still suck when the SW/<insert new class here> needs on a pair of super expensive equipment just because he wants to use it considering that the boss drop is the only loot there is and that piece of equipment is worth way more AD than the time to get your piece from the chest. You still have people giving up their time to help others with no chance of compensation for their time, especially if that person doesn't intend to run that dungeon again. In that case it would still be kind of selfish to need on something you can get ready bounded form the chest, especially if you need and then get that item from the chest (which will happen). That mostly applies to the release of a new class though, that AD will be a lot more useful than the time to get it from the chest. Other than that it's good that people who genuinely want it are the only ones who would role need.
It isn't a rule in /Legit AFAIK- it is simply the custom that developed, as most people find it the simplest and fairest way to distribute loot.
You know, the thing about speaking in absolutes is that you are either absolutely right or you are absolutely wrong. In this case, you are the latter.
I've been playing MMOs since the beta of Asheron's Call, by any possible definition of the word I am a veteran player. I have always favored "Need before Greed" as a loot strategy, and I always will. I am not alone.
That doesn't mean there can't be "greed only" runs, but rules should be clearly set at the beginning of a run. For example, a simple popup once the 5th person has joined a run could offer the two options...all greed or NBG...and the party could decide. Don't like the majority decision? Drop group then and there before any feelings are bruised.
Also, "Needed" items should be BOP, non-sellable, non-salvageable. That will eliminate "Hey, what's your problem?? I need the AD so I need the item!" bull excrement.
I'm sure the topic changed since the original post. But back to it...
First off (I almost missed this), just because you aren't there for other class loot doesn't matter. Greed runs in particular tend to be all about getting stuff to sell. Just because you never cared for the AH doesn't mean you can dismiss the wishes of everyone else in the group.
As far as pugs go - Assuming the run is declared all greed at the start. Then its fair. People running greed usually already have the gear. Everyone is there for themselves. To find items sell. Its not their fault that you actually need the item. Why should they be forced to lose out on their chance at the loot because you are missing a piece of gear? Its not their responsibility to gear you up. By needing on stuff in a greed run, you are the one being greedy.
Now if these are your friends or guild. Then you need better friends.
Remember you can always form your own party and make your own rules. Get a group together, and decide/discuss the rules before you ever go in. Then you don't have to worry about breaking someone else' rules.
and thats what we do every run in skirmish we need things
Ok,there was 3 guyz who greed on it. me and the other guy need on it
In the first 5 sec. they say wtf man ninja and things.then it went silent,because they saw after wards that they could have need on the ring.so we went on fighting without saying a word till the end
As you can see how condition the ppl are in greeding on things that they forget that they have the need on green
Its like a racing horse with the gringola,a mask for the horse that they only can see in front of them
thats why greed is no good,you forget to play and only see the loot
If the drop isn't for my toon I pass it
and thats why I dont do greed runs,if they want greed runs I drop out
If i m a CW and i join a party with 2 CW and they running Need..i m sure to quit party coz i know my chance of getting stuff in low. Eventhough i know i need my CW boot from a particular set but i need to roll with other 2 CW to get it. And so i wait for the next match make..again there is CW..damm i will never get into party with no CW...hmm i think CW is more popular in this game..hmm i think i ma roll to TR ..mayb less ppl playing.. i might get my stuff easy..
Scenario 2
Ok ..think i ma run greed.. ok the boss drop the piece i want..so i ma ask the party if i can have it.. nope..they want me to roll..fine i'll roll...damm that HR got my stuff..nvm let move on.. ok the boss drop GWF stuff..think i ma roll greed..oh cool..i got it..maybe i sell it to get my boot..ok lets move on..hmm a chest..let see what i have..oh wow..thats the boot i want..nice!! now i got extra money to get other stuff if that gwf stuff sold..Hey..greed is not so bad..
Trust me..when u play long enough in this game..u will prefer greed more than need..Thats why majority of the player in this game go Greed..
As someone else pointed out, it actually is NOT a rule. Just common practice. The rules for that channel just say it has no loot rule. This is why its always a good idea to make sure of the loot rules before you get started.
Thats why i suggest earlier if some1 could clarify to greed on epic class bound item only..to prevent cheats or missclicking..
Groups do decide for themselves in the legit channel....and most of them usually do greed runs
But that does not make a "rule" of the Channel.
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And to all of the whining needing kids out there, here's what I'm gonna say to you:
If I managed to gear my character to 17.6k on only greed and split runs, so can you, so quit complaining that only asses do greed runs, then start grinding cause nothing is going to change the fact that most of the community prefers greed/split runs.
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No ones really whining, some just prefer other systems and are attempting to justify them.
This thread has gone too long. The devs probably dont know what to do and probably wont change the ingame system, all this thread did was confuse them even more.
I only run legit runs now and am fine with the greed system most of the people there use. I just ask prior to run to make sure EVERYONE in the group is on the same page.
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The rule of the channel is whatever the group decides on. If the group decides on greed runs, that is the rule.
I prefer the slow but steady progression of split runs and/or greed runs. You don't get frustrated as much and you know you are getting something out of every dungeon run (especially in guild in-house split runs)
I hate the RNG nonesense that Cryptic introduced to the fullest in module 4.
No, it is not.
The Rule of the Channel is what the leader and creator of the Channel says it is, as he drew up the Rules.
And the Rule of the Legit Channel is that there is no Rule that all runs are GRRREEEEEEEEDDDDD RRRUUUNNNNNNNSSSSSS!!!!!
When you start a run, like in LFG or pugging, the group can decide as a group what the Rule is for that run and that run only.
But that has to be done at the camp fire before you start.
So please adopt a more mature attitude.
Ah, ok. I like greed runs because it's fair to everyone. I just misunderstood you, that's all.
Everything you need to know about CW:
Oh yeah man, I like helping people too. Just today i carried a group in SP where i formed specifically looking for people who need their helms. I have no issue helping others, just i have seen people who are nice and friends turn really nasty when it reduces their AD/HR by 10-20%. I know how people are with loot, so I insist it is fair.
Everything you need to know about CW:
Yeah, always clarify before the run, for sure.
My faith in the honesty of PUGS is about 0 - now i do understand that probably 90% are nice and honest, but those other 10% really ruins things for the rest of us.
Everything you need to know about CW:
Not the best written post, but hey man, you get it. It will all even out over time.
Everything you need to know about CW:
For a long time i ran a guild and we split 1500+ items. Eventually that amount of paperwork (1500 splits to about 70-80 players) caused me to take a break.
That said if someone else wants to split something, all good. Go for it, i never mind split.
If i never get my share, well I don't have to run with them again. If i get my share, great. No worries.
I don't mind split or greed, as long as it's fair.
Everything you need to know about CW:
Sorry if you had some bad experiences
If i make a group it's greed all, unless someone volunteers to split. People basically don't have an issue with this, in my experience.
A big reason for me too is that if i'm fighting i can't decide between shift 1 and shift 2- and yes, I really do stay in combat that often.
Someone else makes a group, i tend to roll with it. Except i can really say i "need" things on a CW with four legendaries and r9-10s.
Everything you need to know about CW:
If the party decides on a greed run, it is a greed run.
If the party decides on a need run, it is a need run.
There is no need to need a boss drop, since you'll get it from the chest anyway. 10% chance really isn't that bad.
Someone wrote the the chest is the bonus. No, the boss drop is the bonus. You'll get your gear from the chest, you're guaranteed to get it from the chest. I repeat, 10% chance, not too bad.
Nothing more to say.
Play another game, as this is the RNG system the designers intended, working as intended?
Need if you can;
Greed if you can't
Pass if you don't care.
If an items drops for my DC, no one can steal it.
If an item drops for a CW, I have no desire to steal it. It's their drop. If there are two CWs in the party, the NEED roll decides which of them gets it.
Back in the day, with real AD&D, a Fighter would not get a Wand of Lightning just so he could sell it for gold, unless the Magic User did not want it.
A Cleric would not get a +5 Vorpal Sword just so he could sell it for gold, unless the Fighter or Paladin did not want it.
People spamming CN, VT and MC just so they can steal other people's drops are the equivalent of TRs with 10 Wands of Lightning, 15 +5 Vorpals and 5 Gauntlets of Ogrekind, all sold on the AH.
Those are called NEED runs.
I know this is tough to hear, but there are people with different opinions than you do and they prefer GREED runs or as I like to call it: EQUAL CHANCE FOR EVERYBODY runs. In those runs, you greed on the epic boss loots.
Of course, whether a party runs Need or Greed runs all depends on the agreement made at the start of the party.
WoW this Thread is getting a lot of attention I'll say that, nice to see a good discussion going on and it didn't get shut down.
Been gone on some family stuff so hadn't been active in this one but seems a lot has been said so I won't take to much of anyone's time, there seems to have been a remark made that my last post seemed illogical, for the life of me I can't figure why, maybe it was the wording or how someone preceives it when read, ( Poe-Tay-Toe, Pa-Tat-Toe ).
Group 1: Your Friends you always group with, this is moot, it's your regular group and you probably don't even have to waste time thinking about loot or anything as your a close bunch. You get in the quest and go, go, go, and I would find it odd if you all weren't on voice anyways talking with each other. Point being, from running together so regularly you know what the loot mode is before you even start, don't have to question anything.
Group 2: LFM this is another moot argument, when someone looks in LFG, they are going to look for what appeals to them, if they don't like Greed runs then I would think that they are not going to try to get into a group running one, that would be absurd. Same goes for LFG's that want a specific GS, if you see a LFM And That person is looking for people with 15K+ if your only say 10K + your not going to try to get into the group. Point being, In well posted LFM's the person can see and know what the intent of the group is going to be, before they decide to join the group.
However I have got into groups via LFM that didn't have a specific requirement, and halfway into them all of a sudden the loot was decided when someone seen a nice first drop, and that's not right, if I wanted to go on a greed run I would have grouped with one, I have also joined groups where the loot was decided before we started and then it still didn't work out because the person rolls need while everyone else rolled that persons specified greed from the beginning. And what could we do, the person(s) all ready have the item because they cheated, so even stated loot mode at the beginning of a dungeon isn't fool proof.
Group 3: Queue System, A random group of people thrown together, this is the toughest one to deal with, because it is a random group of strangers and 9/10 no one is on voice, and in my experience could careless about the group anyways,
And to try and get everyone at the first fire entering a dungeon to iron things out, that is like trying to catch a HAMSTER in the wind, I have been in so many groups an seen that not all the people in the group are zoned in yet before 1, 2, or 3 people are already running ahead to fight, so how do you get any guidelines set? And usually the person that has the lead crown isn't the same person that I asked to join the group, but it makes no difference anyways because the leader nor any of the people are voice communicating anyways.
Moral of this story, If I know what I'm getting into and still join a group, No Harm No Foul, but I don't think rules should be made on the fly, and the honest person has to pay the price for it, and if someone basically steals an item(s) because they did a need in stead of greed, shafted individuals shouldn't have to wait and wait, after putting tickets in to try and get what was rightfully theirs via the specified roll, meanwhile the cheater walks away with the loot laughing.
This was longer then I intended but thx for taking your time to read it,
Sincerely, W.W.
" May The Wind be Always At Your Back "