Ok, this happened to me a while ago, I think it's a bug.
Also, to don't make another thread...
Please fix the Knight's Valor bug, it deactivate all the time when I'm CCed... and it's annyoing when your party dies because of it.
That happens when someone buffed by your KV takes damage. Most probably someone was "testing" the KV by taking falling damage, but since he was not not in your LoS, you didn't take any damage but still got the shaky camera effect. Btw, you can deactivate the camera shake in the options. I did that a few weeks ago, because DoTs, Glyphs, etc can make your camera shake non-stop, which makes the game, at least for me, unplayable.
Deactivating KV when your stunned in not a bug, that should happen, since you're the one upkeeping the buff, every encounter/daily gets interrupted when the caster is stunned. BUT, KV also deactivates when someone in your party dies, which should not happen.