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Dragon Coins: What To Do With Them

canis36canis36 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 118 Arc User
edited September 2014 in PvE Discussion
Only a few days after the new module launched we started hearing people complaining about how Dragon Coins, one of the new campaign currencies, were piling up with nowhere to go. This complaint has continued to grow as more and more people have advanced through the campaign and started grinding the dragons for their drops. Yet nowhere have I heard any real suggestions on what we can do with them - just complaints that they're taking up space. So I decided to start this thread to collect suggestions on how the Devs might alleviate the problem of the accumulating coins.

TLDR: This thread is for SUGGESTIONS ONLY, not complaints.

I'll start off with a few suggestions of my own:

1. Increase stack size
2. Allow them to be discarded
3. Add new things to the campaign store that can be purchased for dragon coins only

Expansion of suggestion three (things to add to the store):
1. The cloak transmutes
2. Armor transmutes based on the new sets introduced in Module 4
3. Weapon transmutes based on the new sets introduced in Module 4
4. Cult of the Dragon fashion set pieces
5. Dragon Bone main and off hands
6. Armor and Weapon Transmutes based on the new Cult of the Dragon enemies (assuming these are not the same as the Draconic Armor and Cult of the Dragon weapons).
7. Draconic Enchantment/Refinement pack modeled after the CTA Refinement Packs in the event store.
Post edited by canis36 on


  • iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Pots similar to the ones you can buy in Sharandar Campaign store , Potion of Fey healing , Potion of Heroism , problem solved.
  • sexwax45sexwax45 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    iambecks1 wrote: »
    Pots similar to the ones you can buy in Sharandar Campaign store , Potion of Fey healing , Potion of Heroism , problem solved.

    +1 to that!
  • frishterfrishter Member Posts: 3,522 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Kind of shocking that they ignore an issue for a month (more if you count preview concerns) when they could just make a simple tweak to reduce the issue.

    An equipment pack would kind of be cool just to use as rp... I don't really care what they do as long as they do something. Increasing the stack limit as a bare minimum.
  • cerberobotcerberobot Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 345
    edited September 2014
    Dragons Coins --> 2000 for one random belt artifact/5000 for a chosen one.

    And we're fine.
  • canis36canis36 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    cerberobot wrote: »
    Dragons Coins --> 2000 for one random belt artifact/5000 for a chosen one.

    And we're fine.

    Yeah, no. I'm all for making stuff more available, but those Artifact Belts are supposed to be hard to get and while it would something of a grind, getting 2k or even 5k Dragon Coins isn't THAT hard except for the current space issue.
  • veshorokveshorok Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 127 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    the only adequate reason to absolutely ignore vox populi on this matter is that a new kind of bag (or whatever naming for slot expansion) is under testing. zen purchase ofc.
  • doriangreighdoriangreigh Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 707 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    canis36 wrote: »
    Yeah, no. I'm all for making stuff more available, but those Artifact Belts are supposed to be hard to get and while it would something of a grind, getting 2k or even 5k Dragon Coins isn't THAT hard except for the current space issue.

    I kinda agree that they should be hard to get, but here is my own personal issue with it, its random lottery win and those with RNG blessings are getting multiples and selling them for high AD prophet ... frankly they should be something you get a token for then go to the vendor and pick up the one that best suits you and make it BoP.

    At times I think its great that you can buy stuff of AH from people that get more than they want, other times it sucks as the prices get so high its almost impossible to get them without devoting your entire life to playing this game. Artifacts I think need to be removed from the BoE equation as they are as stated supposed to be rare (think I have seen 2 drop from bosses since i've been playing last december). On the other hand they are so rare that daily playing does not get you squat, ended up buying a auroa catalog when it was like 100k just because at the time I still had an open artifact slot and I thought the utility of it was pretty awesome (it was actually, being able to throw out a vendor is pretty sweet). I wouldn't have gotten that one without it being sold as I have only seen one drop in PK.

    I guess if you have 10 of thousands of people playing daily low drops show up a lot but this games economy and player mentality make it so that those who get things sell them to those with excess AD.

    I am trying to get my own thinking around the fact that I don't need to get all the goodies in the game (pretty much giving up on artifact belts) and just focusing on what can be obtained without spending 10 hours a day working dungeons and what not to get them. Its hard to just be happy with class artifacts R7 enchantments and whatever new gear is out atm LOL I am one of those "gotta have it all if its out there types" and frankly that just isn't a visible option.

    The way the belts are dropping odds are that I'll get one not useful to me and will probably just sell it for whatever everyone else is selling them for contributing to the whole catering to the rich thing ... wonder if I should try to spend hours sitting in trade chat and trade it for something ... wish the AH had a TRADE counter part where you could post items you wanted to exchange for similar but different items, such as being able to trade one artifact belt for another different one or trading one greater enchant for another different greater enchant.
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Well, you can get 8 or 9 Lesser Dragon's Hoard enchants per week - that's over 600 coins per week....should help a bit.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • canis36canis36 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    adinosii wrote: »
    Well, you can get 8 or 9 Lesser Dragon's Hoard enchants per week - that's over 600 coins per week....should help a bit.

    Yeah, but the problem is that it also requires secrets, sigils and AD as well. The real problem I have with that is the AD. It's kind of hard to save up any to buy things off the AH when you're spending more than 80% of the daily refining cap every day.
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    canis36 wrote: »
    Yeah, but the problem is that it also requires secrets, sigils and AD as well. The real problem I have with that is the AD. It's kind of hard to save up any to buy things off the AH when you're spending more than 80% of the daily refining cap every day.

    That's not a problem. You get enough secrets and sigils for 8-9 enchants per week (as I said), just by doing the dailies. As for the AD, you are missing the point....those enchants are highly profitable - you can sell them on the AH for significantly more than they cost to make.

    This is a working and profitable way to get rid of the coins.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • ashnvfashnvf Member Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    canis36 wrote: »
    Yeah, no. I'm all for making stuff more available, but those Artifact Belts are supposed to be hard to get and while it would something of a grind, getting 2k or even 5k Dragon Coins isn't THAT hard except for the current space issue.

    If you ground out 2K coins you deserve a shot at an artifact. It most likely won't be the one you want anyway....
  • frishterfrishter Member Posts: 3,522 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    adinosii wrote: »
    That's not a problem. You get enough secrets and sigils for 8-9 enchants per week (as I said), just by doing the dailies. As for the AD, you are missing the point....those enchants are highly profitable - you can sell them on the AH for significantly more than they cost to make.

    This is a working and profitable way to get rid of the coins.

    That's great and all, but it also slows you down from unlocked the boons, skirmish and dungeons as well as crafting arcane keys. While it is a big coin sink, the issue still remains.
  • liliadnaliliadna Member Posts: 96
    edited September 2014
    ashnvf wrote: »
    If you ground out 2K coins you deserve a shot at an artifact. It most likely won't be the one you want anyway....

    I agree as long as the belt would be bop... 5coins a dragon+5 from each daily that's like 300killed dragons for 2000coins at this point of the game so you do deserve something other than full inventory of indestructible items
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    adinosii wrote: »
    Well, you can get 8 or 9 Lesser Dragon's Hoard enchants per week - that's over 600 coins per week....should help a bit.

    You have to be careful, though, because it requires multiple currencies, a player could wind up in a currency version of the Deadly Embrace: not enough room for more gold coins that come with more sigils and secrets but not enough sigils or secrets to sell the coins.

    For each currency, there should be at least one item that you can buy with that currency alone.
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  • jennyavarieljennyavariel Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 167
    edited September 2014
    canis36 wrote: »
    This complaint has continued to grow as more and more people have advanced through the campaign and started grinding the dragons for their drops.

    Easy fix. Stop 'grinding'. After you do enough to advance the campaign, stop.
  • burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    buy a 3d printer, print them ~realistic size and throw at cryptic employees til they find the time to change few numbers in their code :D

    id guess they are from about 5mm thick and 5cm in diameter to 1.5cm to 10cm
    Paladin Master Race
  • jrfbrunetjrfbrunet Member Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    canis36 wrote: »
    Yeah, no. I'm all for making stuff more available, but those Artifact Belts are supposed to be hard to get and while it would something of a grind, getting 2k or even 5k Dragon Coins isn't THAT hard except for the current space issue.

    So, depending on the RNG automatically makes it HARDER than grinding for 5k coins? What kind of screwed-up logic is that.

    I think spending excess coins on the artifact belt of choice is a great idea.
    If the RNG has screwed you over no matter how many times you achieved a Great Success (read: the only 'hard' mode we have right now), you should be able to purchase one eventually.
    Where'd my blinky-blinky path go?
  • grogthemagnifgrogthemagnif Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,651 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Spend them on Draconic Enchants and use the Enchants (25,920 RP) for refining Artifacts - unless you have all Orange Artifacts.
    canis36 wrote: »
    Only a few days after the new module launched we started hearing people complaining about how Dragon Coins, one of the new campaign currencies, were piling up with nowhere to go. This complaint has continued to grow as more and more people have advanced through the campaign and started grinding the dragons for their drops. Yet nowhere have I heard any real suggestions on what we can do with them - just complaints that they're taking up space. So I decided to start this thread to collect suggestions on how the Devs might alleviate the problem of the accumulating coins.

    TLDR: This thread is for SUGGESTIONS ONLY, not complaints.

    I'll start off with a few suggestions of my own:

    1. Increase stack size
    2. Allow them to be discarded
    3. Add new things to the campaign store that can be purchased for dragon coins only

    Expansion of suggestion three (things to add to the store):
    1. The cloak transmutes
    2. Armor transmutes based on the new sets introduced in Module 4
    3. Weapon transmutes based on the new sets introduced in Module 4
    4. Cult of the Dragon fashion set pieces
    5. Dragon Bone main and off hands
    6. Armor and Weapon Transmutes based on the new Cult of the Dragon enemies (assuming these are not the same as the Draconic Armor and Cult of the Dragon weapons).
    7. Draconic Enchantment/Refinement pack modeled after the CTA Refinement Packs in the event store.
  • jennyavarieljennyavariel Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 167
    edited September 2014
    Where do you spend them to buy draconic enchants? I think you're talking about 'scales' which come from packs. People here are talking about coins, that you get from doing the new campaign.
  • merlecoreymerlecorey Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    As people previously commented on previous iterations of "no sell/no discard/bound" campaign currency, I'd be perfectly happy being able to sell or discard them.

    Consumables would be nice. Being able to get rid of them would be sufficient. Turning them into numbers instead of items (like black ice, celestial coins, etc.) would make the whole issue moot.
    Where do you spend them to buy draconic enchants? I think you're talking about 'scales' which come from packs. People here are talking about coins, that you get from doing the new campaign.

    In the campaign tree, one of the options is a repeatable for level 8 lesser dragon's hoard enchants.
  • ashnvfashnvf Member Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Where do you spend them to buy draconic enchants? I think you're talking about 'scales' which come from packs. People here are talking about coins, that you get from doing the new campaign.

    It's a task under the campaign. BUT 75 coins to make one is hardly a way to get rid of the HUGE amount of coins people have.
  • rollingonitrollingonit Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    He means the hoard enchants that you equip in your utility slot on gear. The 25k RP gave it away. But I like the idea that a super large amount would be able to purchase BoP belt at random, so if the RNG fail train hits you, you still will eventually be able to get one.
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  • jennyavarieljennyavariel Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 167
    edited September 2014
    75 coins almost one full 'stack' of 99. That is a decent way to get rid of a bunch. But you also need sigils *and* 20k AD.

    If you buy a piece of 'dragon steel', you spend 50 coins + 10 gold, and no AD or sigils required.

    Does 'Dragon Steel' sell well?
  • rollingonitrollingonit Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    It will depending on how fail train RNG treats people. (but you get 1 for free, so if RNGesus is kind it wont)

    They built these sinks into the campaign using RNG. Its interesting to say the least.

    nevermind you get them for free so its just up to RNG a fool would buy one off the AH
    We can pretend.
    Fox Stevenson - Sandblast
    Oh Wonder - Without You

    Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
    - Dylan Thomas
  • arcticblitzarcticblitz Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    2 options I like

    1.) a shop with all the "drop" campaign items available, (BoP of Course).
    2.) Campaign Currency shop, Short on sigils or secrets or sparks trade your dragon hoard coins for them.
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