abishai3705Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 40
edited August 2014
My main is a Cleric and I was upset with this at first but then I realized it is no different than any other class we group with. The misconception that the Cleric is the healer in this game runs deep, but I play a buff/debuff cleric. The "healing" that I do is usually a side effect of what I am really working on. Clerics are all about mitigation, and I think they are built really well in this way! The REAL problem is there is no means in-game to track our value in a group. At the end of a dungeon you will most likely see the Wizard/Ranger/Warlock/GWF got the "Paingiver" title, but you will not see how the cleric buffs or debuffs contributed to their success.
Lets put it this way, There is NO WAY a wizzy will get a 200K + crit without some buffing/ debuffing going on. Clerics are the best set up to accomplish this type of mitigation... smart players know this. It is disheartening that we are now dominated in yet another category on the little pop up at the end of a dungeon, but our position hasn't really changed. Do what I do, ignore it! I measure the success of the run based on how smooth it felt, not by the end numbers. The Cleric is there to make the others look good, it's a thankless role and that is why we are so few.
Abishai the Blessed - 60 Sun Elf DC
Shazaam - 60 Tiefling CW
Link - 60 Menzoberranzan Renegade (Drow) HR
Naruto - 60 Half-Orc TR
Moose - 60 Human GWF
T-Wrecks 60 Half-Orc GF
Drag King - 60 Dragonborn SW
encadiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 67
edited August 2014
3x healing at the end of the dungeon/skirmish basicly and foc 3x damage.
Why are warlocks doing 3x Healing and Damage as clerics with same gear?
Because Clerics have been consistently FUBAR'd over and over.
But it is true that people who think DC = Healer are wrong. It's a myth. That is just one specialist build you can have. But the Warlock Paragon paths are so much better put together than the DC Paragons.
Also, they out-heal us because a Warlock's healing is based on dps and Life Steal. It relies on hitting many mobs with Infernal, Dark Magicks, rather than Divine Power granted by a deity of Light.
And because the Temptation Paragon feats are specifically designed to boost healing from Life Steal.
And Warlocks are not subjected to Healing Depression and Righteousness. And my Dragonborn blood gives her a bonus to incoming healing from all sources to boot!
Field Medic is also based on how many of YOUR hp have been healed, not just other people's. That is why you can see a GWF near the top, as they have been chugging potions and using Restoring Strike, and Feats that heal when they activate Unstoppable.
Field Medic should only count healing you have given to party members.
And they should have some other measures such as Champion Buffer, Champion Debuffer etc.
My Warlock often gets an ENORMOUS stack of temporary hp, even when she is barely damaged. It can be a quarter to a third of her health bar.
I have four DCs, three level 60 and one level 57.
I have one Warlock, level 27. The difference is dazzlingly noticeable.
So what happened to this rationale that if Clerics got full healing from their powers, they would be immortal, unkillable and never need to use a potion, and never need to use Stones of Life, much less buy them?
What about the Warlock?
And, really, since when in AD&D has the by far, far, far most powerful healing come from a vial of alchemical concoction, while Priests have been so weak? AND have lousy damage?
Seriously, in the last 10 days or so I have taken my Warlock from the beach to PE to Cragmire Crypt and Storm the Keep, via PvP and all the daily skirmishes, dungeons, main quests and daily Foundry quests, and I have not had to drink a single healing Potion yet (except the Battle Healing potions in PvP).
I am not joking.
And she is not even a Temptation build!
And my 13k GS Grim Faithful Tiefling, high INT, high CHA, high Power and Recovery Healer Build Anointed Champion is NEVER going to get ANY Triple Kills in PvP, never mind 40. She has enough trouble getting a Single Kill, much less a Double.
Even my 15k GS Profound Righteous/Virtuous Dwarven Battle Berserker War Priest Divine Oracle has been stuck on 9 Triple Kills for ages.
Seriously, developers, as much as i like the Warlock, the Cleric needs some serious rethinking.
clericalistMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 595Arc User
edited August 2014
So the cleric is out healed and obviously out dpsed. When it comes to buffs/debuffs the curse mechanic already increases damage by 20%, I am assuming that there are probably other buff/debuffs the warlocks can use, I would not be surprised that even there there is no great difference. I agree, this is all rather depressing
So the cleric is out healed and obviously out dpsed. When it comes to buffs/debuffs the curse mechanic already increases damage by 20%, I am assuming that there are probably other buff/debuffs the warlocks can use, I would not be surprised that even there there is no great difference. I agree, this is all rather depressing
The curse only ups the SW's dps not the parties so that isn't a party buff.
encadiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 67
edited August 2014
This is so sad =( Makes me wanna quit my cleric
Cleric overhaul is huge and is really coming together. All Encounter powers are getting looked at, reworked divine mode, all new feat trees.
Not even sure if this is enough... Might need to rewrite the class from the beginning to make it really good and powerful.
clericalistMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 595Arc User
Not even sure if this is enough... Might need to rewrite the class from the beginning to make it really good and powerful.
In the remote possibility that they rewrote the class, how great would it be if they made it look closer to the classic D&D, a mace and shield, magic casting and a turn undead spell.
SW can do decent healing, not sure how much compare to DC but probably enough to keep the party alive
buff... to be honest I wouldn't call plague fire a DC debuf. so we end up with high prophet, holy ground and DG.
its not bad buff but some classes have buffs as well
for example CW with steal time on the mastery tub will give the party combat advantage that overall might be a better buff (I know that all buff can stack)
linked spirit is also god buff with many ppl reach the diminishing value and its so hard to proc so its not that amazing (the power buff can be lethal I admit )
at the end damage reduction is the only unique skill we have, we can reduce lot of damage that some consider vital
recently went to couple of 4 ppl CN runs. and I am not sure that on last boss SW can replace DC
combining PVE and PVP we are the worst class by far, lets hope they will fix it soon.
abishai3705 is correct. One major problem is that it is difficult to track a DC's actual contribution to overall damage done by the party. Going by the posts in this thread it's clear that there even other DC players who are unaware of just how powerful DC buffs are. My own testing has yielded slightly conflicting results but take it from a player a lot of people here seem to respect and who has offered solid/reliable information before (meaning Kaelac, and taken from his guide to DCs: ) - Hallowed Ground ALONE gives a massive +30% DPS boost AND damage reduction. Divine mode Divine Glow gives a +20% damage buff. Linked Spirit/Feated BoB have been known to potentially give people 10k+ power. We're not even talking about debuffs here yet, which I maintain are still best used only against bosses or on potentially long fights. We haven't even started talking about the really good DCs who have been refining their builds/playstyles even since they started playing one in beta.
It definitely doesn't help that there's no meter for mitigation, either. Mitigation allows people to survive potential 1-hit-KOs. It allows strikers to play more freely or even aggressively. It is a survivability multiplier far, FAR more effective than lifesteal.
The Neverwinter DC has NEVER been "just" about healing. That's like saying that any overgeared CW is "just" control. If all your DC does is heal (zero accompanying buffs)... wrong game, I'd say.
Another major problem is that DC class mechanics (some), powers(several) and feats (lots of them) have more or less gone stale, given recent changes. Our attacks animations are too slow - powers take too long to fire off. Despite being the only class whose primary stat offers control resist and who (thematically, and in ALL D&D versions) specialize in protecting themselves from harmful effects we are much more vulnerable to CC effects than any other class. It boggles the mind how things ended up that way. Finally, too many powers/feats are far too situational or have very little practical value - this was acceptable back in mod 1, 2 but no longer given recent changes.
The devs promise to address the latter but it remains to be seen if they plan to address the former. If people who claim to be "good" DC players can't even figure out how powerful Hallowed Ground is by themselves, then small wonder how other players ended up thinking that a "healing" SW is somehow superior to a good DC.
They are very different animals - bottomline is that people looking for a non-primary striker should get the striker/healer warlock anyway, while people looking for a multiplier/healer should pick the DC.
You there. New to the game? Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you think getting to end-game is impossible for a casual player like yourself, or maybe you just need to be around a community that helps each other stay sane and competitive with the latest news, current trends, random chitchat and most of all LEGIT (that is, we try to keep things fair) gameplay. If you don't mind being around quirky people and the rare occasional drama (one of our prominent TR members is apparently a mafia godfather) join nw_legit_community at http://www.nwlegitcommunity.shivtr.com/forum_threads/2330542.
In pve, warlock dps is able to top up every little piece HP lost by blind dpsing so their healing amount is higher. However in pvp, warlock cannot heal as effective as DC no matter how good their dps are. The buffs from DC are so strong till warlock cannot compete with us so the only way we DC can surpass SW is spamming HG, AS, DG and our dearest immune ball. If we DC doesn't use these buffing skills and linked spirit, we are just a burden for our team and are worse than a purple companion.
We're talking percents here. One of the best things about being a DC is that if you are a built right your contribution to overall party damage scales depending on how much total damage the people in your party do. So unless temptlocks start outDPSing good CWs or furylocks then a party with furylocks/CWs and a DC spamming just Hallowed Ground can potentially outdamage a party with a temptlock/furylocks/CWs and no DC.
You there. New to the game? Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you think getting to end-game is impossible for a casual player like yourself, or maybe you just need to be around a community that helps each other stay sane and competitive with the latest news, current trends, random chitchat and most of all LEGIT (that is, we try to keep things fair) gameplay. If you don't mind being around quirky people and the rare occasional drama (one of our prominent TR members is apparently a mafia godfather) join nw_legit_community at http://www.nwlegitcommunity.shivtr.com/forum_threads/2330542.
clericalistMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 595Arc User
edited August 2014
Look I get it, clerics are not just about healing, they can provide useful buffs and debuffs. However Cryptic does not get it, somebody mentioned in the warlock forum how clerics have numerous feats and encounter powers that are healing oriented, the warlock has one. However that one healing feat beats everything the cleric has in terms of healing power. Then look at the armour sets, other than High Prophet, they are all about boosting healing, how about the new dragon artifact weapons ? Two are (again) healing boosts and the third is a damage boost for an at will that is weak (will 10% make a difference ?). In mod 5 its probably safe to say that there will be another useless t2 healing armour set. People say the cleric is not just about healing, Cryptic clearly does not agree with that.
As for the major rework, one should probably hope and wait and see, but if forced to guess what it will be, it will be mostly healing oriented (and probably still not outdo the single warlock healing feat).
The only thing they can do for the class is give it more damage-and by that I mean a LOT more damage. Buffs, debuffs, and heals are already there. DC is a lot of work soloing (more than any other class) and that has to be fixed.
Venril Sathir- CW
Venril- SW
Lurch- GF
Mini Ven- DC
encadiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 67
The only thing they can do for the class is give it more damage-and by that I mean a LOT more damage. Buffs, debuffs, and heals are already there. DC is a lot of work soloing (more than any other class) and that has to be fixed.
Tbh i kind of disagree.
I would do the followign and see how it goes.
- Remove Healing depression from PvP
- Remove Righteouness
- Increase all cleric healing values by 25-50%
- Increase overall damage by 25-50%
- Remove Lifestealing from the game
- Make so Temp Warlocks Only heal themselves and onyl ONE person in the group (based on lowest hp)
This way it will bring Clerics to their healer role
- Remove Lifestealing from the game
- Make so Temp Warlocks Only heal themselves and onyl ONE person in the group (based on lowest hp)
warlock healing is through life-steal so.....that is nigh-guaranteed to never happen. even if it did, it would just force people to use pots instead which would be an annoyance when doing dailies.
also, life-stealing isn't the real issue with clerics. the actual issue is that clerics heal too slow and in such a confined radius that it's generally sub-par. there is also an issue with finding players that are hidden from view behind mobs which makes targetting them more difficult. not to mention how you can "miss" a heal by just being slightly off-target by like an inch. clerics are also incapable of healing through at-wills without using their tab feature.
how often do clerics attempt to heal someone and they just used a pot instead of waiting on you? i, for one, remember seeing that frequently.
cleric heals are simply inconvenient and can not be compared to a constant stream of aoe heals within 20 ft.
I really think they need to remake alot of encounters. I hate alot the stupid Paingiver Table that only serves to increase people's egos...it mostly harms the game making alot of people too competitive and ignoring the teamplay.
I don't mind remain as a buffer/debuffer, as long as in the end, people don't annoy me with stupid comments "You did nothing, why did we bring you".......
Look I get it, clerics are not just about healing, they can provide useful buffs and debuffs. However Cryptic does not get it, somebody mentioned in the warlock forum how clerics have numerous feats and encounter powers that are healing oriented, the warlock has one. However that one healing feat beats everything the cleric has in terms of healing power. Then look at the armour sets, other than High Prophet, they are all about boosting healing, how about the new dragon artifact weapons ? Two are (again) healing boosts and the third is a damage boost for an at will that is weak (will 10% make a difference ?). In mod 5 its probably safe to say that there will be another useless t2 healing armour set. People say the cleric is not just about healing, Cryptic clearly does not agree with that.
As for the major rework, one should probably hope and wait and see, but if forced to guess what it will be, it will be mostly healing oriented (and probably still not outdo the single warlock healing feat).
I totally agree with you
in T1 nobody ask for DC for moths now (if I join ppl usually happy but in general no one ask of DC)
in T2 there are many party that don't take DC now, its still common but not a must
in T2.5 they still prefer DC in a party
most have enough dmage to finish last boss without our damage increase
and as you said, there are alternative to healing
I guess neverwinter doesn't want a class to be a must in a party (I have no idea why)
but if they don't need us for healing what should we do?
many consider the faithful path to be good, but its all about healing
the righteousness path only got healing step and virtuous only got only rising hope...
I should point out that there are two major issues actually being discussed here, and some people are confusing the two.
One is that many DC class mechanics/powers/feats are dated, though the devs have already said that they're taking care of this. Atm we're stuck on "wait and see" mode.
The other is that being a DC is a thankless job for many people because there is just no concrete way to measure the DC's actual contribution to the party's damage/survivability. So much that several DC players here don't even know just how useful their powers actually are. Going by healing done is laughable, since both a bad DC and a good DC can easily end up with similar "healing" done for wildly different reasons - the bad DC may have been a semi-afker, for example, while a very good DC may have been giving out so much mitigation that minimal extra healing was required outside of pots/player lifesteal.
Anyway consider that mitigation is the one most powerful supportive attributes in the game, increasing the value of HP/Lifesteal/all incoming healing, and all you have to do to apply it is drop Hallowed Ground/Divine Armor/Astral Shield/heal something and proc effects like Foresight. Essentially it's like a massive HP increase + indirect passive healing. But it doesn't show up anywhere.
Hallowed Ground is easily one of the most powerful dailies in the game. The effect is like giving someone roughly the equivalent of Perfect Vorpal, but given the comments here you'd think all it did was make the ground look prettier.
You there. New to the game? Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you think getting to end-game is impossible for a casual player like yourself, or maybe you just need to be around a community that helps each other stay sane and competitive with the latest news, current trends, random chitchat and most of all LEGIT (that is, we try to keep things fair) gameplay. If you don't mind being around quirky people and the rare occasional drama (one of our prominent TR members is apparently a mafia godfather) join nw_legit_community at http://www.nwlegitcommunity.shivtr.com/forum_threads/2330542.
in T1 nobody ask for DC for moths now
in T2 there are many party that don't take DC now
in T2.5 they still prefer DC in a party
most have enough dmage to finish last boss without our damage increase
and as you said, there are alternative to healing
I guess neverwinter doesn't want a class to be a must in a party (I have no idea why)
but if they don't need us for healing what should we do?
many consider the faithful path to be good, but its all about healing
the righteousness path only got healing step and virtuous only got only rising hope...
My Tiefling AC Main is all Healing and mostly Faithful build.
High INT, high CHA, massive Recovery, AP and Recharge
About 13k GS with Grim Faithful gear from PvP.
She is just not needed to heal in dungeons where the rest of the team are 15k+ and Warriors (GF, GWF, HR) can heal themselves, and SW can heal everyone during combat.
And they do enough damage they do not need her Battle Buffs.
My Dwarven DO Main is all dps and debuffing, mostly Virtuous and Righteous build.
High STR, CON and WIS, massive Power, Crit and ArPen, max Divine Power Regeneration.
About 15k GS with Profound Righteous from PvP.
He is just not needed to heal in dungeons where the rest of the team are 15k+ and Warriors (GF, GWF, HR) can heal themselves, and SW can heal everyone during combat.
And they do enough damage they do not need his dps or Battle Debuffs.
In solo play, the Dwarven DO is the better survivor and finishes dailies much more quickly.
And he is doing much better in the PvP campaign
mittensofdoomMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 247Arc User
edited September 2014
A temptlock heals by providing a constant flow of LS ticks using Blades/Harrowstorm in groups of mobs. By the time a cleric comes along with something like Bastion, there is simply nothing to heal. Do not bemoan this, it gives you great opportunities to diversify from our usual rotations.
The best advice I can give clerics for pve right now is:
1) Respec into the virtuous tree as far as nimbus
2) Get a PF/Terror
3) Use High Prophet
4) Use non-divine AS, divine Divine Glow, divine Daunting Light if a temptlock is in the party
5) Use foresight and hallowed ground
Now you have turned from a simple healer into a powerhouse of buffs and debuffs. YOU drive the dps of your group into insane levels. And you do more dps yourself.
I would however:
1) Like righteousness removed or reduced
2) Like more damage potential
I've adjusted myself to a slightly more defensive/supportive build whenever I go with a tempt lock. Actually, unless the group really needs full on healing (they usually don't) I use this new build/ loadout for all groups now. I do more dps and I provide more buffs and debuffs for everyone. Works for me. I am looking forward to what we get with Mod 5.
The number one thing I want to see for clerics though is more dps ability. Same goes for GFs. I don't think a decently geared cleric should lag so far behind an equally geared GWF or CW. I still expect us to usually be the bottom of the dps chart, but still be relatively close to number 4.
... Tired of running dungeons with exploiters and cheaters? Join the legit channel by visiting http://goo.gl/1zfnTS to apply!
Performing ritual pony sacrifices to Tiamat to earn favor with the RNG Gods since 2014.
psychaos999Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited September 2014
To all the people who are saying we are just fine because our buff/debuff: do you really like that gameplay? Just being a buffbot?
Is that the way you show your skill? Just firing off whatever spell is ready?
For me is so ****ing boring I would cry. At least dps can see their big numbers.
in T1 nobody ask for DC for moths now (if I join ppl usually happy but in general no one ask of DC)
in T2 there are many party that don't take DC now, its still common but not a must
in T2.5 they still prefer DC in a party
Even PUGs rarely get stressed if they don't have a DC for their 2.5 any more...
clericalistMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 595Arc User
To all the people who are saying we are just fine because our buff/debuff: do you really like that gameplay? Just being a buffbot?
Is that the way you show your skill? Just firing off whatever spell is ready?
For me is so ****ing boring I would cry. At least dps can see their big numbers.
Another thing about being just the buffbot is that there is no motivation to increase your gear score, since buff/debuff all have zero relation to any gear score attributes. You can go into a dungeon with 9000 power or 900 power and it makes no difference, since with both you will still likely be last on paingiver, and with a warlock in the party you will not be number one field medic either. The only thing to increase would be defense and hitpoints, but that is simply to make you more survivable, they don't in any way improve your buff/debuffer abilities.
To all the people who are saying we are just fine because our buff/debuff: do you really like that gameplay? Just being a buffbot?
Is that the way you show your skill? Just firing off whatever spell is ready?
Why are you even asking this question? If you're looking for a striker then play a striker. Clerics are leaders, and leaders are multipliers. The whole point of actually bringing a leader along is to increase the overall effectiveness of the party, to levels beyond what any 5 non-leaders would normally be able to achieve. Note that with Hallowed Ground alone, 4 other people are already doing 30% more damage. If each of them is a monster DPSer and does 1m damage while HG is up(or let's say double/back-to-back HG, just to be realistic), congrats you just generated 1.3M more damage for your party with a single power. Have a cookie. Oh, and for some of you, think about that the next time you decide use Flame Strike/Hammer of Fate in group PvE.
What makes the Neverwinter DC unique is that to accomplish this (being a leader) it only needs a few key powers - the "standard" trio is A.Seal, A.Shield and Hallowed Ground/Divine Armor/maybe Anointed Army. Whatever else you decide to slot is up to you.
Essentially you only need 3, and sometimes even just 2, of the 9 power slots all characters get to dedicate to "buffing". There's nothing preventing you from dedicating the rest of those power slots to improving your DPS, if that's what you want. Atm our arsenal is dated and badly needs to be "modernized", as someone put it, but maybe you'll get lucky with your crits or land in a party with a CW who likes stacking things on top of each other, so that divine Searing Light spam lands you a spot in the top 3 of paingiver. One can dream.
This all Neverwinter DC 101.
Calling us buffbots is a gross oversimplification, especially considering that to power up all our strongest buffs we NEED to be doing something else more productive (eg attacking/healing).
Another thing about being just the buffbot is that there is no motivation to increase your gear score, since buff/debuff all have zero relation to any gear score attributes. You can go into a dungeon with 9000 power or 900 power and it makes no difference, since with both you will still likely be last on paingiver, and with a warlock in the party you will not be number one field medic either. The only thing to increase would be defense and hitpoints, but that is simply to make you more survivable, they don't in any way improve your buff/debuffer abilities.
Untrue. Not that gearscore after 12k-13k really matters, but as far as character development goes stronger characters will be able to use their dailies more frequently. Stronger attacker types who spam attacking encounters to build AP/DP faster for their dailies/key encounters will actually be able to contribute significantly to overall damage through their own personal DPS, or at least some DCs used to be able to do so in previous mods. Stronger healer types will grant higher Linked Spirit shared stats since the way the feat is supposed to work people around you are getting a portion of YOUR stats. Even Anointed Champion, because of its natural defensive bent, gets Battle Fervor in the Virtuous paragon feat path as a sort of compensation, which grants a portion of DC's power to its allies.
This is also Neverwinter DC 101.
You there. New to the game? Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you think getting to end-game is impossible for a casual player like yourself, or maybe you just need to be around a community that helps each other stay sane and competitive with the latest news, current trends, random chitchat and most of all LEGIT (that is, we try to keep things fair) gameplay. If you don't mind being around quirky people and the rare occasional drama (one of our prominent TR members is apparently a mafia godfather) join nw_legit_community at http://www.nwlegitcommunity.shivtr.com/forum_threads/2330542.
I personally love being a support character. With cleric I went in thinking I'd be a healer like I was in WoW for so long. I am actually surprised how much fun I am having as a cleric doing less traditional supporting in this game. Sure I still heal when someone takes spike damage, but for the most part I focus on debuffs and buffs. This kind of gameplay is what attracted me to bards in PnP D&D, and since I get that feeling of being the unsung hero making everyone perform better by simply being there with a cleric, you bet I'm happy. Its a thankless role, but its something I enjoy immensely.
... Tired of running dungeons with exploiters and cheaters? Join the legit channel by visiting http://goo.gl/1zfnTS to apply!
Performing ritual pony sacrifices to Tiamat to earn favor with the RNG Gods since 2014.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Lets put it this way, There is NO WAY a wizzy will get a 200K + crit without some buffing/ debuffing going on. Clerics are the best set up to accomplish this type of mitigation... smart players know this. It is disheartening that we are now dominated in yet another category on the little pop up at the end of a dungeon, but our position hasn't really changed. Do what I do, ignore it! I measure the success of the run based on how smooth it felt, not by the end numbers. The Cleric is there to make the others look good, it's a thankless role and that is why we are so few.
Shazaam - 60 Tiefling CW
Link - 60 Menzoberranzan Renegade (Drow) HR
Naruto - 60 Half-Orc TR
Moose - 60 Human GWF
T-Wrecks 60 Half-Orc GF
Drag King - 60 Dragonborn SW
Because Clerics have been consistently FUBAR'd over and over.
But it is true that people who think DC = Healer are wrong. It's a myth. That is just one specialist build you can have. But the Warlock Paragon paths are so much better put together than the DC Paragons.
Also, they out-heal us because a Warlock's healing is based on dps and Life Steal. It relies on hitting many mobs with Infernal, Dark Magicks, rather than Divine Power granted by a deity of Light.
And because the Temptation Paragon feats are specifically designed to boost healing from Life Steal.
And Warlocks are not subjected to Healing Depression and Righteousness. And my Dragonborn blood gives her a bonus to incoming healing from all sources to boot!
Field Medic is also based on how many of YOUR hp have been healed, not just other people's. That is why you can see a GWF near the top, as they have been chugging potions and using Restoring Strike, and Feats that heal when they activate Unstoppable.
Field Medic should only count healing you have given to party members.
And they should have some other measures such as Champion Buffer, Champion Debuffer etc.
My Warlock often gets an ENORMOUS stack of temporary hp, even when she is barely damaged. It can be a quarter to a third of her health bar.
I have four DCs, three level 60 and one level 57.
I have one Warlock, level 27. The difference is dazzlingly noticeable.
So what happened to this rationale that if Clerics got full healing from their powers, they would be immortal, unkillable and never need to use a potion, and never need to use Stones of Life, much less buy them?
What about the Warlock?
And, really, since when in AD&D has the by far, far, far most powerful healing come from a vial of alchemical concoction, while Priests have been so weak? AND have lousy damage?
Seriously, in the last 10 days or so I have taken my Warlock from the beach to PE to Cragmire Crypt and Storm the Keep, via PvP and all the daily skirmishes, dungeons, main quests and daily Foundry quests, and I have not had to drink a single healing Potion yet (except the Battle Healing potions in PvP).
I am not joking.
And she is not even a Temptation build!
And my 13k GS Grim Faithful Tiefling, high INT, high CHA, high Power and Recovery Healer Build Anointed Champion is NEVER going to get ANY Triple Kills in PvP, never mind 40. She has enough trouble getting a Single Kill, much less a Double.
Even my 15k GS Profound Righteous/Virtuous Dwarven Battle Berserker War Priest Divine Oracle has been stuck on 9 Triple Kills for ages.
Seriously, developers, as much as i like the Warlock, the Cleric needs some serious rethinking.
Source: https://twitter.com/CrypticGMC
Let's hope they'll do good.
The curse only ups the SW's dps not the parties so that isn't a party buff.
Not even sure if this is enough... Might need to rewrite the class from the beginning to make it really good and powerful.
In the remote possibility that they rewrote the class, how great would it be if they made it look closer to the classic D&D, a mace and shield, magic casting and a turn undead spell.
Thanks for the link, it gave me hope for our lovely class
I guess from here now on I need to start preparing for mod 5.
buff... to be honest I wouldn't call plague fire a DC debuf. so we end up with high prophet, holy ground and DG.
its not bad buff but some classes have buffs as well
for example CW with steal time on the mastery tub will give the party combat advantage that overall might be a better buff (I know that all buff can stack)
linked spirit is also god buff with many ppl reach the diminishing value and its so hard to proc so its not that amazing (the power buff can be lethal I admit
at the end damage reduction is the only unique skill we have, we can reduce lot of damage that some consider vital
recently went to couple of 4 ppl CN runs. and I am not sure that on last boss SW can replace DC
combining PVE and PVP we are the worst class by far, lets hope they will fix it soon.
I have felt like that MANY times. But I just rolled a different race with a different build!
But hang on in there. I have been waiting for them to get to the DC and make some proper changes, and hopefully that is what they will now do.
I have a:
Tiefling AC 60
Dwarf AC 60
Halfling AC 57 (mainly a leadership mule - I'll probably respec her)
Dwarf DO 60
And the DO is the best and he is speced for dps and solo play. He does better in PvP by far.
I posted something here that would make a big difference if it were implemented. I also put a version in as a bug report.
It definitely doesn't help that there's no meter for mitigation, either. Mitigation allows people to survive potential 1-hit-KOs. It allows strikers to play more freely or even aggressively. It is a survivability multiplier far, FAR more effective than lifesteal.
The Neverwinter DC has NEVER been "just" about healing. That's like saying that any overgeared CW is "just" control. If all your DC does is heal (zero accompanying buffs)... wrong game, I'd say.
Another major problem is that DC class mechanics (some), powers(several) and feats (lots of them) have more or less gone stale, given recent changes. Our attacks animations are too slow - powers take too long to fire off. Despite being the only class whose primary stat offers control resist and who (thematically, and in ALL D&D versions) specialize in protecting themselves from harmful effects we are much more vulnerable to CC effects than any other class. It boggles the mind how things ended up that way. Finally, too many powers/feats are far too situational or have very little practical value - this was acceptable back in mod 1, 2 but no longer given recent changes.
The devs promise to address the latter but it remains to be seen if they plan to address the former. If people who claim to be "good" DC players can't even figure out how powerful Hallowed Ground is by themselves, then small wonder how other players ended up thinking that a "healing" SW is somehow superior to a good DC.
They are very different animals - bottomline is that people looking for a non-primary striker should get the striker/healer warlock anyway, while people looking for a multiplier/healer should pick the DC.
As for the major rework, one should probably hope and wait and see, but if forced to guess what it will be, it will be mostly healing oriented (and probably still not outdo the single warlock healing feat).
Venril- SW
Lurch- GF
Mini Ven- DC
Tbh i kind of disagree.
I would do the followign and see how it goes.
- Remove Healing depression from PvP
- Remove Righteouness
- Increase all cleric healing values by 25-50%
- Increase overall damage by 25-50%
- Remove Lifestealing from the game
- Make so Temp Warlocks Only heal themselves and onyl ONE person in the group (based on lowest hp)
This way it will bring Clerics to their healer role
warlock healing is through life-steal so.....that is nigh-guaranteed to never happen. even if it did, it would just force people to use pots instead which would be an annoyance when doing dailies.
also, life-stealing isn't the real issue with clerics. the actual issue is that clerics heal too slow and in such a confined radius that it's generally sub-par. there is also an issue with finding players that are hidden from view behind mobs which makes targetting them more difficult. not to mention how you can "miss" a heal by just being slightly off-target by like an inch. clerics are also incapable of healing through at-wills without using their tab feature.
how often do clerics attempt to heal someone and they just used a pot instead of waiting on you? i, for one, remember seeing that frequently.
cleric heals are simply inconvenient and can not be compared to a constant stream of aoe heals within 20 ft.
I don't mind remain as a buffer/debuffer, as long as in the end, people don't annoy me with stupid comments "You did nothing, why did we bring you".......
I totally agree with you
in T1 nobody ask for DC for moths now (if I join ppl usually happy but in general no one ask of DC)
in T2 there are many party that don't take DC now, its still common but not a must
in T2.5 they still prefer DC in a party
most have enough dmage to finish last boss without our damage increase
and as you said, there are alternative to healing
I guess neverwinter doesn't want a class to be a must in a party (I have no idea why)
but if they don't need us for healing what should we do?
many consider the faithful path to be good, but its all about healing
the righteousness path only got healing step and virtuous only got only rising hope...
One is that many DC class mechanics/powers/feats are dated, though the devs have already said that they're taking care of this. Atm we're stuck on "wait and see" mode.
The other is that being a DC is a thankless job for many people because there is just no concrete way to measure the DC's actual contribution to the party's damage/survivability. So much that several DC players here don't even know just how useful their powers actually are. Going by healing done is laughable, since both a bad DC and a good DC can easily end up with similar "healing" done for wildly different reasons - the bad DC may have been a semi-afker, for example, while a very good DC may have been giving out so much mitigation that minimal extra healing was required outside of pots/player lifesteal.
Anyway consider that mitigation is the one most powerful supportive attributes in the game, increasing the value of HP/Lifesteal/all incoming healing, and all you have to do to apply it is drop Hallowed Ground/Divine Armor/Astral Shield/heal something and proc effects like Foresight. Essentially it's like a massive HP increase + indirect passive healing. But it doesn't show up anywhere.
Hallowed Ground is easily one of the most powerful dailies in the game. The effect is like giving someone roughly the equivalent of Perfect Vorpal, but given the comments here you'd think all it did was make the ground look prettier.
My Tiefling AC Main is all Healing and mostly Faithful build.
High INT, high CHA, massive Recovery, AP and Recharge
About 13k GS with Grim Faithful gear from PvP.
She is just not needed to heal in dungeons where the rest of the team are 15k+ and Warriors (GF, GWF, HR) can heal themselves, and SW can heal everyone during combat.
And they do enough damage they do not need her Battle Buffs.
My Dwarven DO Main is all dps and debuffing, mostly Virtuous and Righteous build.
High STR, CON and WIS, massive Power, Crit and ArPen, max Divine Power Regeneration.
About 15k GS with Profound Righteous from PvP.
He is just not needed to heal in dungeons where the rest of the team are 15k+ and Warriors (GF, GWF, HR) can heal themselves, and SW can heal everyone during combat.
And they do enough damage they do not need his dps or Battle Debuffs.
In solo play, the Dwarven DO is the better survivor and finishes dailies much more quickly.
And he is doing much better in the PvP campaign
The best advice I can give clerics for pve right now is:
1) Respec into the virtuous tree as far as nimbus
2) Get a PF/Terror
3) Use High Prophet
4) Use non-divine AS, divine Divine Glow, divine Daunting Light if a temptlock is in the party
5) Use foresight and hallowed ground
Now you have turned from a simple healer into a powerhouse of buffs and debuffs. YOU drive the dps of your group into insane levels. And you do more dps yourself.
I would however:
1) Like righteousness removed or reduced
2) Like more damage potential
The number one thing I want to see for clerics though is more dps ability. Same goes for GFs. I don't think a decently geared cleric should lag so far behind an equally geared GWF or CW. I still expect us to usually be the bottom of the dps chart, but still be relatively close to number 4.
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Is that the way you show your skill? Just firing off whatever spell is ready?
For me is so ****ing boring I would cry. At least dps can see their big numbers.
Even PUGs rarely get stressed if they don't have a DC for their 2.5 any more...
Another thing about being just the buffbot is that there is no motivation to increase your gear score, since buff/debuff all have zero relation to any gear score attributes. You can go into a dungeon with 9000 power or 900 power and it makes no difference, since with both you will still likely be last on paingiver, and with a warlock in the party you will not be number one field medic either. The only thing to increase would be defense and hitpoints, but that is simply to make you more survivable, they don't in any way improve your buff/debuffer abilities.
What makes the Neverwinter DC unique is that to accomplish this (being a leader) it only needs a few key powers - the "standard" trio is A.Seal, A.Shield and Hallowed Ground/Divine Armor/maybe Anointed Army. Whatever else you decide to slot is up to you.
Essentially you only need 3, and sometimes even just 2, of the 9 power slots all characters get to dedicate to "buffing". There's nothing preventing you from dedicating the rest of those power slots to improving your DPS, if that's what you want. Atm our arsenal is dated and badly needs to be "modernized", as someone put it, but maybe you'll get lucky with your crits or land in a party with a CW who likes stacking things on top of each other, so that divine Searing Light spam lands you a spot in the top 3 of paingiver. One can dream.
This all Neverwinter DC 101.
Calling us buffbots is a gross oversimplification, especially considering that to power up all our strongest buffs we NEED to be doing something else more productive (eg attacking/healing).
Untrue. Not that gearscore after 12k-13k really matters, but as far as character development goes stronger characters will be able to use their dailies more frequently. Stronger attacker types who spam attacking encounters to build AP/DP faster for their dailies/key encounters will actually be able to contribute significantly to overall damage through their own personal DPS, or at least some DCs used to be able to do so in previous mods. Stronger healer types will grant higher Linked Spirit shared stats since the way the feat is supposed to work people around you are getting a portion of YOUR stats. Even Anointed Champion, because of its natural defensive bent, gets Battle Fervor in the Virtuous paragon feat path as a sort of compensation, which grants a portion of DC's power to its allies.
This is also Neverwinter DC 101.
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Performing ritual pony sacrifices to Tiamat to earn favor with the RNG Gods since 2014.