this morderous flame bug reminds me on my puppet , sacrificed, now I am in the tab spammer fraction... looks like buff related, same crazy mechanic as puppet being buffed same ill ammount of damage some OP´s deal vs the SH-dragons btw. but never saw anything inside a dungeon or on a dummy? what is the biggest ammount you dealt in DOM with KF+MF? the overall performance on a test dummy is very poor tbbh
What is the optimal critical strike soft cap in PVE?
Critical Strike has no 'soft cap', unlike prior to Mod 6. Now it is for every 400 points you have 1% more Critical Strike chance. I suppose a 'soft cap' could be 100%, in a way... Maybe. lol
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
The optimal ratio between power and crit though is roughly 1:1 until crit is at 100% at which point power all the way onwards!
how much crit are you guys rocking to get to 100 crit chance all the time? im hitting for pretty big numbers but obviously no where near you top guys. im using 10k on my toon and bonding stones on my zhentarim warlock. I get upto 84% with 3 stacks of bonding. so if your suggest 1:1 then I guess I need to lower my power a little.
Tabatha@rotters // Scourge Warlock // Co Leader // Civil Anarchy
Just my 2 cents, so please correct me if I am wrong as I am just coming to this realization... our power shouldn't fall behind crit because our puppet is buffed by power, but incapable to crit. Since depending on party composition our puppet can do well over 50% of our damage it cuts the return of high crit in half. In the right party and a couple extra bonding stone procs from liliaras bell I can hit 100% quite frequently, but my gearing direction now and when underdark comes out for xbox will be to bring my power up as well. I'm just about 4k IL and somehow missed this secret, but glad you guys brought this up confirming what I was seeing.
Speaking of underdark gear, what sets/mix do you guys use? From what I've found online it looks like the Umbral gear has the best stats utilized but are likely the hardest to obtain being from mastercrafting. As far as weapon sets the twisted weapon seem to be a no brained as long as it procs on our Dots. Anyone have input on any of this? Sorry if it was already discussed in the thread and I missed it.
svenisperfectMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 40Arc User
Is there any chance that there will be updates to this guide regarding features from Underdark? Also it would be nice if the original post was edited to at least link to the correct page so its easier to sift through "outdated" information.
Is there any chance that there will be updates to this guide regarding features from Underdark?
From page 14 onward has been a series of updates, you do have to sort through the posts of course... As for further updates, I'm currently working on one, and of course as more Mods come more will be added!
Also it would be nice if the original post was edited to at least link to the correct page so its easier to sift through "outdated" information.
Unfortunately, due to formatting, the OP cannot be modified easily without losing a great deal of the post. Example: I can't add any words as it's too long, and colors would be lost, etc.
If it helps any I will try to tell people via my sig what page it starts on.
What are the top four Artifacts? I know Elol and the wheel takes a place, but what are the other 2? Also does this change with a Damnation VS Fury Build. Thank You,
Thayan book of the dead and Heart of the Blue Dragon I would say is the consensus. The wheel is only used over the sigil of the devoted if you can get the flail snail and have enough AP gain otherwise. I think the Lantern of Revelation can replace heart of the blue dragon if you cant swing it. These don't really change between fury/damnation since your primary goal is still to max AP gain/TT and dps.
3.5k HB Temptation -- Dread Legion Xbox GT -- Mr Shabok My Guide
@kolatmaster any updates on how you're liking the Black Ice set? Do you pvp at all? Even if just for daily win, have you noticed a difference at all having the unresistable damage? Also, how often does it proc and last question, how much has the change affected your spark generation?
Any advice about the best weapon set to use up to now? I still have and use my old Pact Blade of Elemental Fire and now i got the new Burning Blade Set, it is ok to fill in the old one in the new one? Tks for help!
@kolatmaster any updates on how you're liking the Black Ice set? Do you pvp at all? Even if just for daily win, have you noticed a difference at all having the unresistable damage? Also, how often does it proc and last question, how much has the change affected your spark generation?
Black Ice Set: It is definitely less damage. The LoL Set Bonus was about 8-10% of my damage on average, and I believe the Black Ice Set Bonus is less then 1% of my total DPS on a dungeon run. That being said the 2% Damage bump from +2 Con, and the +2 Crit/CBA bonus from +2 Cha do mititgate the 7-9% difference between the sets a bit. I believe the switch was about a 5% DPS cut over all... That's simply my opinion, but I believe it's pretty accurate given the differences.
PvP: Not really... If I ever do it's really random and w/Guildies who need someone. Not consistently enough to have an opinion of how it works. lol
Spark Generation: That's probably what I miss most about the LoL Set was the additional crit hit for extra Soulsparks. Definitely less, and half since every crit was an extra generation.
Like I said when I posted the change, I did it for aesthetic reasons and not for Min/Max reasons.
Any advice about the best weapon set to use up to now? I still have and use my old Pact Blade of Elemental Fire and now i got the new Burning Blade Set, it is ok to fill in the old one in the new one? Tks for help!
Right now I'd suggest going the Twisted Set as the extra 3500ish Power you consitently get from it is basically the equivalent of have 5x Rank 12 Radiants added to your stats and it's pretty darn snazzy.
I am a new player to NW (I just started playing in mid-January) who chose SW as my first toon. I have been using your fury build from level 1. I just hit level 60 and I do solo some for questing (I am in an active guild though). I just bought some gear upgrades (ensorcelled cloak, main, offhand, neck). So initially, thanks for the awesome guide and all of the information about the class. That being said, the evolution of your build has made understanding all of the information more than a little unwieldly for a new player. I know that you can not change the original post to update the build. That being said, however, without using the screen shots, can you please re-post and/or provide the following information:
(a) for soloing from 60-70, please list what you would use for feats;
(b) exactly what 5 companions you are currently using with all of their runestones;
(c) what other companions, if any, do you recommend?;
(d) for soloing content from 60-70, what do you suggest as the rotations for trash/bosses?;
(e) for group content (i.e., dragonflights), what do you suggest as the rotation for trash/bosses?; and
(f) what enchants are you using for your own gear?
I am a new player to NW (I just started playing in mid-January) who chose SW as my first toon. I have been using your fury build from level 1. I just hit level 60 and I do solo some for questing (I am in an active guild though). I just bought some gear upgrades (ensorcelled cloak, main, offhand, neck). So initially, thanks for the awesome guide and all of the information about the class. That being said, the evolution of your build has made understanding all of the information more than a little unwieldly for a new player. I know that you can not change the original post to update the build. That being said, however, without using the screen shots, can you please re-post and/or provide the following information:
I'll see what I can do bud, glad your enjoying the journey thus far!
(a) for soloing from 60-70, please list what you would use for feats;
Well, prior to 60, I would make sure I got the Fury Capstone. Post 60, if you want to go into Temptation 3 Feats (15 Points) to get Dark Revelry for extra Party Utility that would be fine...
However, if all Fury tree, the last two (10 points) I'd fill in for solo play would be: Offering the Prisoner and Infernal Wrath
(b) exactly what 5 companions you are currently using with all of their runestones;
Summoned: Drow Mercenary (however this is a super rare one from a Zen Promotion, other good active ones are Shadow Demon/Zhentarim Warlock/Blink Dog!) - It has Bonding Runestones in it, best thing to put in any Offense or Defense slot!
Active: Siege Master, Yeti, Earth Archon and Air Archon
(d) for soloing content from 60-70, what do you suggest as the rotations for trash/bosses?;
Trash: Fiery Bolt, Dread Theft, and Killing Flames : All of these are AoEs (Murderous Flames tries to make Killing Flames one! lol), and when killing trash having the AOEs matters a lot.
Boss: Soul Scorch, Hadar's Grasp, and Killing Flames : Depending on fight, that's really a solo listing, splash in AoEs as necessary with any boss with lots of Adds.
(e) for group content (i.e., dragonflights), what do you suggest as the rotation for trash/bosses?; and
Not to be redundant, but...
Trash: Fiery Bolt, Dread Theft, and Killing Flames
Boss: Soul Scorch, Hadar's Grasp, and Killing Flames : Though in a good party, I'll stick to the Boss rotation and not really use the 'Trash Rotation' since I want to kill the biggest, baddest bad guy(s) w/the most Damage available and use Tyrannical Threat!
(f) what enchants are you using for your own gear?
Currently for weapon I have Vorpal when I am Fury Spec, and Feytouched for Temptation/PvP spec.
Armor is Soulforged, and the Defensive slots are Enchantments with Lifesteal: Dark/Vicious/etc. Offense is Armpen/Crit: Draconic/Brutal, and Utility is Darks for Movement.
Thanks for answering all of my questions! I have one last one though. With the bonding stones for your companion, are you using regular bonding stones, greater or perfect? In addition, are you using all rank 12 or one of each Rank 12, 11 and 10?
I use 3x Rank 12 Bonding. From working with @thefabricant on this our best estimation is that multiple procs are related to Interet latency issues. I've tried multiple times the 12/11/10 set up, and I can never recreate multiple stacks on any sort of consistent basis.
So the 3x 95% buff for me is more consistent then 95+80+65+Whenever a 4th or higher proc wants to occur. I'm cursed to live in an area with good internet service... lol
looks like buff related, same crazy mechanic as puppet being buffed
same ill ammount of damage some OP´s deal vs the SH-dragons btw. but never saw anything inside a dungeon or on a dummy?
what is the biggest ammount you dealt in DOM with KF+MF?
the overall performance on a test dummy is very poor tbbh
On 50%% target - 33k + 22k
On 5% target - 95k (no MF, dead
And much depends on opponent - for example HR/CW are squishy vs. KF, especially when low geared.
Mod 10:
[Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Killing Flames deals 16636893 (1009292) Fire Damage to Ethraniev Marrowslake.
Mod 9:
[Combat (Self)] Your Murderous Flames deals 376274433 (18876929) Fire Damage to Red Tiamat Head.
Tabatha@rotters // Scourge Warlock // Co Leader // Civil Anarchy
We are looking for non elitist guilds to join our alliance.
Tabatha@rotters // Scourge Warlock // Co Leader // Civil Anarchy
We are looking for non elitist guilds to join our alliance.
Well Endowed (Xbox)
Thanks in advance, love the work!
- Zala
If it helps any I will try to tell people via my sig what page it starts on.
What are the top four Artifacts? I know Elol and the wheel takes a place, but what are the other 2? Also does this change with a Damnation VS Fury Build.
Thank You,
Xbox GT -- Mr Shabok
My Guide
Well Endowed (Xbox)
PvP: Not really... If I ever do it's really random and w/Guildies who need someone. Not consistently enough to have an opinion of how it works. lol
Spark Generation: That's probably what I miss most about the LoL Set was the additional crit hit for extra Soulsparks. Definitely less, and half since every crit was an extra generation.
Like I said when I posted the change, I did it for aesthetic reasons and not for Min/Max reasons.
--------- Right now I'd suggest going the Twisted Set as the extra 3500ish Power you consitently get from it is basically the equivalent of have 5x Rank 12 Radiants added to your stats and it's pretty darn snazzy.
I am a new player to NW (I just started playing in mid-January) who chose SW as my first toon. I have been using your fury build from level 1. I just hit level 60 and I do solo some for questing (I am in an active guild though). I just bought some gear upgrades (ensorcelled cloak, main, offhand, neck). So initially, thanks for the awesome guide and all of the information about the class. That being said, the evolution of your build has made understanding all of the information more than a little unwieldly for a new player. I know that you can not change the original post to update the build. That being said, however, without using the screen shots, can you please re-post and/or provide the following information:
(a) for soloing from 60-70, please list what you would use for feats;
(b) exactly what 5 companions you are currently using with all of their runestones;
(c) what other companions, if any, do you recommend?;
(d) for soloing content from 60-70, what do you suggest as the rotations for trash/bosses?;
(e) for group content (i.e., dragonflights), what do you suggest as the rotation for trash/bosses?; and
(f) what enchants are you using for your own gear?
Much thanks in advance for your help!
However, if all Fury tree, the last two (10 points) I'd fill in for solo play would be: Offering the Prisoner and Infernal Wrath Summoned: Drow Mercenary (however this is a super rare one from a Zen Promotion, other good active ones are Shadow Demon/Zhentarim Warlock/Blink Dog!) - It has Bonding Runestones in it, best thing to put in any Offense or Defense slot!
Active: Siege Master, Yeti, Earth Archon and Air Archon Honorary Mentions: Fire Archon, Lightfoot Thief, Cambion Magus, Eryines of Belial Trash: Fiery Bolt, Dread Theft, and Killing Flames : All of these are AoEs (Murderous Flames tries to make Killing Flames one! lol), and when killing trash having the AOEs matters a lot.
Boss: Soul Scorch, Hadar's Grasp, and Killing Flames : Depending on fight, that's really a solo listing, splash in AoEs as necessary with any boss with lots of Adds. Not to be redundant, but...
Trash: Fiery Bolt, Dread Theft, and Killing Flames
Boss: Soul Scorch, Hadar's Grasp, and Killing Flames : Though in a good party, I'll stick to the Boss rotation and not really use the 'Trash Rotation' since I want to kill the biggest, baddest bad guy(s) w/the most Damage available and use Tyrannical Threat!
Armor is Soulforged, and the Defensive slots are Enchantments with Lifesteal: Dark/Vicious/etc. Offense is Armpen/Crit: Draconic/Brutal, and Utility is Darks for Movement. Hope that helps bud!
Thanks for answering all of my questions! I have one last one though. With the bonding stones for your companion, are you using regular bonding stones, greater or perfect? In addition, are you using all rank 12 or one of each Rank 12, 11 and 10?
I use 3x Rank 12 Bonding. From working with @thefabricant on this our best estimation is that multiple procs are related to Interet latency issues. I've tried multiple times the 12/11/10 set up, and I can never recreate multiple stacks on any sort of consistent basis.
So the 3x 95% buff for me is more consistent then 95+80+65+Whenever a 4th or higher proc wants to occur. I'm cursed to live in an area with good internet service... lol