Maybe it just me but this skill is extremely buggy and needs a fix. It is by far the best aoe I have used so far but it's target look is horrible especially if you accidentally target the wrong mob because of spatial closeness. Once you kill the mob it doesn't target other mobs just keeps shooting at the location of the dead mob. Also sometimes it shoots out the side of my head but hits the target in front of me.
My suggestion is remove the target lock and adjust it to the cursor.. Where ever the cursor Is placed the encounter will damage mobs in that direction making this a less buggy skill.
I find this skill to be very clunky to even a bit confusing. After the original target dies, the beam seems to just go where ever it wants to, even if you try to aim the cursor towards another enemy. I've even had my character rotate around facing the wrong direction of targets even though I am targeting them, so in that case my character starts to cast spells while facing the opposite direction. I am not sure if you kill the initial target, the target lock and spell ends, but it doesn't seem to happen all the time. Meaning the graphic is still going off but my skills are useable again.
This spell needs some kind of fix for targeting purposes. Other wise it's a rather different and requires the player to move accordingly if trying to aim for multiple targets. For single target, not so much.. just kind of stand there and melt face.
On a side note, it reminds me of WoW demonology void ray, minus the having to move around portion lol.
You can toggle the skill off when your done using it every one and there grandma on preview complained about the skill and it went though several changes already.
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I know you can toggle the encounter off and on but I hate wasting half the encounter because I am unable to target other enemies. This reducing the effectiveness of this spell.
I agree with the op on this, please change the way Dread theft is to a ticking aoE dot or something, the Champions online that you guys put in for them was bugged and never fixed in that game and will be in this one to. I love the damage, "Keep that" but man, it's hard to navigate that beam of death.
I may not be considered by most the BEST PVP Warlock on the server but, I am the most HATED amongst them.
I'm afraid I must disagree. I found that moving around the beam's focus point to direct it to whatever enemy you want works well once you get used to it.
spike0337Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited August 2014
They have the same move in champions and it work like it should here.It fire straight in front of you hitting any thing with in range and go through them to hit mobs behind it.So why dose it work there and not here?The only thing in champions is there's no cross hairs.
reagenlionel1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2014
I actually like the way the skill works now. It requires some positioning and careful aiming.
I'd even go so far as to say it deserves a damage increase for its difficulty in ideal execution.
Because the power you are referring to doesn't require a target. This power does.
Dreadtheft is ridiculously powerful, and easy to aim, as long as you understand the rules with aiming it; it continues to aim at the mob you targeted alive or dead. Just rotate around it and you can aim the power at other enemies quite effectively.
The only way I can see this power being free target is if it was a daily power, not an encounter power. It's already too good as it is.
Because the power you are referring to doesn't require a target. This power does.
Dreadtheft is ridiculously powerful, and easy to aim, as long as you understand the rules with aiming it; it continues to aim at the mob you targeted alive or dead. Just rotate around it and you can aim the power at other enemies quite effectively.
The only way I can see this power being free target is if it was a daily power, not an encounter power. It's already too good as it is.
The only problem I'd say is when it bugs out and shoots sideways into the corner of your screen animation wise while the damage is still correctly aimed.
It's fine as it is. Just learn how to use it properly - practice on target dummies if necessary.
Target locks to whichever mob is under your crosshairs when you fire the power - whether that mob is alive or dead. To change targets you have to run around and 'swing' the beam onto them.
It's a power that takes some thought, planning, and practice to get the most out of. This, IMO, is a good thing.
It's fine as it is. Just learn how to use it properly - practice on target dummies if necessary.
Target locks to whichever mob is under your crosshairs when you fire the power - whether that mob is alive or dead. To change targets you have to run around and 'swing' the beam onto them.
It's a power that takes some thought, planning, and practice to get the most out of. This, IMO, is a good thing.
I've been doing that, though sometimes my beam just shoots into the sky even though the target is still alive!? No idea on that one.
They could tweak it though, to have a target lock and once that target is dead, it will respond to the cursor instead. That would still allow movement and placement to hit as many targets as possible without having it be awkward beaming a dead body behind me or something to that effect, which yes I could possibly move. There are times where it's not a good idea to move into certain locations meaning that the beam needs to be cancelled and potentially wasted.
What is in place now works, it could just be better.
I have not experienced the beam shooting into the sky or sideways. For me it either A) continues firing when I use at-wills which confuses me and trips up my gameplay or shifts side to side just barely not focused on the dead body.
All in all, Laser Cannon Deth Sentence is an awesome encounter. This game is nice cause some encounters make you think and consider your position. More of this please!
cynogenicMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 26Arc User
edited August 2014
If your using hand of blight spell and then quickly use dreadtheft, you'll get the "lazer fire'n into the sky" glitch. It happens to me here and there (i learned to slow down so i wont get it, but still happens). It seems that it happens right when your charc turns and lifts his hand to launch the 3rd or 4th attack of hand of blight then dreadtheft-> sky lazer. Now whats even more weird is if your crosshair is on the monster while your lazer is shooting clouds or something, you'll still get the damage on your target.
In my opinion this spell is great and has been my top dps spells since 15. I got used to the "swinging" your beam around to hit other targets than your primary one, but even that still gets annoying (lvl 43 atm). I really wish the spell didnt lock on to targets and you were free to aim it wherever your crosshair is... or the direction of where your crosshair is (the lazer "animation" cant fire at an angle atm).
reagenlionel1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
If your using hand of blight spell and then quickly use dreadtheft, you'll get the "lazer fire'n into the sky" glitch. It happens to me here and there (i learned to slow down so i wont get it, but still happens). It seems that it happens right when your charc turns and lifts his hand to launch the 3rd or 4th attack of hand of blight then dreadtheft-> sky lazer. Now whats even more weird is if your crosshair is on the monster while your lazer is shooting clouds or something, you'll still get the damage on your target.
In my opinion this spell is great and has been my top dps spells since 15. I got used to the "swinging" your beam around to hit other targets than your primary one, but even that still gets annoying (lvl 43 atm). I really wish the spell didnt lock on to targets and you were free to aim it wherever your crosshair is... or the direction of where your crosshair is (the lazer "animation" cant fire at an angle atm).
I actually like that it locks onto targets. As its actually one of the few ways to find perma stealth rogues, and mess up thier permastealth rotation.
cynogenicMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 26Arc User
I actually like that it locks onto targets. As its actually one of the few ways to find perma stealth rogues, and mess up thier permastealth rotation.
Yeah... but having it lock for the purpose of finding rogues? ... In dungeons, fighting whatever in general it gets annoying when it locks into weaker mobs or mobs you didnt want to. If there was only a way to change your target while its firing or keep it to the crosshair, would be better anyways. Besides there is already a hotkey for locking into targets or something.
If your using hand of blight spell and then quickly use dreadtheft, you'll get the "lazer fire'n into the sky" glitch.
Thanks. It's happened to me many times but I haven't been able to diagnose what caused it. At least now I'll know to be more cautious until they (hopefully) fix it. Laser beam of death hasn't left my bar ever since I got it either. It's THAT good.
The 'lazer in the air' thing is a graphics glitch. It's never happened to me (and I did a LOT of testing on Preview) even when using HoB. I did see it happen to plenty of other 'locks though.
Being target locked is deliberate. It's a trade-off for the crazy DPS. If they made the power freely targetable it would be OP in my opinion.
This spell needs some kind of fix for targeting purposes. Other wise it's a rather different and requires the player to move accordingly if trying to aim for multiple targets. For single target, not so much.. just kind of stand there and melt face.
On a side note, it reminds me of WoW demonology void ray, minus the having to move around portion lol.
I'd even go so far as to say it deserves a damage increase for its difficulty in ideal execution.
Dreadtheft is ridiculously powerful, and easy to aim, as long as you understand the rules with aiming it; it continues to aim at the mob you targeted alive or dead. Just rotate around it and you can aim the power at other enemies quite effectively.
The only way I can see this power being free target is if it was a daily power, not an encounter power. It's already too good as it is.
Target locks to whichever mob is under your crosshairs when you fire the power - whether that mob is alive or dead. To change targets you have to run around and 'swing' the beam onto them.
It's a power that takes some thought, planning, and practice to get the most out of. This, IMO, is a good thing.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
Yep. This is my basic consensus right here.
They could tweak it though, to have a target lock and once that target is dead, it will respond to the cursor instead. That would still allow movement and placement to hit as many targets as possible without having it be awkward beaming a dead body behind me or something to that effect, which yes I could possibly move. There are times where it's not a good idea to move into certain locations meaning that the beam needs to be cancelled and potentially wasted.
What is in place now works, it could just be better.
All in all, Laser Cannon Deth Sentence is an awesome encounter. This game is nice cause some encounters make you think and consider your position. More of this please!
In my opinion this spell is great and has been my top dps spells since 15. I got used to the "swinging" your beam around to hit other targets than your primary one, but even that still gets annoying (lvl 43 atm). I really wish the spell didnt lock on to targets and you were free to aim it wherever your crosshair is... or the direction of where your crosshair is (the lazer "animation" cant fire at an angle atm).
I actually like that it locks onto targets. As its actually one of the few ways to find perma stealth rogues, and mess up thier permastealth rotation.
Yeah... but having it lock for the purpose of finding rogues?
Thanks. It's happened to me many times but I haven't been able to diagnose what caused it. At least now I'll know to be more cautious until they (hopefully) fix it. Laser beam of death hasn't left my bar ever since I got it either. It's THAT good.
Being target locked is deliberate. It's a trade-off for the crazy DPS. If they made the power freely targetable it would be OP in my opinion.
Pleas leave it exactly as it is. It's just fine.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder