Was thinking of some Ideas for a mount and companion that any one could get and not cost an arm or a leg to get, right now we have horses. When I fist started I got a free normal horse just by doing the quest which I thought was great but changed soon after and was replaced by the token horse.
The mount I am proposing is a mule, it would have the same speed as a horse but be able to take twice the hits before dismounting you. Now to balance this the mule like ever mule has issues one its stubborn and you have less control over it in summoning it as some times it just does not want to be there. You have to wait and try again later, which is only 30 seconds to a minute and try again "this would have a cool down timer before able to use again. Also while riding if hit it has a chance to go crazy and run wild and is hard to control which its speed is very fast (but could not out run a purple mount) and this is a very short burst. At the time its like this you can not dismount or unsummon and have to ride it out the persons controls for direction will switch at random and the screen view will be jarring and moving around. The cost for it would be in gold at the vendor in heroes enclave.
The companion: would having your mount act as a companion even while mounted, not sure how to do this one or if possible I see a few ways.
1) your attacks while mounted would change and be altered while mounted to take this into consideration, the mounts attack and yours would be one. So when you came in close to attack it would do a close attack and if far away and you did a ranged attack its would be ranged as well. If the pet/mount took enough damage (A percentage of the damage you take ) you would be dismounted and would have to finish the fight on your own. This will require some animation work and power changes and additions so might not be the quickest option but would be cool. And if your thinking of using this to just run through stuff think again as the mount will attack if attacked beyond his normal amount of hits it can take. Once engaged in combat you can not disengage so as to prevent abuse of the hit and run like tactics, in this combat mode your movement is based off your character not the mount till the combat ends. Well you say I just engage in combat and teleport using my CW movement or my fast move for GWF, well you could but doing so would cause the creature give chase and time to heal if you move to far and if you move and combat does break then the creatures heal back full and it all starts over.
2) Be able to summon your mount like a companion and use it as such, this might be the easiest way to do it but no mounted combat option. Some companions like the bear and the big cats are in game already so this would be easy to do for some of the mounts. For horses and others new animations might be needed and powers, like the nightmare would have flaming hoof attack and a bite or breath weapon attack maybe were as all the normal horses would have the same attacks basically. And would be able to be fixed or recover like other pets.
3) Pets as mounts: If you have one why not the other but some maybe too small and not too usable unless small halfling size or small elf maybe on some.
Well there is my Ideas and I am not a programmer so not sure how much can be done or if it could be but thought was a cool idea.