Its all very well and good you guys had the time to create yet ANOTHER zen companion, however chose to ignore this problem that surfaced 2 weeks ago. The optics of adding monetary features yet ignoring broken gear-progression features are very poor and shows me that as a business, your priority isn't really the consumer. If i can't proceed through Mod 3 gear because of the chest and then you make it obsolete with Mod 4 gear... what is the point of Mod 3?
This is exceptionally frustrating for myself and I find myself at a crossroads as to how to proceed here. When this game is functioning properly, I love it however the sheer amount of small and large issues this game has is astounding.
Check in-game and you'll see the frustration. instead of being excited and talking about Module 4 (as it should be), people are upset!
I am sure they are working on it, but some bug fixes take time. I have worked with many programmer/developers in my career and some "fixes" are not as easy as people who don't work on the system think.
If you review their patch notes over the weeks, they have taken steps to correct issues, but not all can be resolved so easily.
Still, enjoy the parts of the game that are not giving you troubles!
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!" pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all." looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
I don't have a problem with introducing a new companion. The team that works on this is likely not the same team that works on bug crushing, so two different work forces. However the DD chests and system being broken, and thus making endgame pve not exist should be a everyone on that team stays in the office till it's fixed issue. Being told
Had a pow-wow with some of the parties looking into this. They are aware of this issue and are working on it. Things are a bit hectic with M4's launch getting closer and closer, but I'll keep on them about this. Unfortunately, I have no concrete ETA on a fix at this time.
Essentially says that it's not a priority and that it won't be fixed for two more weeks. (or more) Having most of your game flat out not working is just not acceptable.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited August 2014
Just want to say thanks for posting this here instead of in Bug reports and thanks for remaining respectful in doing so. I did have to remove the parts about discussing Moderation however, as that is not allowed.
Safe travels,
Archmage Zebular of Mystryl PWE Community Moderator
They should just put a vendor in town where you could get 1 complimentary piece of t2 gear BoP of course as some sort of courtesy for having such a jacked up system in place for so long, but they won't do it, alas they could care less as stated above.
I am sure they are working on it, but some bug fixes take time. I have worked with many programmer/developers in my career and some "fixes" are not as easy as people who don't work on the system think.
If you review their patch notes over the weeks, they have taken steps to correct issues, but not all can be resolved so easily.
Still, enjoy the parts of the game that are not giving you troubles!
I appreciate that some things take time. But how difficult something is, isn't really that relevant to the consumer. They just want a fix or an explanation of why this wasn't acknowledged as a problem 2 weeks ago when people started to complain. I'm a higher level manager in a large company and if I tell my boss that what he/she wants me to do is too difficult, I may get some sympathy, however in the end... I'm going to get it done. Its really just a matter of priorities.
Do you fix the existing roads that are falling apart, or go ahead and make new ones that will need repair too?
What I'm seeing now in Neverwinter is that a breaking-point is starting to be reached where a major bug that affects gear-progression can't be fixed because they have too many things to do. This leaves the following conclusions.
1) Game is so big that it is unmanageable with current staffing levels.
2) Game programming has been too quickly implemented without proper testing phases.
3) Game programming has been poorly implemented due to staff lack of expertise (I don't believe this to be the case)
4) Bugs in game are internally accepted as part of company culture and priority is placed on constant turnover of content
I sincerely hope its not 4 as this would show deeper problems that the game itself...
As soon as the customer/consumer tolerates these bugs as being acceptable, it shows the game designers that they don't need to fear accountability.
I would honestly guess that the game is so big it is somewhat overwhelming for the staff. I don't know how large the NWO staff is, but I know how big the game is and it would take a small army of staff to keep the game running perfectly smoothly. Likely, there just aren't enough people to tackle all the problems.
Problem is, mod4 is not just a Cryptic thing. It's a WotC world wide event. So I can understand they are short on time.
WotC will not wait on NW to fix it's problems. Like us, they expect fixing bugs is part of the normal existence of the game and not something you plan long term.
BUT that's not an excuse to go breaking things in the process. That just proves you don't test before implementing stuff.
Promising more unfinished items and a new race that can easily be postponed till after mod 4 (neither the Dragonborn race or the race change token are requirements for mod4) instead of working on bugs/mod4/sw clearly shows bad planning and even less supervision. If I did my job like Cryptic runs this game, I'd be fired within 2 hours.
Dragonborn shouldn't postpone anything, just a couple of +2 stat options, a passive and the most part is done by animators and artists that wouldn't be part of bug fixing. Can't say how hard a race change would be, they supposedly had issues with it, though it is a welcome change. They should definitely take more care of the quality side of the game though. Bugs are expected to happen, but when each module comes flawed and reported issues go ignored, then we have a problem.
I appreciate that some things take time. But how difficult something is, isn't really that relevant to the consumer. They just want a fix or an explanation of why this wasn't acknowledged as a problem 2 weeks ago when people started to complain. I'm a higher level manager in a large company and if I tell my boss that what he/she wants me to do is too difficult, I may get some sympathy, however in the end... I'm going to get it done. Its really just a matter of priorities.
Do you fix the existing roads that are falling apart, or go ahead and make new ones that will need repair too?
What I'm seeing now in Neverwinter is that a breaking-point is starting to be reached where a major bug that affects gear-progression can't be fixed because they have too many things to do. This leaves the following conclusions.
1) Game is so big that it is unmanageable with current staffing levels.
2) Game programming has been too quickly implemented without proper testing phases.
3) Game programming has been poorly implemented due to staff lack of expertise (I don't believe this to be the case)
4) Bugs in game are internally accepted as part of company culture and priority is placed on constant turnover of content
I sincerely hope its not 4 as this would show deeper problems that the game itself...
As soon as the customer/consumer tolerates these bugs as being acceptable, it shows the game designers that they don't need to fear accountability.
Now THAT'S some excellent insight and comments! I really have no rebuttal to anything!
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!" pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all." looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
speaking of turnover and personnel, I have to wonder what theirs is. Not being nosy and not expecting an answer per see. I just got to thinking, if they do have an employee turnover issue, that means that new folks are coming in and may not be running at full speed. I admit i dont know one thing about reading code, not binary, not game code, not forum page making code... I do know when you have an operation going, and you get new people, they take some time to get going. i mention this because we dont have any idea what challenges may be simply this kind of thing going on behind the scenes.
I sincerely hope that all of the original crew that wrote the game are still working on the game, just for continuity's sake. However, if they do have several new hires or perhaps some less experienced personnel, maybe they just need some additional time to get some of the issues ironed out. I know there is a ton of code in MMO's so even though some of it may be routine, I am sure there is still a large amount that is unique to the game and causes late nights, headaches, and extra runs to the coffee vending and pizza delivery establishments.
I also want the chests fixed, not all that excited about mod4 if i cant get my 60's geared worth a darn before the next two weeks, but i understand we all have to be patient and hope that these things are going to be fine pretty soon.
telnightsMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 11Arc User
edited August 2014
It is becoming very frustrating with new bugs being add and neither old or new bugs being fixed. It seams like they have become nothing but focused on MOD 4 when MOD 3 came out just 2 months ago and still has a lot of bugs. The encounter loot system for MOD 3 has to be the worst system I've ever seen in a MMO. The encounter system is so buggy its become a running joke in my guild. We still have players trying to get their full BI gear and have been trying since release of MOD 3.
3 weeks now and no gear progression for pve. I've never seen anything quite like this... the general apathy is a little frightening actually.
Well there are a few pieces of gear on the AH for extortionate prices, so technically gear progression is only limited if you try to get it by playing the game.
Well there are a few pieces of gear on the AH for extortionate prices, so technically gear progression is only limited if you try to get it by playing the game.
Good point xD.
I wonder how fast this problem would be corrected if people were getting vorpal shards and boe purples out of the chest?...
I wonder how fast this problem would be corrected if people were getting vorpal shards and boe purples out of the chest?...
I'd wager almost immediately, since anything that speeds up progression gets smacked down, and hard.
Count me among those frustrated at the chest bug; I have two (relatively) new 60s, and neither of them can gear up even their Tier 1 set because my guild isn't running delves due to lack of a point (I don't do PuGs due to too many unsavory loot tactics, so don't bother suggesting it).
Unlike some folks here I don't have a massive AD farm as I've only been playing for about a month, so buying the stuff is not an option. Which leaves waiting and hoping, something customers should never be reduced to.
i would prefer if they lowered the grind in IWD since id rather be doing something else than sitting in IWD waiting for encounters to spawn to finally complete my set after months of being there and nothing to show for it i would like to progress with mod 4 stuff but i dont want to leave things unfinished. and considering the BI is still better than the mod 4 gear...
but considering there is a new mod maybe we can get the mainhand and gloves moved to the vendor.
i would prefer if they lowered the grind in IWD since id rather be doing something else than sitting in IWD waiting for encounters to spawn to finally complete my set after months of being there and nothing to show for it i would like to progress with mod 4 stuff but i dont want to leave things unfinished. and considering the BI is still better than the mod 4 gear...
but considering there is a new mod maybe we can get the mainhand and gloves moved to the vendor.
You would prefer that they didn't fix the dungeon chest loot bug and instead focus on reducing the grind in IWD? Uh.... what gear did you use to get to IWD? I'm going to guess stuff you got in chests at the end of T2's. Might wanna rethink that...
The grind system is the same as every other mmo I've ever played.
It's already been demonstrated and shown by the various people data mining that mounts and companions are done well in advance and released slowly. In most cases these things are done as part of each modules release. But only activated and available at later dates. They would rather trickle releases out slowly instead of dumping them all out at once.
So, the companion you are complaining about was most likely done 3 to 4 months ago. And had zero impact on any recent bugs.
It's already been demonstrated and shown by the various people data mining that mounts and companions are done well in advance and released slowly. In most cases these things are done as part of each modules release. But only activated and available at later dates. They would rather trickle releases out slowly instead of dumping them all out at once.
So, the companion you are complaining about was most likely done 3 to 4 months ago. And had zero impact on any recent bugs.
So its ok then for them to be negligent? I wasn't complaining about the companion as much as I was complaining about the OPTICS of releasing the companion when game progression in PVE is broken. I couldn't care less when they have these completed or scheduled to come out. If I put money into something, I expect as the consumer, to have a fully functioning product.
The companion was more of an example than the problem if you read the entire post.
chromaticwyrmMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 21Arc User
edited August 2014
I have 4 level 60's and never had a issue progressing them, yes some minor bugs but nothing halted my ability to level.
dragoness10Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 780Arc User
edited August 2014
On the side of Devs -
Things randomly break. When you introduce a new script or code, or even area sometimes the program itself decides "Hey know what? I am going to randomly go WRONG!!!" This can be befuddling which line of code messes with which other line when it all LOOKS correct. It's a pain in the butt.
Then there's the weirdness that in test mode everything works perfectly, but once it goes live THEN something decides to go wrong. It shouldn't but it does for whatever reason the universe has determined. It's frustrating. Everything is fine testing it out beta, and theta, and DELTA only to have it come to a screetching halt when it went live.
So I still combat job due to Fey Thistle.
So I cannot further dye my Corrupt Black Ice Boots.
So my Path of the Blade on occasion misfires if I hit TAB at the same time.
Big Whoop. I can still play and have fun. These minor issues will get addressed in time.
Devs - You have my understanding why fixes take time. Besides my theory is many of them may be lumped into the big patch update for Module 4 so I'll just sit here and wait.
BTW thanks for catching those exploiters so the rest of us can enjoy the Free to Play features.
" I tried to figure out the enigma that was you, and then I realized mastering Wild Magic was easier." - Old Wizard in Waterdeep
"Why is it dragons only use ketchup? I'd like a little wasabi please. Us silvers like a variety of condiments."
"Don't call them foolish mortals. One, they don't learn from it. Two, It just ticks them off." - An Ancient Red Dragon
I have 4 level 60's and never had a issue progressing them, yes some minor bugs but nothing halted my ability to level.
I don't see an issue as well I just started IWD and my gear is over 11,900 and only bug I seen with chests are the items not showing in the list of things to loot, but loot all still gets every thing though. As for gear progression well I do fine with what I got and as I am a GWF mine is not going to be the same as someone else, just depends on your play style. I have mine focused on Defence, power, and armor penetration, everything else is secondary to me. He gets hit but can deal lost of damage that hits hard vs multiple opponents not so much one on one but still makes them think twice. But also I was around from the start so got some really good drops before a lot of it went to hell. Heck got many rune stones that do necrotic damage and a enchantment that does a plague fire on a hit to a target as drops so it does give me an edge. Now with the process the way it is it takes for ever to get a good enhancement or and enchantment for anything.
Why do people think it is hard to get gear to progress? Gear is very cheap and easy to get even though DD has been bugged.
I run around town and see most of the players are equipped with either GG or Domination gear. They may not have the set effects some people want but they are really really easy to get and not much inferior to DD tier gears. Most of the OP powers of characters in this game come from the enchantments, artifacts and pets and these are the most expensive things, not the gear.
Why do people think it is hard to get gear to progress? Gear is very cheap and easy to get even though DD has been bugged.
I run around town and see most of the players are equipped with either GG or Domination gear. They may not have the set effects some people want but they are really really easy to get and not much inferior to DD tier gears. Most of the OP powers of characters in this game come from the enchantments, artifacts and pets and these are the most expensive things, not the gear.
Well let me fill you in a bit. For example, say I wanted to do some dungeons for the swashbuckling captain's set.... I can't. So in your world, you would just buy it because it doesn't cost that much. As for your comment about set effects, I take the time out of my busy day to play this game, so if the developers want me to keep playing, they need to allow me to work towards the gear I want. Right now, I can't. In fact, nobody can unless you want pvp gear or GG gear (and many don't). Your "needs" and "wants" argument is really kind of silly as this is a video game not a real life budget scenario.
Before the servers went down, the price for the swash armor chest piece alone escalated to close to 1 million AD because of people exploiting the dungeon chest bug and raising prices through the roof. No supply, then demand goes way up.
Please don't bring GG and and Domination into the conversation (this seems to come into play in every discussion for some reason) because lots of players don't pvp and many positively detest GG. It isn't a solution to the problem and judging from your casual "I don't care about the bug" attitude, you probably already have all your gear, not to mention sitting on a ton of AD as you've just alluded that you buy the gear you can't get.
As far as artifacts, pets and companions... they aren't relevant in any way to the discussion. I never mentioned them as essential at all to any content. So you are correct.
When the game is working as intended, it isn't difficult at all to progress in the game at all. In fact its too easy in my opinion. However, the game isn't working properly and as a paying customer, I'm upset about it. Unlike some people, i believe that I should get at least a 95% working product, not a 70% working product.
You should really value your time/money a little more if you don't mind mediocrity when it comes to these things.
I personally don't do many dungeons simply because I will only do them with my guild. Like stated b4, will not pug at all. BUT some guildies who do run a lot of dungeons have complained about the drops and chests. I've run two in the last week and both dungeons were bugged at the last door. meaning we couldn't go though to combat the last boss. (The sparkley door just stopped being sparkley!)
In regard to progression, I have yet to decide if I even want to do IWD on my last two toons at all due to drop rates. I find them that to be the biggest progression block on PvE in the game. If I cannot complete my ice set, why even start?
I personally don't do many dungeons simply because I will only do them with my guild. Like stated b4, will not pug at all. BUT some guildies who do run a lot of dungeons have complained about the drops and chests. I've run two in the last week and both dungeons were bugged at the last door. meaning we couldn't go though to combat the last boss. (The sparkley door just stopped being sparkley!)
In regard to progression, I have yet to decide if I even want to do IWD on my last two toons at all due to drop rates. I find them that to be the biggest progression block on PvE in the game. If I cannot complete my ice set, why even start?
I agree IWD is really not the place i had envisioned . That's a whole other topic of conversation and one that seriously needs to be looked at by the dev's. Thankfully, I don't pvp and the black ice stuff is completely useless to me.
Well let me fill you in a bit. For example, say I wanted to do some dungeons for the swashbuckling captain's set.... I can't. So in your world, you would just buy it because it doesn't cost that much. As for your comment about set effects, I take the time out of my busy day to play this game, so if the developers want me to keep playing, they need to allow me to work towards the gear I want. Right now, I can't. In fact, nobody can unless you want pvp gear or GG gear (and many don't). Your "needs" and "wants" argument is really kind of silly as this is a video game not a real life budget scenario.
Before the servers went down, the price for the swash armor chest piece alone escalated to close to 1 million AD because of people exploiting the dungeon chest bug and raising prices through the roof. No supply, then demand goes way up.
Please don't bring GG and and Domination into the conversation (this seems to come into play in every discussion for some reason) because lots of players don't pvp and many positively detest GG. It isn't a solution to the problem and judging from your casual "I don't care about the bug" attitude, you probably already have all your gear, not to mention sitting on a ton of AD as you've just alluded that you buy the gear you can't get.
As far as artifacts, pets and companions... they aren't relevant in any way to the discussion. I never mentioned them as essential at all to any content. So you are correct.
When the game is working as intended, it isn't difficult at all to progress in the game at all. In fact its too easy in my opinion. However, the game isn't working properly and as a paying customer, I'm upset about it. Unlike some people, i believe that I should get at least a 95% working product, not a 70% working product.
You should really value your time/money a little more if you don't mind mediocrity when it comes to these things.
I do understand there are things broken in DD and some people may specifically want some items which they can't now but that's not the point I wanted to make.
My post was addressed to whoever said it is hard to progress in this game without getting gear easily since the dungeons are broken and they are frustrated because they don't have the patience to wait for the developers to fix them. I simply said it is not true since there are many other ways to get gear for their adventuring while they await the fixing of whatever broken.
Regarding GG gear, you can get them without pvp. Whether you want to get it is another story. Same for all the other gear you can either buy from AH, get from doing region dailies or skimmies, or whatever. They may not be what have in your wish list but my point is it is the enchantments and other really expensive stuff that make a character powerful. The effect of a specific set or pieces is not really a huge determent to character progress. Can't get a piece you want from the broken DD chests? Sit back and relax... Just get even a blue gear for 100 AD and it won't be significantly worse than a tier piece. It is mostly the enchantments that give your character power and don't forget you can remove all enchantments intact for a mere 2.5 gold now.
If you review their patch notes over the weeks, they have taken steps to correct issues, but not all can be resolved so easily.
Still, enjoy the parts of the game that are not giving you troubles!
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
Safe travels,
Archmage Zebular of Mystryl
PWE Community Moderator
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
I appreciate that some things take time. But how difficult something is, isn't really that relevant to the consumer. They just want a fix or an explanation of why this wasn't acknowledged as a problem 2 weeks ago when people started to complain. I'm a higher level manager in a large company and if I tell my boss that what he/she wants me to do is too difficult, I may get some sympathy, however in the end... I'm going to get it done. Its really just a matter of priorities.
Do you fix the existing roads that are falling apart, or go ahead and make new ones that will need repair too?
What I'm seeing now in Neverwinter is that a breaking-point is starting to be reached where a major bug that affects gear-progression can't be fixed because they have too many things to do. This leaves the following conclusions.
1) Game is so big that it is unmanageable with current staffing levels.
2) Game programming has been too quickly implemented without proper testing phases.
3) Game programming has been poorly implemented due to staff lack of expertise (I don't believe this to be the case)
4) Bugs in game are internally accepted as part of company culture and priority is placed on constant turnover of content
I sincerely hope its not 4 as this would show deeper problems that the game itself...
As soon as the customer/consumer tolerates these bugs as being acceptable, it shows the game designers that they don't need to fear accountability.
Dragonborn shouldn't postpone anything, just a couple of +2 stat options, a passive and the most part is done by animators and artists that wouldn't be part of bug fixing. Can't say how hard a race change would be, they supposedly had issues with it, though it is a welcome change. They should definitely take more care of the quality side of the game though. Bugs are expected to happen, but when each module comes flawed and reported issues go ignored, then we have a problem.
Now THAT'S some excellent insight and comments! I really have no rebuttal to anything!
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
This further shows that RNG is NOT RNG. I would not be surprised if there were other less obvious bugs in their RNG code for rewards.
I sincerely hope that all of the original crew that wrote the game are still working on the game, just for continuity's sake. However, if they do have several new hires or perhaps some less experienced personnel, maybe they just need some additional time to get some of the issues ironed out. I know there is a ton of code in MMO's so even though some of it may be routine, I am sure there is still a large amount that is unique to the game and causes late nights, headaches, and extra runs to the coffee vending and pizza delivery establishments.
I also want the chests fixed, not all that excited about mod4 if i cant get my 60's geared worth a darn before the next two weeks, but i understand we all have to be patient and hope that these things are going to be fine pretty soon.
Well there are a few pieces of gear on the AH for extortionate prices, so technically gear progression is only limited if you try to get it by playing the game.
Good point xD.
I wonder how fast this problem would be corrected if people were getting vorpal shards and boe purples out of the chest?...
I'd wager almost immediately, since anything that speeds up progression gets smacked down, and hard.
Count me among those frustrated at the chest bug; I have two (relatively) new 60s, and neither of them can gear up even their Tier 1 set because my guild isn't running delves due to lack of a point (I don't do PuGs due to too many unsavory loot tactics, so don't bother suggesting it).
Unlike some folks here I don't have a massive AD farm as I've only been playing for about a month, so buying the stuff is not an option. Which leaves waiting and hoping, something customers should never be reduced to.
but considering there is a new mod maybe we can get the mainhand and gloves moved to the vendor.
You would prefer that they didn't fix the dungeon chest loot bug and instead focus on reducing the grind in IWD? Uh.... what gear did you use to get to IWD? I'm going to guess stuff you got in chests at the end of T2's. Might wanna rethink that...
The grind system is the same as every other mmo I've ever played.
So, the companion you are complaining about was most likely done 3 to 4 months ago. And had zero impact on any recent bugs.
So its ok then for them to be negligent? I wasn't complaining about the companion as much as I was complaining about the OPTICS of releasing the companion when game progression in PVE is broken. I couldn't care less when they have these completed or scheduled to come out. If I put money into something, I expect as the consumer, to have a fully functioning product.
The companion was more of an example than the problem if you read the entire post.
Things randomly break. When you introduce a new script or code, or even area sometimes the program itself decides "Hey know what? I am going to randomly go WRONG!!!" This can be befuddling which line of code messes with which other line when it all LOOKS correct. It's a pain in the butt.
Then there's the weirdness that in test mode everything works perfectly, but once it goes live THEN something decides to go wrong. It shouldn't but it does for whatever reason the universe has determined. It's frustrating. Everything is fine testing it out beta, and theta, and DELTA only to have it come to a screetching halt when it went live.
So I still combat job due to Fey Thistle.
So I cannot further dye my Corrupt Black Ice Boots.
So my Path of the Blade on occasion misfires if I hit TAB at the same time.
Big Whoop. I can still play and have fun. These minor issues will get addressed in time.
Devs - You have my understanding why fixes take time. Besides my theory is many of them may be lumped into the big patch update for Module 4 so I'll just sit here and wait.
BTW thanks for catching those exploiters so the rest of us can enjoy the Free to Play features.
"Why is it dragons only use ketchup? I'd like a little wasabi please. Us silvers like a variety of condiments."
"Don't call them foolish mortals. One, they don't learn from it. Two, It just ticks them off." - An Ancient Red Dragon
I don't see an issue as well I just started IWD and my gear is over 11,900 and only bug I seen with chests are the items not showing in the list of things to loot, but loot all still gets every thing though. As for gear progression well I do fine with what I got and as I am a GWF mine is not going to be the same as someone else, just depends on your play style. I have mine focused on Defence, power, and armor penetration, everything else is secondary to me. He gets hit but can deal lost of damage that hits hard vs multiple opponents not so much one on one but still makes them think twice. But also I was around from the start so got some really good drops before a lot of it went to hell. Heck got many rune stones that do necrotic damage and a enchantment that does a plague fire on a hit to a target as drops so it does give me an edge. Now with the process the way it is it takes for ever to get a good enhancement or and enchantment for anything.
I run around town and see most of the players are equipped with either GG or Domination gear. They may not have the set effects some people want but they are really really easy to get and not much inferior to DD tier gears. Most of the OP powers of characters in this game come from the enchantments, artifacts and pets and these are the most expensive things, not the gear.
Well let me fill you in a bit. For example, say I wanted to do some dungeons for the swashbuckling captain's set.... I can't. So in your world, you would just buy it because it doesn't cost that much. As for your comment about set effects, I take the time out of my busy day to play this game, so if the developers want me to keep playing, they need to allow me to work towards the gear I want. Right now, I can't. In fact, nobody can unless you want pvp gear or GG gear (and many don't). Your "needs" and "wants" argument is really kind of silly as this is a video game not a real life budget scenario.
Before the servers went down, the price for the swash armor chest piece alone escalated to close to 1 million AD because of people exploiting the dungeon chest bug and raising prices through the roof. No supply, then demand goes way up.
Please don't bring GG and and Domination into the conversation (this seems to come into play in every discussion for some reason) because lots of players don't pvp and many positively detest GG. It isn't a solution to the problem and judging from your casual "I don't care about the bug" attitude, you probably already have all your gear, not to mention sitting on a ton of AD as you've just alluded that you buy the gear you can't get.
As far as artifacts, pets and companions... they aren't relevant in any way to the discussion. I never mentioned them as essential at all to any content. So you are correct.
When the game is working as intended, it isn't difficult at all to progress in the game at all. In fact its too easy in my opinion. However, the game isn't working properly and as a paying customer, I'm upset about it. Unlike some people, i believe that I should get at least a 95% working product, not a 70% working product.
You should really value your time/money a little more if you don't mind mediocrity when it comes to these things.
In regard to progression, I have yet to decide if I even want to do IWD on my last two toons at all due to drop rates. I find them that to be the biggest progression block on PvE in the game. If I cannot complete my ice set, why even start?
I agree IWD is really not the place i had envisioned
I do understand there are things broken in DD and some people may specifically want some items which they can't now but that's not the point I wanted to make.
My post was addressed to whoever said it is hard to progress in this game without getting gear easily since the dungeons are broken and they are frustrated because they don't have the patience to wait for the developers to fix them. I simply said it is not true since there are many other ways to get gear for their adventuring while they await the fixing of whatever broken.
Regarding GG gear, you can get them without pvp. Whether you want to get it is another story. Same for all the other gear you can either buy from AH, get from doing region dailies or skimmies, or whatever. They may not be what have in your wish list but my point is it is the enchantments and other really expensive stuff that make a character powerful. The effect of a specific set or pieces is not really a huge determent to character progress. Can't get a piece you want from the broken DD chests? Sit back and relax... Just get even a blue gear for 100 AD and it won't be significantly worse than a tier piece. It is mostly the enchantments that give your character power and don't forget you can remove all enchantments intact for a mere 2.5 gold now.