I'm just wondering on the ideas that people have for premium pay features you'd like to see added. It was sparked by a thread suggesting to have the ability to pay AD or zen to transfer a mount from one character to another.
I'm wondering what other ideas we can give cryptic on things to add. I personally would like to see the ability to buy:
1.Armor based helmets transmuted into a costume helmet. Since costume helmets suck, and they have no cool hats yet.
2.Equipment bags. A paper doll bag that allows you to store a second set of equipment and quickly equip it, say for pvp or a dps/survival gear for pve.
3.The ability to transfer companions like the aforementioned mount.
4. A second power/feat set. Give us the ability to buy a second set power/feat tree so we can have both an optimal pvp build and pve build. Or tank pve build and dps pve build.
These of course have to be cosmetic/convenience purchases that don't effect the balance of the game. And please don't turn this into a "this should cost less, this shouldn't cost anything" or any general complaining/whining/flaming thread.