Any update on this? We are ~2 weeks out now. After the latest preview patch, the game still requires disabling cores for me using task manager not to crash on preview while loading a character.
cbrowne0329Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 293Arc User
edited August 2014
I haven't heard or seen anything, but it happens for me too. If this HAMSTER makes it to live, I will be asking for a refund on the Mod4 expansion. Can't keep supporting a game that doesn't support my processor. Sheesh!
I have the same problem with config CPU AMD FX 8350 and Radeon HD 7950
On my laptop with phenom II 960 4x 1.8 and radeon 6470m is working but I can't test there anything because it is too poor.
I've found several crash reports from some of you that could possibly cause this and we have a special ordered machine to test that processor coming later today or tomorrow.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited August 2014
Thank you for the update on the measures taken to resolve this issue panderus.
Panderus I am not sure if this will help y'all but I run an AMD FX 8 core processor, this issue crops up here and there in various software. The best that AMD ever explained it was it has something to do with the way the CPU handles its onboard memory and the way it shares this memory between pairs of cores. AMD says it is the program developer issue to fix...and you know how that goes.
The only work arounds are to disable 4 of the cores, 1 per pair ( not all bios will do this) ( This is what I do to keep it simple for me)
Set CPU affinity each in the task manager every time you launch the game, remembering windows numbers the cores starting a 0 to 7, the pairs are 0 and 1, 2 and 3, 4 and 5, and the last pair is 6 and 7.
In setting affinity, you really need to set the affinity to the odd numbers and the os will always want and force cpu cycle time on core 0.
Now some of you may be wondering what affect this will have on your gaming? None...4 of the 8 modern day cores can run this game and pretty much every thing else just fine. MOst software is not even optimized to run on more then 2 physical cores.
Hope this helps.
Anyhow this had me pulling my hair out at one time with in game crashes.
I've found several crash reports from some of you that could possibly cause this and we have a special ordered machine to test that processor coming later today or tomorrow.
Panderus I am not sure if this will help y'all but I run an AMD FX 8 core processor, this issue crops up here and there in various software. The best that AMD ever explained it was it has something to do with the way the CPU handles its onboard memory and the way it shares this memory between pairs of cores. AMD says it is the program developer issue to fix...and you know how that goes.
The only work arounds are to disable 4 of the cores, 1 per pair ( not all bios will do this) ( This is what I do to keep it simple for me)
Set CPU affinity each in the task manager every time you launch the game, remembering windows numbers the cores starting a 0 to 7, the pairs are 0 and 1, 2 and 3, 4 and 5, and the last pair is 6 and 7.
In setting affinity, you really need to set the affinity to the odd numbers and the os will always want and force cpu cycle time on core 0.
Now some of you may be wondering what affect this will have on your gaming? None...4 of the 8 modern day cores can run this game and pretty much every thing else just fine. MOst software is not even optimized to run on more then 2 physical cores.
Hope this helps.
Anyhow this had me pulling my hair out at one time with in game crashes.
Thing is , I dont need to disable 4 Cores. 2 cores is enough so I can still run 6 cores and it doesn`t crash.
Thing is , I dont need to disable 4 Cores. 2 cores is enough so I can still run 6 cores and it doesn`t crash.
Quick question do you have an 8 core AMD? if that is the case...You may need to stress test your cpu, if you only have to disable 2 cores are they part of the same pair? My first FX 8 core had a weak pair and had to be RMA'ed, other wise every thing would crash randomly for no reason. JUst a guess is all.
Quick question do you have an 8 core AMD? if that is the case...You may need to stress test your cpu, if you only have to disable 2 cores are they part of the same pair? My first FX 8 core had a weak pair and had to be RMA'ed, other wise every thing would crash randomly for no reason. JUst a guess is all.
Yeah. I have the fx-8350. It works just fine on live server , no crashes , nothing. But since like 3 patches ago on preview It just crashed when loading in after Character Selection. If I turn off 2 or 4 cores , doesn`t matter , it stops crashing and works just fine.
We have a fix being made for the 8 core processor issue now. Today's tentative Preview update will not include this fix, but I would like to post it on Monday.
With the latest patch today I am now able to load into Preview without disabling any cores so, I believe this issue has been fixed. Can anyone else confirm?
With the latest patch today I am now able to load into Preview without disabling any cores so, I believe this issue has been fixed. Can anyone else confirm?
I can confirm that it works now. No more 8 core Crash.
I can confirm that it works now. No more 8 core Crash.
Oh wow, I was expecting the fix today, but I was just able to load a character just now without disabling cores. ^_^
aaablacklady9Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 81Arc User
edited August 2014
I can run now the game whit the 8 core AMD 8320 but my game don't go smooth i get little graphics freeze but my fps are at 50-60 if i run the game at 4 core it will go smooth i tried wven whit all low graphics set, nothing to do i run the amd 8-core 8320 whit an ATI R9270x 2Gb and another guys whit same processot but R9290x cab run the game whit no prob some idea =?
We have a fix being made for the 8 core processor issue now. Today's tentative Preview update will not include this fix, but I would like to post it on Monday.
for the first time since it went on preview, i was able to get in and check out the SW. i didn't get an in depth look but i'm pretty excited about it. thanks for fixing this!
I am not disabling cores. Learn to code please, or hire better developers.
AMD FX 8350
On my laptop with phenom II 960 4x 1.8 and radeon 6470m is working but I can't test there anything because it is too poor.
Edit: They are working on it now. Hopefully fix before M4 release.
GeForce GTX 570 & AMD FX 8120 8x
The only work arounds are to disable 4 of the cores, 1 per pair ( not all bios will do this) ( This is what I do to keep it simple for me)
Set CPU affinity each in the task manager every time you launch the game, remembering windows numbers the cores starting a 0 to 7, the pairs are 0 and 1, 2 and 3, 4 and 5, and the last pair is 6 and 7.
In setting affinity, you really need to set the affinity to the odd numbers and the os will always want and force cpu cycle time on core 0.
Now some of you may be wondering what affect this will have on your gaming? None...4 of the 8 modern day cores can run this game and pretty much every thing else just fine. MOst software is not even optimized to run on more then 2 physical cores.
Hope this helps.
Anyhow this had me pulling my hair out at one time with in game crashes.
That is awesome. Ty
Thing is , I dont need to disable 4 Cores. 2 cores is enough so I can still run 6 cores and it doesn`t crash.
Quick question do you have an 8 core AMD? if that is the case...You may need to stress test your cpu, if you only have to disable 2 cores are they part of the same pair? My first FX 8 core had a weak pair and had to be RMA'ed, other wise every thing would crash randomly for no reason. JUst a guess is all.
Yeah. I have the fx-8350. It works just fine on live server , no crashes , nothing. But since like 3 patches ago on preview It just crashed when loading in after Character Selection. If I turn off 2 or 4 cores , doesn`t matter , it stops crashing and works just fine.
Edit: It worked on preview too until 3 weeks ago.
Woot. As long as it gets fixed before going live , all is awesome. Ty
Some good news. Thanks!
I can confirm that it works now. No more 8 core Crash.
intel q8400 ,win 7 64bit,nvidia gtx 550ti and i use last nvidia drivers
Oh wow, I was expecting the fix today, but I was just able to load a character just now without disabling cores. ^_^
for the first time since it went on preview, i was able to get in and check out the SW. i didn't get an in depth look but i'm pretty excited about it. thanks for fixing this!
game still crashing on my quad q8400