Bloody Good Time by
Short Code: NW-DISV9LH39
Mission Type: Sweep & Clear
Average Duration: 20 to 30 minute
Amount of Combat: Moderate
Starts at: Protector's Enclave
Mission Summary:
A mysterious wizard has contacted you, asking him to meet at a secret tavern located in Protector's Enclave. All he would say is that the situation is dire and your skills are sorely needed.
Bloody Good Time is a straight forward adventure with some out of control dialogue and crazy characters. It's my first foray into creating adventures with the Foundry so bear with me.
This one comes from the pages of Glamour & Shadows, a story about Algiers Stanton and Ophelia Dupre as they investigate supernatural menaces.
Be sure to read the dialogue. It's way worth it.
Author tips/hints: